I Had a CAMERA on my Chest at ANFIELD!
TLDRمرحبًا، أنا بن فوستر، القناة الرياضية، ونحن نعود مع مدونة يوم المباراه، وسنقدم لكم جزءًا سيئًا. نعرض لك ما يبدو عليه الفندق وستشاهد جميع التفاصيل الخلفية في أنفيلد، وكأنك تشاهد الغرفة الغير محمولة، كل هذا وأكثر. وأنا في المكتب الجديد، وأنا أرى الملابس على الحائط، وأنا أرى اللوحة الذهبية، وأنا أشرب القهوة في الشارع، وأتحدث عن التطبيق الفني الرسمي الذي يستخدمه أكثر من 18 مليون شخص حول العالم. وأنا أتحدث عن بطاقة الفلتر المعدنية التي أ收到了ها، وأخبرك عن الفوائد التي يمكن أن توفرها لك. وأنا أتحدث عن الوجبات الرخيصة التي يفضلها اللاعبين. وأنا أتحدث عن التدريب، وأشاهد السماء الزرقاء، وأتحدث عن السفر إلى ليفربول، وأسأل اللاعبين عن وجباتهم المفضلة. وأشاهد الفندق، وأذهب إلى المطعم، وأشاهد الطعام، وأتحدث عن الفيلم الذي أشاهده في الليل. وأتحدث عن يوم المباراه، وأشاهد التدريب، وأتحدث عن اللاعبين، وأشاهد الفندق، وأذهب إلى المطعم، وأشاهد الطعام، وأتحدث عن الفيلم الذي أشاهده في الليل. وأتحدث عن الجولة القادمة، وأشكر جميع اللاعبين والمعجبين.
- 🏟️ اللاعب بен فوستر يرحب بالجمهور في مقطع الفيديو ويتحدث عن البرمجة التي سيعرضها، التي تتضمن الأحداث التي سيحدث خلال يوم المباراة.
- 🎥 يظهر بين في المكتب الجديد للفريق ويستعرض الملابس الرسمية التي تتضمن الميداليات الذهبية والفلوس السائل.
- ☕ بين يذهب لشراء القهوة ويتحدى توماسي على دفع الحساب، مما يظهر التفاعل العاطفي بين اللاعبين.
- 💳 يتحدث بين عن التطبيق Finansée Revolution (Revolut) ويشرح مزاياه مثل الإشعارات الفورية للمدفوعات والحصول على خصومات.
- 🚴♂️ بعد شراء القهوة، يذهب بين لتدريب الفريق، ويظهر الطبيعة الثلجية للطقس التي تغيرت من 22 درجة إلى ثلج في يوم واحد.
- 🍽️ يظهر بين وفريقه في التدريب ويطرح سؤالًا لللاعبين عن وجبة الغش المفضلة لديهم، مما يظهر المزاج اللامركزي للفريق.
- 🏨 يظهر بين الفندق الذي سيقيم فيه ويشجع الجمهور على البقاء في連絡ه مع الأحداث التي سيحدث.
- 🍲 يظهر بين وجبة العشاء التي يتناولها قبل النوم ويتحدث عن الفيلم Rush Hour 2 الذي يشاهده في الليل.
- 🌅 يبدأ بين يوم المباراة ويتحدث عن التحضيرات التي يجريها قبل الذهاب إلى الملعب.
- 🚍 يظهر بين وفريقه في القطار وسيارة الشرطة التي ت護هم إلى الملعب، مما يظهر الدعم الحكومي للفريق.
- ⚽️ يتحدث بين عن المباراة التي أدت إلى فوز ليفربول بنتيجة 2-0، لكن يشدد على أن النتيجة لا تعكس الأداء الجيد للفريق.
Q & A
هل بان فوستر ي计划在他的 vlog اليومي المباشر ليعرض ما بعد التدريب؟
-نعم، بان فوستر يخطط لعرض مشاهد من الفندق وخلف الكواليس في أنفيلد، بما في ذلك ما يبدو عليه غرفة التغيير.
ماذا يعرض بان فوستر في المكتب الجديد؟
-بان فوستر يعرض في المكتب الجديد قمصان تزين الحائط، ولوحة ذهبية، ولوحة مائة ألف، ولوحة hundred thousand froze cast.
