This Double Stack 1911 is Only $750!
TLDR视频评测了TSA DY9 DS,一款价格约为750美元的9mm双叠1911手枪。该枪具有多种特色,包括可安装红点瞄准镜、左右手皆可操作的安全装置、握把安全、优质的前后铁瞄以及骷髅化扳机。尽管手枪在土耳其制造,但其外观经典,上半部分线条传统,下半部分则现代感十足。手枪的人体工程学设计简洁,握把感觉略显方正,但足够实用。射击体验方面,扳机感觉良好,触发过程平滑,重置积极有力。尽管枪身没有牛栏管,但射击时并不感觉过于“翻翘”。对于预算有限且希望购买双叠1911的射击爱好者来说,这款手枪是一个不错的选择,尽管它可能不如更高端的1911射击直观,但性价比极高。
- 📈 视频作者认为Springfield Prodigy是市场上最好的入门级2011或双堆叠1911手枪。
- 🔍 评论者推荐了TSA的DY9 DS,这是一款双堆叠1911手枪,价格大约为750美元。
- 📦 该枪具有多种特性,包括可安装红点瞄准镜、双侧保险、握把保险、良好的铁制瞄具和带骷髅化击锤的扳机。
- 📐 枪的外观被描述为经典,特别是滑套部分,底部则更现代,有现代风格的握把。
- 🔊 枪的人体工程学设计被描述为“无菌”,握把感觉像一块砖,不过没有尖锐的边缘。
- 🎯 枪的射击表现很好,特别是对于750美元的价格点来说,扳机感觉良好,有积极的复位。
- 👀 瞄具设计精良,有助于减少眩光,尽管不如一些更高端枪械的瞄具,但整体表现不错。
- 🎧 视频中提到了使用的听力保护设备,即AKT T1 blackout无线入耳式听力保护器,具有蓝牙功能。
- 🤔 作者认为,对于只想购买双堆叠1911且预算有限的人来说,这把枪是一个很好的选择。
- 🚫 作者建议拥有这把枪的人不要尝试其他1911,因为这可能会引起不希望的比较。
- 📢 视频最后呼吁观众通过点赞、评论、订阅频道以及点击铃铛图标来支持视频。
- 🛒 视频中提到的产品可以通过点击描述中的链接或访问特定网站购买。
Q & A
视频中提到的Springfield Prodigy是什么类型的枪?
-Springfield Prodigy是一把入门级的2011型或双叠1911型手枪,被认为在市场上是最佳的选择。
TSAS DY9 DS手枪的售价大约是多少?
-TSAS DY9 DS手枪的售价大约是750美元。
TSAS DY9 DS手枪有哪些特点?
-TSAS DY9 DS手枪具有多种特点,包括能够安装红点瞄准镜、双动安全、握把安全、优质的前后铁瞄、双叠弹匣以及骷髅化扳机等。
视频作者认为TSAS DY9 DS手枪的外观如何?
-视频作者认为TSAS DY9 DS手枪的外观经典,尤其是上半部分具有经典的1911型手枪的线条。
-人体工程学在视频中指的是手枪握把的手感和设计,作者认为TSAS DY9 DS手枪的握把感觉比较方正,没有特别符合人体工程学的设计。
TSAS DY9 DS手枪的扳机感觉如何?
-TSAS DY9 DS手枪的扳机感觉很好,具有平滑的扳机行程和积极的扳机复位,对于750美元的价格点来说,扳机表现非常出色。
-视频作者推荐的是AKT T1 blackout无线耳机式听力保护设备,具有蓝牙连接、高保真扬声器,并且可以用于接听电话和听音乐。
TSAS DY9 DS手枪适合哪些人群?
-TSAS DY9 DS手枪适合那些非常想要一把双叠1911型手枪但预算有限的人群,特别是那些只能花费大约800美元的人。
视频作者是否认为TSAS DY9 DS手枪是市场上最好的入门级1911型手枪?
