Stray Kids [INTRO "Lose My Breath (Feat. Charlie Puth)"]
TLDRيحكي النص عن تجربة Stray Kids في العمل مع موسيقي مشهور مثل شارلي بوث في معسكر أغاني. يشير النص إلى أن الأغنية الجديدة لمجموعة Stray Kids تحتوي على نغمة قديمة وروح R&B قوية، وأنه لم يكونوا يحاولون هذا النوع من الموسيقى من قبل. يصف العضوون تحديات他们在声乐方面的努力 وكيف أنهم يحاولون تقديم جانب جديد من أسلوبهم الموسيقي. يشير النص إلى أن الأغنية ستظهر جانبًا جديدًا من مهاراتهم الصوتية، وأنهم متحمسين لتقديمها في الولايات المتحدة. كما يشير إلى أن(Stray Kids) يتطلعون إلى الظهور في مهرجانات وأحداث عالمية لتكون قدوة للجمهور الداخلي والخارجي.
- 🎶 **الأداء الجديد**: Stray Kids يستعدون لإطلاق أغنية جديدة تسمى "Lose My Breath"، التي تتميز بأسلوب قديم ولكن يحمل نغمة R&B قوية.
- 🌟 **العمل مع نجوم**: 3RACHA لديهم الفرصة لالعمل مع موسيقي مشهور مثل Charlie Puth في مخيم أغاني، مما أثر بشكل إيجابي على تطوير مهاراتهم الإبداعية.
- 📝 **التعلم والتطور**: الأعضاء يتحدثون عن ما تعلموه من موسيqi Puth، مثل ال.ease بالعمل وتدفق الأفكار، مما يلهمهم لتحسين أعمالهم.
- 🎵 **الأداء الموسيقي**: أغنية "Lose My Breath" هي محاولة جديدة من Stray Kids في النوع الموسيقي، مما يتطلب تكيف مع نغمة عاطفية جديدة.
- 💃 **الرقص**: تتضمن الرقص في مقاطع الفيديو العديد من العناصر السينمائية وال SCENES المخصصة للأداء الفردي، بالإضافة إلى الرقص الرhythmic الذي يتناسب مع الأغاني.
- 🧞♂️ **القصة الإبداعية**: يتضمن التصميم الفني للأغنية قصة "ال小人魚" (The Little Mermaid)، والتي تم دمجها بطريقة ممتعة وإبداعية.
- 🎥 **التصوير**: الأعضاء يتحدثون عن تجربتهم في التصوير، بما في ذلك التصوير في مstagings م侵mated بشكل جميل وتجربة التصوير في الهواء الطلق.
- 🎤 **الأداء الصوتي**: الأداء الصوتي يتطلب من الأعضاء تحسين تقنيات الأداء الصوتي والعمل على الأداء الغني بشكل خاص، مع التركيز على الصوت المزعج والintonation.
- 👏 **التحسين الشخصي**: الأعضاء يتحدثون عن تحسينات في مهاراتهم الغنائية، وكيف استمروا في العمل الجاد لتطوير مهاراتهم وتقديم أفضل أداء.
- 🌐 **الترويج في الولايات المتحدة**: Stray Kids يتطلعون إلى فرصة الترويج في الولايات المتحدة والمشاركة في مهرجانات وأحداث عالمية لتكون قديمة.
- 🤝 **التواصل مع المعجبين**: الأعضاء ي看重 التواصل المباشر مع فئاتهم المعجبين، وهم متحمسين لزيارتهم والمشاركة في أحداثهم حول العالم.
Q & A
3RACHA 何时参加了全球公民活动并有机会与Charlie Puth合作?
-3RACHA 在参加全球公民活动时,有机会与Charlie Puth 在一个歌曲创作营中合作。
与Charlie Puth 合作给3RACHA的成员带来了哪些启示?
-与Charlie Puth 合作让3RACHA的成员意识到Charlie的天才不仅仅是外界所认为的,他在工作中的轻松自如和对音乐的精细打磨给成员们留下了深刻印象,并激励他们在自己的工作中尝试和实施一些新的元素。
Stray Kids 尝试了哪种他们以前从未尝试过的曲风?
