1000 Monster vs. Security
- 🌞 在美好的天气里,角色们讨论着如何度过这一天,Mikey 倾向于进行靶练习,而 JJ 则更喜欢悠闲地吃蛋糕。
- 🦊 一则新闻紧急通知,数千只狐狸组成的巨大群体正在袭击附近的村庄,引发了角色们的警觉。
- 🔥 为了抵御狐狸的袭击,角色们决定合作建立一套反狐狸安全系统,首先从倾倒熔岩开始。
- 🌉 建立了一个熔岩安全系统后,他们又建造了一座桥梁,并设置了机关使得桥梁可以通过翻转杠杆来控制。
- 🔒 为了进一步增强安全性,角色们在家中挖掘了地下部分作为庇护所,并设置了一个秘密入口。
- 🔄 他们还构建了一个无限循环机制,通过压力板和红石电路来防止狐狸进入。
- 🏛 为了应对狐狸进一步入侵的情况,角色们设计了一个监狱陷阱,并在里面放置了极其危险的TNT。
- 🚪 他们还制作了一个遥控器,用来控制陷阱的入口,确保狐狸一旦进入就无法逃脱。
- 🎯 角色们在准备过程中进行了射击练习,尽管有人一开始并不擅长,但在朋友的支持下,他们最终都有所进步。
- 🌄 随着夜幕降临,角色们通过监控摄像头发现狐狸群并没有被完全击退,于是迅速回到安全屋准备战斗。
- 💥 在一番激战后,角色们成功击退了狐狸群,但在庆祝胜利时,却发现香蕉小子意外触发了自毁装置。
- 🕯️ 香蕉小子的牺牲让其他角色意识到友谊的力量,他们决定为了纪念香蕉小子而变得更强。
Q & A
🏡 保卫家园:抵御狐狸群的攻击
🚀 逃脱计划:安全屋与紧急撤离
🔥 激烈战斗:击退狐狸群
💥 悲剧与牺牲:香蕉小子的自我牺牲
💡target practice
💡anti-fox security
💡lava security system
💡secret entrance
💡infinite loop mechanism
💡prison cell
💡self-destruct mechanism
💡escape mechanism
💡laser rifle
what a beautiful day maybe I'll do
target practice y
yum what are you up to Mikey oh JJ well
when the weather is as nice as it is
today nothing beats laying around and
eating cake a don't be so lazy let's do
target practice huh nah in a world as
peaceful as this there's no point in
practice oh banana kid hm why are you in
such a hurry huh a news alert
happening terrible news a giant swarm of
foxes appeared and is attacking villages
there's over a thousand
huh oh that's terrible wasn't that the
next Village over uh-oh I can't believe
how many of those foxes there were it's
only a matter of time before our house
is attacked we need to work together to
create anti Fox security yeah let's
hurry H what should we make first
what'll be the most effective H this
is a bucket of lava thank you aw banana
kid let's start with a lava security
system yeah we'll dig over here all
right now to pour this lava in right
all right now the foxes won't be able to
get near the house since we won't be
able to enter our base either let's
build a bridge here sounds
good flipping this lever makes the
bridge appear wo that's awesome next up
we'll build security lasers
nice all
right all right all done now there's no
way the foxes can get inside next let's
build security inside our house first
we'll dig an underground section for
shelter cool let's start digging
here okay that's good enough now then
I'll make this section a secret entrance
woo all
right it's done if we flip this lever
the secret entrance appears awesome nice
job for this next part we'll dig an
all right next up I'll create an
infinite Loop
mechanism I'll Place pressure plates
here then connect them to a redstone
circuit and add a command block over
oh I'll enter the coordinates into the
block now when someone steps on these
pressure plates see H they'll keep
looping through the same section amazing
it's an infinite Loop we can just jump
over so we don't get trapped all right
we'll be fine with this much security
but if the foxes break in this far then
we'll defeat them with the Ultimate
Weapon huh what's that first we'll make
a prison to trap the foxes inside then
we'll set off a powerful explosive it'll
be an antiox device oh awesome let's
extend the tunnel out this
all right first I want to make this area
into a prison cell so let's build it
with blocks of iron
wo all right now at the very back of
this room is where we'll put super
TNT however it's extremely dangerous so
I'll leave danger signs around here it
needs to be handled with care m
all we have to do here is install an
entrance that we can use to trap the
W now I'd like to build the entrance
over here so I'll do it like
this all
right it's done yay now let's make some
remote for Mikey and me H here Mikey
this remote will open and close the
entrance oh sounds like fun
awesome I'll hang on to the Detonator
remote if we accidentally push this
button it'd be a disaster oh but how are
we supposed to trap the foxes in here
about that over here I'll Place Arrow
blocks along the way
oh this will lead the foxes into the
room huh that what we supposed to do are
we going into that room too no if we did
we'd get caught in the self-destruct
mechanism's explosion now we should
probably make a secret room to hide in
oh all right now I'll Place signs at the
entrance and put a painting over it all
done oh wow then we can wait inside
inside this room good
plan let's make an escape mechanism
smart thinking well I think I'll build
it over
here let's make the secret entrance here
too H all right oh so we'll go through
here next we'll make this part like a
right here we'll set up some rails and
mine carts to escape
in the foxes May notice these out in the
open so let's hide them with Leaf blocks
W all finished cool now I just need to
put a lever
here okay that's done let's close it up
H when it's time to escape we'll hop
