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25 Mar 202319:15

TLDRThis video tutorial guides viewers through the process of creating a children's book using AI tools and programs. It highlights the importance of utilizing AI technology effectively and introduces various programs like GPT for writing the story, Midjourney for illustrating main characters and scenes, and MangoBoard for compiling text and images into a book. The tutorial covers topic selection, character creation, and layout design, emphasizing hands-on instruction for selling the book on Amazon. Additionally, it offers tips on using Midjourney's features to produce consistent and high-quality illustrations, aiming to empower viewers to publish their own children's books.


  • 📚 The script discusses the process of creating a fairy tale book using AI and various programs, highlighting the importance of utilizing AI in creative projects.
  • 🤖 The use of AI in storytelling is emphasized, suggesting that AI can be programmed to write stories based on given themes and characters.
  • 🎨 The script mentions the use of specific software like Midjourney and DALL-E to create illustrations and visualize characters and scenes from the fairy tale.
  • 🌟 The potential of selling the AI-created fairy tale book on platforms like Amazon is suggested, indicating the commercial viability of AI-generated content.
  • 📈 The video provides a detailed tutorial on how to use Midjourney, including setting up an account, selecting templates, and creating illustrations based on prompts.
  • 🖌️ The process of refining and selecting the best illustrations from AI-generated options is discussed, emphasizing the importance of detail and consistency in visual storytelling.
  • 📖 The script suggests using AI to enhance the storytelling process, not just in creating the story but also in designing the book cover and layout.
  • 💡 The video encourages viewers to experiment with AI tools and to not be afraid of making mistakes, as the technology is constantly evolving and improving.
  • 🌐 The global recognition of AI in the art world is mentioned, with an example of an AI-generated artwork winning first place at an art exhibition in Colorado.
  • 📝 The script provides tips on how to effectively use AI for creative writing, including giving clear and specific prompts to generate more accurate and relevant content.
  • 🎓 The importance of understanding the role and capabilities of AI is emphasized, encouraging users to approach AI as a tool that can be directed and shaped by human creativity.

Q & A

  • What is the main idea of the script?

    -The script discusses the process of creating a fairy tale book using AI and various programs, highlighting the importance of utilizing AI in storytelling and book creation.

  • Which three programs are mentioned for creating the fairy tale book?

    -The three programs mentioned are Book GPT for writing the fairy tale, Midjourney for creating the main character and key scenes, and Mangoboard for inserting images and text to complete the book.

  • How does the AI, Book GPT, assist in the creation of the fairy tale?

    -Book GPT assists by generating the story based on the given theme, characters, and plot, allowing the user to have a consistent narrative for the fairy tale book.

  • What is the significance of Midjourney in the book creation process?

    -Midjourney is used to create the main character and key scenes for the fairy tale book, transforming the written descriptions into visual images that complement the story.

  • How does Mangoboard contribute to the completion of the fairy tale book?

    -Mangoboard is utilized to insert the images and text from Midjourney into the book layout, allowing the user to finalize the book by organizing the content and design.

  • What is the suggested theme for the fairy tale book mentioned in the script?

    -The suggested theme is about a brave and kind girl who embarks on a journey with her friends to find a treasure that brings happiness to the world.

  • What is the importance of utilizing AI in book creation according to the script?

    -The script emphasizes that utilizing AI in book creation can enhance efficiency, provide a variety of creative options, and help bring stories to life in unique ways, ultimately contributing to the success of the book.

  • How does the script suggest improving the quality of AI-generated images?

    -The script suggests refining the AI-generated images by providing detailed descriptions, using variation commands for different styles, and selecting the most suitable images based on the story's requirements.

  • What is the role of the user in the AI-assisted book creation process?

    -The user plays a crucial role in providing the AI with the necessary inputs such as themes, character descriptions, and plot details. They also make selections from the AI's outputs to ensure the final product aligns with their vision.

  • What is the potential outcome of using AI in book creation?

    -The potential outcome is the creation of a unique and engaging fairy tale book that combines the creativity of AI with the user's vision, potentially leading to successful book sales on platforms like Amazon.

  • What advice does the script give on using AI for book creation?

    -The script advises users to experiment with the AI tools, provide clear and detailed instructions, and not to solely rely on the AI but to also use their own judgment and creativity to refine the AI's outputs.



📚 Creating a Storybook with AI Art Programs

The paragraph introduces the concept of using AI art programs to create a storybook. It emphasizes the importance of utilizing the vast array of AI tools available to bring ideas to life. The speaker shares their intention to create a storybook and explains the process of using AI to write the story, design characters, and illustrate key scenes. They also mention the potential to sell the book on Amazon and plan to cover the entire process in detail, promising a lengthy but helpful video.


🖌️ Utilizing AI for Character Design and Illustration

This paragraph delves into the technical aspects of using AI for character design and illustration. The speaker guides the audience through the process of selecting a design template, creating a character named Emma, and using AI to generate various images based on descriptions. They discuss the importance of consistency in character design and provide tips on how to save and use preferred images for the storybook. The paragraph also touches on the use of AI to add dramatic elements to the story.


