My First UTOTS Pack Opening in FC MOBILE!!
TLDRمستخدم يطلق على نفسه RK gang يظهر في فيديو مفتوح لفتح حزم في لعبة FUT (FIFA Ultimate Team) على FC Mobile. يستعرض RK اللاعبين الجدد المضافة في فرع الفصل النهائي للفريق، ويأمل في الحصول على اللاعبين الأعلى التقييم مثل Messi وRonaldo وMBappé. خلال الفيديو، يفتح RK مجموعة من الحزم، وبعض المرات يحصل على اللاعبين المرغوب فيه، وبعض المرات لا. يحتوي النص على توقعات مستخدم وردود فعله على اللاعبين الذي يحصل عليه من الحزم المفتوحة.
- 😃 يعود RK مع فيديو جديد لفتح الحزم في لعبة FIFA Mobile، مع التركيز على المجموعة الجديدة من Ultimate Team of the Season.
- 🏆 يتضمن الحزم الجدد العديد من اللاعبين المتميزين مثل Mbappe، Ronaldo، Messi، مع تصنيفات تتراوح من 97 حتى 99.
- 🎉 يبدأ RK بالمحاولة على إكمال تبادلات اللاعبين باستخدام لاعبين فارغين من المجموعة.
- 🤩 يحصل RK على لعبه اول تلقيد جيد وهو لاعب فرنسي بتقييم 98، وهو بطاقة لاعب لا يمكن تداوله.
- 🛍️ يفتح RK حزمة 94 إلى 99، وينبغي أن يحتوي على لاعبين بتقييم 95 على الأقل، لكن يحصل على لاعبين أقل تصنيفات.
- 💰 ي購入 RK نقاط FC لفتح حزم مميزة من Team of the Season، ويفتح الحزم المضمونة.
- 🚀 يحصل RK على تلقيد رائع من لاعبين بتقييم 99، مثل رافايلو ب.VERSION 98 و99، مما يزيد من الحظ في الفتح.
- 🎁 يفتح RK حزمة 100 لاعب من Steam of the Season، ويحصل على لاعبين مثل Haaland و Kane، لكن ليس النسخ المطلوبة.
- 📦 يستمر RK في فتح الحزم المختلفة، وينضم إليهم الحزم المحدودة والدوري، ويحصل على لاعبين بتقييمات مختلفة.
- 🤔 ي抒发 RK عن النتائج الغير مatisfactory في بعض الحزم، لكن يستمر في الفتح مع الأمل على تلقيد أفضل.
- 🔚 يختتم RK بفتح حزم تبادل لاعبين بتقييمات مختلفة، ويحصل على لاعبين مثل DeMarco و Theo Hernandez، مع بعض النتائج الغير متوقعة.
Q & A
ما هي السلسلة التي يستخدمها RK في مقاطع الفيديو؟
-RK يستخدم سلسلة تتضمن القول 'ultimate team of the season' في مقاطع الفيديو.
ما هي الشخصيات الرئيسية التي ذكر RK في مقاطع الفيديو؟
-RK ذكر شخصيات مثل Mbappe، Harand، Ronaldo، Messi، و Bellingham، وكلهم بتقييم 99.
ما هي الفئة الأقل مفيدة التي يفضل RK لا يفتحها؟
-RK يفضل لا يفتح الفئات التي تتضمن اللاعبين اللذين ي獲得ون تقييمات أقل من 98.
ما هي النتيجة الأولى التي حصل عليها RK في مقاطع الفيديو؟
-النتيجة الأولى التي حصل عليها RK هي كارد Theo Hernandez بتقييم 98.
ما هي الفئة التي يفتحها RK بعد الفئة 94-99؟
-بعد الفئة 94-99، يفتح RK الفئة التي تتضمن اللاعبين من تقييم 93 وحتى 99.
ما هي النتيجة التي يأمل RK في الحصول عليها من الفئة التي يفتحها؟
-RK يأمل في الحصول على لاعبين بتقييم 95 أو أكثر من الفئة التي يفتحها.
ما هي النتيجة التي حصل عليها RK من الفئة التي يفتحها بتكلفة 3000 gems؟
-RK حصل على Victor Wan بتقييم 95 من الفئة التي يفتحها بتكلفة 3000 gems.
ما هي النتيجة التي يأمل RK في الحصول عليها من الفئة daily offer التي يفتحها؟
-RK يأمل في الحصول على لاعبين من المجموعة 'team of the season' من الفئة daily offer.
