Doing History with Zotero and Obsidian: Archival Research
TLDR在这段视频中,Victoria 向观众介绍了如何使用 Zotero 和 Obsidian 进行档案研究。她首先解释了历史学家在扫描和分析档案文件时对工具的需求,包括存储 PDF 和元数据的安全以及在撰写草稿时的检索便利性。她推荐了 Zotero 作为参考文献管理器,以及 Obsidian 作为可定制的笔记应用,它们可以与 Zotero 接口。Victoria 还提到了其他应用程序如 Tropis 和 DevonThink,但认为它们不如 Zotero 和 Obsidian 方便。她展示了自己如何使用这些工具来处理来自加州大学伯克利分校破产图书馆的 Albert Johnson 文件,并详细说明了如何扫描文档、创建 Zotero 项目、添加标签和元数据、以及如何将注释导入 Obsidian。此外,她还介绍了如何使用 Obsidian 的搜索和排序功能来准备写作。最后,Victoria 提供了如何下载和使用 Zotero、Obsidian 以及她为历史学家制作的入门库的指导。
- 📚 Zotero 是一个参考管理器,能够存储所有研究文档于一处。
- 📂 Obsidian 是一个可定制的笔记应用,与 Zotero 接口兼容。
- 📱 使用 Scanner Pro 等应用在 iPhone 上扫描档案文件夹中的所有文档,并创建 PDF 文件。
- 🔍 利用 OCR 技术可以使得扫描的文档内容可搜索,但手写文档无法通过 OCR 识别。
- 📁 在 Zotero 中创建文件夹和项目,整理和标记档案文档,以便于引用和查找。
- 📝 为每个档案集合创建 Zotero 项目,包括完整名称、存放地点、日期、缩写和查找指南链接。
- 🔗 通过创建保存搜索文件夹,可以方便地访问和管理扫描的文档。
- 📑 从档案文件夹中提取单个文档并添加到 Zotero 中,以便进一步处理。
- ✍️ 在 PDF 查看器中注释文档,纠正 OCR 错误,并准备将注释导入到 Obsidian 中。
- 🔗 在 Obsidian 中创建研究笔记,包括源数据元、标签和文本,以及页面编号。
- 🔍 使用 Obsidian 的搜索和排序功能,根据关键词、作者、标题、事件开始日期等对笔记进行排序。
- 📝 通过 Obsidian 的图形视图浏览笔记,链接相关的人物和事件,形成研究网络。
Q & A
-Tropi和Devon Think也是档案研究中可以使用的工具。Tropi用于存储档案照片,而Devon Think则用于存储各种文档和笔记。
在伯克利大学加州分校的破产图书馆中,Albert Johnson的论文是如何被使用的?
-Albert Johnson是一位美国电影评论家、历史学家以及旧金山电影节的节目策划人。研究者特别感兴趣的是他70年代参加塔什干亚洲和非洲电影节的旅行。
使用Scanner Pro扫描档案文档时,每个档案文件夹应如何存储为PDF文件?
-使用Scanner Pro扫描每个档案文件夹中的所有文档,并将其存储为单独的PDF文件。
-通过高级搜索设置搜索条件,如'archive is AJP'和'tag is folder',然后保存搜索并命名,以便快速访问相关文件夹项目。
-可以右键点击文件夹项目选择'New Item from Selected',然后在系统文件夹中拖动所需页面,之后复制项目并更新PDF视图中的元数据以反映文档信息。
-通过点击特定事件或人物的节点,比如'Tashkent Film Festival',可以看到所有与之相关的研究笔记、人物和电影。
-需要从GitHub页面下载Zotero、Obsidian和起始库的zip文件,解压缩后在Obsidian中选择'Open folder as a vault',信任插件并开始使用,库中包含示例笔记和使用说明。
📚 档案研究工具使用介绍
本段介绍了历史学家Victoria和Obsidia如何使用工具进行档案研究。重点在于使用扫描仪、Zotero和Obsidian等工具扫描、存储、查找档案文件。Zotero作为参考文献管理器,Obsidian作为可定制的笔记应用,与Zotero接口。提到了其他工具如Tropi和Devon Think,但认为它们不如Zotero和Obsidian方便。Victoria展示了她自己创建的设置,包括使用iPhone上的Scanner Pro扫描文档,以及如何将PDF文件导入Zotero并创建相应的项目。她还介绍了如何为档案文件添加标签和元数据,以及如何创建集合项目以管理研究项目中的不同档案集合。
📂 档案文档的提取与注释
🔍 笔记搜索、排序与写作准备
💡Albert Johnson
使用iPhone的Scanner Pro扫描档案文件夹中的所有文件到单独的PDF文件。
welcome to doing history with victoria
and obsidia today i will explain how to
use these tools to do archival research
historians often ask about the latest
tools for copying and analyzing archival
documents their concern is usually to
scan as many documents as possible to
store the pdfs and metadata securely and
to find them easily when writing a draft
a scanner up zotero and obsidian can
help with that
zotero is a reference manager that
stores all your research documents in
one place obsidian is a customizable
note-taking app that interfaces with
i prefer them to the alternatives
tropi is another app that that stores
archival photos and it's pretty
sophisticated but it does not store your
secondary sources it is not a note
taking app or reference manager
devon think is another popular
alternative it stores a variety of
documents and notes but it does not link
up with the reference manager as well as
obsidian so it's not as convenient for
to do my archival research i created my
own setup this is what i'm showing today
my website explains it in more detail
the archival documents i will work with
today come from the albert johnson
papers at the bankrupt library at the
university of california berkeley albert
johnson was an american film critic
historian and the programmer for the san
francisco film festival he traveled
widely in asia and africa as well as
europe and i'm particularly interested
in his travels to tashkent for the
festival of asian and african cinema in
the 70s when i was at bancroft i used
scanner pro on the iphone
scan all documents from each archival
folder into its own pdf file
there are many other options for apps
these apps can automatically align your
documents so you can take photos quickly
they usually also offer optical
character recognition or cr
so any type documents will be searchable
although they cannot ocr the handwritten
documents like the one in the picture
in the archives i take photos of as many
documents as i can and at the end of the
day i end up with pdfs of several
archival folders today i will just use
one folder as an example
first i add a folder to the chair
i named the pdf
uh to include archive abbreviation it's
right here
agp for albert johnson papers archive
folder one box one folder 15
and the short description of what's in
the folder in this case correspondence
from 1972.
