101% tested method to Bypass AI detectors || Plagiarism free writing using ChatGPT | No ai detection

Gurru Tech Solutions
13 Oct 202311:13

TLDRThe video script introduces a method to bypass AI content detection tools, specifically Turnitin, by adjusting the writing style of AI-generated content. It demonstrates how to use Chat GPT to create an article on improving mathematics learning with technology, and then how to restructure the content to increase perplexity and burstiness, resulting in a 0% plagiarism score on Turnitin. The video aims to help students and content creators avoid detection for their AI-assisted work.


  • 🚀 AI tools like Chat GPT are widely used for creating content, but their output can be detected by AI detectors, causing frustration for students and content creators.
  • 📝 The video introduces a method to bypass AI detection, allowing for unrestricted AI-generated content creation without the limitations imposed by detection algorithms.
  • 📚 Chat GPT is chosen as the AI tool for demonstration due to its prevalence and ability to write articles, assignments, and research papers.
  • 🎯 The initial step involves instructing Chat GPT to write an article on a specific topic, such as improving mathematics learning with technology, and citing academic research to strengthen the argument.
  • 📈 The video demonstrates the process of creating an article, saving it as a Word document, and checking its plagiarism using Turnitin, a widely recognized plagiarism detection software.
  • 🔍 Turnitin's updated features can detect AI-generated content, as shown when the original Chat GPT article was found to be 100% plagiarized.
  • 💡 The video presents a solution to reduce plagiarism by instructing Chat GPT to create content with higher perplexity and burstiness, which are characteristics of human writing.
  • 📝 Perplexity measures text complexity, while burstiness compares sentence variation, both of which are used to mimic human writing style in AI-generated content.
  • 🔄 The process of rewriting the article with the desired characteristics of perplexity and burstiness is demonstrated, resulting in a significantly lower plagiarism score.
  • 📊 After applying the rewriting method, the Turnitin check shows a 0% similarity and AI detection rate, indicating the success of the technique in bypassing AI detectors.
  • 🎓 The video emphasizes the importance of being cautious when submitting assignments to avoid detection and potential academic penalties.
  • 📌 The content is informative and provides a practical method for users to create AI-generated content that can evade AI detection, enhancing their content creation journey.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue faced by students and content creators when using AI tools for their work?

    -The main issue faced by students and content creators is that their AI-generated work is often detected by AI detectors, which restricts their creativity and ideas.

  • Which AI tool is primarily used for creating content in the video demonstration?

    -Chat GPT is the primary AI tool used in the video for creating content, as it is a free and pervasive tool capable of writing articles, assignments, and research papers.

  • How does the video suggest improving the learning of mathematics using technology?

    -The video suggests that technology can improve mathematics learning through personalized learning and interactive, engaging content.

  • What is the significance of the 400-word limit set for the AI-generated article?

    -The 400-word limit is set to ensure conciseness and focus in the content, making it easier to read and understand.

  • How does the video demonstrate the effectiveness of Turnitin in detecting AI-generated content?

    -The video demonstrates that Turnitin can effectively detect AI-generated content by showing a 100% plagiarism detection rate for an article created entirely by Chat GPT without any modifications.

  • What are 'perplexity' and 'burstiness' in the context of the video?

    -In the context of the video, 'perplexity' refers to the complexity of the text, and 'burstiness' compares the variation in sentence lengths. These are important factors in making AI-generated content appear more human-like.

  • How does the video suggest modifying AI-generated content to bypass AI detectors?

    -The video suggests instructing Chat GPT to create content with a higher degree of perplexity and burstiness, which makes the content appear more human-like and helps bypass AI detectors.

  • What is the result of applying the suggested modifications to the AI-generated article?

    -After applying the suggested modifications, the AI-generated article shows a 0% similarity and AI detection rate in Turnitin, indicating that the content is no longer detected as AI-generated.

  • What is the purpose of the 'bypass trick' demonstrated in the video?

    -The purpose of the 'bypass trick' is to reduce the plagiarism and AI detection rates to 0%, allowing students and content creators to submit AI-generated work without it being flagged by AI detectors.

  • How does the video advise users on submitting their work to Turnitin?

    -The video advises users to submit their work to Turnitin in 'no repository' mode to avoid the content being flagged as plagiarized when re-submitted in the future.

  • What is the final outcome of the method demonstrated in the video?

    -The final outcome of the method demonstrated is a 100% workable way to bypass AI detectors, reducing plagiarism and AI detection rates to 0% by using specific prompts and rewriting the content with higher perplexity and burstiness.



🤖 Introduction to AI Content Creation Challenges

This paragraph introduces the common issue faced by students and content creators where their AI-generated work is detected by AI detectors, leading to restrictions on their creativity. The speaker announces a solution to this problem, promising a trick to remove barriers and enable unlimited AI content creation without detection issues. The use of Chat GPT as a prevalent AI tool for generating text is highlighted, and the process of using it to write an article on improving mathematics learning with technology is outlined. The speaker also discusses the limitations of AI-generated work in terms of word count and the need for citing academic research to strengthen arguments.


