Actually, ChatGPT is INCREDIBLY Useful (15 Surprising Examples)

8 Feb 202413:27

TLDRThe video highlights the versatility of AI tools like ChatGPT, showcasing 15 diverse examples of its practical applications beyond creative writing. It emphasizes the enhanced capabilities of GPT 4 over GPT 3.5 and suggests using ChatGPT for information that is difficult to obtain initially but easy to verify. The examples range from explaining technical commands and formatting data to acting as a reverse dictionary and finding specific product recommendations, demonstrating how ChatGPT can be a valuable everyday tool.


  • 🤖 AI tools like ChatGPT are more versatile than commonly believed, extending beyond just creative writing.
  • 🚀 GPT 4 offers more advanced features compared to GPT 3.5, and can be accessed through Microsoft Copilot or ChatGPT Plus.
  • 🔍 ChatGPT can clarify the function of obscure commands or parameters by breaking them down for better understanding.
  • 📝 It can assist in generating commands for specific tasks when the user is unsure of the correct syntax or command.
  • 📊 ChatGPT is capable of formatting and organizing unstructured data into a more readable and coherent format.
  • 🖼️ It can act as a reverse dictionary, helping users identify objects or terms based on descriptions provided.
  • 🔎 For information that's difficult to find through traditional search engines, ChatGPT can provide more targeted and accurate responses.
  • 🧣 When searching for products, ChatGPT can recommend high-quality options based on specific criteria, such as the fluffiest towels.
  • 🏹 It can translate words into multiple languages while considering the context, which can be particularly useful for technical terms.
  • 🛠️ ChatGPT can aid in coding tasks by adding comments to code or suggesting print statements for debugging purposes.
  • 💡 It can perform calculations or use programmatic methods to verify information, offering a more reliable approach than relying solely on its knowledge base.

Q & A

  • What is the main argument the speaker tries to convey about AI tools like ChatGPT?

    -The speaker argues that AI tools like ChatGPT are incredibly useful and that their capabilities extend far beyond what people commonly assume, such as just being useful for creative writing.

  • Which version of GPT does the speaker recommend using and why?

    -The speaker recommends using GPT 4 over GPT 3.5 because GPT 4 is significantly more advanced and capable compared to its predecessor, which the speaker describes as 'brain-dead'.

  • How does the speaker suggest verifying the information provided by ChatGPT?

    -The speaker suggests using ChatGPT for situations where the information is hard to get initially but easy to verify once obtained. This way, one can cross-check the AI's responses for accuracy.

  • What is an example of a technical task the speaker used ChatGPT for?

    -The speaker used ChatGPT to understand and explain the parameters of a command they found online, ensuring they knew what the command would do before executing it.

  • How did the speaker utilize ChatGPT for data formatting?

    -The speaker used ChatGPT to format unstructured data, such as a list of people with inconsistently formatted contact information, into a neatly organized chart.

  • What is a unique use case of ChatGPT mentioned by the speaker that involves describing an object?

    -The speaker used ChatGPT as a reverse dictionary to identify the name of an object based on its description, such as identifying a specific type of spray bottle used in a chemistry lab.

  • How did the speaker use ChatGPT to find a specific type of product?

    -The speaker used ChatGPT to find the fluffiest and most absorbent bath towels by asking for specific types of cotton and comparing them, then asking for top-end brands that experts recommend.

  • What is an example of a complex task the speaker used ChatGPT to assist with?

    -The speaker used ChatGPT to help with debugging PowerShell code by asking it to add print statements throughout the code to track variable values and the code's execution.

  • How did the speaker use ChatGPT to aid in decision-making for a subscription plan?

    -The speaker used ChatGPT to calculate the break-even point for a subscription plan by providing the cost of credits, the price per additional credit, and the credit cost per video, with the AI using Wolfram Alpha for the math.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the future capabilities of AI tools like ChatGPT?

    -The speaker suggests that in the near future, AI tools like ChatGPT will become even more reliable and capable, to the point where users may not have to worry about incorrect data and can trust the AI more.



🤖 Exploring AI's Practical Uses

This paragraph discusses the misconceptions about AI tools like ChatGPT and highlights the presenter's personal experiences using it for various purposes beyond creative writing. The focus is on the capabilities of GPT 4, which can be accessed through Microsoft Copilot or ChatGPT Plus, and the difference in performance between GPT 3.5 and GPT 4. The presenter also addresses concerns about the reliability of AI, advocating for its use in situations where the information can be easily verified.


🛠️ Utilizing AI for Technical Tasks

The second paragraph delves into specific examples of how AI can assist with technical tasks. It covers using AI to understand and explain command-line parameters, generating appropriate commands for tasks like extracting audio from video using FFmpeg, and formatting unstructured data. The presenter also shares personal experiences where AI helped in formatting error messages and converting data formats, emphasizing the AI's ability to handle tasks that are difficult for humans.


🔍 AI as a Reverse Dictionary and Research Tool

This paragraph illustrates the use of AI for identifying objects or terms based on descriptions and for researching information that's challenging to find through traditional search engines. The presenter provides examples of using AI to identify specific types of spray bottles and fire extinguishers, as well as determining the fluffiest towels by asking for specific types of cotton. The paragraph also mentions the presenter's experience in finding high-end brands through AI and using AI to identify a specific Star Trek episode based on a vague memory.