ما هي النتيجة التي حصل عليها RK من الفئة التي يفتحها بتكلفة 4000 FC points؟
-RK حصل على لاعبين مثل Esco وHED بتقييم 96 من الفئة التي يفتحها بتكلفة 4000 FC points.
ما هي النتيجة الأفضل التي حصل عليها RK في مقاطع الفيديو؟
-النتيجة الأفضل التي حصل عليها RK هي كارد Rafio بتقييم 99.
ما هي النتيجة التي يأمل RK في الحصول عليها من الفئة التي يفتحها بتكلفة 500 FC points؟
-RK يأمل في الحصول على لاعبين مثل Harland Mbapp، Messi وRonaldo بتقييم 96 أو أكثر من الفئة التي يفتحها بتكلفة 500 FC points.
😀 开启新赛季终极球队包
视频作者RK回归,展示了FC移动版中新推出的'终极球队赛季'章节,并介绍了新增的高评分球员,包括99分的Winnie Martinez、MBappé、Harand Frong、Rafaelo、Rice、Vany Jude Bellingham、Ronaldo、Messi等。作者表达了对98和97分球员的不太感兴趣,并开始使用备用球员进行交换,希望获得好的球员。首个交换获得了98分的Theo Hernandez,随后作者尝试打开94至99分的球员包,希望获得95分以上的球员。
🎉 连续获得高评分球员
作者在视频中连续获得了高评分球员,包括Rafio Hernandez和Victor Wan,以及其他一些球员,如Mkhitaryan。随后,作者尝试在商店购买FC点数,并打开'终极球队赛季'高级包,希望获得像Messi、Ronaldo这样的顶级球员。尽管没有获得预期的球员,但作者对获得的99分Rafio Hernandez感到满意,并认为这是非常好的运气。
🤩 继续开启更多球员包
作者在新账户上使用500,000宝石继续开启球员包,希望获得更多的顶级球员。在尝试了不同的球员包后,作者获得了包括Victor Wan、Weverday、Capia和Colan在内的球员。尽管对'终极球队10包'的结果不太满意,但作者仍然对获得的Delpo和Zakaria等球员感到高兴,并认为这是一笔不错的交易。
😎 获得额外的99分球员
作者在视频中不仅获得了98分的Rafio Hernandez,还获得了99分的Zidan,这让他感到非常兴奋。此外,他还获得了其他一些高评分球员,如96分的Marquez和95分的Delpo。作者对这一天的包开启结果感到非常满意,并认为这是一次非常成功的尝试。
😞 交换球员结果不尽人意
尽管作者在之前的包开启中获得了一些高评分球员,但在尝试进行球员交换时,结果并不如预期。他希望获得像Messi、Ronaldo或Mbappé这样的顶级球员,但最终只获得了像Theo Hernandez、Robert Lewandowski和Stav near等球员。尽管有些失望,但作者仍然对Robert Lewandowski的卡片感到满意。
😔 最终包开启结果
在视频的最后,作者在主账户上进行了更多的球员交换尝试,但结果仍然不尽人意。他尝试了多次交换,包括94至99分和97至99分的球员交换,但最终只获得了像Dober Hall、Wendel和Ferguson等球员。作者对最终的包开启结果感到失望,尤其是没有获得像Messi或Ronaldo这样的顶级球员。
💡RK gang
💡FIFA Ultimate Team
💡Team of the Season
💡Pack opening
💡99 rated
💡Untradeable player
💡FC points
💡Walk out
💡Pack luck
💡Top events
Introduction of the Ultimate Team of the Season pack in FC mobile.
Showcasing of new high-rated cars added to the Ultimate Team of the Season chapter.
Mention of players like Winnie Martinez, Mbappe, Harand, Frong, Rafaelo, Rice, Vany Jude Bellingham, Ronaldo, Messi all rated 99.
Disclosure of less desirable 97 and 98 rated players that the presenter doesn't want to pack.
Beginning of pack opening with the use of spare players for the exchange.
First pack opened reveals a 98 rated Theo Hernandez.
Theo Hernandez is an untradeable player with impressive stats.
Opening of a 94 to 99 pack with hopes of packing a 95+ rated player.
Packing of two high-rated players, Paco Hernandez and Victor Wan.
Attempt to complete an exchange with four more players.
Packing a 97 rated goalkeeper and deciding to open a 3,000 coin pack.
Purchase of 4,000 FC points to open Team of the Season premium bundle packs.
Opening of the Team of the Season limited bundle pack resulting in a 96 rated HED.
Excitement over packing a 99 rated Rafaelo.
