Why I spent $3600 on the iPad Pro M4.
TLDR2024年款iPad Pro进行了重大的重新设计,拥有超薄机身、新型芯片、新显示屏和新配件,成为世界上最高端、可能也是最贵的平板电脑之一。尽管价格昂贵,但其轻薄的设计、强大的M4芯片、以及与新Pro Pencil和Magic Keyboard的协同工作能力,使得这款iPad Pro在功能上达到了一个新的高度。它不仅能够执行传统笔记本电脑的许多任务,而且在某些方面,如移动应用的优化和媒体体验上,甚至超越了传统笔记本电脑。此外,iPad Pro还配备了OLED显示屏,提供出色的对比度和亮度,以及改进的摄像头和蜂窝网络连接选项,使其成为一个极具吸引力的多功能设备。
- 📱 2024款iPad Pro进行了重大的重新设计,拥有超薄的机身、新的芯片、新的显示屏和新的配件,成为世界上最高端、可能也是最昂贵的平板电脑之一。
- 💷 价格昂贵,作者提到的配置价格高达2877英镑,折合美元约为3600美元,对于一款平板电脑来说价格不菲。
- 📊 尽管iPad Pro非常轻薄,但性能强劲,搭载了M4芯片,比上一代iPad的M2芯片有显著提升,且拥有更好的散热设计。
- 🖥️ iPad Pro配合新Magic Keyboard和Apple Pencil Pro使用,提供了类似笔记本电脑的使用体验,同时具备移动设备的便捷性。
- 🔍 iPad Pro的显示屏采用了OLED技术,提供了极高的对比度和亮度,是苹果迄今为止为消费级设备制造的最佳显示屏。
- 📚 iPadOS基于iOS,设计更简单,但可能无法完全实现Mac的全部功能,不过对于日常使用和某些专业任务来说已经足够。
- 🎮 移动应用和游戏在iPad上的表现可能比在Mac上更好,因为它们是为触控屏和移动硬件设计的,使用起来更直观和优化。
- 🔌 iPad Pro支持连接到SD卡阅读器、SSD存储设备和更大的显示器,提供了更多的扩展性和多任务处理能力。
- 📷 iPad Pro的摄像头比高端MacBook Pro更好,拥有超广角前置摄像头和支持Center Stage功能,以在视频通话中自动保持用户居中。
- 📶 iPad可以有蜂窝数据连接,理论上可以作为一台始终连接互联网的计算机使用,尽管这可能需要额外的月度合同费用。
- 💾 存储方面,iPad Pro提供高达2TB的存储空间,但对于需要更大存储空间的用户,可能需要考虑iCloud订阅或外部存储解决方案。
- ❓ 作者表达了对于iPad Pro是否能完全替代Mac和智能手机的疑虑,以及对即将到来的WWDC大会和可能展示的AI功能的期待。
Q & A
2024款iPad Pro有哪些重大的设计改变?
-2024款iPad Pro进行了相当大的重新设计,包括更薄的机身,新的芯片,新的显示屏,以及新的配件。
iPad Pro的厚度和重量是多少?
-11英寸的iPad Pro厚度为5.3毫米,13英寸的厚度为5.1毫米,是苹果迄今为止最薄的设备。重量方面,11英寸的iPad Pro重约579克。
iPad Pro配备的芯片是什么型号,性能如何?
-iPad Pro搭载了全新的M4芯片,比M3芯片性能更强,但具体的性能提升数据未明确提及。
iPad Pro的屏幕技术有哪些特点?
-iPad Pro采用了OLED屏幕技术,实际上是两层OLED屏幕堆叠在一起,以获得OLED的深对比度优势和苹果所需的超高亮度HDR效果。
iPad Pro的配件有哪些新特性?
-iPad Pro的新配件包括新的Apple Pencil Pro,具有新的功能如通过挤压笔杆来快速访问菜单,以及内置震动马达。还有新的Magic Keyboard,使用体验类似于MacBook。
iPad Pro的电池寿命如何?
