5 Free AI Text To Image Generators You Must Try! (AI Art Generator Free)

20 Jun 202305:03

TLDRDiscover five free AI text to image generators in this informative guide. hotpot.ai, creator.nightcafe.studio, cutout.pro, creative fabrico.com, and open dream.ai are featured, each offering unique styles and features to transform your text prompts into imaginative AI-generated images. Explore the different platforms to find the one that best suits your creative needs.


  • 🎨 There are five free AI text to image generators introduced in the video, perfect for converting text prompts into AI-generated images.
  • 🖌️ hotpot.ai is the first website mentioned, offering a range of AI tools, including one to turn imagination into art with customizable styles and settings.
  • 🖼️ The video uses a consistent prompt, 'a cartoon mouse holding a cup of tea', to demonstrate the capabilities of each AI website.
  • 🎭 creator.nightcafe.studio is the second website, allowing users to create stunning AI art with different style options, including an anime style.
  • 📸 cutout.pro provides an AI art generation product where users can enter a prompt and choose a style, with the option to upload a reference picture for inspiration.
  • 💡 Users may need to wait in a queue on cutout.pro, but the generated images are free, although downloading requires sharing the image or using credits.
  • 🧵 creative.fabrico.com, specifically the CF spark art AI image generator, is mentioned as the fourth website, offering a variety of styles including an illustration style.
  • 🌟 opendream.ai is the fifth and final website, offering a user-friendly interface where users can create AI art by entering a prompt and selecting a style, such as children's animation.
  • 📌 Each website has its unique features and styles, and the video encourages viewers to share their favorite in the comments.
  • 🔧 While some websites require logging in with an account, the video demonstrates that AI-generated images can be created and downloaded with ease.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about showcasing five free AI text to image generators that can be used to create AI images from text.

  • Which website is featured first in the video?

    -The first website featured in the video is hotpot.ai.

  • What is the specific AI tool used from hotpot.ai?

    -The specific AI tool used from hotpot.ai is the one that turns imagination into art.

  • What prompt does the video use consistently across all AI websites?

    -The consistent prompt used across all AI websites in the video is 'a cartoon mouse holding a cup of tea'.

  • How can users customize the style of the generated image on hotpot.ai?

    -Users can customize the style of the generated image on hotpot.ai by selecting a style from the available options, such as 'Fantastic C3'.

  • What is the second website presented in the video?

    -The second website presented in the video is creator.nightcafe.studio.

  • What style is chosen for the image generation on creator.nightcafe.studio?

    -The style chosen for the image generation on creator.nightcafe.studio is 'Anime Version 2'.

  • How does the AI art generation process work on cutout.pro?

    -On cutout.pro, users enter a prompt, can upload a reference picture, select a style such as 'R and M', and then click 'Generate' to create the AI art.

  • What is unique about the image generation process on cutout.pro?

    -The unique aspect of the image generation process on cutout.pro is that users can share the generated image to get a free download, aside from using credits.

  • What is the name of the AI image generator on fabrico.com?

    -The name of the AI image generator on fabrico.com is 'Spark Art AI Image Generator'.

  • How many free credits does open dream.ai provide for users?

    -Open dream.ai provides 96 free credits for users to create AI-generated images.

  • What are the login options for open dream.ai?

    -The login options for open dream.ai are Google and Discord.



🎨 Exploring AI Art Generators

The video script introduces viewers to five free AI text to image generators that can convert text into AI-generated images. The first website featured is hotpot.ai, which offers various AI tools. The focus is on the 'turn imagination into art' tool, where users can input a prompt and customize the style of the generated art. The video uses a consistent prompt, 'a cartoon mouse holding a cup of tea,' to demonstrate the capabilities of each website. The script details the process of using hotpot.ai, including adjusting settings, choosing a style (fantastic C3), and generating an image that can be downloaded. The video promises to showcase more impressive websites, with a particular emphasis on the last one, website number five.


