I put a Go-Pro in the Goal on ANT & DEC’S Saturday Night Takeaway!
TLDRتدور القصة حول مشاهد من وراء الستار في مركز التلفزيون البرييطاني BBC، حيث يظهر الشخص الناطق في آخر حلقة من برنامج 'Anton Deck Saturday Night Takeaway'. يشارك في تحدٍ لضرب الجزاء، حيث يلعب دور الحارس. يظهر الشخص الناطق في مقاطع الفيديو الشخصية الشخصية وتجربة الماكياج، ويتناول وجبة 'sticks and Sushi'. يحتفل بأحداث التصوير والمشاركة في لعبة الجزاء، مع تصاعد الضغط والتنافس مع Anton Deck. يعلن الفوز في النهاية ويشكر Anton Deck لدعوةه والمشاركة في البرنامج.
- 🎥 الشخص يظهر في الخلفية لبرنامج 'Anton Deck Saturday Night Takeaway' في المركز التلفزيوني للبي بي سي.
- 🎉 إنه يشارك في آخر حلقة من السلسلة التي تتضمن مباريات الجزاء النهائية لتحديد 'الأفضل'.
- 🎥 يبدو أنه سيكون في الهدف ويستخدم GoPro لتصوير الحدث.
- 💄 يحضر لتطبيق المكياج قبل الظهور على التلفزيون، لكنه يبدو أنه لم يحتاج إلى الكثير من العمل.
- 🍣 يحصل على وجبة من 'sticks and Sushi' التي تم تسليمها، ويبدو أنها تبدو لذيذة.
- ⚽ يتحدث عن مباريات الجزاء في الدوري الإنجليزي للمحترفين، ويذكر اسما 'Gerard' و'Sterling'.
- 👥 يشير إلى حضور 'Alan Shearer' و'Ben Foster' في البرنامج.
- 🏆 يذكر أن 'Anton Deck' و'Deck' قد تنادوا 80 مباريات في السلسلة حتى الآن.
- 🏆 يعلن أن الفوز في مباريات الجزاء ي决定 'الأفضل' في السلسلة.
- 🎉 يشكر 'Anton Deck' على دعوته ووصفه و'Ben Foster' بـ 'الأسطورة'، مع الاعتراف بضعفه في مباريات الجزاء.
- 📹 يختتم بنشر مشاركته في البرنامج وشكرًا لجميع الحضور.
Q & A
ما هي الحدث الذي يحضره الشخص في النص؟
-الشخص يحضر الحدث الأخير لبرنامج 'Anton Deck Saturday Night Takeaway' في مركز التلفزيون BBC.
ماذا يحدث في الأحداث التي يحضرها الشخص؟
-في الحدث، يجري تصاعد الجزاء لتحديد من هو 'الأفضل' و من ليس، مع الشخص يلعب دور الحارس.
لماذا يستخدم الشخص GoPro في الحدث؟
-يريد الشخص أن يصور الحدث من وجهة نظر الحارس باستخدام GoPro، مما يوفر لجمهوره نظرة فريدة على الحدث.
ماذا يفعل الشخص بعد الانتهاء من تجربة الماكياج؟
-بعد الانتهاء من تجربة الماكياج، يذهب الشخص لتغيير الملابس وثم يتناول وجبة Sushi من التوصيل.
ما هي ال販ة التي يتناولها الشخص؟
-الشخص يتناول وجبة Sushi من التوصيل.
من هم اللاعبين الذين يشاركون في تصاعد الجزاء؟
-اللاعبين الذين يشاركون في تصاعد الجزاء هم Gerard و Sterling.
ماذا يحدث في النهاية من تصاعد الجزاء؟
-في النهاية، يعلن الشخص أن Anon Deck هو الأفضل في تصاعد الجزاء.
كيف يبدو الجمهور في الحدث؟
-الجمهور يبدو متحمسًا و متحمسين للحدث، كما أنهم يصفون الحدث بأنه 'غير مصدق'.
ماذا يفعل الشخص بعد الانتهاء من الحدث؟
-بعد الانتهاء من الحدث، يشكر Anon Deck على الدعوة ويتمنى أن يلتقي بهم قريبًا.
كيف يوصف الشخص أداءه في تصاعد الجزاء؟
-يصف الشخص أداءه بأنه حصل على بعض الإنقاذات، لكن هناك أهداف أدخلها لا يستطيع فعل أي شيء بشأنها.
ما هي المشاعر التي يشعر بها الشخص في النهاية من الحدث؟
-الشخص يشعر بالفرح و الامتنان، ويشكر جميع اللاعبين على أداءهم.