🎨 Enhancing the Storybook with Backgrounds and Text

The speaker continues to discuss the creation of the storybook, focusing on adding backgrounds and text to enhance the narrative. They demonstrate how to use AI to create suitable backgrounds and integrate them with the illustrations. The paragraph also covers the use of text to convey the story and add depth to the characters. The speaker shares their approach to designing the book cover and emphasizes the importance of clear and appealing visuals to attract the audience.


📖 Final Touches and Encouragement to Create

In the final paragraph, the speaker wraps up the process of creating the storybook with AI, highlighting the ease and efficiency of the method. They encourage the audience to try creating their own storybooks, emphasizing that with AI, anyone can bring their ideas to life. The speaker shares their excitement about the potential of AI in the creative process and expresses gratitude for the audience's support and interest in their content.



💡AI Art Generation

AI Art Generation refers to the process of creating visual art using artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is the primary method used to generate illustrations for a storybook. The AI program, Midjourney, is utilized to describe and produce images based on textual prompts, which is a key aspect of the video's demonstration on how to create a digital storybook using AI technology.


Midjourney is an AI program that specializes in creating images based on textual descriptions. It is a central tool in the video, used to visualize the story's main character and scenes. The video provides a tutorial on how to use Midjourney to generate artwork for a digital storybook, highlighting its capabilities in producing various iterations of characters and scenes based on user input.

💡Storybook Creation

Storybook Creation is the process of making a book that tells a story, typically for children, and often includes illustrations. In the video, the focus is on digital storybook creation using AI for the illustrations. The script details the steps to create a storybook using AI-generated images and text, from conceptualization to final product.

💡Textual Prompts

Textual prompts are the input text provided to AI programs like Midjourney to guide the generation of specific images. These prompts are essential in AI art generation as they direct the AI on what kind of artwork to create. In the video, textual prompts are used to describe characters, scenes, and the overall mood of the storybook, which the AI then uses to generate corresponding images.

💡Digital Art

Digital Art refers to artwork that is created using digital technology, often on computers or other electronic devices. In the video, digital art is produced through AI-generated images for the storybook. The process of creating digital art in this context involves using AI tools to produce visual elements that align with the narrative and aesthetic goals of the storybook.

💡Illustration Templates

Illustration Templates are pre-designed formats or frameworks that can be used as a starting point for creating illustrations. In the video, the speaker selects a template from a design category on Midjourney to use as a basis for the storybook's layout and visual style. These templates provide a structure for the illustrations, making the creation process more efficient and consistent.

💡Image Resolution

Image Resolution refers to the quality or clarity of an image, typically measured in pixels. Higher resolution images have more detail and are less pixelated. In the video, the speaker discusses adjusting the resolution of the AI-generated images to ensure they are clear and suitable for the storybook.

💡Character Design

Character Design involves creating the visual appearance and personality of characters for a story. In the context of the video, character design is crucial for bringing the storybook's characters to life. The AI tool is used to generate images based on textual descriptions that define the characters' traits and roles in the story.


Storyboarding is the process of planning and organizing the visual sequence of events in a story. It involves creating a series of images or illustrations that represent the key scenes and actions in the narrative. In the video, storyboarding is essential for visualizing the story's progression and ensuring that the AI-generated images align with the story's plot.

💡Text and Image Integration

Text and Image Integration is the process of combining textual content with visual elements to create a cohesive narrative. In the context of the video, this involves placing AI-generated illustrations alongside the text of the story to form the complete storybook. The integration of text and images enhances the storytelling and makes the digital book engaging and visually appealing.

💡Digital Publishing

Digital Publishing refers to the process of making content available in digital formats, often for online distribution. In the video, the speaker mentions the potential of selling the AI-generated storybook on Amazon, highlighting the commercial aspect of digital publishing. The ease of creating digital content, such as storybooks, and the ability to distribute them widely online is a key benefit discussed in the context of the video.


AI is being utilized to create picture books, showcasing the potential of AI in various fields.

The process of making a picture book involves using three different programs: a book GPT for story creation, Midjourney for main characters and key scenes, and MangoBuddy for integrating images and text.

The user had a preconceived theme in mind about a brave and kind girl embarking on a journey with friends to find treasure.

The use of AI can significantly streamline the process of creating a picture book, potentially allowing for sale on platforms like Amazon.

Midjourney can generate images based on descriptions, allowing for customized illustrations that fit the narrative.

The importance of setting up the story's background, characters, and plot in a consistent manner was emphasized for a cohesive narrative.

MangoBuddy offers a range of templates for creating picture books, with customizable sizes and designs.

The video provides a detailed tutorial on how to use Midjourney and MangoBuddy, including steps for registration and image creation.

The AI-generated images can be refined and adjusted for scale, resolution, and variations to fit the story's requirements.

The process of creating a picture book with AI involves a combination of writing, image generation, and text integration.

The video demonstrates how to save and reuse AI-generated images for a more consistent visual style in the picture book.

The use of AI in creating picture books can lead to time and effort savings in the creative process.

The video encourages viewers to try creating their own picture books with AI, emphasizing the potential for individual expression and creativity.

The AI's ability to generate images based on prompts was showcased, highlighting its potential for artistic collaboration.

The video concludes with an encouragement to apply these skills to create various forms of content, not limited to picture books.

The practical application of AI in the creative process was demonstrated, showing its potential to enhance traditional storytelling methods.