A.I. Reveals What Jesus Looked Like? You'll Be Amazed!

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13 Dec 202208:52

TLDRIn a fascinating experiment, the video explores what Jesus might have looked like using AI technology. Initially, the AI generates an unrealistic image of Jesus with perfect features, which is then adjusted to be more historically accurate. The creator modifies the AI's input to reflect a first-century man from a fishing village, changing hair, eye color, skin complexion, and even including signs of aging and male pattern baldness. The video also addresses misconceptions about Jesus's appearance and accent, emphasizing that Jesus's true nature and mission are more important than his physical looks. The video concludes by reminding viewers that belief in Jesus is based on his divine role and the gift of eternal life, not on superficial appearances.


  • 😀 The video is an exploration of what Jesus might have looked like using AI technology.
  • 🤖 The host uses an AI bot to generate an image of Jesus, which initially appears as a good-looking man with perfect features.
  • 🎨 The AI-generated Jesus has blue eyes and well-kept hair, which the host suggests is not historically accurate.
  • 🔍 The host adjusts the AI input to better reflect a first-century man from a fishing village, including shorter hair and a darker complexion.
  • 👁 The AI's Jesus is given brown eyes instead of blue to more accurately represent a Middle Eastern ethnicity.
  • 👴 The video suggests that Jesus would likely have appeared older and with more Eastern Mediterranean features.
  • 🦲 The possibility of Jesus having male pattern baldness by the age of 33 is considered, as it is common among Jewish men.
  • 😬 The host points out that the AI's depiction of perfect teeth is not realistic for the time period and adjusts it to reflect a more ancient, worn appearance.
  • 🗣 The video discusses the unrealistic portrayal of Jesus's voice in movies, often as a British accent, and attempts to correct it to something more plausible.
  • 📜 Biblical verses and historical context are used to inform the adjustments made to the AI's depiction of Jesus's appearance and voice.
  • 🙏 The video concludes with a reflection on the importance of believing in Jesus not for his appearance but for the eternal life he offers.

Q & A

  • What did the AI bot initially show when asked to depict Jesus?

    -The AI bot initially showed an image of a good-looking man with piercing blue eyes and perfect hair, which was too idealized and didn't fit the historical context of Jesus's time.

  • Why did the video creator think the initial depiction of Jesus by the AI was inaccurate?

    -The creator believed it was inaccurate because it didn't match the historical and cultural context of Jesus's time and place, including his appearance as a first-century man from a fishing village with a darker complexion and shorter hair.

  • How did the creator adjust the AI's input to get a more historically accurate depiction of Jesus?

    -The creator adjusted the AI's input by describing the characteristics of a first-century man from a fishing village, including his hair, eye color, skin complexion, and age.

  • What does the video suggest about Jesus's physical appearance according to historical context?

    -The video suggests that Jesus likely had a darker complexion, shorter hair, Eastern Mediterranean features, and possibly signs of aging and male pattern baldness, given the historical context.

  • What misconception does the video address about Jesus's voice in popular media?

    -The video addresses the misconception that Jesus always has a thick, buttery British accent in movies, suggesting that this is not historically accurate.

  • How does the video suggest we should perceive Jesus's appearance?

    -The video suggests that we should perceive Jesus's appearance as an average man of his age, not as an overly idealized or angelic figure.

  • What biblical verse does the video reference to describe Jesus's appearance?

    -The video references Isaiah 53:2-3, which describes Jesus as having no beauty or majesty to attract people to him, being despised and rejected, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

  • What does the Apostle Paul's writing suggest about Jesus's nature?

    -Apostle Paul's writing suggests that Jesus, though in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his advantage but instead made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.

  • What is the main message the video creator wants to convey about belief in Jesus?

    -The main message is that belief in Jesus should not be based on his physical appearance but on the conviction that he is the Son of God who offers eternal life to those who believe in him.

  • What does the video suggest about the importance of Jesus's resurrection?

    -The video suggests that Jesus's resurrection is a proof of his divine nature and the basis for the belief that he can offer everlasting life to those who believe in him.



🤖 AI's Attempt to Visualize Jesus

The speaker recounts an unusual experience of using an AI bot to depict what Jesus might have looked like. The video begins with a brief introduction to the show's theme, which is to explore current events from a Christian perspective. The speaker then introduces the AI tool used to generate an image of Jesus, which initially presents a clean-cut, well-groomed figure with piercing blue eyes and perfect hair, an image that feels anachronistic and unrealistic for the historical context of Jesus' life in the Roman world. The speaker humorously critiques the AI's portrayal, pointing out the implausibility of such a polished appearance for a first-century man from a fishing village.