ماذا يفعل بان فوستر في الكافيتيريا؟
-بان فوستر يطلب ثلاثة نسكافيه مزدوجًا ويتحدث عن التطبيق المالي المجاني 'ريفولت' الذي يستخدمه أكثر من 18 مليون شخص حول العالم.
ما هي مزايا بطاقة 'ريفولت' التي تذكرها بان فوستر؟
-بطاقة 'ريفولت' توفر إعلامات دفع فورية، يمكن تجميد البطاقة في أي وقت إذا فُقدت، وتوفر خصومات وخصومات على التسوق، وخصمات على المطاعم، وعدم وجود رسوم مخفية عند السفر، وقدرة على تحويل الاموال بأسعار جيدة.
ماذا يفعل بان فوستر بعد التدريب؟
-بعد التدريب، يذهب بان فوستر لتناول الغداء مع اللاعبين.
ما هي وجبة الغداء التي يتناولها بان فوستر؟
-الغداء يشمل بروكولي، خضروات، بescuit gnocchi، سمك، دجاج، وبعض الخضروات.
ما هي الفيلم المفضل لبان فوستر الذي يشاهده في الليل؟
-الفيلم المفضل لبان فوستر هو 'Rush Hour 2'.
ماذا يفعل بان فوستر في اليوم التالي للتدريب؟
-في اليوم التالي للتدريب، يذهب بان فوستر لتناول الإفطار، ويستعد للمباراة في أنفيلد.
ما هي توقعات بان فوستر للمباراة في أنفيلد؟
-بان فوستر يتوقع أن يسجل واتفور هدفًا في النهاية، ويتوقع أن يحقق فوز ليفربول.
ماذا يحدث في النهاية من المباراة؟
-النتيجة في النهاية هي لصالح ليفربول بنتيجة 2-0، لكن بان فوستر يرى أن النتيجة لا تعكس تمامًا كيف كانت المباراة.
🎥 Matchday Vlog Introduction
Ben Foster, the 'Cycling GK', starts his matchday vlog by announcing an exciting day ahead with a match against Liverpool. He promises a jam-packed vlog, including behind-the-scenes footage at Anfield and possibly wearing a 'chess cam' during the warm-up. He visits the new office, interacts with colleagues, and shows off achievements like a gold plaque and a 'hundred thousand plaque'. Ben also discusses the financial app Revolut, highlighting its features like instant payment notifications, card freezing, discounts, and no hidden fees for foreign spending.
🏋️♂️ Training and Team Dynamics
The vlog continues with Ben Foster arriving at training amidst a sudden drop in temperature, which contrasts with the recent warmer weather. He engages in a light-hearted interaction with teammates, asking them about their favorite cheap meals. The responses range from traditional British fish and chips to burgers and chili fries. Training concludes with snow starting to fall, adding to the unpredictable weather conditions. Ben then shares his plans for lunch and the journey to the airport.
🍽️ Pre-Match Rituals and Hotel Experience
After training, Ben Foster heads to the Pullman Liverpool hotel, where he receives a warm welcome and a personalized note from the general manager. He explores the hotel room and appreciates the thoughtful touches, such as his own tomato ketchup and a birthday card. Ben then discusses the dining options available, mentioning a variety of dishes including gnocchi, salmon, and steak. He ends the segment by settling down to watch one of his favorite films, 'Rush Hour 2', before the match day.
⚽️ Matchday at Anfield and Post-Match Reflections
On match day, Ben Foster shares his pre-match routine, including breakfast and a team meeting. He then travels to Anfield with a police escort and reflects on the match, which ended in a 2-0 loss to Liverpool. Despite the result, he praises his teammates' performance and mentions the chances they created during the game. Ben also thanks the fans for their support and acknowledges the video's sponsor, Revolut, before signing off with a note of gratitude to the viewers.
💡cycling gk
💡matchday vlogs
💡chess cam
💡cheat meal
💡police escort
💡match prediction
Ben Foster returns with a matchday vlog, promising an exciting behind-the-scenes look.
Foster shows off the new office and introduces the office babysitter, Tomassie.
He discusses the team's achievements, including a gold plaque and a hundred thousand plaque.
Ben Foster visits the cafe at Mill Street for coffee with his teammates.
Foster receives a metal card from Revolut, a financial super app, and discusses its features.
He highlights Revolut's instant payment notifications and card freezing feature for security.
Ben mentions discounts and rewards from brands like Adidas, Nike, and ASOS with Revolut.