i drag the pdf into zotero
then control click on the mac and choose
create parent item
and then manual entry
to create an item
then i clean up
to make a
folder item i delete the pdf
i add the date to sort properly
in archive and location archive fields i
enter information as it should appear in
the citation for any document with that
within that folder
i change
item type to manuscript
so it will be identifiable as an
archival item in the list view
i add tags
type of source
folder and primary for primary source
a subject tag albert johnson
and the name of my research project
to keep track of track of collection
abbreviations i create items for every
collection i intend to examine
this item will have a full name of the
collection of course
also information about the depository
dates abbreviation and the link to the
finding aid
i use manuscript item time for these
items but tag them as collection this is
also useful because you can export these
collection items into archive collection
section of your bibliography
to keep my folder items easily
i create the save search folder for the
item by advanced search
uh set up a search for i archive
and tag
is folder
then click save search
enter the name of this if search
and you're done and this kelp helps me
to keep track of what i scanned i don't
delete this folder items or any pages in
the pdfs as i process the folders
next step is to extract one document
from the folder and add it to the chat
there are many different documents
within the folder
but i know that the first letter an
invitation to the dashcam film festival
i will definitely need
to extract the file i can draw click on
the fonda item and choose so file and
then open in preview
and drag the pages i need
to the folder on my system
then i just control click and choose
duplicate item this allows me to
reproduce archive and location
information automatically
i drag the new pdf on top of the item to
add it
and then in the pdf view i changed in
the metadata
to reflect the document
so february 18 for the date
and this is the author of the letter
and albert johnson's recipient
last thing to do is to delete the tag
make sure
my save search for folders doesn't
include individual items
now i need to annotate the document
i open it in pdf view
the left pane will display annotations
i highlight as many passages as i i
think is necessary for separate notes
it is better to correct any ocr errors
in zotero before the export because you
can compare text to the pdf right here
now you're ready to import annotations
into obsidian
before you do it is important to
remember that different annotations from
the same source actually might belong in
different places in your draft so i need
to split the imported notes with all
annotations into several research notes
pay attention to the keyboard commands
that appear in the lower left corner of
the screen as i type the shortcuts
i use a command r shortcut to call up
zotero search from obsidian
then type keywords to find the source
and hit enter
i choose the source to add the node with
the tera annotations
this node will have all source metadata
including tags it will also
automatically place the date for the
letter into the start date field for the
add links to two notes i already have
for the tashkent film festival
and for albert johnson
these nodes function as a name and event
now i select a text that belongs in a
separate note and press command z hotkey
in the prompt i type the title for my
new note about the bureaucracy at the
dashcam festival
the new research note
has source metadata tags and the text
you selected and the page number for the
in the page number field
now i go back and clean up the original
i delete the text i don't need
it's part of the import
i moved the link to the new node to the
connection sections
which is
where it should be
i use markdown code double equal signs
to highlight the most significant part
of the annotation
i add the title to the node that
describes its significance that johnson
was invited to the festival as a special
also highlight the significant part of
the other note
the links i added
allow me to browse the notes via graph
for example if i click on the tashkent
festival note i will see all research
notes people and films related to that
the note i added also has
a link that takes me to the original
annotation in zotero
now that you imported your notes you can
search and sort them as you prepare for
the regular obsidian search works well
in general i can find all notes
containing the word johnson but i will
only be able to sort them by title or
date modified
but if i use the command s shortcut
i can get to a custom search where i can
search by keyword johnson and sort by
multiple fields
author title
start date for the event
both in descending and ascending order
you can also search by source fields for
example i just added a node where
kaiyoumov is the author of the letter
but i can also check if any of my
sources have kaiomov as a recipient in
there too
they also show that his first name is
the source i just imported only had his
initial i can open any found node in the
search view but i can also press the
command n shortcut to open it in a view
where i can see the local graph for the
node and continue to browse through the
link nodes via the graph as well
to sum up
the workflow helps to keep track of scan
sources enter metadata so you can cite
them correctly and break the material
into individual research notes you can
then process them tag index link and add
your own comments then search and sort
them to slot into particular section of
your draft and start writing
to try these features you can you'll
need to download zotero obsidian and the
starter vault for historians that i made
all these tools are free
you download default the zip file from
the github page
open um and
you have to change the folder title
so you don't really need master
move to the folder that contains all
your obsidian vaults
and then choose open folder as a vault
in obsidian
choose to
trust my plugins
and start working
the vault comes with sample notes and
directions on how to use it
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