Packing a 98 rated Delpo which is tradeable and highly valued.
Packing a 99 rated Zidane, adding to the excitement of the pack opening.
Final disappointment with the pack opening, not packing Messi or Mbappe.
yo RK gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with another awesome pack
opening video ultimate team of the
season is out on FC mobile there are
loads of great cars in this ultimate
team of the season guys so let me show
you all the new cars that are added in
the ultimate team of the season chapter
so Winnie Martinez mbappe harand frong
rafaelo rice vany Jude Bellingham
Ronaldo Messi all of them 99 and these
are some of the 98s as well a few 97s
which I don't really want to pack if I'm
being very honest with you let's begin
we can complete three of these I'm just
going to use some of my spare players
here we go these are the four players
that I'm going to put in so let's
complete the exchange guys the first one
of the day come on I'm hoping for a
great pull here come on a please give me
something good here we go it's France
okay and it's left pack so Theo
Hernandez wow that's nice one 98 rated
as well so that is actually a great 98
lift back card I'll absolutely take that
that's a very good start in fact this is
untradeable player guys and look at Theo
and is 10 out7 Pace 90 defense looks
like a very good carard that's a nice
way to start the pack opening so now I'm
I'm just going to open this 94 to 99 uh
pack uh you know let's hope that we pack
someone 95 plus so that uh we can put
that player in the main utts Exchange so
let's go guys team of the season player
3 I mean this is just Syria Park and
it's starts verified obviously Portugal
and rafo oh my God what's happening
what's happening guys so we Paco
Hernandez and now rafio that is is a
great great start and we got Victor oan
as well mkhitaryan that is a great pack
now we can put four more players here in
this exchange so let's go come on a
please give me a 99 Messi Ronaldo
something like that would be awesome but
yeah you know that's too much uh but
let's see Argentina Argentina no that's
Poland guys that's oh it's not even
Striker it's goalkeeper 97 goalkeeper
but you know what gold keep is a little
bit expensive so packing a shing is not
that bad anyways let's go to store and
open a 3,000 gym pack now and probably
I'll load some FC points as well to open
some of this team of the season premium
bundle packs but first let's open this
pack guys 93 plus team off the seas in
Daily bundle even this has a chance of
packing 99s but it's extremely unlikely
guys you know normally I just pack 93s
and 94s from this but you know what
never give up man you never know we
might sometimes be extremely lucky and
France leing ah left mid guys so this is
93 rated yeah St maximan not the ideal
one obviously but still we are close at
least we would have packed a left thing
but yeah it is what it is guys so now
let me just go and purchase some FC
points and I'll be back all right guys
so the 4,000 FC points purchase is done
and I'm going to open a few of this team
of the season guaranteed packs the first
we beginning with this steam of the
Season limited bundle so let's go and
it's just a bronze and silver player and
this is where in this bonus untradeable
player we have the main player guys here
comes the main pack so come on a come on
it's Spain oh my God who is this scam
let's go Ah that's Esco guys so probably
all the team of the season cards are
there in this pack but 96 HED so I'll
take that at least it's going to be
useful for the exchange and now it's
time for the 96 to 99 exchange it has a
guaranteed minimum of 96 rated players
so let's go 500 FC points for this one
guys I want to see those Harland mbapp
Messi and Ronaldo you know these are the
main cards I want to pack today so let's
go guys come on come on EA please please
show me the Norway flag or France flag
and it's Portugal Striker Striker no way
rafo once again guys but what version Oh
my God it's 998 rafo so today we packed
98 and also the 99 this is awesome so
this is the kind of luck we need and we
packed what the second best leing in the
game probably you know maybe I think
mbapp is still going to be the best one
and maybe Vinnie junor also I forgot
about Vin junor so definitely one of the
top three left thingss in the game guys
rafaelo cards are usually so good and
today we packed the normal rafo 9 and
also the 99 rafaelo so the next one is
going to be the steam of the season 100
ium pack guys 100 players let's have a
look at the players that we going to
pack five team of the season players in
this guys imagine if we pack someone
good it's not even a walk out for the
first one we got Harland here the 92
rated harand but the wrong version guys
this is not the version we want but you
know what that's fine we'll take that
that's a bonus harine and let's go to
open the second pack so bonus
untradeable player the second pack is
ready and come on EA come on this is
going to be Inland okay Striker Harry
Kane no W oh wow wow wow wow what what's
that what's that 95 being the best one
that is horrible pack luck we got Romero