-尽管视频作者之前认为Springfield Prodigy是最好的入门级1911型手枪,但在尝试了TSAS DY9 DS后,他依然保持这一观点。
-视频作者建议不要将TSAS DY9 DS与其他1911型手枪进行比较,因为比较可能会导致不必要的不满足感,享受使用这把枪的乐趣是最重要的。
🔫 1911双排1911手枪的评测
视频作者最近对Springfield Prodigy进行了评测,认为它是市场上最好的入门级2011型或双排1911手枪。在评论部分,许多人推荐了其他手枪,其中最常被提及的是TSA的DY9 DS,DS代表双排。这款手枪售价约为750美元,是9毫米双排1911手枪。从功能角度来看,它具有许多特点,包括可安装红点瞄准镜、左右手均可操作的安全装置、握把安全、前后置铁瞄具以及带有加长弹夹的双排弹夹。此外,它还具有骷髅化扳机和底部的导轨,可用于安装灯光。手枪在视觉上呈现出经典与现代元素的结合,上半部分具有经典的1911型线条,而底部则更现代。尽管手枪在土耳其制造,但其外观和手感都给人留下了深刻印象。
🎯 DY9 DS手枪的射击体验
视频作者讨论了DY9 DS手枪的人体工程学设计,认为它给人的感觉相当简洁,握把的形状虽然现代,但手感却像一块砖头,没有特别突出的人体工程学设计。尽管如此,对于一款750美元的手枪来说,其性能已经足够好。作者还提到,尽管手枪没有公牛管(bull barrel),但射击时枪口的上翻并不明显,对于不习惯射击2011型手枪的人来说,这不会是一个问题。作者认为,即使是入门级的1911型手枪,这款手枪的射击感觉也很好,特别是扳机的感觉,具有平滑的扳机行程和积极的扳机复位。此外,手枪的瞄准具设计也很出色,有助于减少眩光,并且提供了良好的视觉聚焦点。尽管对于作者来说,这款手枪的自然瞄准点可能不如其他一些他使用过的枪那么直观,但总体来说,它仍然是一款射击感觉非常好的1911型手枪。
📢 视频内容和观众互动
视频作者提到了他佩戴的AKT T1 blackout无线入耳式听力保护器,这些保护器带有蓝牙功能,可以保护听力,增强听力,并允许接打电话和听音乐。作者非常喜欢这款产品,并推荐观众在视频描述中提供的链接购买。视频的最后,作者鼓励观众通过点赞、评论、订阅频道以及点击铃铛图标来支持视频,以便不错过后续的视频更新。
💡Springfield Prodigy
💡AKT T1 Blackout
视频标题为'Springfield Prodigy是最好的入门级2011年或双叠1911手枪',评论中很多人推荐尝试其他枪支,其中最常被提及的是TSA的DY9 DS。
DY9 DS是一款9毫米双叠1911手枪,价格大约为750美元,具有多种特性,包括可安装红点瞄准镜、双动安全、握把安全、优良的铁制前后置瞄具以及带骷髅化扳机的双叠弹夹。
视频中还推荐了AKT T1 blackout无线入耳式听力保护器,具有蓝牙功能,被称为射击者的'AirPods'。
I recently did a video on the
Springfield Prodigy where I titled the
video the Springfield Prodigy is the
best entry level 2011 or double stack
1911 on the market hands down and in the
comment section everybody was like oh
you have to try this gun and try this
gun and try that one try that one that
one's better and of all those the most
common requested gun was
this the tsas
dy9 DS Where DS stands for double stack
so I got it so this is
$750 on the streets and um it is a 9mm
double stack 1911 and from a feature
standpoint on paper and just kind of
looking at it has a ton of features you
have the ability to mount a red dot on
it you got a ambidextrous safety you of
course you have the grip safety you have
some actually admittedly nice iron
sights front and rear and then of course
you have your double sta Magazine with
this is a 177 plus one you have your
skeletonized trigger which kind of has
this straight combo curve doesn't really
know how it want to identify itself um
and of course you have your rail for
your lights and I mean by and large it
it has what you need and it's built in
Turkey so how does the gun look
well when I look at this gun the word
that keeps coming to mind is classic
especially when you start talking about
the top half of this gun has very
classic lines that's classic 1911
serration in the slide classic looking
safety and then once you you start
getting towards the bottom it just turns
into a party like so it goes from
classic to like Showtime you know you
have these more kind of modern style
looking grips um you know you have your
skeleton I hammer with this flat face
but then kind of a little bit of
curvature to it so it's almost kind of
like the opposite of a of a of a mullet
where it's like you know business in the
front party in the back actually that
would be the exact definition of a
mullet so up up top business in the
front right nice and classic and then
down here it's like party time
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today all the ammo used in this video
was brought to you by Nosler maker of
the most Innovative most accurate and
most effective bullets and ammunition in
the industry the ergonomics on this gun
very sterile is the best way that I can
put it so you have this like I said it's
a kind of it's a very modern aesthetic
grip but as far as the actual ergonomic
on ergonomics on the gun as far as the
way the grip feels in my hand it kind of
feels like a block if I'm just going to
be honest because it is kind of more of
a squared off I mean it's rounded you
don't have like any sharp edges or
anything like that but in hand it feels
kind of Blocky not in a bad way but not
in a overly Uber ergonomic way where it
makes me feel like I'm holding something
incredibly special um it's enough to get
the job done you're not going to
complain about it but you're not going
to Rave about it either now keep in mind
we are talking about a $750 gun here so
keep that within the context of what I'm
talking about because yeah cuz people
don't understand con don't understand
context sometimes and then they're like
well why did you say that well I'm
talking about it within the context of
being a $700 cut all right um so from
from that perspective and what I'm not
doing is I'm not going to compare it to
any other 1911s or double stack 1911s
cuz I'm going to do that in another
video so I'm just talking about this gun
within the frame of itself so from an
ergonomic standpoint like I said it
feels enough like
it's it is double stack 1911 but it
doesn't have a bull barrel so that means
you're not going to have that extra
weight that you normally have up front
with a pull Barrel which keeps the
muzzle flipped down now do I notice it
ever so slightly but if you're not
really accustomed to shooting 2011's
it's not something you're really going
to notice it's going to be something
that you're like oh this this feels good
especially if you haven't sign a 2011
before which is a good thing because
this is an inry level 2011 and it's a
for all intents and purposes as far as I
feel about it now it's a pretty good one
all right let's talk about the way this
thing shoots and first we'll start with
this trigger so like I talked about
before you have this flat face trigger
with the little curvature at the top and
the skele D Hammer that's all Aesthetics
right but it actually feels really good
on your finger because when you get here
and you start decompressing your finger
