6 Boys vs 1 Secret Girl | Odd One Out

22 Dec 202310:41

TLDRIn the engaging video titled '6 Boys vs 1 Secret Girl | Odd One Out,' a group of six male participants and one female, Chloe, engage in a game where they must identify who among them is the 'odd one out.' The video explores gender stereotypes, societal expectations, and personal challenges faced by men. The participants, ranging from a 16-year-old student to a 32-year-old urban planner, share their experiences, such as the difficulty of coming out as gay, the stigma of showing vulnerability, and the pressures of dating apps. The twist comes when the group realizes that Chloe, a TikTok influencer with a distinctively low voice, was the 'secret girl' all along. The video concludes with a reflection on male privilege and the importance of recognizing and discussing both the challenges and privileges that come with being a man in today's society.


  • 🎉 The game involves six male participants trying to identify a secret female participant among them.
  • 🧍‍♂️ The participants introduce themselves with their names, ages, occupations, and physical attributes.
  • 🤔 The group engages in discussions to determine who might be the 'chick', using questions and personal anecdotes as clues.
  • 🎮 The participants share their favorite video games, which leads to further speculation about who could be the female.
  • 🧘‍♂️ Some participants reveal hobbies that are traditionally considered feminine, like meditation, yoga, and dancing.
  • 🏋️‍♂️ The conversation touches on societal expectations of men, including physical appearance and the pressure to conform to certain stereotypes.
  • 🏴‍☠️ The game uses humor and light-hearted banter to explore gender roles and stereotypes, with participants sometimes misjudging each other's gender based on voice and behavior.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The participants express their personal challenges as men, such as coming out as gay, navigating the dating scene, and dealing with societal pressures.
  • 💰 Discussion arises about the influence of wealth and physical appearance on male attractiveness and the dating market.
  • 🤝 The importance of emotional support and vulnerability among men is highlighted, with participants sharing their sources of support.
  • 🎁 The reveal at the end shows that the secret female participant is Chloe, a TikTok influencer, who used her distinctive voice to her advantage in the game.

Q & A

  • What is the premise of the video '6 Boys vs 1 Secret Girl'?

    -The video features a game where six men are trying to identify the one woman, Chloe, who is disguised as a man among them.

  • How old is Josh, and what makes him stand out in the group?

    -Josh is 16 years old, and he is the youngest participant in the video, which makes him stand out.

  • What is Tyler's occupation and how does he describe his physical appearance?

    -Tyler is a fitness influencer, and he describes himself as looking like an action figure.

  • What is the significance of Caleb's mention of platform shoes?

    -Caleb mentions wearing platform shoes to compensate for his height, which is a clue that leads others to suspect he might be the girl.

  • What is the question asked to Joseph to determine if he is a man or a woman?

    -Joseph is asked what it feels like to pee with a boner, to which he responds 'Difficult,' leading others to believe he might be a woman.

  • Why does the group become suspicious of Tyler?

    -The group becomes suspicious of Tyler because he dominates the conversation, which they think might be a tactic to distract attention from himself.

  • What is the video game that the second person mentions as their favorite, and how does it affect their perceived gender?

    -The second person mentions 'Kingdom Hearts' as their favorite video game, which leads others to label them as a 'chick' due to the game's popularity among women.

  • What are some of the feminine hobbies mentioned by the participants?

    -Meditation, yoga, art, fashion, and dancing are mentioned as feminine hobbies by the participants.

  • How does the Better Help sponsorship relate to the video's content?

    -The Better Help sponsorship is related to the video's content as it promotes mental health and therapy, which is a theme touched upon by the participants discussing their personal challenges.

  • What is the challenge that Caleb mentions as a gay man?

    -Caleb mentions the challenge of coming out as gay and being accepted by other men, which he finds more challenging than being around women.

  • What is the final outcome of the game in the video?

    -The final outcome is that the group correctly identifies Chloe as the 'mole' or the secret girl, and they win the game.

  • How does Chloe describe her experience of having a deep voice?

    -Chloe describes her deep voice as something that has been noticed since she was 14 and has been used to empower herself on social media, giving her a unique quality.



😀 Introductions and Initial Impressions

The first paragraph introduces a group of men who are participating in a video. They each share their names, ages, occupations, and physical attributes. The participants discuss their body types, with some mentioning their height and frequency of gym visits. There is a mix of confidence and self-consciousness as they describe themselves. The conversation takes a playful turn when they guess each other's genders based on voice and descriptions, leading to humorous and sometimes awkward exchanges. The participants also discuss hobbies and interests, some of which are traditionally considered feminine, prompting further debate on gender stereotypes.


😉 Conversation and Strategy

In the second paragraph, the participants delve into a game where they must identify who among them is not a man, with one individual, Chloe, actually being a woman. The discussion becomes more strategic as they try to determine who might be lying about their identity. The participants share personal challenges they have faced as men, including coming out as gay, dealing with societal expectations, and navigating the dating scene. The conversation touches on the difficulties of expressing vulnerability and seeking emotional support, highlighting the social pressures that men face. The group also discusses the concept of male privilege and the unaddressed aspects of being a man in society. The paragraph ends with the revelation that Chloe is the 'mole' in the game, leading to surprise and reflection among the participants.