🌐 AI for Language Translation and Coding Assistance

The final paragraph discusses the use of AI for translating words into multiple languages within a specific context and for assisting in coding tasks. The presenter shares instances where AI helped in installing Python packages, adding comments to code, and debugging PowerShell scripts by suggesting print statements. The paragraph also covers using AI to evaluate subscription plans and calculate the break-even point for an unlimited plan based on given data, showcasing AI's ability to perform calculations using external tools for accuracy.



💡AI tools

AI tools refer to artificial intelligence applications that are designed to assist with various tasks, often by simulating human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI tools like ChatGPT are showcased as incredibly useful despite common misconceptions. The video aims to dispel the notion that these tools are limited to creative writing and instead highlights their versatility in solving real-life problems.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the video, the presenter shares personal experiences using ChatGPT for various purposes, emphasizing its capabilities beyond just creative writing. The video positions ChatGPT as a versatile tool that can assist with technical tasks, data formatting, and more.

💡GPT 4

GPT 4 is the latest iteration of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, an advanced AI language model. It is noted for its improved understanding and generation capabilities compared to its predecessors. The video emphasizes the superiority of GPT 4 over GPT 3.5, suggesting that the former provides more accurate and reliable outputs for a variety of tasks.

💡Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered service that integrates with various Microsoft products, including the Bing search engine and Windows operating system. It offers users the ability to interact with AI in a more seamless and integrated manner. The video mentions Copilot as one of the platforms where users can access GPT 4 for free, highlighting its role in making advanced AI technology more accessible.

💡Creative writing

Creative writing refers to any writing that goes beyond the basics of grammar and syntax to use literary techniques to create images, tell stories, or express ideas. While the video challenges the assumption that AI tools like ChatGPT are only useful for creative writing, it does not exclude the possibility of their application in this area. Instead, it broadens the scope to include a variety of other tasks.

💡Data formatting

Data formatting involves organizing and structuring data in a way that is easy to read, understand, and process. In the video, the presenter uses ChatGPT to format unstructured data, such as a list of names and contact information, into a more organized and visually appealing format, like a chart. This highlights the practical applications of AI in managing and presenting information.

💡Reverse dictionary

A reverse dictionary is a tool that allows users to describe a word or concept and find the exact term or name for it. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is used as a reverse dictionary to identify objects or items based on their description, which can be particularly helpful when the user does not know the precise name of what they are looking for.

💡Error messages

Error messages are notifications displayed by computer programs to inform users of issues or problems that have occurred. In the video, the presenter uses ChatGPT to interpret and format error messages from a program they were working on, making the information more accessible and easier to understand. This illustrates the potential of AI in assisting with technical troubleshooting and support.

💡Product research

Product research involves the process of gathering information about products to make informed purchasing decisions. In the video, the presenter uses ChatGPT to find the fluffiest and most absorbent bath towels, showcasing how AI can assist in product research by providing specific recommendations based on detailed queries.

💡Language translation

Language translation is the process of converting text or speech from one language to another. The video highlights the ability of ChatGPT to translate words into multiple languages within a specific context, such as translating the word 'file' with the meaning of a computer file, which is particularly useful when dealing with terminology that may have different meanings across languages.

💡Code comments

Code comments are annotations added to the source code to explain the purpose and functionality of the code. In the video, the presenter uses ChatGPT to add comments to their code, making it easier for others to understand. This demonstrates the application of AI in improving code readability and maintainability.


Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in software code. The video showcases the use of ChatGPT in assisting with debugging tasks by suggesting the addition of print statements to the code, which can help track the values of variables and the flow of the program. This illustrates the practical use of AI in software development and maintenance.


AI tools like ChatGPT are incredibly versatile and useful beyond just creative writing.

GPT 4 can be used for free through Microsoft Copilot on Bing website or Windows, with more features available in paid versions.

ChatGPT can help understand complex commands and their parameters by breaking them down.

Reverse engineering of commands is possible; you can ask what a specific command does.

ChatGPT can assist in formatting unstructured data into a more readable and organized format.

The AI can transform error messages into a more comprehensible format for easier understanding.

ChatGPT can convert data into different formats, such as from plain text to CSV.

The AI functions as a reverse dictionary, helping identify objects based on descriptions.

ChatGPT can provide information that's difficult to find through traditional search engines.

The AI can recommend high-quality products or materials, like the fluffiest towels made from Egyptian or Pima cotton.

ChatGPT can help in identifying specific episodes of TV shows based on vague memories.

The AI can translate words into multiple languages within a specific context, such as 'file' in the sense of a computer file.

ChatGPT can assist in selecting the correct software or files for installation based on error messages.

The AI can add comments to code to improve understandability and maintainability.

ChatGPT can aid in debugging code by suggesting where to add print statements for variable values.

The AI can perform calculations using plugins like Wolfram Alpha for more accurate results.

ChatGPT can assist in understanding IP address ranges and other technical configurations.

ChatGPT's capabilities are continually improving, making it more reliable and trustworthy over time.

The AI can be a valuable tool for problem-solving, saving time, and offering innovative solutions.