on the actual trigger you start noticing
this little curvature and it creates a
like nice little landing pad for your
fingertip this actually trigger feels
really good on my finger as far as the
actual trigger under live fire it's a
2011 it's kind of hard to mess up a 2011
trigger because almost every 1911
trigger feels good but here you have
this take up which is it's smooth enough
and then you hit this wall here and then
it breaks and then you have your reset
right there it's a positive reset very
positive reset almost forcefully pushes
your finger back
out and you come out boom boom boom so
the trigger is nice especially for where
you're coming in from the entry point
standpoint $750 we normally 2011's or
dou stack 1911s are like a billion
dollars damn good trigger for that price
point I'll give it that for sure when
you start talking about the way a gun
shoots you got you got you factor in the
way it feels in your hand the way the
trigger feels on your fingertip the way
the trigger engages all of those things
even where your hand lands on the gun
and where it has the ability to place on
the gun all of those things come into
play when we start talking about how the
gun shoots and how it runs and then
finally when it comes to adding
everything together in terms of how this
gun shoots you you have your sights now
the sights on this gun are actually
really nice um they got they have this
rear serrated edge it's I'm pretty sure
it's designed to minimize glare and all
that stuff um I guess it does it but I
do like it I like my eyes visually like
engaging with the back of this rear
sight and then this front sight up here
is pretty nice too not as high dollar as
some of the sites on other guns but like
I said we're all talking about a $750
gun but when it comes together and you
really put it on here the natural point
of aim is there it's just not as good as
some of the other guns that I've had now
that can be rather subjective because
everybody's hands and body structure a
little bit different and body mechanics
are different but for me when I pull out
pull out it's not as intuitive as other
guns and I'm talking marginally margin
like I'm I'm I'm kind of picking at it
honestly because at at the end of the
day I will be able to shoot this better
than any polymer gun out there because
that's just kind of how double stack
are and so for me there's a slight
difference in intuitiveness but it feels
good like I mean it's still very very
much shoots like a
2011 yeah and then like I said this rear
sight something about it it just let's
take a what it does this is kind of
double step here it kind of forces my
eye to focus through this funnel kind of
creates a natural visual funnel for me
now before you finish watching this
video I want to quickly talk about the
hearing protection that I'm wearing in
this video These are the akt T1 blackout
Wireless inar hearing protection with
Bluetooth I like to call them the
airpods for Shooters I say for Shooters
because airpods don't protect your
hearing but these do they are hands down
my favorite inear hearing protection
that I've ever used and I mean ever they
have a NR 25db Auto noise blocking they
can enhance your hearing by six times
they have advanced noise cancellation
Bluetooth connectivity with High
Fidelity speakers so you can take phone
calls and listen to music they have a
battery life of 10 hours within a
additional 30 hours in the charging case
and the low profile and stylish enough
to fit in not only at the gun range but
in your gym while you're studying
working at school at home you name it
I'm in love with these things and now
they're finally available on my store at on or you can just click
the link in the description section of
this video and it's kind of oddly
visually relaxing I I I know sounds
weird but I'm a weird guy I love to
shoot and say weird
[ __ ]
see there I noticed it there I noticed
that was one of the few times that I
noticed that this wasn't a bull barrel
and that weight up front caused the gun
to feel a little bit more flippy than
normal but like I said
I'm I'm pinching at stuff at this point
um so now who is this gun for because
like I said in my video I said that the
spring thr Prodigy is the best entry
level 2011 and after shooting this
granted this is my very first time
shooting this this gun do I still feel
the same way absolutely I do um for the
price this is a damn good gun $750 for
somebody who's just absolutely needs to
have a double stack 1911 but they don't
have the money to Pony up for say a
Springfield Prodigy which is 1,400 me
personally if if I only had
$700 I probably would buy something else
that's not a 2011 or double stack 1911
however you're not me so for somebody
who absolutely wants a double stack 1911
they genuinely can only afford $800 is
to spend on it you will get this gun and
you will be happy with it just don't
shoot any other
2011's not because this gun is bad in
that sense but it could it could what do
they say comparison is a thief of Joy or
happiness it may cause you to compare it
in a way that you probably don't want to
um if you get this gun get it shoot it
enjoy it it's
just it runs though so there it is the
t- SAS dy9
DS t or Seas or sea cells seashells by
the seashore with the solds out SE sea
mon okay yeah that just got
weird guns aren't poit iCal that's why I
need your help getting this message to
spread on YouTube by clicking the Thumbs
Up Button leaving a comment to let me
know what you think of the video then
subscribing to the channel but most
importantly click that Bell symbol for
products featured in this video click
the links in the description
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