🤔 Reflections on Male Experiences

The third paragraph focuses on the broader implications of the game and the conversations held. The participants reflect on the range of personalities and backgrounds present, acknowledging the diversity of experiences that come with being a man. They discuss the concept of male privilege and the inherent advantages that men may have from birth, which were not fully addressed in their earlier discussions. The paragraph ends with a light-hearted moment as one participant reacts to winning a sum of money, leading to jokes about changing professions and a collective laugh.




A boxer is a participant in the sport of boxing. In the context of the video, the individual mentions being a boxer and describes their body type as being one that frequents the gym, indicating a strong physical build and fitness level. This relates to the video's theme of exploring different male identities and stereotypes.

💡Fitness Influencer

A fitness influencer is a person who uses social media platforms to promote a healthy lifestyle, often sharing workout routines, nutritional advice, and personal fitness journeys. In the video, Tyler identifies as a fitness influencer, suggesting a profession that is heavily focused on physical appearance and health, which ties into the broader conversation about societal expectations of men.

💡Urban Planner

An urban planner is a professional involved in the development of cities and towns. They work on creating plans for land use, transportation, and community facilities. Joseph mentions being an urban planner, which is a profession that might be stereotypically associated with women due to its focus on community and design. This highlights the video's exploration of gender roles and stereotypes.

💡Platform Shoes

Platform shoes are a type of footwear with thick soles, often worn to increase height. Caleb mentions wearing platform shoes to compensate for his height, which is a personal choice that becomes a point of discussion in the video. It ties into the theme of societal pressures and how individuals may feel the need to conform to certain physical standards.


Misgendering refers to the act of incorrectly assigning a gender to someone, typically based on appearance or voice. In the video, one participant talks about being misgendered in various situations, which is a significant issue for transgender and non-binary individuals. This relates to the video's theme of gender identity and the challenges faced by those whose gender presentation does not align with societal norms.


A therapist is a professional who provides therapy, which is a treatment method for mental health issues. The video includes a sponsored segment where a participant discusses using online therapy through Better Help, emphasizing the importance of mental health support. This ties into the video's narrative by showing that men, like all individuals, can benefit from seeking help for emotional well-being.

💡Feminine Hobbies

Feminine hobbies in the context of the video refer to activities that are traditionally associated with women or considered to be more commonly engaged in by women. The participants discuss hobbies such as meditation, yoga, art, fashion, and dancing, challenging the notion that certain interests are gender-specific. This is central to the video's theme of breaking down gender stereotypes.

💡Dating Apps

Dating apps are mobile applications designed to facilitate communication between individuals interested in dating. A participant in the video discusses his experiences with dating apps, noting the challenges he faces as a man in the dating scene. This conversation contributes to the video's exploration of modern relationships and societal expectations around gender and dating.

💡Male Privilege

Male privilege refers to the societal advantages that men may experience based on their gender. The video participants discuss the negative aspects of being a man but also acknowledge the existence of male privilege. This concept is important as it encourages a more nuanced conversation about gender, recognizing both the challenges and advantages that men may experience.


Vulnerability is the state of being open to attack or damage, but in a psychological context, it also refers to the willingness to show one's true feelings or weaknesses. The video emphasizes the importance of vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness, particularly for men who may be conditioned to hide their emotions. This is a key theme in the video, promoting emotional openness and support.

💡TikTok Influencer

A TikTok influencer is an individual who has gained popularity and influence on the social media platform TikTok, often by creating and sharing short-form videos. Chloe, the secret girl in the video, reveals herself to be a TikTok influencer, which is significant as it was her online presence and voice that were key factors in the video's premise. This ties into the video's exploration of identity and the impact of social media on personal and public personas.


A game is played where six men try to identify a secret girl among them.

The participants introduce themselves, sharing their names, ages, occupations, and body types.

Josh, at 16 years old, is the youngest participant and a boxer.

Tyler, a 27-year-old fitness influencer, describes himself as looking like an action figure.

Will, an 18-year-old Stanford student, considers himself skinny and enjoys being on the Stanford Cheer team.

Joseph, a 32-year-old urban planner, discusses the perception of his profession as a 'feminine' job.

Caleb, a 21-year-old, uses platform shoes to compensate for his height and is candid about wanting to pass the first round.

The group discusses their strategies for identifying the girl, with some participants focusing on voices and others on behaviors.

A humorous question about peeing with a boner is asked to gauge responses and identify the girl.

The participants reveal their hobbies, some of which are traditionally considered feminine, like meditation, yoga, and dancing.

The video includes a sponsored segment for Better Help, a platform for finding therapists and mental health support.

The game continues with questions about video games and the challenges of being a man in society.

The participants share personal experiences of being misgendered and the difficulties of coming out as gay.

The discussion touches on the stigma and stereotypes associated with men showing vulnerability and romantic tendencies.

The game concludes with the reveal of the secret girl, Chloe, a TikTok influencer who used her unique voice to her advantage.

Chloe discusses her experiences with her voice and how she has used it to empower herself on social media.

The participants reflect on the game, acknowledging the range of personalities and experiences that define masculinity.

The video ends with a surprise monetary reward for the participants.