-苹果在发布会上没有明确提及电池寿命,但根据苹果官网的信息,新款iPad Pro的电池寿命与旧款大致相同。
iPad Pro是否支持5G网络?
-iPad Pro支持蜂窝网络连接,这意味着它可以作为一个独立的互联网连接设备,而不必依赖Wi-Fi。
iPad Pro的存储容量最大是多少?
-iPad Pro的最大存储容量为2TB,虽然对于某些用户来说可能足够,但也有用户可能需要更大的存储空间。
iPad Pro是否能够完全替代笔记本电脑?
-iPad Pro在很多方面都能够提供与笔记本电脑相似甚至更好的体验,但是否能够完全替代,还取决于用户的具体需求和使用习惯。
iPad Pro的摄像头有哪些改进?
-iPad Pro的摄像头进行了升级,背面摄像头更加优秀,前置摄像头现在是超宽摄像头,并具备了名为Center Stage的功能,可以在视频通话时自动保持用户在画面中心。
iPad Pro的文件系统是否支持像PC那样的文件粒度管理?
-iPad Pro使用的是基于iOS的iPadOS,它被设计为更简单,但是否支持像PC那样的文件系统粒度管理,还需要用户自己探索或寻找解决方案。
iPad Pro的价格是多少?
-根据视频中的信息,高配版的iPad Pro在英国的价格大约是2877英镑,折合美元约为3600美元,是一个相对较高的价格点。
😀 2024年iPad Pro全新设计及其高昂价格
2024年的iPad Pro经历了一次重大的重新设计,机身异常轻薄,搭载了新的芯片、显示屏和配件。这款高端平板电脑的价格不菲,作者本人选购的配置价格高达2877英镑,折合美元约3600美元。尽管价格昂贵,作者在体验了iPad Pro的轻薄、强大性能和新配件后,开始考虑将其作为笔记本电脑的替代品。iPad Pro的便携性和新Pro Pencil、Magic Keyboard的配合使用,让作者对平板电脑的潜力和实用性有了新的认识。
🤔 iPad Pro作为笔记本电脑的替代品?
作者对iPad Pro的实用性进行了深入探讨。尽管iPad Pro的价格接近一台小型汽车,但其轻薄的设计、强大的M4芯片和优秀的热设计使其性能大幅提升。iPad Pro的便携性、移动应用的优化以及与MacBook相似的Magic Keyboard使用体验,让作者考虑将iPad Pro作为笔记本电脑的替代品。此外,iPad Pro的OLED屏幕、改进的摄像头和潜在的蜂窝网络连接能力,也使其成为一个吸引人的移动计算平台。
📱 iPad Pro的多媒体和移动应用体验
iPad Pro不仅在硬件上有所提升,其软件和应用体验也得到了作者的认可。iPad Pro搭载的iPadOS系统为移动应用提供了优化的体验,特别是在游戏、照片编辑和视频编辑等方面。作者提到了Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad,这表明iPad Pro在视频编辑方面也具有专业级的潜力。此外,iPad Pro的OLED屏幕提供了出色的对比度和亮度,nano-texture屏幕选项减少了眩光,提升了户外可视性。
🤨 对iPad Pro的疑虑和未来展望
尽管iPad Pro给作者留下了深刻印象,但他也表达了一些疑虑和考虑。作者担心iPad Pro的性能是否足够应对所有任务,是否会迫使他从三星手机切换到iPhone,以及iPad Pro的文件系统是否能提供与PC相同的精细控制。此外,作者还考虑了存储问题,iPad Pro最大支持2TB存储,但他个人需要更大的存储空间。作者对iPad Pro的整体体验持开放态度,并期待通过实际使用来评估其作为笔记本电脑替代品的可行性。
💡iPad Pro
💡Ultra Retina XDR显示屏
💡Apple Pencil Pro
💡Magic Keyboard
💡Final Cut Pro
2024年款iPad Pro进行了重大的重新设计,包括更薄的机身、新的芯片、新的显示屏和新配件。
iPad Pro的厚度令人震惊,11英寸版本为5.3毫米,13英寸版本为5.1毫米,成为苹果迄今为止最薄的设备。
新款iPad Pro配备了M4芯片,性能大幅提升,比M3芯片有显著改进。
iPad Pro的重量轻,11英寸版本为579克,便于单手持握使用。
iPad Pro配备了新的Magic Keyboard和改进的Apple Pencil,提供了类似笔记本电脑的使用体验。
iPad Pro的屏幕采用了OLED技术,提供了极高的对比度和亮度,被称为Ultra Retina XDR显示屏。
iPad Pro的摄像头得到了提升,背面摄像头更加先进,前置摄像头配备了超宽摄像头和Center Stage功能。
iPad Pro支持5G网络连接,可以作为主要的互联网连接设备,而不必依赖Wi-Fi。
iPad Pro的存储容量最高可达2TB,但可能需要iCloud订阅或外部存储解决方案来满足更大存储需求。
iPadOS的简单性可能限制了iPad Pro的一些功能,但对于大多数用户来说,这可能不是问题。
iPad Pro的便携性和多功能性使其有可能取代笔记本电脑,尤其是在移动办公和创意工作中。
iPad Pro的价格相当高,但考虑到其性能和功能,对于某些用户来说可能是值得的投资。
iPad Pro的发布可能会促使用户重新考虑他们对平板电脑的看法,特别是在性能和便携性方面。
iPad Pro的发布也可能影响用户对苹果生态系统的忠诚度,尤其是对于同时使用iPhone和MacBook的用户。
iPad Pro的发布可能会推动移动应用和移动操作系统的发展,因为它们在设计和用户体验方面通常比桌面应用更先进。
iPad Pro的发布可能会引发关于移动设备和桌面设备未来角色的讨论,尤其是在工作和个人使用方面。
iPad Pro的发布可能会激发对AI和机器学习在移动设备上应用的兴趣,尤其是在WWDC上可能会展示更多相关技术。
so these are the 2024 iPad Pros they've
had a pretty big redesign they are
shockingly almost concerningly thin they
have a new chip they have new display
new accessories long story short these
are the highest end probably the most
expensive tablets in the world I just
specked mine out over here and it is
coming to £
2,877 which if you convert that to
dollars is like £ 3,600 which is just I
mean that is just an obscene amount to
pay for a tablet but I am sitting here
right now now hovering over the buy
button and I wanted to make a video
about this because when I woke up today
I did not expect to be in this position
I am not an iPad guy I use a smartphone
a smart watch a smart fridge a smart air
purifier hell I even use a Smart
toothbrush but the one thing that I've
really struggled to grasp is tablets cuz
when I first started this channel
tablets were awesome phones were tiny so
there was a real need for size tablets
had better quad core processors and
significantly more advanced software
compared to those simple phones but then
phones got good their screens doubled in
size they got a lot faster they could
handle multiple tasks at once and as
soon as that happened the whole appeal
of an iPad or an Android tablet
evaporated for me like why take around
something that does what a phone does
but needs a laptop's worth of space
without being able to do what a laptop
does that's the exact reason why in the
2015 2016 era there was a massive drop
off in general Tabler interest but then
why am I sitting here right now like the
world's biggest hypocrite about to spend