-Stray Kids 尝试了一种具有老派感觉但同时带有强烈R&B氛围的曲风,这是他们以前从未尝试过的。
歌曲 'Lose My Breath' 的主题是什么?
-歌曲 'Lose My Breath' 的主题是一种更成熟的爱情感觉,表达了即使需要屏住呼吸也想见到对方,愿意为赢得对方的爱而放弃自我的情感。
Stray Kids 的新歌曲 'Lose My Breath' 在录制过程中有哪些挑战?
-录制 'Lose My Breath' 对Stray Kids来说是一个挑战,因为它需要成员们以一种不熟悉的音调唱歌,即假声和胸声之间的中间音,并保持这种混合声音的音调。
Stray Kids 在准备 'Lose My Breath' 时,如何改变了他们的唱歌技巧和录音方向?
-在准备 'Lose My Breath' 时,Stray Kids 改变了他们的唱歌技巧,采用了JYP风格,即半空气半声音的比例,但空气的比例约为70%或80%,而不是通常的50:50。他们还在歌曲的某些部分特别注重呼吸的使用,以创造情绪。
Stray Kids 的新歌曲 'Lose My Breath' 的编舞有何特点?
-新歌曲 'Lose My Breath' 的编舞包含了许多通常不会使用的中速动作,并且具有自然和流畅的特点。编舞旨在突出这些细微之处,以便观众能够看到他们想要传达的更深层次的信息。
Stray Kids 成员在录制英文歌词时面临了哪些挑战?
-Stray Kids 的成员在录制英文歌词时面临的挑战包括发音的准确性和维持歌曲旋律的连贯性。成员们通过反复练习和专注于发音来克服这些挑战。
Stray Kids 对于在美国推广 'Lose My Breath' 有什么期望?
-Stray Kids 希望通过在美国推广 'Lose My Breath' 能够获得更多的音乐认可,并期待参加音乐节和演唱会,向全球粉丝展示他们的音乐。
Stray Kids 的成员如何描述他们的粉丝 STAY?
-Stray Kids 的成员将他们的粉丝 STAY 描述为非常重要的存在,是他们能够继续存在和成功的原因。成员们希望能够在世界各地见到 STAY,并与他们直接交流。
Stray Kids 有什么未来的计划或梦想?
-Stray Kids 有着创造新音乐浪潮的宏大梦想,并且正在准备许多新歌,他们希望这些新歌能像 'Lose My Breath' 一样给粉丝带来新的体验。他们还计划在不久的将来进行回归,并期待与全球粉丝见面。
🎶 Collaboration with Charlie Puth 🎶
The speaker discusses their excitement about a new song they believe will be a hit. They talk about attending a song camp with Charlie Puth and how it was a valuable learning experience. They describe Puth's effortless creativity and how it inspired them. The song they worked on has an old-school feel with R&B influences, a new genre for their group, Stray Kids. They mention the song's emotional tone, the challenge of adapting to it, and how the members did a great job. The highlight of the song is a particular line that captures its essence. The theme of the song is about being out of breath due to love, which they describe as a mature love song. The lyrics are all in English, and the song incorporates new vocal styles and compositional elements for the group.
🌊 The Little Mermaid Concept and Choreography 🌊
The speaker describes the unique concept behind their new song, inspired by 'The Little Mermaid,' and how it incorporates stories of longing. They talk about the group's usual association with fire rather than water and how they experimented with new dance elements, such as dancing on water. Despite a fall during practice, they believe the final performance will be coherent and well-received. They also mention the importance of individual performances and cinematic scenes, including a memorable scene in the rain. The choreography is described as rhythmic with a mix of gentle and forceful moments, and the speaker highlights the importance of facial expressions and hand gestures in conveying the song's emotion.