🖌️ Website Number Two: Creator.NightCafe.Studio

The second paragraph discusses the website creator.nightcafe.studio, which has an AI art generator that allows users to create stunning AI art. The user enters the same prompt as before, and this time, they can choose a style (anime version 2). After logging in with a Google account, the AI generates an image that is immediately available for viewing. The video script highlights the ease of use and the quality of the AI-generated art, comparing it to the first website's output and emphasizing the uniqueness and high quality of both results.



💡AI Text to Image Generators

AI Text to Image Generators are software tools that use artificial intelligence to interpret text descriptions and create corresponding images. In the context of the video, these generators are used to turn the prompt 'a cartoon mouse holding a cup of tea' into visual art, showcasing the capabilities of AI in the field of art creation.


Hotpot.ai is a website mentioned in the video that offers various AI tools, including an AI art generator. It is used to demonstrate the process of generating images from text prompts. The video specifically highlights the 'turn imagination into art' feature, where users can input a description and receive an AI-generated image.


In the context of AI text to image generators, a 'prompt' is a text description that serves as the input for the AI to generate an image. The video uses the consistent prompt 'a cartoon mouse holding a cup of tea' across different platforms to compare the outputs and styles of generated images.

💡Style Selection

Style selection refers to the option within AI art generators that allows users to choose the artistic style of the generated image. The video demonstrates how different platforms offer various style options, such as 'fantastic C3' or 'anime version 2', which influence the final appearance of the AI-generated artwork.


Creator.nightcafe.studio is another platform featured in the video that provides an AI art generator. It is used to create images from the given prompt, with the option to select styles like 'anime version 2', showcasing the diversity of styles that can be achieved through AI art generation.


Cutout.pro is a website that offers a range of products, including an AI art generation feature. The video demonstrates how to use this feature by entering a prompt and selecting a style to generate an image. It is highlighted for its ability to produce unique interpretations of the given prompt.

💡Creative Fabrica

Creative Fabrica is a website that hosts an AI image generator called 'CF Spark Art'. The video shows how to use this tool by entering a text prompt and choosing a style, such as 'illustration style', to generate an image. It is part of the comparison of different AI art generators presented.

💡Open Dream AI

Open Dream AI is an AI art generation platform that allows users to create images in seconds. The video demonstrates the process of logging in, entering a prompt, selecting a style like 'children animation', and generating an image. It is noted for providing users with 96 free credits to use the service.

💡Image Download

In the context of the video, 'image download' refers to the process of obtaining the AI-generated image after it has been created. Some platforms allow direct download, while others may require sharing the image on social media to get a free download, as mentioned in the case of Cutout.pro.

💡Free Credits

Free credits are a feature offered by some AI art generation platforms, like Open Dream AI, which allow users to generate a certain number of images without incurring costs. The video mentions that users get 96 free credits, which can be used to create images using the platform's services.

💡AI Art Generation

AI Art Generation is the process of using artificial intelligence to create visual art based on textual input. The video is centered around this concept, showcasing different platforms that facilitate AI art generation and comparing the styles and outputs of the generated images.


hotpot.ai is a website with various AI tools to turn imagination into art.

Users can enter a prompt and embed their own image for AI inspiration on hotpot.ai.

The AI art generator on hotpot.ai allows users to choose a specific style for their creation.

creator.nightcafe.studio is a platform for creating stunning AI art with a variety of style options.

After entering a prompt on creator.nightcafe.studio, users need to log in to see their AI-generated creation.

cutout.pro offers an AI art generation product where users can input a prompt and choose a style.

To generate art on cutout.pro, users may need to wait in a queue depending on server availability.

creativefabrico.com provides an AI image generator called Spark Art for users to create images based on their prompts.

On creativefabrico.com, users can select an illustration style for their AI-generated art.

opendream.ai allows users to create AI art in seconds with a simple interface and login requirement.

opendream.ai offers a range of styles and templates for users to create unique AI-generated artwork.

All five AI text to image generators provide a platform for users to turn their text prompts into AI-generated images.

The video demonstrates the use of a consistent prompt across different AI art generators to compare their outputs.

Each AI art generator has its own unique features and style options, catering to different user preferences.

The video encourages viewers to share their favorite AI art generator in the comments.