🎨 Refining the Image of Jesus

The speaker continues to refine the AI-generated image of Jesus by adjusting the input parameters to more closely match historical and cultural accuracy. They address the unrealistic portrayal by changing the hair to a shorter, more practical style typical for a fisherman and for the time. The speaker also adjusts the eye color to better reflect Middle Eastern heritage and modifies the skin tone to a darker complexion to represent the outdoor lifestyle of the period. Additionally, they consider the likelihood of Jesus having an older appearance and possibly male pattern baldness, which are more consistent with the demographics and life conditions of a Jewish man in the first century.

🗣️ The Voice of Jesus: Dispelling Myths

The speaker moves on to discuss the common misconceptions about Jesus' voice, particularly the portrayal of him with a British accent in movies, which is humorously demonstrated using the AI-generated image. They then attempt to provide a more historically plausible voice for Jesus, suggesting that the British accent is as inaccurate as the initial image. The speaker also delves into biblical references, citing Isaiah and the Apostle Paul, to emphasize that Jesus did not have a majestic appearance and was, in fact, considered unremarkable and despised by many. The video concludes with a reflection on the true reason for believing in Jesus—not his appearance—but the eternal life he offers through faith in his resurrection.



💡AI bot

An AI bot, or artificial intelligence bot, is a software program designed to simulate conversation with human users. In the video, the AI bot is used to generate an image and voice of what Jesus might have looked and sounded like. This is central to the video's theme of exploring the historical and cultural context of Jesus' appearance.

💡Image generating AI

Image generating AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create visual content. The video script discusses using such an AI to produce an image of Jesus, highlighting the technology's ability to generate images based on textual descriptions and the limitations of such representations.

💡First-century man

The term 'first-century man' refers to a male individual living during the 1st century AD. The video script uses this term to inform the AI's parameters for generating an image closer to what a man, specifically Jesus, might have looked like during that time period.

💡Middle Easterner

A Middle Easterner is someone from the Middle East region. The script mentions changing the AI-generated image to reflect the Middle Eastern heritage of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of geographical and cultural context in understanding historical figures.

💡Male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness is a type of hair loss that affects men and is characterized by a receding hairline and thinning on the crown of the head. The video suggests that Jesus might have experienced this, indicating the script's attempt to humanize and realistically portray Jesus.


Dentistry is the branch of medicine that deals with the teeth and their care. The video contrasts the perfect teeth of the AI-generated Jesus with what might be more historically accurate dental conditions of the time, to illustrate the disparity between modern perceptions and historical reality.


An accent refers to a distinctive way of pronouncing a language peculiar to a particular country, region, or social class. The video script discusses the common portrayal of Jesus with a British accent in movies and then attempts to provide a voice that might be more historically accurate.

💡Eternal life

Eternal life, within a religious context, is the concept of living forever, often associated with salvation and the afterlife. The video emphasizes that belief in Jesus is not based on his physical appearance but on the promise of eternal life through faith in him.


Resurrection is the act of rising or being raised from the dead. In Christian belief, Jesus' resurrection is a central tenet, proving his divinity and offering hope of eternal life to believers. The video script uses this concept to underscore the faith's focus on spiritual rather than physical aspects.

💡Son of God

Son of God is a term used in Christian theology to refer to Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the son of God the Father. The video script uses this term to highlight the theological significance of Jesus and the reason for belief in him beyond his physical appearance.

💡Free gift

In the context of the video, 'free gift' refers to the Christian concept of salvation, which is seen as a gift from God that is freely given to those who believe in Jesus Christ. The script emphasizes that belief in Jesus is based on the gift of eternal life, not on his physical appearance.


AI bot was asked to show what Jesus looked like.

Explores the world from a Christian perspective.

AI can make a photo talk, as demonstrated with John 3:16.

Initial AI-generated image of Jesus is of a good-looking man.

Roman world depiction of Jesus would likely differ.

AI input changed to describe a first-century man from a fishing village.

Historical art and New Testament suggest shorter hair for Jesus.

Blue eyes are unlikely for a Middle Easterner.

Jesus likely had a dark complexion due to outdoor lifestyle.

Jesus would have looked older than the modern depiction of 33.

Baldness might have been present in Jesus due to Jewish genetics.

Ancient teeth would not be as perfect as depicted.

Jesus's voice in movies often has a thick British accent.

A more realistic voice for Jesus is attempted.

Isaiah describes Jesus as not having a majestic appearance.

Jesus took the form of a servant, not using his divine appearance.

Belief in Jesus is not based on his appearance but his role as the Son of God.

The focus should be on the eternal life Jesus offers, not his physical appearance.

A digitally generated Jesus concludes the video with a message of eternal life.