🎬 Backstage at the BBC for Ant and Dec's Last Show
The speaker is backstage at the BBC Television Center, preparing to appear on the last ever episode of Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. They discuss being part of a penalty shootout to determine the greatest of all time (GOAT) and will be the goalkeeper, equipped with a GoPro. The video captures the backstage environment, including makeup sessions and last-minute preparations, showing the excitement and anticipation of the event. The speaker expresses excitement about participating and gives viewers a glimpse of the backstage hustle.
🏆 The Final Showdown and Reflections
The video captures the intense penalty shootout between Ant and Dec, marking the culmination of 140 episodes where they've gone head-to-head. The crowd's energy is palpable as the final penalties are taken. The speaker reflects on their performance as the goalkeeper, acknowledging both their saves and the goals they conceded. They praise Ant's skill and precision. The segment wraps up with the speaker expressing gratitude to Ant and Dec for the opportunity, acknowledging their legendary status despite their penalty skills, and concluding their memorable appearance on the show.
💡Saturday Night Takeaway
💡penalty shootout
💡Premier League
💡championship medal
💡alltime winner
Backstage at BBC Television Center for the last ever Anton Deck Saturday Night Takeaway.
Penalty shootout to decide who is the 'greatest of all time' (GOAT).
Using a GoPro camera in the goal during the shootout.
Getting ready for the show with makeup and costume changes.
Food delivery from Sticks and Sushi before the performance.
Premier League penalty takers include Gerard and Sterling.
Setting up the microphone for the live segment.
Behind-the-scenes look at the crowd and atmosphere.
Alan Shearer's presence backstage.
The pressure and anticipation of the deciding penalty shootout.
The choice of who goes first in the penalty shootout.
The significance of the 140 episodes and 80 head-to-head matchups.
The dramatic moment of declaring the all-time winner.
Reflection on the performance and the saves made.
Fair play to Anton for his clinical penalty taking.
The video recap and the appreciation for the invitation.
The acknowledgment of being 'brutal at penalties' but 'legends' otherwise.
I am currently backstage at the BBC
television Center because I'm appearing
tonight in the last ever Anton deck
Saturday night
takeway are you looking after me yeah
looking after
me stand next to deck again
I am currently backstage at the BBC
television Center because I'm appearing
tonight in the last ever Anton deck
Saturday night takeway they are doing a
penalty shootout to decide basically who
is the goat and who isn't the goat I'm
the guy that's going to be in goal and
you know what that means GoPro in the
goal baby come on we're going on in a
minute I'm going to show you all the
backstage everything that happens GoPro
in the goal is back we love it
Bear right we're backstage at television
Center um about to going for some makeup
Aaron um I don't think they're going to
need to do anything all not at all he
knows what he's talking about he's the
boy by the
way thank
you lovely thank you very much right
there we go makeup done see never even
me me it's me um but I got to get
changed um I'll see you in a
second going down in 2 minutes my food
has just arrived though sticks and Sushi
on delivery it looks well class have a
look at
this I'm going to scand that as quickly
as I can I'm going to be diving around a
full belly I don't care w
have a little look at
new right let's go come
on sa penalties in the Premier League
from Gerard and Sterling correct Gerard
Sterling okay guys thank you
hello mate how you doing Bu you're right
do you mind if I stick a mic on you now
indeed all right I
w look that's what we want we want it to
wallet as well don't just wave the m so
literally you can stand with my man
there if you want come on big dog thank
you good you looking after me looking
after me right we're going on in a
minute have a little look at the crowd
this is all the behind the scenes stuff
you want to see I know it
is pretty cool
huh here we go
look at this all right boys Alan Shear
here so it all comes down with
this it's the one and
only right hold on hold on stand next to
deck again Bo look at that look at
that it's not about the sun look at
unbelievable right look forward to Ben
uh buzzing buzzing a lot of pressure on
this a lot of pressure say something Ben
fo SK do you want to go first or do you
want to go first your
choice right is going to go first this
is it this is bigger again this is at
versus deck the decider
go Donal it's up
opportunity not 20 series 140 episodes
80 times Anon deck have gone Head to
Head now and they be separated
yeah she made a couple you know the
championship medal first pop that
on the all important Crown I hereby
declare the alltime winner of
good great day great
we love a GoPro penalty save don't we
come on boys yes I it how' you think it
went um yeah you know I'm my my
performance to be fair got a few saves
in there some of the goals that I let in
couldn't really do too much about um
Fair Play to an he's clinical you know
he finds them Corners nothing you can do
about it all
right I watch your video too on that on
that there that one
there you go boys you're on all right
you're on
right there you go that is my appearance
on Saturday Night Takeaway done and
dusted I hope you enjoyed the video uh
massive shout out to Anon deck thank you
for inviting me really appreciate it it
had a lovely time uh you may be
absolutely brutal at penalties but you
are a couple of absolute Legends at the
same time though all the best see you
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