basically a small car's worth of money
on a tablet well that's what I want to
explain for starters I expected this
thing to be thin I mean watching the
Apple keynote they didn't exactly hide
the fact that the 11-in iPad Pro is just
5.3 mm and that the 13-in is just 5.1 mm
and therefore Apple's thinnest device
ever but even then when I picked it up
for the first time and I turned it
around in my own hands it still feels
absolutely insane that I'm holding a
full-on computer with an M4 laptop
quality chip inside because this thing
is 579 G okay to give you some
perspective I take this remarkable
Writing Tablet with me almost wherever I
go I found that no matter how much I do
love my laptop and my phone there's
times where you just want to write on a
big screen you know sometimes you want
to plan out a YouTube thumbnail before
you take it we've actually been planning
out what our future studio is going to
look like when we move home sometimes
you just want to sit in a coffee shop
and brainstorm ideas or Draw up concepts
for a product it all needs a pen and
this thing this black and white 10-in e
in tablet that does well basically one
thing this is just over 400 G so I'm
thinking damn I mean I don't even
normally care too much about the weight
of stuff I pretty much always buy the
plus the max the biggest Gadget you can
get and to be honest it is also so slim
that it is a bit concerning I feel like
we've been here with the iPhone 6 in
2014 and we all know how that turned out
but I do get it here I think for
something like this much more than on a
phone it's important to be this
weightless because this 13in iPad Pro is
just light enough and I say just because
it is on the line and after about 20
minutes I was feeling it but for me I
can just about comfortably hold it with
one hand and right with the other and so
this is starting to feel like it could
perfectly slot into my life instead of
this but just with the perks of being
able to do a lot more um like for
example potentially replace my laptop
too and I can't quite believe I'm saying
this because trust me when I say I love
my MacBook I take this thing even if I'm
leaving home for like 30 minutes my
family is mildly concerned that I will
still be using this in one arm while
walking up the aisle at my own wedding
can neither confirm nor deny but when I
use this new iPad and the new Pro pencil
and the new magic keyboard all together
this is the first time since like 2013
that it really felt to me like tablets
are not just big phones that their
capability feels like it has reached a
tipping point at which point I'm
actually sitting here questioning if I
even need this because well this this is
the new magic keyboard and while I know
it might look like one of those cheap
Amazon folio cases from the outside
using it is actually crazily similar to
using a Mac so on the inside there's a
metal finish now the trackpad is bigger
this is a charging port and then if you
want to plug in other things you can use
the other USB port on the iPad itself
but what was very cool to me is that the
second you snap the iPad into the case
it also controls like a Mac it's like
every bit of muscle memory that I've had
from years of using a Macbook it all
translates perfectly the swiping
gestures the quick shortcuts you can
also just hold the command key at any
time to see all the shortcuts available
within any app you're using but even the
quick functions like brightness control
volume control the search bar I was just
so surprised by how usable the iPad is
without even touching the screen also
the hinge now there's obviously no way
that you're going to be able to get a
laptop quality hinge like this fitted
into a thin iPad case but what's quite
cool is because the new iPad basically
weighs nothing you don't really need one
when you see the case it definitely
raises doubts about being usable in a
car or on your lap but my first
impression from actually typing on it is
actually that it's way more solid than
it looks it's not perfect though the
downside seemed to be that the trackpad