oh my God that is not what I I was
expecting guys honestly I was expecting
better from that it's absolutely fine so
the next pack we're going to be opening
is the steam of the Season 10 pack I'm
going to open a couple of these yeah
only those money I can offer right now
so yeah the team of season 10 pack just
Robinson oh wait this is the bonus
unable player okay it's not a walk out
it's just gabri via and let's move on to
the next one guys okay I would love to
pack a mbappe guys okay it's just a
goalkeeper now and Di Maria the wrong
version of Di Maria once again here we
go bonus untradeable player and no walk
outs this time we got kman that's it
with the store PKS in this account now
let's go back to this and I'm going to
open 97 to 99 let's freaking go guys I
want to see the 99 player in this here
we go it's finally loaded and it's wait
who is this kibali oh my God that is not
the one I was expecting 97 L kibali
definitely could have been better but
you know what kibali is not at all a bad
card look at that one one defense and
one one physical by the way for
comparison van has got one or two
defense and one or two physical and Van
has got only two better PIR than kibali
he's got 92 whereas kibali has got 90 so
overall I would say it's not a bad card
and he's got for the four of foot as
well so which is nice looks like a great
card uh and he's got the power header
ball roll has a skill move so I mean
yeah skill moves are not really required
for the Defenders but yeah I think I can
do one or two of these exchanges let's
go complete this 94 to 98 as well and
the packs opened so it's a m all the
time Armenia guys it's double mkhitaryan
you know what I'm not shocked at this
moment uh and now let's shift to another
account and let's open packs in that
account as well all right guys now we
are on a brand new account with 500,000
gems so yeah we're going to open a few
of these packs in this account and
hoping that we pack a few you thoughts
on the way let's begin with the team of
this daily bundle pack which is a
guaranteed 93 plus rated player and of
course the first one is just bronze
players and this is where we have the
big player and here comes the pack guys
and it's Nigeria that's Victor oan
probably yeah that's Victor oan guys so
not bad for sure 995 Victory Wiman is
decent 95 I'll take that so that's what
we got from the 3,000 gem pack the next
pack is going to be team of the season
10 pack guys so let's go we can open
three of these 7,500 gems each and the
first one we got wver day so which is
not at all bad and the next one is just
tro guys I don't think this team of the
season 10 packs are that good the next
one we got Capia oh I don't I don't know
why he's not walking out anyways yeah
let's go okay another non walkout team
of the season C be packed in the
untradeable player so come on the third
one can we be lucky the third time uh
okay we got a colan okay that's nice
that's decent and the next one here we
go okay it's not a walk out we get pure
thas the next pack is going to be the
team of the season daily offer for 4,000
gems even in this we can pack UTS guys
come on it's not a UTS it's just uh we
tongen and the next one is going to be
the team of the season Dynamic offer
guys let's go okay the first one no walk
out just a 918 left back meren or mer
that's what we got the second one come
on EA please okay we get to walk out
here can this be you thoughts it's touch
okay okay Striker okay icon oh my God
brby this is brby no it's sorry it's not
brby uh brbie plays for Ajax or ax uh
but we got diong and we got Zakaria as
well so that's two Tots in the same pack
which is nice uh so the third one come
on EA it's not a walk out in the third
one we got bakayoko so that's what we
got and the fourth one the final one in
this uh team of the season offer and
it's a walk out guys so let's have a
look it's Italy Center back please be
Center back it's cajio oh my God that's
a tradable bajio guys no I mean delpo
wow sorry it's a tradable delpo what a
card that is awesome guys 98 rated delpo
I couldn't have asked for more to be
honest and how much is he going for he's
going for 115 million oh this is an
untradeable guys oh yeah never mind in
the second on the market is locked so
that's why this is is untradeable
actually it's a tradeable carard so 115
million coins and the next pack which I
can open on this account is this one I
can open a couple of these steam of the
Season Mega offer so let's go guys let's
go and open this steam of the Season
Mega offer and all I got was just scan
which is kind of trash after that Delp P
I'm kind of happy guys with my pack
today it's been decent so the next one
is Spain okay right back oh Carval okay
that's caral guys not caral Lucas
Vasquez never mind never mind 93 rated
let's just go to the bestseller not
bestseller top events so we're going to
open these 10 packs so I can open 10 of
these so let's go I have to open it with
uh gems of course 22,500 gems and not
worth it in my opinion uh Sancho the
first one but you know what there are 10
packs cuz I'm going to be like lucky for
at least one pack that's that's for sure