Foster talks about the convenience of using Revolut for travel, with no hidden fees.
He praises Revolut's worldwide payments function for easy international transactions.
Ben Foster heads to training, discussing the drastic weather changes from snow to blue skies.
He introduces a new feature for the vlogs, asking teammates about their favorite cheap meals.
Foster shares his own go-to cheat meal and discusses the importance of team meals.
Ben arrives at the hotel in Liverpool and shows appreciation for the personalized welcome.
He gives a tour of the hotel room and discusses the team's positive experience from a previous stay.
Foster enjoys dinner in the hotel dining hall and shares the menu options.
He watches 'Rush Hour 2', one of his all-time favorite films, to unwind before the match.
Ben Foster wakes up on match day, expresses gratitude for birthday wishes, and prepares for the game.
He discusses the team's strategy and expectations for the match against Liverpool.
Foster provides a match day prediction, anticipating a goal from Watford and a penalty save.
After the match, Ben reflects on the team's performance and expresses pride despite the loss.
He thanks Revolut for sponsoring the video and encourages viewers to check out the app.
hello everybody i'm ben foster the
cycling gk we are back with the matchday
vlogs and we have got a bad boy for you
make sure you watch this whole vlog
because it is going to be absolutely jam
packed i'm not due into training until
this afternoon then we are going to be
flying up to liverpool i'm going to show
you what the hotel looks like and i'll
show you all the behind the scenes stuff
at anfield what the changing room looks
like all that kind of stuff i might even
wear the chess cam in the warm up before
the game but it's friday morning i'm not
due until training until this afternoon
so i've come into the office the new
office to see the boys have a look at
our new office babysitter is beautiful
what's up the cycling jacob
oh yes come on have a look at these
shirts on the wall wow that sun is
bright look at these bad boys yeah we
got the gold plaque we've got the uh
hundred thousand plaque we've got the
hundred thousand froze cast plaque boo
yeah boys there's nobody got a coffee
yet on the go
i'll tell you what i'll go and get the
coffee boys i'm too good to these guys
honestly i am
i'm in the cafe downstairs at mill
street you lovely people
can i get three double espressos
i'll tell you what mate i'll get these
because you could do with the money for
some taxis
oh tomassie there's no need there's no
need for that is it that's well ass
you're bang out
is the free financial super app used by
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make three transactions right here we go
time to get ourselves to train
let's play
oh god cheers mate thanks very much
right here we go just arrived at
training do not be fooled by this blue
sky it is absolutely baltic it's like
two degrees no joke about four or five
days ago it was 22 degrees we had snow
here yesterday absolutely crazy look at
the state of this by the way i've had to
get on the train and a taxi dressed in
my shorts and my tracksuit looking like
a plunker never mind bit of training
this morning then we are flying up come
on let's get going i want to go get
right new feature for the cycling gk
vlogs okay each week i'm going to ask
the lads one question right and it's
always going to be the same question
that week question will change every
week but today's question is going to be
what is your favorite cheap meal you are
absolutely starving you can pick one
meal to have what are you picking let's
see what the lads are saying
right daniel gosling
what is your favorite cheat meal beer
battered cod
chips mushy peas and curry sauce
drizzled all over the top what like
proper from the chippy 100 from the
chippy i like that it's good it's good
all right daniel batman about about for
training but what is your favorite cheat
um it's gotta be burger a bird i could
eat a burger every day of the week yeah
what's your favorite meal to have uh
jell-o fries what is it jello fries
chili fries jello fries and plenty you
you get me broth right here we go just
come out for training and it's actually
just started snowing incredible weather
look at it though
hey there we go training session done
that was a chilly one by the way
right then all showered let's go get
some lunch
right tom cleverley about to get on the
coach on the way to the airport it's a
windy one by the way
what is your cheat meal your go to your
last ever meal what would you pick
go to if we won a saturday be sweet and
sour chicken
with rice and half a duck chinese oh
crispy though
i like that one crispy duck and pancakes
what is your go-to cheat meal like
imagine it's your last ever meal what
are you picking
a mcdonald's what sort of done large big
black meal double cheeseburger chicken
sandwich with cheese full fat coke
heavy calories though
he's got the worst fights you've ever
smelt in your life
yeah there's something on there for you
for my daughter
what a guy
he's got a present for me he's got a
present for me by the way it's my
birthday on sunday so let's see what
he's got for me