📄 Addressing Plagiarism and AI Detection

The speaker demonstrates the process of saving the AI-generated article as a Word document and checking its plagiarism using Turnitin, a widely recognized software. The results show a 100% plagiarism detection, indicating that the content is entirely AI-generated. This highlights the risks of submitting unaltered AI-generated content for academic purposes. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of being cautious when submitting assignments to avoid plagiarism issues and introduces an upcoming solution to reduce plagiarism to 0%.


🚀 Bypassing AI Detectors with Specific Prompts

The speaker presents a method to bypass AI detectors by instructing Chat GPT to generate content with higher perplexity and burstiness, which are characteristics that mimic human writing patterns. The process involves giving Chat GPT specific instructions to understand and incorporate the concepts of perplexity and burstiness into the article. After rewriting the article with these characteristics, the speaker creates a new Word document and rechecks the plagiarism using Turnitin. The results now show a 0% similarity, indicating that the article is no longer detected as AI-generated. The paragraph concludes by emphasizing the effectiveness of this method in bypassing AI detectors and encourages viewers to follow the steps carefully.



💡AI detectors

AI detectors refer to software programs designed to identify content generated by artificial intelligence, such as AI-written articles or essays. In the context of the video, these detectors pose a challenge for students and content creators who wish to use AI tools like chat GPT for their work, as their creations are flagged and restricted due to detection.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. It is widely used for a variety of tasks, such as writing articles, assignments, and research papers. In the video, Chat GPT is used as an example of an AI tool that can be受限 by AI detectors, but can also be adapted to bypass these restrictions through specific instructions.

💡Content creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing original content, such as articles, videos, or other forms of media. In the context of the video, it highlights the challenges faced by creators who utilize AI tools like Chat GPT to generate content, which is often detected and flagged by AI detectors, thus limiting their creative output.

💡Plagiarism check

Plagiarism check is the act of verifying the originality of a piece of content by comparing it to existing sources to ensure that it has not been copied from elsewhere. In the video, the speaker uses a plagiarism checking software called Turnitin to determine if the AI-generated content is flagged as plagiarized or not.


Turnitin is a widely recognized plagiarism detection software used by educational institutions and professionals to ensure the originality of submitted work. It compares the content against a vast database of sources to identify any matches or similarities. In the video, Turnitin is used as a tool to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 'bypass trick' in reducing AI detection.


In the context of language and text analysis, perplexity is a measure of the complexity or unpredictability of a piece of text. Higher perplexity indicates a more complex and varied text, which is often a characteristic of human writing. The video instructs Chat GPT to create content with a good amount of perplexity to mimic the natural complexity of human-generated text.


Burstiness, in linguistic terms, refers to the variation in sentence length or structure within a text. A text with high burstiness tends to have a mix of long, complex sentences alongside shorter, simpler ones, which is a common pattern in human writing. The video emphasizes the importance of incorporating burstiness to make AI-generated content appear more natural and less detectable by AI detectors.

💡Bypass trick

The 'bypass trick' mentioned in the video refers to a method or set of instructions given to Chat GPT to rewrite content in a way that reduces its detectability by AI plagiarism or AI content detectors. This involves adjusting the text's characteristics, such as perplexity and burstiness, to mimic human writing patterns more closely.


Assignments refer to tasks or work given to students by educational institutions, which often require original content. In the video, the concern is raised that AI-generated assignments can be flagged as plagiarized by detectors, but the 'bypass trick' can help students submit work that avoids detection.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new and valuable. The video emphasizes the importance of allowing creators to express their creativity without the limitations imposed by AI detectors, which can restrict the use of AI tools for content creation.


The video introduces a solution to the problem of AI-generated content being detected by AI detectors, which can restrict creativity and ideas.

Chat GPT is identified as a prevalent free AI tool used for writing articles, assignments, and research papers.

The video demonstrates the use of Chat GPT to write an article on improving mathematics learning through technology, including citing academic research.

The process of saving the AI-generated text as a Word file and checking for plagiarism is outlined, with Turnitin used as the plagiarism detection software.

Turnitin's updated feature to detect AI content is discussed, showing that the initial AI-generated article was detected as 100% plagiarized.

The video presents a method to reduce 100% plagiarism to 0% by instructing Chat GPT to create content with higher perplexity and burstiness.

Perplexity is defined as a measure of text complexity, and burstiness as a comparison of sentence variation.

The video guides on how to instruct Chat GPT to write with a good balance of perplexity and burstiness to mimic human writing patterns.

A demonstration is provided on how to rewrite the initially detected article with the desired characteristics of perplexity and burstiness.

The rewritten article, with increased perplexity and burstiness, is shown to have a 0% similarity score on Turnitin, bypassing the AI detection.

The video emphasizes the importance of being cautious when submitting assignments to avoid detection by plagiarism checkers.

Guru Tech Solutions offers a method to bypass AI detectors, allowing for AI-generated content to be used without being flagged as plagiarized.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe for more content on bypassing AI detectors and enhancing content creation.

A step-by-step guide is provided for the entire process, from generating content with Chat GPT to bypassing Turnitin's AI detection.

The video aims to make the AI content creation journey better by solving detection problems and removing obstacles.

The practical application of the method is shown to be effective in reducing plagiarism and avoiding AI detection in content creation.