is still not quite full MacBook Pro size
and the hinge doesn't go all the way
back it locks around here and the main
one actually is that this thing's £350
here in the UK and it doesn't seem like
the iPad Pro works with any other magic
keyboard so you have to buy the new one
and then there's also this new apple
pencil Pro which has its own perks
compared to the normal apple pencil I do
find it so funny the way they talk about
all their products like I'm pretty sure
they introduced this with it takes the
pencil experience to a whole new level
apple pencil Pro it takes the pencil
experience to a whole new level wow now
in my brief time with it I did find it a
little bit fiddly like there's quite a
few times where I
very interesting there's some new stuff
here that I'm not too bothered about
like barrel roll which thanks to new
gyro sensors can allow you to rotate
your pencil just like using a real
pencil and using different parts of the
nib for different thicknesses but then
on the other hand the fact that you can
now just squeeze it to bring up your
menu that's awesome that's going to save
you a lot of time because I mean the old
pencil didn't have any kind of buttons
so your thumb had nothing to do it was
like a lost function the fact that
there's now a vibration motor inside
which creates this satisfying little
snap when you're doing things and also
the fact that you can now add it to find
my in case you lose it that's pretty
important because I me I'm pretty sure
I'm going to lose it so it looks like a
laptop but does it run like a laptop
well Apple didn't actually just kit this
new iPad Pro out with the same M3 chip
that you get on the latest MacBook SS
they actually went one further and
announced a whole new generation M4 chip
that goes in here how much faster is it
M3 I couldn't really tell you to be
honest the way that Apple talks about
performance jumps is actually really
annoying because sometimes they compare
to M3 sometimes they compare to M2
sometimes they compare to M1 and they'll
always give you numbers based on really
Niche use cases as opposed to the more
general ones that would matter to all
users like app opening speeds but I
think the high L takeaway should be
probably not a massive jump from M3 but
because the iPad hasn't actually been
updated since the M2 Chip and because
this new iPad has better thermal design
that can keep temperatures more under
control actually pretty huge and it's
going to be a lot faster than like
Samsung current tablets they're still
using phone chips which is one of the
key reasons that I've been hesitating
moving to one of those we should get one
thing clear this is only about 50% as
powerful as my MacBook Pro and if you're
actually going to Kit it out with the
pencil and the keyboard and everything
then you're actually paying a lot more
per unit of performance than you do on
Mac and it isn't even going to do 100%
of what a Mac can do because iPad OS
which is based on iOS is designed to be
simpler but the way that I've started to
see this is I mean as soon as something
like this can do the things that
normally require this surely it's an
absolute no-brainer to be doing those
things on the iPad and for my uses I
feel like today might be the day where
we've just reached that level I mean if
I can swap both my massive very heavy
laptop and my remarkable tablet for just
one iPad in totality that would change
my life I would be cutting the weight
and the size of my tech by about five
times but also I feel like in a lot of
ways the iPad can actually do things
even better than the Mac can like I
think for the most part mobile apps are
a lot better designed than computer apps
like games I mean gaming on a Mac kind
of sucks and I genuinely think I would
get a lot more gaming utility from this
ironically less powerful device than I
do my current SPC to the max MacBook
just because iOS and iPad OS they're
built for games but also even bigger
picture I just feel like a lot of mobile
apps are way better designed than their