look at this don't you dare mush it
don't you dare bassler's daughter you're
a friggin legend look at that
right at the end buzzing
this looks nice that is a serious view
let's have a look at the room
that will do and have a look at this
have a look at this i've only got to put
my own tomato ketchup in the room and a
nice little card look at this how cool
is this they put my matcha tax thing
there mr foster
welcome back to pullman liverpool for
your second stay of the season we hope
the result is as good as the one with
the last time you stayed here because we
stayed there when v everton uh five two
five three the team are on hand so if we
can help in any way please let us know
good luck best wishes neil brailsford
general manager neil neil brailsford the
pullman hotel in liverpool you are
absolutely top thank you very much what
a bunch of legends
here we go in the dining hall dinner in
a minute what we got chef ron we got
some good stuff so we've got good stuff
broccoli broccoli pumpkin reserved sweet
your pasteurized gnocchi
salmon chicken
oh phillips steak we've got some more
and then all your veg
decent decent right then you lovely lot
back in the room dinner was absolutely
about him before i settled down for the
night let me just show you the pudding
as usual booyah we got some apple
crumble custard some nuts you know the
usual bits and bobs and on netflix
tonight one of my all-time favorite
films rush hour 2 this is genius rush
hour one rush hour two all timers see
you in the morning
good morning everybody it's match day i
got my big dog basler next to me
can we just say a massive thank you to
your daughter steph for making those
cases too for ben's birthday i'll beat
you but
yeah tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow yeah um
right guys absolutely about in night
sleep it's match day liverpool at
anfield is 12 30 pm kickoff it's
currently 9 00 a.m in the morning it's
an early start today gotta go and get my
breakfast pre-match all in one in like
five or ten minutes time absolutely
starving but it's been a busy week for
the buzzcast as well we've had some
belting guests on akinfendra last week
togezil from the sidemen on tuesday
darren bent on wednesday you know toby
jezebel is from the sidemen don't you i
do yeah he don't he's lying here got a
clue he's ain't got a clue uh right
basil come on let's go get ourselves
some brecco yeah yeah we will not come
on now let's go
okay just at our team meeting about to
get on the coach on the way to anfield
see if we can find big basler see how
long it's going to take oh we got police
escort all right fellas all right lads
how long is that uh about 15 minutes
we've got escort today oh we got please
let's go
i don't leon
all right mate i'm gonna go to the side
as well cheers
hello thank you
hello mate uk hello
hi guys
hi elijah right now uk yes rich
vinnie what are you saying about this
stadium mate
it doesn't
it's not bad this to be fair
right guys liverpool away kick off in
about an hour and a half time tough
match we know liverpool are absolutely
top class as long as we give everything
we've got that's all we can ask for
right as long as the lies keep crying
till the last minute all i can expect
from them wish us luck
hello everybody ryan next time here just
got to anfield having a wonder around
this beautiful old stadium absolutely
classic just gonna go and get to our
seats now we're gonna throw in a match
day prediction i'm going to watford
for late dennis goal and i'm even going
to go for my boy fozzie with a penalty
save in there
matchday prediction
we're going free one
get him out of it he gave him a comp
ticket and that's the way he repays us
ditch him
it's not bad on the left
okay with the legend the main man john
cannon from gcn
mr bike
good to see you
match day prediction today what are you
i think two ones have been a problem
yeah i think so yeah
the other way so we won't talk too much
about that but
hopefully we'll have a good look
just finished here at anfield uh it was
two nil to liverpool in the end but um
the result honestly doesn't tell the
full story of what happened today the
lads in front of me were top top class
we could have nicked something from this
game genuinely uh we went in one nil um
down at the halftime and then we had
chance in the first half second half
again we had some big big chances
allison made a couple saves um and then
they went and got a penalty probably i
think in the last minute of the game
fabinho just stuck it right in the top
schnitzel um so like i say the score
probably doesn't reflect how the game
went so you know proud of the lads
really really proud of the lads the fans
in that part they're top class as
absolutely always another big shout out
to today's video sponsor revolut i'm
going to put the link in the description
down below to go and get your revolut
card in the meantime i will see you all
very very soon we've got leads next
saturday at home at vickerbridge road i
will see you all then thank you for
watching make sure you're subscribed all
that usual stuff love you lots all the
all i want is you
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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