GitHub Copilot: Getting Started with Chat

14 Apr 202303:56

TLDRAllison from GitHub introduces the new chat functionality of GitHub Copilot, which enhances the pair programming experience by providing code suggestions and facilitating questions within the editor. The chat feature allows developers to ask for explanations of regular expressions, request code readability improvements, and even propose fixes for bugs based on comments. It also assists in creating unit tests to ensure code integrity. The tool is designed to stay focused on development-related queries and is set to be released later in the year, with a waitlist available for early access.


  • πŸš€ GitHub Copilot introduces a new chat functionality for a richer pair programming experience directly in the editor.
  • πŸ“š Copilot Chat helps in understanding poorly documented code by asking questions, such as explaining regular expressions.
  • πŸ› οΈ It assists in improving code readability by restructuring and adding comments upon request.
  • πŸ” Copilot can identify and propose fixes for bugs in the code by analyzing comments and code structure.
  • 🧩 The tool recognizes data handling issues, such as treating data as comma-separated instead of space-separated.
  • πŸ“ It adds error checking to the code, which is commonly associated with certain types of programming tasks.
  • πŸ’‘ Copilot can generate unit tests based on the code paths and logic branches, helping to prevent accidental code breakage.
  • πŸ“‹ The chat functionality keeps developers focused by providing coding assistance within the same environment where they code.
  • πŸ—£οΈ Developers can have a conversation with Copilot to learn more, but the prompts are intentionally constrained to development-related questions.
  • βš™οΈ GitHub Copilot helps developers code faster, focus on business logic, and build better software more efficiently.
  • 🌟 The chat feature is currently in the preview phase, with plans to roll out to more users later in the year.
  • βœ… Joining the waitlist allows developers to be notified as more people are given access to the new version of Copilot Chat.

Q & A

  • What is GitHub Copilot?

    -GitHub Copilot is a tool that provides code suggestions as you type, enhancing the coding experience by offering assistance in real-time within your code editor.

  • What is the new functionality that Allison is introducing in the video?

    -Allison is introducing the new chat functionality of GitHub Copilot, which allows for richer pair programming experiences and the ability to ask questions or provide additional context directly in the editor.

  • How does GitHub Copilot help with poorly documented code?

    -GitHub Copilot can explain the purpose of code snippets, such as regular expressions, by allowing users to ask questions directly in the editor, thus eliminating the need for external tools.

  • What does Allison do to improve the readability of the inherited code?

    -Allison asks GitHub Copilot to make the code more readable, which results in the code being restructured into separate functions with added comments and more meaningful variable names.

  • How does GitHub Copilot assist in debugging?

    -GitHub Copilot can propose fixes for bugs by analyzing comments and code, recognizing data handling issues, correcting the order of returned values, and adding error checking where necessary.

  • What is the benefit of creating unit tests with GitHub Copilot?

    -Creating unit tests with GitHub Copilot helps ensure that all branches of logic are tested, preventing accidental code breakage and providing a foundation for future development and testing.

  • How does the chat functionality in GitHub Copilot's editor help developers stay focused?

    -The chat functionality allows developers to ask for coding help and have conversations about code directly in the editor, reducing the need to switch contexts and thus helping to maintain focus on the task at hand.

  • What is the constraint placed on the chat functionality regarding the scope of questions?

    -The chat functionality is deliberately constrained to ensure that only questions with an intent around development are asked, and GitHub Copilot will decline to answer questions that stray outside of programming.

  • How is GitHub Copilot helping developers worldwide?

    -Developers are using GitHub Copilot to code faster, focus more on business logic rather than boilerplate code, and ultimately, to build better software more efficiently.

  • What is the current status of the chat functionality in GitHub Copilot?

    -As of the video, the chat functionality is being previewed and developers are being invited to join a waitlist for notifications as more people are brought on to test and provide feedback.

  • How can developers get access to the new GitHub Copilot chat functionality?

    -Developers interested in the new chat functionality can join the waitlist to be notified when they can access it for testing and providing feedback.



πŸš€ Introduction to GitHub Copilot Chat

Allison from GitHub introduces a new chat functionality powered by GitHub Copilot. This feature aims to enhance the coding experience by providing code suggestions and facilitating questions and context provision. Copilot Chat is designed to enrich the pair programming experience within the editor itself.

πŸ€” Understanding Code with Regular Expressions

The script demonstrates how to use Copilot Chat to understand poorly documented code with regular expressions. Instead of using an external translator, Allison asks Copilot directly about the purpose of the regular expressions, which are revealed to be for validating email addresses, phone numbers, and strong passwords.

πŸ“š Improving Code Readability

Allison requests help from Copilot to make the inherited code more readable. After an initial improvement, she asks for further refinement, leading to the separation of validation functions, addition of comments, and renaming of variables for better maintainability.

