Activate Github Students Pack for free & Activate Github Copilot for free with your college id

C S Psyco
16 Sept 202206:00

TLDRThis video tutorial guides viewers on how to activate the GitHub Student Developer Pack and GitHub Copilot for free using a college ID. The process involves visiting the GitHub Student Developer Pack page, signing in, and providing proof of student status, typically through an ID card. The video demonstrates the verification process and highlights the various features available once the pack is activated, including GitHub Copilot, which offers code auto-completion. The presenter also shows how to install GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code, emphasizing its benefits for students, teachers, and professional users.


  • 🎓 **Activate Student Developer Pack**: Visit to activate your student pack and gain access to free developer tools.
  • 🔗 **Direct Link in Description**: The video description provides a direct link to the student pack for easy access.
  • 🚀 **Sign In and Join**: After clicking on the developer pack, sign in to your GitHub account and join the global canvas as a student.
  • 📄 **ID Card Verification**: You may be asked to upload your ID card to verify your student status, especially if your college email is linked to your GitHub account.
  • 📆 **Valid Period on ID**: Ensure your ID card shows the valid years of study (e.g., 2021 to 2024) to confirm your eligibility for the student pack.
  • 📑 **Document Options**: You can upload various documents like ID card, fee receipt, or other official documents as proof of student status.
  • ✅ **Profile Verification**: GitHub will review your profile and notify you if you're eligible for the student pack features.
  • 🌟 **Features and Benefits**: The student pack offers a variety of free features, including GitHub Copilot for code auto-completion.
  • 💻 **GitHub Copilot**: With the student pack activated, you can access GitHub Copilot for free, which provides AI-powered coding assistance.
  • 🛠️ **Installation Process**: Follow the provided documentation to install GitHub Copilot on your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code.
  • 📚 **Subdivided Offers**: The student pack offers are categorized into web development pack, cloud pack, and virtual environment kit pack for easy exploration.
  • 📝 **Stay Updated**: Keep your student profile active and subscribed to the channel for more updates on how to utilize these free developer tools.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the video?

    -The purpose of the video is to guide viewers on how to activate the Github Student Developer Pack and Github Copilot for free using a college ID.

  • Where can one find the link to the Github Student Pack?

    -The link to the Github Student Pack can be found in the description of the video.

  • What is required to prove student status for the Github Student Pack?

    -To prove student status, one may be asked to upload an ID card or similar documentation that verifies their enrollment in a college or university.

  • What happens after uploading the ID card?

    -After uploading the ID card, Github will review the profile to determine eligibility for the Student Pack features.

  • How can one check if their student profile is active?

    -One can check if their student profile is active by clicking on the home button and looking for confirmation of the activation.

  • What are some of the features offered in the Github Student Pack?

    -The Github Student Pack offers a variety of features for free, including access to web development tools, cloud services, and virtual environment kits.

  • How can students benefit from the Github Copilot feature?

    -Github Copilot is an autocomplete feature for coding that can greatly assist students, teachers, and professional users in writing code more efficiently.

  • Is Github Copilot available for free users?

    -No, the Github Copilot feature is not available for free users. However, students with an activated Student Pack can use it for free.

  • How can one install Github Copilot in Visual Studio Code?

    -After verifying eligibility for the Student Pack, one can click on 'Get access to Github Copilot', follow the redirection to Visual Studio Code, and then click on the 'Install' option to set it up.

  • What platforms support Github Copilot?

    -Github Copilot can be installed in various platforms such as Visual Studio Code, NetBeans, and JetBrains, depending on user preference.

  • What should one do if they encounter any issues during the activation process?

    -If issues arise during the activation process, one should refer to the documentation provided or seek further assistance through Github's support channels.

  • Are there other platforms offering similar benefits for students?

    -Yes, other platforms like AWS and Microsoft offer student-specific features that can be utilized for free upon verification of student status.



🎓 Activating the GitHub Student Developer Pack

This paragraph provides a step-by-step guide on how to activate the GitHub Student Developer Pack. The process begins with visiting the GitHub website and signing in to join the global canvas. It requires users to confirm their student status, often by providing an ID card or similar documentation. The video mentions that the ID card should reflect the current academic years (2021 to 2024 in the example) to qualify for the student benefits. Once the ID card is uploaded and the document type is selected, the user proceeds to submit the application. The video also explains that after submission, GitHub will review the profile to determine eligibility for the student pack features. It highlights the variety of free features available once the pack is activated, including access to GitHub Copilot, which is an AI-powered code completion tool. The paragraph concludes with instructions on how to install and use GitHub Copilot on various platforms like Visual Studio Code, NetBeans, or JetBrains.


