This Website Turns My OC's Into Realistic Portraits! | Artbreeder

26 Dec 202013:18

TLDRIn this video, the creator explores the use of Artbreeder, a website that blends images to generate new portraits, to visualize their original comic characters as real people. They share their process of experimenting with different settings and images to achieve a close resemblance, focusing on characters like Doris, Chase, Annabelle, and Brayson. The video is not only a fun exploration of technology but also a testament to the creator's connection with their characters, as they strive to maintain their essence in the generated images.


  • 🎨 The video creator uses a website called Artbreeder to transform their original characters into realistic people using AI technology.
  • 👤 The process involves uploading images and adjusting various settings to create a portrait that resembles the character's personality and appearance.
  • 🖼️ The creator starts with their main character, Doris, and is pleased with the initial result, which encourages them to create more characters.
  • 🏓 The character Chase is described as outgoing, friendly, and popular, and the creator faces challenges in accurately representing his distinctive features, particularly his hair.
  • 🔄 The video demonstrates the iterative process of mixing and adjusting images to achieve a desired look, highlighting the importance of experimentation.
  • 👁️ The creator finds that certain features, like hair and facial expressions, require specific attention and fine-tuning to get a realistic representation.
  • 💡 Tips are shared, such as adjusting the gender setting for character hair length and using the 'compose' feature to blend images effectively.
  • 🕵️‍♀️ The character Annabelle is confident and辩论队的成员, and the creator struggles with adding glasses to her portrait, which proves to be more difficult than expected.
  • 🎵 Brayson, the least talkative character who loves music, is the easiest to create, with the creator focusing on capturing his slightly Japanese heritage and expressive eyes.
  • 📅 The video ends with the creator sharing their satisfaction with the final results and announcing a break from posting videos until January 16th.
  • 🎉 The overall message is one of creativity, experimentation, and the joy of bringing fictional characters to life in a new and engaging way.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the process of turning the creator's original characters into realistic-looking people using a website called Artbreeder.

  • How does the Artbreeder website work?

    -Artbreeder is a website that allows users to combine different pictures to create new images. It can generate portraits, landscapes, and more by mixing facial features and other elements from various photos.

  • Which character did the creator start with in Artbreeder?

    -The creator started with their main character from the webcomic, Doris.

  • What are some limitations of the free version of Artbreeder?

    -In the free version, users can only upload three photos. To upload more, one needs to pay for the service.

  • What is the first character the creator attempts to recreate in a realistic version?

    -The first character the creator attempts to recreate is Chase from their webcomic.

  • What are some challenges the creator faced while using Artbreeder?

    -Some challenges included getting the desired hair shape, dealing with the limited number of uploads in the free version, and the complexity of adding certain features like glasses.

  • How did the creator adjust the settings to achieve a more realistic look for the characters?

    -The creator played around with sliders for age, face, and style, and also used the 'compose' feature to mix pictures together. They also adjusted settings to make the characters look more approachable and friendly.

  • What did the creator learn about the gender setting in Artbreeder?

    -The creator learned that setting the gender to be more manly results in shorter hair, which was not helpful for creating a character with slightly longer hair.

  • Which character was the most difficult for the creator to recreate?

    -Initially, the creator thought Chase would be the hardest due to his unique hair, but they found Annabelle to be more challenging, particularly in adding glasses.

  • What is the creator's plan after making this video?

    -The creator plans to take a break from posting videos and will return on January 16th with a new video.

  • How did the creator feel about the final results of their characters in the Artbreeder?

    -The creator was pleased with the results, feeling that the generated pictures captured the essence and vibe of their characters, despite not looking exactly like them.



🎨 Character Transformation with Artbreeder

The creator discusses their experience using Artbreeder to visualize their original characters as real people. They explain the process of combining images to generate new portraits, focusing on the portrait area. Initially, they used the platform for their webcomic's main character, Doris, and were pleased with the outcome. They then decided to create realistic versions of other characters, starting with Chase, who is described as outgoing, friendly, and popular. The creator shares their trials with the website's features, such as uploading pictures, adjusting settings, and the challenges of recreating specific character traits like Chase's hair. They also discuss the importance of the characters' vibe and personality in the final result.


🤹‍♂️ refining Chase and Introducing Annabelle

The video script continues with the creator's efforts to refine Chase's appearance and introduce Annabelle, another character from their webcomic. They detail the difficulties in capturing Chase's hair and the process of selecting and combining images to achieve a close representation. The creator also shares tips on using the platform, such as adjusting the gender setting for hair length and making minor adjustments to the face. The process of creating Annabelle's image is described, highlighting the challenges of adding glasses and the need for a more realistic look. The creator's satisfaction with the final images of Chase and Annabelle is expressed, emphasizing the characters' friendly and confident vibes.


