AI Editing and Culling Software Comparison | NOT SPONSORED!!!

Vanessa Joy
21 Sept 202311:59

TLDRThe video discusses the impact of AI on photography, comparing six AI software options for editing and culling: Luminar Neo, IodO, After Shot, Filter Pixel, Nur Pix, and Imagine AI. It highlights the unique features of each, such as Luminar Neo's ability to enhance images beyond basic retouching and IodO's specialization in human portrait retouching. The video also covers the user experience, training requirements, and pricing models, ultimately sharing the creator's preference for Imagine AI due to its editing capabilities and substantial funding for future development.


  • 🤖 AI editing and retouching software is becoming increasingly popular in the photography industry, offering new ways to enhance and process images.
  • 🌟 The video compares six AI softwares: Luminar Neo, IodO, After Shot, Filter Pixel, Nur Pix, and Imagine AI, each with unique features and capabilities.
  • 🏆 Luminar Neo and IodO are considered superior for retouching due to their advanced features, but they cater to different needs; Luminar Neo for creative enhancements and IodO for human portrait retouching.
  • 📸 Culling capabilities are available in After Shot and Filter Pixel, but the speaker expresses dissatisfaction with AI culling results across the board.
  • 🌐 After Shot stands out for not requiring an internet connection, offering a localized editing experience, while Nur Pix can run within Lightroom and provides instant editing.
  • 🚀 Imagine AI is praised for its potential due to significant funding, suggesting it may advance quickly in the AI photo editing space.
  • 💡 The importance of training AI software with a large number of images is highlighted, with Nur Pix requiring fewer images to start creating a smart preset.
  • 💸 Pricing models vary, with After Shot offering unlimited plans and Imagine AI working on a credit system, which the speaker finds reasonable for editing tasks.
  • 🔧 The speaker shares a personal preference for Imagine AI due to its editing quality and promising future with substantial funding.
  • 📈 The video encourages photographers to share their experiences and preferences with AI software, emphasizing the subjective nature of choosing the right tool.
  • 🎯 The speaker concludes that while they found a favorite AI software for their business, others should choose the software that best fits their individual needs and preferences.

Q & A

  • What are the main AI software categories discussed in the video?

    -The main AI software categories discussed in the video are AI culling, AI retouching, and AI editing.

  • Which AI software is considered unique in the video for its ability to let the user's imagination run wild?

    -Luminar Neo is considered unique for its ability to let the user's imagination run wild, as it offers features like dropping in skies, creating effects, and getting contrast in mint tones.

  • What is the primary advantage of iodo for photographers who photograph humans?

    -The primary advantage of iodo is its focus on retouching humans, providing features like auto-retouching with presets and bulk editing, which makes it ideal for photographers who do portraits, weddings, or family photos.

  • Which AI software offers unlimited plans that are beneficial for photographers?

    -After Shot offers unlimited plans, which is beneficial for photographers as they do not have to pay per picture edited.

  • What is the main drawback mentioned about AI culling software in the video?

    -The main drawback mentioned about AI culling software is that they often fail to accurately select the desired photos, not understanding artistic images or the intentional blur.

  • How does Nur Pix differ from other AI editing software in terms of training image requirements?

    -Nur Pix differs from other AI editing software as it only requires 500 images to start creating a smart preset, which is significantly less than other software that may require 3,000 to 5,000 images.

  • What feature of Imagine AI makes it stand out according to the video?

    -Imagine AI stands out due to its focus on subject masks, which could potentially allow for advanced editing like skin softening, brightening teeth, and eyes, and its substantial funding which can drive faster development and improvements.

  • What is the main reason for the video creator's preference for Imagine AI over other AI editing software?

    -The main reason for the preference is that Imagine AI provided the most satisfactory editing results right off the bat, and the creator is impressed by the company's significant funding which could lead to rapid advancements.

  • What does the video creator suggest about the future of AI editing software?

    -The video creator suggests that the future of AI editing software may be heavily influenced by companies with substantial funding, like Imagine AI, and that major players like Adobe could potentially dominate the market if they create their own AI programs.

  • How does the video encourage viewer engagement?

    -The video encourages viewer engagement by asking them to share their own experiences and preferences with AI software in the comments section, emphasizing that different photographers may have different needs and solutions.



🖼️ AI in Photography: A Comprehensive Overview

This paragraph introduces the concept of AI in photography, highlighting the various applications such as AI culling, retouching, and editing. The speaker aims to compare six different AI softwares - Imagine AI, Filter, After Shot, and Neat Image - to help photographers decide which one suits their needs best. The focus is on how AI can enhance a photographer's business, with a brief mention of the psychological and sociological impacts on photo editors. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of using AI in the industry and provides a personal take on which software might be best for different scenarios.


💻 Retouching Software Deep Dive: Luminar Neo vs Iodo

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the specifics of two retouching softwares, Luminar Neo and Iodo. They are considered unique and not directly comparable to other editing softwares. Luminar Neo is praised for its ability to not only retouch images but also to allow for creative enhancements, such as changing skies and adjusting tones. Iodo is recommended for photographers specializing in human subjects, as it excels in auto-retouching and offers customizable presets for batch editing. The speaker shares personal preferences and explains how these tools can significantly streamline the editing process, especially for large projects like wedding albums.