🛠️ Installing GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code

The second paragraph focuses on the installation process of GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It starts by opening VS Code, which should automatically direct the user to the installation procedure for GitHub Copilot. If the extension is not already installed, the user is instructed to click on the 'Install' option. The video confirms that the presenter has already installed the extension, as it shows 'Disabled' and 'Uninstall' options instead. The paragraph emphasizes that once installed, users can utilize GitHub Copilot for free. It ends by encouraging viewers to stay subscribed for more informative videos.



💡Github Student Developer Pack

The Github Student Developer Pack is a program that provides students with access to a variety of free tools and resources to help them learn and build their projects. In the video, the host guides viewers on how to activate this pack using their college ID, which is a key step in gaining access to the free features and software.

💡Github Copilot

Github Copilot is an AI-powered code assistant that helps developers write code more efficiently by providing autocomplete suggestions. In the context of the video, the host explains how to activate Github Copilot for free as part of the student pack benefits, which is a significant advantage for students looking to enhance their coding experience.

💡College ID

A College ID is an identification card issued to students by their educational institution. In the video, the host mentions that to activate the Github Student Developer Pack, one needs to provide their College ID card, which serves as proof of their student status and eligibility for the pack's benefits.

💡Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a popular source-code editor developed by Microsoft that supports a wide range of programming languages. The video demonstrates how to install Github Copilot as an extension in Visual Studio Code, which is a common platform where developers write and manage their code.

💡Student Verification

Student Verification is the process of confirming one's student status, typically through documentation like a College ID card. The video outlines the steps to verify student status on Github, which is necessary to access the free Student Developer Pack and its benefits.

💡Free Features

Free Features refer to the tools, services, and resources that are provided at no cost as part of the Github Student Developer Pack. The video emphasizes the variety of free features available to students once their student status is verified and the pack is activated.

💡Global Canvas

Global Canvas is a platform mentioned in the video where students can join as part of the process to activate the Github Student Developer Pack. It is likely a tool or service that integrates with Github to facilitate student verification and pack activation.

💡ID Card Upload

ID Card Upload is the step in the activation process where students are required to upload a digital copy of their ID card to verify their identity and student status. In the video, the host demonstrates this step, showing how to upload the ID card to Github.


Eligibility in this context refers to whether a student meets the criteria required to access the Github Student Developer Pack. After uploading their ID card and providing necessary information, students wait for Github to confirm their eligibility, as shown in the video.


A subscription, in the context of the video, refers to the act of signing up for the Github Student Developer Pack. The host encourages viewers to subscribe to the pack to take advantage of the free tools and resources provided for students.


Documentation in this case refers to the written instructions or guides that help users understand how to install and use Github Copilot or other tools within the Student Developer Pack. The video provides a link to the documentation for installing Github Copilot on Visual Studio Code.


Activating the Github Student Developer Pack is available for free to students.

To activate, visit and follow the provided link in the description.

Sign in to Github and join the global canvas as a student to start the process.

Verification may require uploading an ID card that shows your enrollment period.

The ID card should clearly show the years of study, such as 2021 to 2024.

After uploading, select the type of document and proceed with the verification.

Github will review the profile to determine eligibility for the Student Pack features.

Once verified, a variety of free features become available to the student user.

The Student Pack includes offers from various platforms like AWS and Microsoft.

The pack is subdivided into Web Development Pack, Cloud Pack, and Virtual Environment Kit Pack.

Github Copilot is an autocomplete feature for code that is included in the Student Pack.

Free users do not have access to Github Copilot, but students can utilize it for free.

To install Github Copilot, follow the instructions provided after eligibility confirmation.

Select your preferred development environment like Visual Studio Code, NetBeans, or JetBrains.

Documentation is provided for installing Github Copilot on Visual Studio Code.

Once installed, Github Copilot will be ready to pair with your development environment.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to activate and use Github Copilot for free.

Stay subscribed for more informative videos on utilizing Github Student Pack benefits.