🎉 Overcoming Challenges in Dance and Vocals 🎉
The speaker details the challenges they faced while practicing the dance and vocal parts of their performance. They discuss the difficulty of synchronizing certain movements and how they overcame it by watching each other and practicing hard. They emphasize the importance of facial expressions, hand gestures, and the beat in expressing the song's color. The speaker also talks about the changes they made to their singing techniques, focusing on a mix of air and sound to convey the theme of breathing. They mention how they had to sing delicately to maintain the song's emotion and how they were surprised by the vocal improvements of their fellow members.
🎤 Vocal Improvements and the Pressure of English Pronunciation 🎤
The speaker reflects on their personal vocal challenges, the pressure of performing in English, and how they have worked to improve their pronunciation and singing techniques. They discuss their desire to be recognized not just as a rapper but also as a capable singer. The speaker talks about finding their unique vocal color and the difficulty of singing in an unfamiliar tone. They also share how they prepared for the English parts of the song by listening to pop songs and practicing with a focus on pronunciation. The speaker expresses excitement about promoting their new single 'Lose My Breath' in the US and the opportunity it presents to improve their English skills.
🌟 Global Recognition and Future Aspirations 🌟
The speaker expresses their excitement about promoting their music in the United States and their hope for Stray Kids to gain more recognition there. They mention their previous experience promoting 'MANIAC' in the States and their eagerness to return. The speaker shares their wish to visit countries where they have fans they haven't met yet and to continue performing and sharing their music with their global fanbase, STAY. They emphasize the importance of meeting their fans around the world and how it is their biggest goal for the year. The speaker also talks about their upcoming album, the new music they are preparing, and their grand dream of creating a new wave in the music industry.
💡song camp
💡Charlie Puth
💡Stray Kids
💡The Little Mermaid
💡vocal styles
💡JYP style
Excitement about a new song that feels like a hit and suits the group's needs.
3RACHA's experience at the Global Citizen event and working with Charlie Puth at a song camp.
The importance of the English-speaking member in discussing and refining ideas within the group.
Learning from Charlie Puth's songwriting genius and effortless work process.
The new song's old-school feel with a strong R&B vibe, a genre Stray Kids has not explored before.
Adapting to a new emotional tone in their music and the members' excellent job in recording.
The challenge of singing a specific line with a shaky, out-of-breath feel to capture the song's essence.
The theme 'Lose My Breath' reflecting an overwhelming feeling and a mature love song.
Incorporating English lyrics and interesting compositional elements into their music.
The sense of responsibility and excitement in working with Charlie Puth's demo voice.
The unique concept of 'The Little Mermaid' and how it influenced the group's performance and music video.
Innovative dance practices like dancing on water and the importance of facial expressions and hand gestures.
The change in singing techniques to fit the theme of breathing, with a focus on vocalization.
Surprise performances by members known primarily for rapping, showcasing their improved singing abilities.
The challenge of recording in English and the effort put into perfecting pronunciation and melody.
Promoting in the US with the single 'Lose My Breath' and the hope for increased musical recognition.
The desire to tour globally to meet fans and the importance of their fanbase, STAY, to Stray Kids.
The preparation for an upcoming album with new music that is different from their previous style.
A grand dream of creating a new wave in music with their upcoming releases.
You might be really surprised
As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a hit
We definitely needed a song like this
I'm quite excited about it
We haven’t talked much about song camps
3RACHA went to the Global Citizen event
and had the incredible honor
to work with Charlie Puth at a song camp
We used to do song camps often
but it was a long time since the last one
This time, we went to the US
and had the great opportunity to work with Charlie Puth
Being the most fluent in English among us in 3RACHA
I tend to immediately discuss
both my ideas and the others' ideas
I also relay these ideas to the members separately
and fine-tune them as we go along
I feel like I've learned so much from attending Charlie Puth's song camp
I've always enjoyed Charlie Puth's music
It was an honor to work with him
given how much I admire his work
Charlie is often seen as a genius
and when you work with him, you realize he truly is that and more
Honestly, I put
a lot of effort into my work
When it comes to music
I tend to be very meticulous
and put a lot of effort into making music
but he looked like he was playing
He managed to do everything effortlessly
and it was really surprising
"Wow, this person is something else"
I learned a lot from that
and it inspired me to try
and implement some of that
in my work as well
I don't know, it was just so fascinating
The way he worked was very intriguing
especially how effortlessly the top lines just flowed out
as soon as he grabbed the microphone.
