What did Jesus mean when He said, “I never knew you. Depart from me"? | GotQuestions.org

Got Questions Ministries
22 Jun 202206:28

TLDRIn the biblical context, Jesus' statement “I never knew you. Depart from me” refers to a lack of a true relationship with Him, rather than a lack of intellectual knowledge. This phrase from Matthew 7:23 is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, warning about false faith. It emphasizes that claiming to follow Jesus, demonstrating spiritual insight, or performing miracles does not guarantee salvation. Only those who live according to God's will, have faith in Jesus Christ, and produce good works will be recognized by God and enter heaven. The passage highlights the importance of a genuine relationship with Christ, as opposed to merely professing religious affiliation.


  • 📜 Jesus' words 'I never knew you. Depart from me' (Matthew 7:23) are not about a lack of intellectual knowledge, but rather a lack of relational knowledge.
  • 🔍 Understanding the context is crucial; Jesus is warning about false faith and the importance of genuine faith in His teachings.
  • 🐺 Jesus predicts the emergence of false prophets who may appear righteous but are not truly followers of Him.
  • 🕊 True faith is not just in saying 'Lord, Lord,' but in doing the will of God as revealed by Jesus.
  • 🚫 Merely claiming to follow Jesus or performing miracles in His name is not enough to gain salvation.
  • 💡 Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, as the work of God is to believe in the one He has sent.
  • 🌟 Good works are a result of being born again by faith in Christ, which glorifies God.
  • 🚫 When Jesus says 'I never knew you,' He is denying any true discipleship or friendship with those who do not follow His teachings.
  • ❌ Those who Jesus does not 'know' have no intimacy with Him and are not guided by His Spirit.
  • 🔑 What matters is not just knowing God, but being known by Him, which comes through genuine love and faith.
  • 🐐 God knows His own, and those who are not part of His flock will face judgment and separation from His presence.

Q & A

  • What is the meaning behind Jesus' statement 'I never knew you. Depart from me'?

    -Jesus' statement refers to a lack of a true, relational knowledge with Him, indicating that those who claim to follow Him but do not do His Father's will are not truly known by Him and will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • How does the context of Matthew 7:21-23 inform our understanding of Jesus' words?

    -The context shows that Jesus is warning about false prophets and the importance of genuine faith. It emphasizes that claiming to follow Jesus and performing religious acts does not guarantee salvation; only those who truly belong to God and do His will can enter heaven.

  • What differentiates true Christians from nominal Christians according to the script?

    -True Christians are those who not only claim to follow Jesus but also live according to His teachings and the Father's will, producing good works. Nominal Christians, on the other hand, may talk about God and perform religious acts but lack a true relationship with Christ.

  • What is the Father's will according to Jesus' teachings?

    -The Father's will is to believe in Jesus, His Son, whom He has sent. This faith in Christ leads to a transformation that produces good works and aligns with God's purpose.

  • How does the concept of being 'born again' relate to the discussion of true discipleship?

    -Being 'born again' signifies a spiritual transformation through faith in Christ. Those who are truly born again will naturally produce good works and are the ones who truly belong to Jesus, unlike those who merely claim to follow Him.

  • What does it mean to have a relationship with Christ?

    -Having a relationship with Christ means having an intimate connection with Him, being guided by His teachings, and producing the fruit of the Spirit in one's life. It is not just about verbal claims or external displays of religiosity.

  • Why does Jesus say He never knew the false disciples in the first place?

    -Jesus claims He never knew the false disciples because they never had a true, spiritual relationship with Him. They did not belong to Him, did not have His nature, and did not follow His teachings, leading to their ultimate separation from Him.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'I never knew you' in terms of the relationship with God?

    -The phrase signifies that while the individuals may have thought they had a relationship with God through their religious acts, in reality, they were not in a true, intimate relationship with Him. God is omniscient and knows the heart, and He recognizes those who truly belong to Him.

  • What are the consequences for those who are told to 'Depart from me, you evildoers!'?

    -Those told to depart will not enter the kingdom of heaven but will face eternal separation from God. They will not partake in the blessings of the kingdom and will be cast into darkness, weeping, and gnashing of teeth.

  • How does the script differentiate between genuine faith and religious hypocrisy?

    -Genuine faith is characterized by a true relationship with Christ, producing good works, and following the Father's will. Hypocrisy involves only outward displays of religiosity without a true change of heart or commitment to Christ's teachings.

  • What is the one work of God that counts, according to the script?

    -The one work of God that counts is to have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. This faith is the foundation of a true relationship with God and leads to the production of good works and alignment with His will.



📖 Interpreting 'I Never Knew You' - Jesus' Message on True Discipleship

This paragraph delves into the interpretation of Jesus' words, 'I never knew you,' as found in Matthew 7:23. It clarifies that Jesus is speaking about relational knowledge rather than a lack of intellectual knowledge. The context of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is provided, highlighting the warning against false prophets and the importance of genuine faith. The paragraph explains that salvation does not come from verbal claims or demonstrations of spiritual power, but from doing the Father's will, which is to have faith in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that true believers will produce good works and that Jesus does not recognize those who are not truly His disciples, as they do not share a relationship with Him. The paragraph concludes by stressing that what truly matters is not just knowing God, but being known by God, which is achieved through genuine faith and a relationship with Christ.


