AI protests worldwide as SF company makes major announcement

NBC Bay Area
13 May 202403:09

TLDRProtests are taking place worldwide, including in San Francisco, as concerns grow over the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). This global call for action coincides with an international AI summit scheduled for May 20th in Korea. The protesters, including a group outside OpenAI's headquarters, are not directly responding to OpenAI's recent updates but are instead focusing on the broader implications of AI's development. Holly Elmore, AI Executive Director, explains the group's primary concern is the distinction between artificial narrow intelligence, which is task-specific, and artificial general intelligence, which possesses a more human-like, flexible problem-solving ability. The protesters are advocating for a pause in AI development to better understand its potential impact and are calling for an international treaty to align global leaders on AI governance. Additionally, San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston is holding a hearing on AI's role in the upcoming local elections, highlighting the growing importance of AI in various aspects of society.


  • 🌍 There is a global call for action to regulate AI, with protests happening worldwide.
  • 📅 The protests coincide with an international AI summit scheduled for May 20th in Korea.
  • 🏙️ One of the protests is taking place in the Bay Area, specifically in San Francisco, near the OpenAI headquarters.
  • 🤖 OpenAI has announced updates, which include new capabilities for ChatGPT and GPT-4, as well as potential voice assistance features.
  • 🚫 The protesters are not specifically concerned with OpenAI's announcements but are within the realm of AI's existing capabilities.
  • 🧐 The key concern expressed by AI Executive Director Holly Elmore is the distinction between artificial narrow intelligence and artificial general intelligence.
  • 📈 While narrow AI is good at specific tasks, like playing chess, general AI is more flexible and can approach any task, which is both appealing and dangerous.
  • ⚠️ The protesters are alarmed by the unknowns associated with general AI and its potential consequences.
  • 👥 The group of protesters is diverse and includes individuals who have traveled from different places to voice their concerns.
  • 📢 The main message of the protest is to encourage a pause in AI development to better understand its implications.
  • 🏛️ San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston is holding a hearing on AI in relation to the upcoming local elections at City Hall.

Q & A

  • What is the main reason for the global protests against artificial intelligence?

    -The main reason for the protests is the concern over the potential dangers of artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is capable of flexible and creative problem-solving similar to human intelligence, and the lack of regulation in the field.

  • What event is happening in San Francisco related to artificial intelligence?

    -There is a protest happening outside of OpenAI headquarters in San Francisco, which coincides with a major update announcement from the company.

  • What is the difference between artificial narrow intelligence and artificial general intelligence?

    -Artificial narrow intelligence is designed to perform a specific task, like playing chess, while artificial general intelligence possesses a broader range of cognitive abilities, similar to human intelligence, capable of learning and solving various types of problems.

  • What is the primary concern of the protesters regarding artificial general intelligence?

    -The primary concern is the unpredictability and potential risks associated with AGI, as it could act in ways that are not fully understood or controlled.

  • What is the connection between the protests and the upcoming international AI summit?

    -The protests are scheduled to take place a week before the international AI summit, and the protesters are using this opportunity to raise awareness and call for an international treaty to regulate AI.

  • What is the goal of the protesters in terms of international regulation?

    -The goal is to get leaders from different countries on board with a unified approach to regulate AI, ensuring that the development and use of AGI are controlled and ethical.

  • What is the significance of the San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston's hearing on AI?

    -The hearing is significant as it addresses the role of AI in the context of local elections, indicating a growing concern and interest in how AI technologies may impact governance and society at a local level.

  • What are the updates announced by OpenAI?

    -OpenAI announced its latest updates, which are anticipated to include advancements in ChatGPT and possibly GPT-4, as well as potential voice assistance capabilities.

  • Who is Holly Elmore and what is her role in the protests?

    -Holly Elmore is the Executive Director of the AI organization Pause AI. She is explaining the group's concerns about the differences between narrow and general AI and the potential dangers of AGI.

  • What is the demographic of the protesters at the OpenAI headquarters?

    -The protesters are a diverse group, including individuals from various locations such as Missouri, who have come together to voice their concerns about the development of AGI.

  • What is the main message the protesters want to convey to the public?

    -The main message is to encourage the public to pause and learn more about AI, its capabilities, and the potential risks associated with the development of AGI before proceeding further.

  • Where and when is the international AI summit mentioned in the transcript?

    -The international AI summit is scheduled to take place in Korea on May 20th, and the protests are aimed at raising awareness ahead of this event.