so the next one is here and not no no
walk out here we got Vian you know what
I'm going to go 28 time guys 28 time
might do the trick here and come on it's
a walk out guys it's a team of the
season walk out as well Germany um
Center back Coler no it's not Co it's
notter B but please be the ultimate n no
no no it's just a normal one I thought
it's ultimate thoughts for a second but
yeah you know what not bad 95 and 94
that's absolutely fine here comes the
fifth one guys so okay it's not a walk
out it's not a walk out I just got my
Megan there and the sixth one come on EA
oh never mind it's just bakayoko the
seventh one come on EA Sports please
please oh not even a walk out we got
Ruben n West you know what I'm going to
go all the three at a time in the final
three here we go with that all the te
season limited packs are open all right
it's a walk out it's a team of the
season verified as well France leftwing
please be leftwing no it's s rabio oh
weira wow oh my God it's zidan guys even
better my pack look has been great today
so 99 zidan the second 99 of the day
guys and who else did we get we get
Berardi and z grova and by the way look
at the price guys it's not at all a
cheap card either and it's a tradeable
card guys the market is locked so that's
why the transfer is not unlocked and we
made like almost 270 million coins from
this pack which is so good let's open
this one I'm going to open all the 20 of
these okay never mind I'm going to open
10 at a time guys oh wait I can't open
10 at a time I can open five at a time
though so let's go and never mind it's
just gyos let's go five more you know
these these are not really good packs
but I'm still going to open it we got
edenson Cavani and then the fifth one
okay the walk out is it's a Heroes walk
out guys it's been rare Mexico campus no
it's Marquez guys even better it's even
better so we got 96 Marquez wow this has
been awesome so far and who else did we
get we got Toko Ambi Bremo that is a
great pack once again 35 million coins
from this pack that is awesome we got
four more guys so let's Go 9,000 more
gems and here comes the pack it's a team
of the season verified Italy Center back
oh it's dorenzo it's dorenzo never mind
never mind I'm going to skip this one
but still you know that's not bad
dorenzo is not bad for sure and that's
what we got guys so the next one it's
probably you know what I'm just going to
spend all my gems so I'm going to open
10 of these all at time for 150,000 gems
so this is going to be a huge one I I
want to see at least one UTS or 198 plus
rated player guys that's my expectation
so let's go 10 packs at a time can we
get lucky and yes we get a walk out but
is is a good one Spain okay um cam Isco
okay that's Isco guys not the one I was
expecting 96 I mean that's average but
still that's fine that's fine we've got
Dem as well we got pich we got Rafa that
is definitely not at all a bad one
because we made like more than 120
million coins from that that is
definitely a great one guys so now we're
going to go into the exchanges sta we're
going to begin with this exchange guys
94 to 98 so let's complete this 94 to9
because I've got loads of those te seon
noral cards so here we go Brazil bremma
oh my God this account this new account
is dead listed guys it's it's dead
listed without a doubt the pack on this
account has been mental we got color
fiori and we got bremma wow this is
going to be the next one can we repeat
the same kind of pack again it's a walk
obviously Italy this time okay Cam it's
Pelini that's Pelini guys you can't pack
icons in this account um in this uh
exchange so yeah B Green is what we got
and we got bie third one come on Y come
on here we go here we go so this is walk
out obviously it's going to be Scotland
oh that's Ferguson that's Ferguson never
mind it's double Ferguson as well so
that's disappointed fourth one I think I
can open one more after this so here we
go here we go uh France Striker oh jiru
Oliver Jud guys wow 96 TR I'll take that
today it's been AC Milan Madness we got
Ferguson one second and J let's have a
look at this card oh my God 90 Pace
that's a lot of pace for Jud guys and
look at the physical this card actually
might be good because his dribbling is
also decent guys and also you can boost
the dribbling by the way that is a great
looking card but Rea weak for and skill
moves nah nah never going into my team
and now we're going to open this 94 to
99 exchange so let's go I'm hoping for a
95 plus guys my expectations are pretty
decent you know and we get Italy Center
back please be Center back it's left
back guys oh this is DeMarco DeMarco 97
left pack oh my God what is going on in
this account guys it's been awesome pack
we could do some a which as with 96 R
and mkhitaryan this is so good the pack
look on this account I just can't
complain about it now it's time for the
95 to 98 uh players four players and
then 97 to 900 in return so let's go use
the cheaper ones I don't want to use the
Dem because it's kind of expensive
please give me something big Messi
Ronaldo that's what I want to see
parking guys France leing leing leing oh