🙏 The Consequences of Rejecting God's Plan - Jesus' Warning on False Religion

The second paragraph discusses the consequences of rejecting God's eternal purpose and plan for one's life. It highlights Jesus' warning that He will one day tell certain religious practitioners, 'I never knew you,' signifying their eternal separation from Him. The paragraph explains that these individuals have rejected the light of the gospel and have chosen darkness because their deeds were evil. At the judgment, they will attempt to justify themselves based on their works, but true justification comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. The paragraph also mentions the fate of those who are condemned, stating they will not partake in the blessings of the kingdom and will instead face eternal separation and darkness. It concludes with an invitation to learn more about these teachings and to subscribe to related content for further understanding.



💡Relational Knowledge

Relational knowledge refers to a personal and intimate connection or relationship between two entities. In the context of the video, Jesus' statement 'I never knew you' is not about a lack of awareness but rather about the absence of a genuine, personal relationship. It signifies that despite the outward appearance of faith, those who do not follow God's will lack a true, saving relationship with Him.

💡Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of teachings by Jesus Christ, as found in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. It includes the Beatitudes and covers various moral and ethical teachings. In the video, it is the setting in which Jesus delivers a final warning about true faith, emphasizing the difference between false and genuine followers.

💡False Christian Prophets

False Christian prophets are individuals who claim to be speaking on behalf of Christ but are not genuinely aligned with His teachings. They are mentioned in the video as a warning to be aware of those who may appear to be believers but are not truly following God's will. These prophets are said to come 'as wolves in sheep’s clothing,' indicating a deceptive appearance of righteousness.

💡Will of the Father

The will of the Father, as discussed in the video, refers to God's divine plan and moral law that believers are expected to follow. It is not just about performing religious acts but about having faith in Jesus Christ and living a life that reflects this faith. The video emphasizes that it is those who do the Father's will who will be recognized by God and enter heaven.

💡Judgment Day

Judgment Day is a future event in Christian eschatology when Jesus Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. In the video, Jesus' words on Judgment Day are highlighted to convey the seriousness of living a life in accordance with God's will. It is a day when those who have not truly known Christ will be separated from Him.

💡Faith in Jesus Christ

Faith in Jesus Christ is the core belief in Christianity that salvation comes through belief in Christ's atoning sacrifice and resurrection. The video explains that it is this faith which pleases God and leads to a relationship with Him. It is not about performing religious acts without genuine faith, but about having a personal relationship with Christ.

💡Good Works

Good works in a Christian context are actions performed out of love for God and others, which are seen as a natural outcome of genuine faith. The video clarifies that while good works are important, they are not what saves a person. Rather, it is the faith that produces these good works which is the evidence of a true believer.

💡Born Again

Being 'born again' is a term used in Christianity to describe the spiritual rebirth of a believer through faith in Jesus Christ. It signifies a transformation from a life of sin to a life lived in accordance with God's will. In the video, it is mentioned that those who are born again will produce good works as a reflection of their faith.

💡Eternal Separation

Eternal separation, as mentioned in the video, refers to the permanent state of being separated from God, which is the fate of those who do not accept His salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a consequence of rejecting God's purpose and choosing to live a life of sin and disobedience.

💡The Gospel

The Gospel, meaning 'good news,' is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. It includes His life, death, resurrection, and the offer of eternal life to those who believe in Him. The video discusses how those who reject the Gospel choose darkness over light and, as a result, face eternal separation from God.

💡Spiritual Insight or Power

Spiritual insight or power refers to the understanding or abilities that come from a deep connection with the divine. In the context of the video, it is noted that having spiritual insight or performing miracles does not save a person if they do not have genuine faith and do not do the will of God.


Explanation of Jesus' statement 'I never knew you. Depart from me' in context of true faith.

Reference to Matthew 7:23 and the concept of relational rather than intellectual knowing by Jesus.

Emphasis on the importance of not just professing faith verbally but showing true adherence by actions.

Distinction between true disciples and those who perform religious acts without genuine faith.

Clarification that miraculous deeds do not guarantee salvation without a true relationship with Christ.

Description of the false disciples as lacking a genuine, personal relationship with Jesus.

Explanation of what it means to do the Father’s will according to biblical scripture.

Importance of faith in Jesus as the central requirement of God’s will.

Highlight of the biblical view that mere acknowledgment of God isn't sufficient without heartfelt faith.

Discussion on how genuine believers are recognized and known by God.

Explanation of the eternal consequences of being unrecognized by Christ.

Warning against the hypocrisy and superficial faith that lead to separation from God.

Biblical reference to the dire fate of those who are merely nominal Christians.

Insight into the heart condition and actions of those who Jesus says He never knew.

Encouragement to seek true faith and understanding through resources and further learning.