It was truly amazing to witness
and it made me think, "I need to work even harder"
The song itself
has an old-school feel, but also a strong R&B vibe
Stray Kids has never tried this genre before
and we've never done a song with this kind of emotional tone
so adapting to that...
I mean, the song is great, the track turned out really well
and the members did an excellent job recording it
But when I listened to it myself
since we had never tried this style
it felt a bit awkward
Even recently
while not often
because I've listened to it so much
but sometimes, when I listen
it makes me realize that our members can really pull off this style too
There's a part in the song where I sing "Ah I lose my breath"
and during "breath"
I sing with a shaky
out of breath kind of feel
That line captures everything about the song
and in my opinion, is truly the ultimate highlight
When I listen to the track
there’s this back-and-forth, almost like a tug-of-war feeling
There was also an overwhelming feeling
that led us to the theme "Lose My Breath"
Because of that other person, "I'm truly so out of breath..."
"it's suffocating"
That's the kind of theme we went with
It seems like a deeper love song
Perhaps a more mature kind of love
I mean, I don't know love
I don't know
"Even if I have to hold my breath, I want to meet you"
"I love you"
It’s that kind of feeling
"Even if it means abandoning myself"
"I want to have you"
"I want to win your love"
It’s that type of song
(When listening to the lyrics) With "I lose my breath when you’re walking in"
there's a tension
a feeling of the heart fluttering
and it's hard to focus
It feels completely different
The lyrics are all in English
and although it's easy to listen to
the song incorporates many interesting compositional elements
and voice tones that none of us
have ever used before
I think "Lose My Breath"
might really showcase a new side of our vocal styles
When I first heard the song, I thought
"this is going to be fun"
and that "we could show something new with this"
The song itself feels somehow moist
In my opinion
this song has old JYP-style elements
At least, from listening to the track
"Can I actually pull this off?"
I thought that at first
But the more I listened, the more natural it felt
and I could even imagine how well certain members would fit
particular parts
Immediately, I felt a huge sense of responsibility
the voice in the demo
was none other than Charlie Puth
A voice I've grown up listening to
It was surreal and gratifying
to hear his voice in our demo
and in the end
"now's the time I really need to step up"
I thought that a lot
My first thought was, "can I handle this?"
"This is going to be quite challenging"
It felt fresh because it was very different from our usual style of music
I was really worried
but ultimately, showing these sides
could make it
more unique for STAY as well
The song itself is so melodically nice
that I think it could be widely loved
if the choreography turns out well too
The content is really great too
The Little Mermaid
Our concept was
"The Little Mermaid"
It has a mermaid story unique to SKZ
The love could be so strong
that it makes someone escape
from the water
We incorporated some fun stories
about longing into this project
We don’t really mix with "water"
It was always "fire" for us
We were minimalistic this time and tried a lot of new things
like dancing on water
or dipping our faces in water
I mean, dancing on water
might sound common
but the setting was beautifully set up
that I think it'll turn out well
The splashing added a nice touch too
so I believe everything will fit well
I fell over at that part
I fell over, oh my...