🌟 AI Editing Softwares: A Personal Comparison

The speaker discusses four prominent AI editing softwares: After Shot, Filter Pixel, Imagine, and Neat Image. After Shot stands out for its offline capabilities and unlimited plans, while Nur Pixel is noted for its integration with Lightroom and instant editing feature. The speaker also touches on the training process required for each software, with Nur Pixel requiring fewer images to create a smart preset. The paragraph addresses various pricing models, including unlimited plans and pay-per-edit credits, and shares the speaker's personal experiences and preferences. The speaker concludes by identifying Imagine as their top choice due to its user experience, talent profiles, and substantial funding for future development.



💡AI editing

AI editing refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically edit photographs. In the context of the video, AI editing is presented as a transformative technology in the photography industry, capable of enhancing images in various ways, such as adjusting contrast, applying effects, and even retouching. The video discusses multiple AI software options for photographers to consider, each with its unique features and capabilities.

💡Photography business

The photography business encompasses the professional services related to capturing images, typically for commercial, artistic, or personal purposes. In the video, the speaker addresses photographers who are looking to integrate AI software into their business to improve efficiency and enhance their services. The discussion revolves around how AI can assist photographers in culling, retouching, and editing, thereby potentially increasing their productivity and the quality of their work.


Culling is the process of reviewing and selecting the best photographs from a larger set, typically done during post-production in photography. In the video, the speaker discusses AI culling as a feature of some software, which aims to automate the selection of high-quality images based on criteria like sharpness and composition. However, the speaker expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of AI in accurately culling images according to the photographer's artistic vision.


Retouching is the process of altering photographs to improve their appearance or correct flaws. This can include tasks like removing blemishes, adjusting skin tones, and modifying the shape or size of certain features. In the video, the speaker compares different AI software for their retouching capabilities, highlighting the strengths of Luminar Neo and Iodoto in enhancing human subjects and批量处理 images.


Editing in the context of photography refers to the process of adjusting and refining digital images to achieve a desired aesthetic or to correct technical aspects. The video discusses various AI software that aid in editing by applying effects, adjusting contrast, and more. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding the right AI software that aligns with the photographer's editing style and needs.

💡Pricing models

Pricing models refer to the different ways in which a company structures the costs for using its products or services. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the various pricing models offered by AI photography software, such as pay-per-use credits, monthly or yearly subscriptions, and unlimited plans. The choice of pricing model can significantly impact a photographer's decision on which software to adopt.

💡Subject masks

Subject masks are a photographic technique that involves isolating the main subject of an image from its background. In the context of the video, subject masks are mentioned as a potential feature of AI editing software, which could allow for more precise and automated adjustments to specific parts of an image, such as softening the skin or brightening the eyes.


Lightroom is a popular professional photo-editing software developed by Adobe. It provides a range of tools for importing, managing, editing, and sharing photographs. In the video, Lightroom is mentioned as a platform with which some AI editing software can integrate, allowing for seamless transitions between AI editing and manual adjustments within the same workflow.

💡Training AI

Training AI refers to the process of providing an artificial intelligence system with data so it can learn and improve its performance. In the context of the video, training AI editing software involves uploading a large number of images to create a 'smart preset' or profile that reflects the photographer's preferred editing style. The more images a photographer uploads for training, the better the AI can adapt to their specific needs.


Startups are new businesses that are often focused on developing innovative technologies or services. In the video, the speaker mentions that Imagine AI is a startup that has secured significant funding. This funding can be used for research and development, which may give the company an edge in the competitive landscape of AI photography software.

💡User experience

User experience refers to the overall satisfaction and ease of use a person has when interacting with a product or service. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of user experience when evaluating AI editing software, emphasizing that the software should not only be effective but also intuitive and enjoyable to use.


AI editing is transforming the photography industry, offering new tools for photographers to enhance their work.

The video discusses six AI softwares: Imagine AI, Filter Pixel, After Shot, and Neat Image, as well as Luminar Neo and Iodine.

AI culling and retouching are becoming integral parts of the photography workflow, with software designed to streamline these processes.

Luminar Neo and Iodine stand out as unique AI tools, offering advanced retouching features and creative possibilities.

Luminar Neo excels at enhancing the overall image, while Iodine specializes in human retouching, making it ideal for portrait and wedding photographers.

Bulk editing capabilities in Iodine allow for quick and consistent retouching across multiple images, saving significant time and effort.

After Shot and Filter Pixel are highlighted as versatile AI tools that offer both culling and editing functionalities.

The presenter expresses dissatisfaction with AI culling, preferring a more personal and artistic selection process.

NurPix offers the advantage of running entirely within Lightroom, providing a seamless integration for users familiar with Adobe's ecosystem.

The importance of training AI with personal images is emphasized, with NurPix requiring fewer images to create a smart preset.

Imagine AI is praised for its talent profiles, offering a variety of starting points for creating personalized editing styles.

Pricing models vary among the AI softwares, with some offering unlimited plans and others operating on a per-picture edited basis.

The presenter shares a personal preference for Imagine AI due to its editing capabilities and the potential for future advancements with subject masks.

The video encourages photographers to share their experiences and preferences with AI editing tools, fostering a community of shared knowledge.

The presenter concludes by emphasizing the subjective nature of choosing AI tools, acknowledging that different photographers will find different solutions best suited to their needs.