laptop Alternatives like mobile photo
editing is now so good that half the
time I actually sending stuff from my
laptop to my phone to make edits and
it's not just cute little phone apps on
the iPad I was literally today using the
exact same pixel meter app that I
currently use on my Mac it didn't seem
like any function was missing or cut
back and every single command that
instant on my Mac was also instant on
the iPad the only times I noticed a
difference were when there were super
intense things that required loading
bars and then those loading bars did
last about 50% longer on the iPad but
yeah like we're currently in the process
of planning out our smart future home
and everything is controlled by apps
it's all designed to work off well
basically iPads because because times
have changed 10 years ago we were living
in a PC first world and swapping your
laptop for an iPad it would be seen as a
move only filthy casuals would make but
I'm starting to feel pretty strongly
like that's not the case anymore I mean
now services are often designed
primarily with the app in mind first and
because the apps are designed around
phone touch screens and phone Hardware
more often than not I find them way more
intuitive and optimized uh tell me if
you feel the same but I always feel way
better when a product tells me to use
their app than when they direct me to a
website and so the iPad which is the
biggest most powerful form that you can
experience those optimized apps in is
becoming way more appealing to me so
then I'm thinking okay what else do I do
on my laptop that I might struggle with
here Google Docs but that's actually
better on iPad cuz you can actually
browse all your stuff even while offline
which you can't do on Mac I checked
draft videos before we post them using
this website called frame.io it makes it
really easy to leave comments at
different parts but then I looked it up
and there is a specifically made iPad
app for it and I also still sometimes
edit videos far less than I used to cuz
thankfully we have some really good
editors now but I still sometimes put
together the music for our videos or do
some editing for personal stuff like we
made this video invite for our wedding
it's very cute but the point is iPad has
Final Cut Pro as well now they actually
just announced Final Cut Pro 2 just for
the iPad I don't actually think it's a
Final Cut Pro successor like the name
might imply but it is very much a full
video editing experience I did find it
pretty fiddly when trying to use Final
Cut with the touchcreen it just feels
like a strange intersection that can
never really be as efficient as using a
precise trackpad but when I tried it
with a keyboard attached different story
in moments I actually forgot I was using
an iPad do you see what I'm saying it
almost feels like all the perks of a
laptop when you want one but combined
with all the perks of a mobile when that
suits you more you know everything being
a Sleek App instead of a clunky website
which is definitely the way to go for
most banking services social media Uber
deliveroo actually Netflix too movies is
a massive one to be honest because
almost all of these video streaming
platforms they are all infinitely better
on phones because they actually let you
download stuff offline it all feels a
bit silly to me but essentially because
computer OSS are more open it would be
easier to Pirate things if you could
download offline on there but on an iPad
well it kind of gets a free pass because
it's still running a mobile operating
system but a mobile operating system
with the media experience of a high-end
laptop oh we should probably talk about
this screen actually so this is an OLED
screen well technically actually it's
two OLED screens stacked on top of each
other to be able to get the Deep
contrast benefits of OLED but also the
ultra high brightness that Apple wants
for HDR apple is basically saying that
this is the best screen they've ever
made for a consumer device they're
calling it The Ultra Retina xdr Display
and it looks unsurprisingly very good