Anyway, despite falling
the overall look
was so coherent and I loved it
Because it was in water
I wasn't hurt or scarred or anything
and I’ve practiced falling safely
since I was young, so I was okay
We had a submerged set
where we danced
with the water almost up to our knees
While the group dance was a key point
we had a lot of cinematic scenes
tailored to individual performances too
I also drove for the first time on camera
I was supposed to keep a serious face while driving
but it was so much fun that I couldn't help but laugh
One scene with Felix and me in the rain
looked really awesome for me
I thought I looked great
I think you'll be quite surprised
when you see our performance
Previously, we've
really emphasized power, but this time
we've toned it down significantly
While it is a group dance
it has a lot of rhythmic elements
so I liked that
I love the choreography for the hook
It was the part I liked most when I saw the choreography submission
We haven't had a lot of choreographies
where we stop and hold certain movements
so I think our fans will love it too
I had my concerns
because if the dance is too hard, it wouldn't blend well with the song
but going with a formation-based approach
didn't seem right either
Looking at the performance as a whole
it's essentially a loop of gentle and forceful moments
And then it ends on a strong note
We wanted to give that diversity
and since we got submissions from many different choreographers
I took all of them
and reviewed each one
and decided which parts to use from which
The members would express their opinions
and that’s how we created the performance
The choreography
has subtle points
that are both natural
and smooth
I guess we could call them safe
By highlighting these points
we thought the viewers would see the deeper parts of our message
We’ve incorporated medium-tempo moves
that we usually wouldn’t do
I think that
adds an exciting thrill
to the performance
Capturing the essence
of movements such as
"tick, tick, press, snap!" was challenging
So we would split in half and watch each other dance
For example, there's a move in the last chorus
where you sharply hit
your shoulders twice
We aimed to make this movement
elastic to match the beat
and although it looks simple
it's quite tricky to synchronize
Some use their upper bodies to go this way
others use isolation
and because there are so many variations
it took us a significant amount of time to get it right
The members found that a bit hard
but because it was another challenge
we overcame it while having fun
We've been practicing hard
If we upload a dance challenge
the hand movements
especially the hands
and feet
should be parts to look out for
as well as facial expressions
It's always the facial expression,
the hand gestures, and the feet
that really explain, express this song's color
For the beat
use the entire beat and hit briefly
We've really changed up
the members' singing techniques
and the direction of our recordings
The theme revolves around breathing
so we went JYP style, half air, half sound
but with air at around 70 or 80 instead of the usual 50:50 ratio
In the beginning
where the instruments drop out and the track gets a bit quieter
we blend in air to create a key mood-setting moment
Then, as the music builds to a climax
Lee Know sings on a strong note
In our Stray Kids songs, whenever we hit high notes
or when we sing, we sing in a piercing style
If we sang high notes like that in this song
it would break a lot of the emotion
We have to sing very delicately
and open up a lot of space within here
so that it sounds not angular
but more round, and filled
Feel, intonation, everything's like that
but we focused on vocalization the most
and having to sing each and every word
adjusting like that was the hardest part
- Okay, let's go
Not bad?
Okay, very good
Sing as if you're out of breath
The last two lines were half-falsetto!
That was good
It felt different, though
Yeah, this feeling...
You could do more, I think
I was most surprised by Seungmin and Changbin
brought the song to life much better than I thought he would
I feel like he's improved
so much it's almost unrealistic
Sometimes when I'm bored and he's humming
practicing or he just released a cover
I think, "he's improved a lot and he's still improving"
and I think, "he recorded this song"
"with a really strong leading voice, and he did well"
The image of Changbin
as a rapper is very strong, right?
But in this song, he also sings
When he sings, he has a very sharp voice
which suits R&B or old hip hop songs
but even in this kind of song
I was surprised by how well his style
could shine through and how well he sang
Let's start with "'Cause" first
I think this is okay
I think maybe just a little bit more
Okay, I'll try that
Yeah, this level of "stops" is good
In terms of vocals, the members
work really hard and are really good
so I'm not very ambitious in that sense
I'm not ambitious like that
but if given the opportunity
I don't want to hear people say
"Oh, he's a rapper, so..."
or "his vocals are just okay"
I do not want to hear that
I want to hear "he's a rapper, but he can sing too!"
If you pay close attention
to the emotion I put into each word
you'll know "this guy worked hard"
"he really put his effort into this"
I think you'll be able to feel that
Thank you for catching those details
and listening attentively
It's singing
I kept thinking, "will I do well?"
I don't have a lot of experience singing
but I thought a lot about how to show
my unique sides and skills
"Do I have to sing in a husky voice?"
I mostly sing with a low register, and also sing brightly in other times
so I thought a lot about how
I could find that midpoint
While I sang, I felt
"ah, this is my exact color!"