🌎 Global Call to Regulate AI

The video script begins with a description of a global movement to halt the progression of artificial intelligence. Protests are taking place worldwide, coinciding with an international AI summit scheduled for the following week. The Bay Area in San Francisco is highlighted as one of the locations where protests are occurring, specifically outside the headquarters of Open AI, a significant player in the AI field. The protesters are not directly concerned with Open AI's recent updates but are focused on the broader implications of AI capabilities, particularly the distinction between artificial narrow intelligence and artificial general intelligence. The group, consisting of about a dozen individuals, emphasizes the need for a pause in AI development to better understand its potential consequences. The protest is also aimed at raising awareness ahead of the international summit, where the group hopes for an international treaty to align leaders on AI regulation.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is the central theme as it discusses protests against the unregulated development and use of AI technologies. The script mentions OpenAI, a major player in AI, and the concerns revolve around the advancement of AI from narrow to general intelligence.


Protests are public demonstrations where people express their objection or support for an idea or course of action. In the context of the video, global protests are taking place to demand regulation of AI. The protests are happening outside OpenAI's headquarters and are not directly related to the company's announcements but are part of a broader movement for AI regulation.


OpenAI is a research laboratory that focuses on creating and promoting friendly artificial intelligence. In the video, OpenAI is mentioned as a significant entity in the AI space, with recent updates from the company being a point of interest. The protesters are not specifically against OpenAI's updates but are concerned about the broader implications of AI development.

💡ChatGPT and GPT-4

ChatGPT and GPT-4 refer to updates in AI technology, likely related to advancements in natural language processing and understanding. These updates are part of the announcements made by OpenAI. They represent the ongoing progress in AI and are a focal point for the protesters who are concerned about the potential consequences of such advancements.

💡Voice Assistance Capabilities

Voice assistance capabilities refer to the features that allow AI systems to understand and respond to human speech, enabling hands-free interaction. The script mentions these capabilities as part of OpenAI's updates, indicating a move towards more integrated and interactive AI systems. This development is of concern to the protesters due to the increasing autonomy and intelligence of AI systems.

💡Artificial Narrow Intelligence

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) refers to AI systems that are designed and trained to perform a specific task, such as playing chess or recognizing images. The video contrasts ANI with AGI, highlighting the limited scope of ANI's capabilities. The protesters are more concerned about the development of AI beyond this narrow scope.

💡Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the hypothetical ability of an AI system to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do. It represents a significant leap from narrow intelligence and is the primary concern of the protesters. AGI's potential for creativity and flexibility is appealing but also poses risks due to the unpredictability of its actions.

💡International AI Summit

The International AI Summit is an upcoming event where global leaders and experts in AI are expected to gather and discuss the future of AI. The protests coincide with this summit, and the protesters are calling for an international treaty to regulate AI development. The summit serves as a backdrop for the urgency of the protesters' demands.

💡International Treaty

An international treaty is an agreement between countries that establishes legal obligations to achieve common goals. In the video, the protesters are advocating for an international treaty to regulate AI on a global scale. This reflects their concern that AI development should be controlled and managed collectively by nations.

💡San Francisco Supervisor

A San Francisco Supervisor is an elected official who serves on the Board of Supervisors, the legislative body of San Francisco. In the context of the video, Supervisor Dean Preston is holding a hearing on AI in relation to local elections, indicating the local government's engagement with the issue of AI regulation.

💡AI and Local Elections

AI and local elections refers to the consideration of AI's role and impact on the electoral process at a local level. The video mentions a hearing being held by the San Francisco Supervisor on this topic, suggesting that AI's influence on governance and decision-making is a concern that extends to local politics.


A global call to halt the advancement of artificial intelligence is taking place worldwide.

Protests are occurring in cities globally, demanding regulation of AI.

The protests coincide with an international AI summit scheduled for the upcoming week.

A protest is happening in the Bay Area, specifically in San Francisco, near OpenAI headquarters.

OpenAI has announced its latest updates, including anticipated ChatGPT and GPT-4 updates.

The protesters are not directly concerned with today's OpenAI announcements.

The group is concerned about the distinction between artificial narrow intelligence and artificial general intelligence.

Artificial general intelligence is likened to human intelligence, being creative and flexible.

The appeal of general intelligence lies in its powerful problem-solving ability.

There is a danger in not knowing the full potential and outcomes of artificial general intelligence.

The protest group consists of about a dozen individuals, including one who traveled from Missouri.

The main message from the protesters is to pause AI development and seek more understanding.

The international summit, set to take place in Korea on May 20th, is a focal point for the protest.

Protesters are advocating for an international treaty to align leaders on AI regulation.

San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston is holding a hearing on AI in relation to local elections.

AI is a prominent topic of discussion in San Francisco, with various events and hearings taking place.

The protest aims to raise awareness and prompt a global conversation on the regulation and ethical considerations of AI.