πŸ” Debugging Code with Copilot's Assistance

The video shows how Copilot can help debug code that isn't working correctly. By asking for a fix and providing a comment, Copilot identifies issues with data treatment and order of return values. It also adds error checking, which are typical for this type of code.

πŸ§ͺ Creating Unit Tests with Copilot

Allison requests Copilot to create unit tests to prevent accidental code breakage. Copilot analyzes the code paths and generates tests for all branches of logic, providing a solid foundation for further test development.

πŸ“ Staying Focused with In-Editor Chat

The script highlights the convenience of having chat functionality within the editor, allowing developers to ask for coding help and learn more without losing focus. The chat is designed to support development-related inquiries, with Copilot politely declining non-programming questions.

🌟 Benefits of GitHub Copilot for Developers

Allison emphasizes the benefits of using GitHub Copilot for faster coding, focusing on business logic, and building great software. She also mentions the ongoing development of chat functionality and invites developers to join the waitlist for early access and feedback.



πŸ’‘GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code generation tool developed by GitHub. It assists developers by providing code suggestions as they type, which can significantly speed up the coding process. In the video, it is highlighted for its ability to offer richer pair programming experiences and code suggestions in line with the developer's input.

πŸ’‘Chat Functionality

Chat functionality refers to the ability to communicate with an AI or another user through a chat interface. In the context of the video, GitHub Copilot's new chat feature allows developers to ask questions and provide additional context directly within their code editor, enhancing the interactive experience.

πŸ’‘Code Suggestions

Code suggestions are prompts or snippets of code that are automatically generated by an AI tool to assist developers. GitHub Copilot provides these suggestions as the developer types, which can help improve efficiency and reduce the time spent on writing boilerplate code.

πŸ’‘Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful tool used in programming for matching patterns in strings. They are often complex and can be difficult to read. In the video, the presenter uses GitHub Copilot to understand and clarify the purpose of poorly documented regular expressions in inherited code.

πŸ’‘Pair Programming

Pair programming is a software development technique where two developers work together at one workstation. One person writes the code while the other reviews and provides feedback in real-time. The video introduces GitHub Copilot's chat feature as a way to enhance this collaborative approach by providing AI assistance within the editor.

πŸ’‘Code Readability

Code readability refers to the ease with which a human reader can understand the code. In the video, the presenter asks GitHub Copilot to make the code more readable by separating out validation functions, adding comments, and renaming variables for better clarity.

πŸ’‘Bug Fixes

Bug fixes are corrections made to the code to resolve errors or unexpected behavior. The video demonstrates how GitHub Copilot can propose fixes for bugs by analyzing comments and code, recognizing data treatment errors, and adding error checking.

πŸ’‘Unit Tests

Unit tests are a method of testing individual units or components of a software to ensure they function correctly. In the script, GitHub Copilot is asked to create unit tests to prevent accidental code breakage, analyzing code paths and using comment context to generate tests for all branches of logic.

πŸ’‘AI Assistants

AI assistants are artificial intelligence systems that can perform tasks or services typically done by a human assistant. In the video, GitHub Copilot acts as an AI assistant that helps with coding tasks, providing a more focused and efficient development experience.

πŸ’‘Boilerplate Code

Boilerplate code refers to sections of code that have a standard structure and can be reused across different programs. It is often seen as a necessary but non-creative part of programming. The video emphasizes how GitHub Copilot allows developers to focus more on business logic rather than writing boilerplate code.

πŸ’‘Development Intent

Development intent refers to the specific goals or purposes behind a developer's actions or queries within a programming context. The video mentions that the chat functionality is designed to detect and respond to questions with an intent around development, declining to engage with topics outside of programming.


GitHub Copilot introduces a new chat functionality to enhance the coding experience.

Copilot Chat allows for richer pair programming experiences directly in the editor.

Developers can ask questions and provide additional context for better code suggestions.

GitHub Copilot can explain the purpose of regular expressions in poorly documented code.

Developers can request help to make code more readable with a simple command.

Copilot can separate validation functions, add comments, and improve variable names for clarity.

The improved code is easier to maintain due to its readability and structured format.

Copilot can propose fixes for bugs in the code by analyzing comments and code.

It identifies data treatment errors and corrects the order of returned values.

Copilot adds error checking to the code based on typical practices.

Unit tests can be generated by Copilot to prevent accidental code breakage.

Copilot analyzes code paths and generates tests for all branches of logic.

Chat functionality within the editor helps developers stay focused and on task.

Developers can have conversations with Copilot to learn more about coding.

The prompt is constrained to development-related questions to maintain focus.

GitHub Copilot is used worldwide for faster coding and focusing on business logic.

Chat functionality will help developers experiment and learn how AI can assist them.

The team is actively working on bringing chat functionality to users later in the year.

Developers can join a waitlist to be notified as more people are brought on for feedback.

The goal is to gather feedback to make the new version of Copilot even better.