the contrast is the biggest thing that I
noticed like when you watching stuff
with blacks those blacks are so deep
it's like you're staring into a void and
again it feels so trippy there's such a
big disconnect because you don't expect
to screen this good on a device so thin
like if you ordered a monitor for your
computer and it was this thin you would
already be an awe and yet this isn't
just your monitor this is your full-on
computer it's your camera it's your
touchscreen it's kind of crazy now
they've also added in the option for a
nano texture screen which they're saying
scatters the ambient light to reduce
glare but also without any reduction in
brightness it definitely seems to work
as advertised and it might actually
solve the macbook's visibility issues
but this is also how the cost starts to
rack up this is how I got where I ended
up because you basically have to spend a
minimum of 2,000 to get a nano coating
on your 13-in iPad also one thing Apple
didn't mention battery life at all
during the presentation their site says
that the new one has about the same
battery life as the old one but given
that we've now got two panels firing at
the same time it's definitely something
that I want to keep a very close eye on
while I'm testing and then the final
sort of extra perks the cameras are
while not the priority definitely better
on the iPad than even the topend MacBook
Pros a because you actually get a camera
on the back which I mean you obviously
don't yeah although it is weird that
they've removed the secondary Ultra wide
camera that they used to give you on the
back on the last iPad pros and then B
for the front it's an ultra wide camera
that's now on the horizontal bezel so it
keeps you centralized and can also use
something called Center Stage when
you're on calls to keep you in the
middle even as you move around the room
I'm also just thinking iPads can have
cellular like what if instead of
worrying about Wi-Fi all the time my
main computer is permanently connected
with its own internet connection I'm not
particularly keen on paying a whole
extra monthly contract but it's a
tantalizing idea and then also just like
the Mac iPads can also hook up to SD
card readers SSD storage drives even
going into bigger monitors for when I'm
docked into my desk at home with a whole
system called stage manager that's kind
of designed for big screen multitasking
so honestly you could probably tell I'm
a very excited man right now like this
could be one of the most freeing Tech
decisions that I've ever made and it's
also making me quite excited for WWDC
cuz they talked a lot about AI during
this presentation but they didn't really
show a lot of AI things so I feel like
that'll be them but
this could also be a big mistake because
I mean is this going to be fast enough
to do all those things I normally do
without feeling sluggish or fiddly is
the iPad going to force me to switch my
phone over from a Samsung to an iPhone
because it doesn't have many ports and
I'm going to have to rely on more
Wireless proprietary airdrop stuff
there's the fact that let's be honest
Apple doesn't want you to buy an iPad
instead of a Mac they want you to buy
both so in what ways is the iPad
artificially limited so that it doesn't
cross over with the Mac too much the
file system system the one major
remaining advantage that I feel like PC
still has is that it's designed for
granular organization over files I need
to find out if I can actually have that
same control or find a way around it and
then finally what I'm going to do about
storage the iPad Pro goes up to 2
terabytes which is great but I'm an 8
terab kind of guy on my MacBook so am I
going to need to start subscribing to
iCloud become better at managing my
files or just keep a small storage drive
that I plug in every now and again I
have no idea yet but if you want to see
what my experience is like with the iPad
subscribe to help us overtake Apple we
are very very close and make
me I
glad puns are getting worse
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