into our mine carts and flip the lever
to activate them let's try it
nice wow awesome we can use these to
quickly Escape outside h
now we're really prepared for
anything huh what are these banana kid
it's a laser
rifle Sweet let's do some target
practice a Mikey there are over a
thousand foxes coming we have to be
ready you guys worry too
much a hang on how are you both so good
at shooting I can't hit
seriously just do your best but JJ this
is my best
huh oh these are the carrots from our
farm oh banana kid did you harvest these
just to cheer me up thank
youum yum all right I'll do my best to
up oh wow Mikey you've Improv so much
right it's all thanks to you and banana
kid having my back now we'll be fine
even if the foxes do show up h m it's
already evening though true when are
they coming let's check the cameras good
idea H how's it look there aren't any
foxes on the first security
camera let's check the other
huh huh is that what that's not good
it's a swarm of
foxes this is bad everyone hurry back to
the security house let's get him okay
there's nothing to fear as long as we
have the power of our friendship let's
go hurry up Mikey banana kid coming yes
now to close the bridge there nice let's
head to the roof and fight them with
laser rifles okay I've got this all
right there's so many of them huh good
we're hitting them all right keep it up
take that nice shooting oh they're still
coming this
way the security lava and lasers are
working awesome it works
hooray even a form of Foxon is no
problem for us there's still so many
take this there's more back there
yes uh-oh I'm out of ammo it'll be fine
I'll keep shooting all right yes hang on
nice oh that's the last one yes
boom we did it yay we took them all down
yeah I'm still out of ammo me too I got
carried Carried Away by shooting so much
that I ran out of ammo oh you too banana
kid but we managed to defeat all the
foxes so that shouldn't be a problem our
friendship won this battle for us H
never let your guard down but we beat
all the foxes you know banana kid is
right huh let's check the security
cameras looks like there aren't any more
foxes on this
side so we beat them all huh let's check
the other
well yep I don't see any more foxes
H H what's that what's
H what someone's out there you're right
they must have survived the attack from
the foxes we have to save them hang on
something feels off the foxes can
transform so we need to be careful look
we got to save that poor
person well I guess so okay we're going
but stay alert let's save them don't let
your guard down Mikey I know already
hello are you okay we defeated all the
boxes so you can relax
now huh I tricked
you what does that mean Mikey run
ow yeah I knew it it was a Fox Run
ouchie this is really bad run it's
chasing us the house this way hurry
banana kid now to drop the go
run get in run for it yes phew it opened
doors get underground run
away hurry okay he
run yes this way hurry up I'm
coming okay hide in here we made it pH
pH we managed to escape are we safe the
infinite Loop security is in place let's
check the cameras sounds
good what happened to the
fox oh it's got the infinite Lo trap it
keeps running over the same
place the security is
working sweet we're
safe H it's
stopped what's it
doing huh oh that's bad the fox noticed
Trap we still have the security system
to lock up the fox so we should be fine
there it
is huh it's looking at the arrow blocks
it'll keep going straight into that room
then I can use the remote to lock it in
there nice all
right wait a second this doesn't seem
good huh it supect something maybe it
discovered our secret
room what do we do our guns are up of
ammo this is
ouch huh banana
ouch huh banana kid what are those the
remotes what was that for huh what's
wrong huh banana kid huh huh huh
hang on banana kid don't do this no
banana kid
wait no the door is sealed banana
kid oh
no he activated the self-destruct you
can't do this to us banana kid our
friendship was supposed to overcome
anything no no Mikey we have to get out
here this place is going to blow banana
kid use the Escape
device get in the mine cart
oh banana
huh banana kid bana kid
oh banana kid banana kid sacrificed
himself to protect the two of
us if only I'd made a better security
system huh what's
that down
there that's isn't that banana kid's
oh banana kid he's really gone I'll
become stronger for banana kid's sake
the friendship between the three of us
will go on
forever if you enjoyed today's adventure
make sure to like And subscribe plus you
can check us out on Twitter Instagram
and Tik Tok whenever you want with the
links in the corner thanks for watching
see you next
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