🎼 Crafting Brayson's Persona and A暂sion Update

In the final paragraph, the creator focuses on creating Brayson, a character who is described as a quiet, emotionless music creator with Japanese heritage. They discuss the ease of visualizing Brayson compared to the previous characters and the specific facial features they aimed to capture. The creator shares their strategy for adding color and adjusting settings to better represent Brayson's character. They also provide a tip on using the 'chaos' setting for more subtle adjustments. The paragraph concludes with the creator's satisfaction with the final image of Brayson and an announcement of their temporary break from video posting, with plans to return on January 16th. The creator expresses enjoyment in imagining their characters as real people and invites viewers to request more character transformations in the future.




Artbreeder is an online platform that uses AI technology to blend different images together to create new ones. In the video, the creator uses this tool to visualize their original characters as real people by merging various pictures and adjusting settings.


A webcomic is a comic strip or comic book that is released and read online. In the context of the video, the creator is the author of a webcomic and is using Artbreeder to visualize the main characters from their work.

💡Character Design

Character design refers to the process of creating the appearance and personality of fictional characters. In the video, the creator is focusing on the visual aspect of character design by using Artbreeder to generate realistic images of their characters.

💡Realistic Version

A realistic version of a character means creating an image or representation that closely resembles how the character might look in real life. The video demonstrates the creator's attempt to make their webcomic characters appear more lifelike using Artbreeder's blending features.

💡Image Processing

Image processing involves the manipulation of digital images using various techniques to achieve a desired output. In the video, the creator uploads images and uses Artbreeder's features to process and blend them together to create new, realistic character portraits.


Settings in the context of Artbreeder refer to the adjustable parameters that control how the AI blends and generates images. The video shows the creator playing with different settings such as age, facial structure, and 'chaos' to fine-tune the character images.

💡Merging Pictures

Merging pictures is the process of combining two or more images to create a single, new image. The video demonstrates this by showing how the creator uses Artbreeder to merge different photos to generate a realistic face for each character.

💡Character Traits

Character traits refer to the distinctive attributes or qualities that define a character's personality or appearance. In the video, the creator considers the key traits of each character when creating their realistic versions, ensuring that the generated images convey the right vibe and characteristics.


Glasses in the context of the video refer to the challenge the creator faced when trying to add eyeglasses to the character Annabelle's image in Artbreeder. The process involved finding suitable glasses from the platform's library and adjusting settings to make them appear correctly on the character.


Photoshop is a popular image editing software used for manipulating and enhancing digital images. In the video, the creator uses Photoshop to make minor adjustments to the generated images, such as changing hair color or facial features to better match the characters.


In the context of the video, a break refers to the creator's decision to temporarily stop posting videos to rest and recuperate. This indicates a period of absence from their usual content creation schedule.


The video creator is exploring the use of technology to transform original characters into realistic people using a website called Artbreeder.

Artbreeder is a platform that merges different pictures to create new images, covering various categories such as characters, portraits, landscapes, and more.

The focus of the video is on creating realistic portraits of the creator's webcomic characters using Artbreeder's features.

The creator's first attempt was with the main character, Doris, and they were pleased with the outcome.

The character Chase is described as outgoing, friendly, talkative, and popular, which the creator aims to reflect in his realistic portrayal.

Artbreeder allows users to upload their own pictures, but the creator found that uploading pictures isn't always necessary for achieving desired results.

The process of creating a realistic character involves playing with various settings and mixing pictures to get the desired look.

The creator found that certain features like hair were more challenging to replicate accurately, especially for characters like Chase.

The creator learned that adjusting the gender setting can affect the character's hair length and style, which was an important discovery for creating a more accurate representation.

The character Annabelle is described as confident and辩论队的成员, which posed a unique challenge in finding a suitable model with short blonde hair and glasses.

The creator encountered difficulties in adding glasses to the character's image, as Artbreeder's library for glasses was limited.

The character Brayson is described as introverted and having a small percentage of Japanese heritage, which the creator tried to incorporate into his appearance.

The creator found it helpful to turn down the 'chaos' setting to make adjustments more subtle and achieve a more nuanced result.

The creator used a combination of Artbreeder's features and some Photoshop editing to finalize the characters' images.

The video ends with the creator sharing their satisfaction with the final results and expressing their excitement about what their characters would look like if they were real.

The creator announces a break from posting videos, planning to return on January 16th with a new video for their audience.