my God it's Theo Hernandez once again
it's Theo Hernandez but you know what
that's fine Theo Hernandez it's a great
card but yeah definitely could have been
mbappe but that's fine F guys that's
fine and this is going to be the next
one guys the second exchange so let's go
come on EA Sports please EA Sports I
know you're listening to me give me
Messi uguay that's Val no it's Musa guys
even worse Val could have been decent
but we got Musa so 97 goalkeeper is what
we got and that's not the ideal outcome
for me guys but yeah that's fine now I'm
going to change to another account and
let's just wrap it up with that account
guys all right guys now I'm on my 104
rated account so let let's go and open
the exchanges first on this account and
then we can go and open the store packs
as well so first let's begin with the 94
to 99 in this account I already got
Malini so yeah even if I'm pack another
Malini it's not going to change anything
but never mind my expectations are too
high we just sced a 94 Striker which is
good mson Ferguson and calori so that's
what we got we've got loads of these uh
untradeable cards you know I can
complete all the three exchanges 97 to
99 hopefully one good pull guys that's
what I want that's it just one good pull
here we go so this this is going to be
England Jude Bellingham Jude Bellingham
oh my God no freaking way I just got
Dober Hall guys I was expecting Jude
billing up but this is the reality by
the way whenever you see the English
flag 90% of the time it's going to be a
DeBerry Hall and 10% times it's going to
be Jude Bellingham but yeah I got fool
there for a second we've got a couple
more and I'm I'm putting in his brother
uh you know Joe Bellingham so hopefully
I get Jude bring him in this one guys so
let's go come on EA come on Argentina
it's Poland Striker okay it's Robert
leandi at least guys 98 rated Robert
leandi will absolutely take that yeah
finally he's got a good card guys one or
two shooting 94 physical 93 Pace looks
like a great card not going to lie good
dribbling as well good passing as well
that's the second one and the third one
oh I don't want to put in Neymar I want
to I'll put uh Bella instead so let's go
come on E please please give me a 99 199
from this TOS exchange Portugal or
Argentina it's England it's dreber Hall
no no it's right back oh it's stav near
guys it's stav near so yeah that was
kind of disappointing exchanges not
going to lie so yeah anyways let's get
back to the store I can open probably
this one yeah I can open one of this
3,000 uh gems for this one guys so let's
go the first one it's just uh the
bronzes and Silvers and here we go guys
I I sense it to uh ultimate team of the
season coming no it's not it's Tage
never mind it's not even a team of the
season starter guys it's team of the
season Nomine so that's Lo and TI Ed so
we've got 13,000 okay wait I can open
this one 94 to 99 so let's go open this
one guys here we go hoping for UTS
obviously that's what we're going to
hope for on this account anything else
is just waste uh it's just going to be
uh exchange F and turkey chog glue okay
97 chog glue that's interesting one
that's an interesting one so that's not
at all bad I'll absolutely take that so
yeah decent decent that is decent for
sure that's what we got you know what
I'm just going to shift to my main
account Messianic and and let's come to
the exchanges on the on that account as
well guys all right guys on this account
let's begin with the 94 to9 exchange so
I've got loads of mkhitaryan lying in my
club so I'm just going to spend them all
in this exchanges so here we go the
first one it's Scotland that's Ferguson
so I'm going to skip this one we got two
Fergusons and Cal calori and let's just
complete this 97 to 99 exchange guys
because I've caught loads of this 95
rated players so let's go begin with the
first one I'm hoping for 99's you know
come on EA please please England Please
be Jude Bellingham please be Jude
Bellingham no it's dubery Hall once
again I told you guys 90% of times it's
going to be dobry Hall and yeah that's
what we got the first one not the best
one for me honestly that's a
disappointing one and you know what I'm
just going to put in uh yeah gassi here
so let's go come on EA come on please
please let's end this pack opening with
a bang here we go here we go come
on Russia gowin n no no no no no no
another 97 guys this is bad packet uh
and this is going to be the next one so
let me just put in these four players
and yep I am ready come on come on EA
Sports come on please please K me Messi
or Ronaldo or mbappe come on Brazil oh
who's there from Brazil left back oh
it's Wendel guys 397s that is very very
disappointing honestly but yeah that's
how the pack opening is going to end now
so with 397s very disappointed I
couldn't pack Messi or mbappe but you
know what there's still time for the SE
toss I'm definitely going to park a few
ronaldos and Messi's in the few days
remaining so that's it guys I hope you
all have enjoyed this park opening video
if you did make sure to subscribe to my
channel and also go watch this video
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