That hit me for the first time in a while
It was really difficult
to sing this song
I had to sing in an unfamiliar tone
the middle of falsetto and chest voice
and it was hard to vocalize like that
So, recording was quite challenging
but thanks to 3RACHA's direction, I managed to finish well
It was probably the most
vocally challenging recording for me
Seungmin's part was the best
He sang so well
So, to be honest, I felt a bit pressured
Because my part is right after his
He sang so well
that I studied his voice a lot
I had to sound and feel different from him
so I focused on that
In my opinion
within the team, vocally speaking
compared to the other members
I have a somewhat
metallic tone
so I tend to come out more in strong parts
and provide a kind of harmonizing effect
That's how
I perceive my vocals
Just because it sounds good
doesn't mean it's a low song
Especially my part
is a small mix of chest voice and falsetto
I kept trying to maintain that mixed voice tone
and lately, with a lot of singing practice
I could do it very well
I loved it
It's a little long
Shorten it a tiny bit
Yeah, you got it
Ah, like that
Since it's not in the lyrics
the melody is just the melody
and I don't know where to fit these English words
into the melody
I went to Chan and asked
"How should I do this?"
and kept asking about pronunciation
I kept repeating that
over and over again
I studied pronunciation a lot
Whenever I sing English songs like this
my pronunciation would lead to long recording sessions
So, I was like
"this is a problem"
and for about a month, I only listened to pop songs
I always feel pressured when it comes to recording English parts
Even in Korean songs, they often include English parts
"There's a lot of Korean, but why do I keep getting the English lines?"
I used to think that, but now I find it fun to overcome that
so now I find it interesting
This was very difficult
Since Chan lived abroad before
he's quite sensitive about pronunciation
I used to feel quite burdened
by those aspects
but as I continued...
English pronunciation is really helpful in maintaining the melody of the song
because we keep rolling our tongues
Korean feels a bit choppy
so I practiced pop songs
and kept challenging myself
and so I've improved a lot in recordings
It's kind of new
to promote in the US
with a single
So, for this US single, "Lose My Breath"
I want to take good care of the members
so that we can enjoy promotions
and have fun
Oh, well...
I'm glad I learned a lot of English when I was young
I really enjoy singing pop songs, so I'm looking forward to promotions
We promoted "MANIAC" in the States before
and it was really fun
I'm looking forward to the music shows
I think it'll be a great opportunity
to study English again
It's a small wish of mine
but I hope through this song and our promotions in the US
our group Stray Kids can gain
musical recognition in the United States
There are quite a few festivals this year
Besides concerts
there are many opportunities for us
to showcase our music to our global fans
There are a lot of countries we haven't been to yet
I want to visit some of those countries
because I've heard a lot of stories
about how they like us in those countries
I want to go there and meet them in person to communicate directly
I just love performing so much
that simply sharing the stage
with many STAY
feels like a "blessing" to me
It's something we can do together
so I hope we can continue to listen to music, dance
and enjoy those things together for a long time
For a long time
with the members
We want to pursue our goals and dreams
not only in Korea, but also around the world
So I just think it's really important to
see all of our fans and our STAY around the world
because it means so much to us that we really want to tour around the world
And I'm just glad that we have the chance to do that, to meet our STAY
You know
the only place that we can stay with is STAY
They're the reasons why we are here
So I think that's why our name is Stray Kids
In a sense, it fits so well together
I think that's definitely our biggest goal for this year
Even though we may be...
getting an award, a nice big award as a sign of recognition
I think it's more important to see fans
and STAY everywhere all around the world
because they're the ones who make STRAY KIDS stay, in a sense
It's been a while since our last comeback
By the time this comes out, it will have been even longer
so I bet fans are eagerly waiting, like, "when is Stray Kids coming back?"
We're shooting this intro interview now
but my mouth is itching
I think
we'll be shooting another intro interview
so I've already prepared everything
Very soon
You guys, the time is coming
Everything is ready
Just wait a little longer
and you'll be able to enjoy a nice album
We're preparing a lot of songs right now
and those songs also
are new for us, just like "Lose My Breath"
With our new music
I have this somewhat
grand dream
of creating a new wave
Please stay tuned
Coming Soon
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