【Ai:Art Impostor】おえかき人狼 【おおえのたかゆき】【2022/11/09】

9 Nov 2022178:28

TLDRおえかき人狼のプレイ動画で、おおえのたかゆきが様々な状況に対処します。タイトルは「Ai:Art Impostor」で、プレイヤーは他人の絵を参考にしながら、自分が選んだテーマを隠しながら絵を描く必要があります。おおえのたかゆきは、観客の視点を常に意識しながら、イタリアをテーマにピノキオを描きましたが、他のプレイヤーにはイタリアとはわからず、様々な誤解が生まれました。また、他のテーマにも挑戦し、ジャンプやアクションを表現する際には、具体的なアクションを描く必要性と難しさを感じながらも、面白そうだと感じています。ゲームの面白さと難しさを語り合いながら、視聴者を楽しませるプレイ動画です。


  • 🎨 タイトルは「【Ai:Art Impostor】おえかき人狼 【おおえのたかゆき】【2022/11/09】」で、おおえのたかゆきさんがアートインポスターとして人狼をプレイした動画です。
  • 🌞 その日、おおえのたかゆきさんは仕事が大変だったが、前日に比べて2時間早く起きることができました。
  • 🎮 ゲームで800コインを手に入れ、レートが1129になりました。その結果、オレンジ色の猫一家を手に入れました。
  • 🐱 携帯ショップに行かず、ネットで携帯を買うことを考え、また生活の見直しも行っています。
  • 🍕 食べ物の話で、ピザラジオが縮んでしまい、世代交代の時期だと感じている様子です。
  • 🎭 インポスターとして、イタリアをかけてのファンタジー職業を選んで、ピノキオのような少年を描きました。
  • 🤔 描画する際には、他のプレイヤーがイタリアを悟られないように工夫しています。
  • 🇮🇹 投票でイタリアを示す絵が怪しかったり、下手だったりと議論され、最後は投票の結果を見て判断しました。
  • 🎲 サイコロや麻雀、トランプなどのゲームについて語り、海賊王ワンピースに関する様々な要素を提起しました。
  • 🎵 ミュージシャンとしての職業が話題になり、流行りの音楽やアーティストについて触れています。
  • 🏆 最後に、レートが2000まで上がるまでプレイするという目標を持っています。

Q & A

  • おえかき人狼とはどのようなゲームですか?


  • タイトル中の「アートインポスター」とは何を意味しますか?


  • ビデオスクリプトで述べている「800コイン」とは何ですか?


  • スクリプトで「ピノキオ」を選んだ理由は何ですか?


  • スクリプトで「赤白緑」とは何を意味していますか?


  • スクリプトで「ミサイル」が何度か出てくる理由は何ですか?


  • スクリプトで「海パン」とは何を意味していますか?


  • スクリプトで「剣士」を表すために何を使用しましたか?


  • スクリプトで「ファンタジー職業」とは何を意味していますか?


  • ビデオスクリプトの最後に言及されている「レート2000」とは何ですか?




😀 Morning Greetings and Introduction

The speaker starts with a cheerful morning greeting and introduces themselves as an artist known as Art Imposter. They discuss their busy schedule and the challenges of waking up early for work, mentioning their plan to wake up at 3 pm the next day. They also talk about their previous day's activities, including a successful gaming session where they earned 800 coins and unlocked an orange cat family in a game.


🎨 Art Imposter's Strategy and Creative Process

The speaker delves into their strategy for the game 'Art Imposter', where they aim to create artwork that doesn't reveal the assigned topic, Italy, to the other players. They discuss their thought process in choosing Pinocchio as a subject to imply Italy without giving it away, considering various elements like the color scheme and cultural symbols.


🤔 Confusion and Speculation in the Game

The speaker expresses confusion about the game's clues, discussing the difficulty in determining which player is the imposter based on the artwork presented. They mention the use of certain symbols and the challenge of interpreting them correctly without revealing too much information.


🎭 The Role of Imposter and Deduction

The speaker talks about their role as the imposter in the game and the importance of blending in with the other players. They discuss the need to make educated guesses and the pressure of avoiding suspicion while trying to deduce who the other imposter might be.


🎮 Video Game Discussion and Personal Preferences

The speaker shares their thoughts on various video games, including 'Minecraft' and its convenience, as well as their personal gaming preferences. They mention the importance of the first move in a game and discuss the depth and information density in anime, citing 'One Piece' as an example.


🎶 Music and Voice Actor Changes

The speaker talks about changes in the voice acting for a character named Moe, comparing it to generational changes in other media like 'Doraemon'. They also discuss the importance of matching in a game and express frustration with technical issues such as disconnections and the need for restarts.


🤷‍♂️ Confusion Over Missiles and Strategy

The speaker expresses confusion over the game's theme involving missiles and the sea. They discuss the potential implications of missiles falling into the sea and the importance of not being too aggressive in their strategy.


🧐 Abstract Thoughts and Game Confusion

The speaker is puzzled by abstract imagery and abstract concepts presented in the game. They discuss the difficulty in understanding the meaning behind various symbols and the challenge of connecting them to the game's theme.


🎉 Winning the Game and Reflecting on Strategy

The speaker celebrates a victory in the game and reflects on their strategy, considering whether they gave too many hints. They express relief and satisfaction with their performance.


🤔 Speculation and Deduction in the Game

The speaker engages in speculation and deduction regarding the other players' roles in the game. They discuss the importance of avoiding suspicion and the strategies they used to blend in without being detected.


🎂 Discussing Various Topics and Personal Preferences

The speaker talks about a variety of topics, including desserts, the potential for suspicion in the game, and personal preferences. They mention Apple Pie as a clue and discuss the strategy behind choosing such a clue.


🎮 Games and Clues in Art Imposter

The speaker discusses the process of playing 'Art Imposter', focusing on the importance of choosing the right clues to avoid being identified as the imposter. They mention various games and the challenge of connecting them to the theme without being too obvious.


😓 Frustration and Confusion with the Game

The speaker expresses frustration and confusion with the game, particularly with the difficulty of the clues and the challenge of understanding the connections between them. They discuss the need for careful consideration and strategy.


🎉 Victory and Reflection on the Game

The speaker celebrates a victory in the game and reflects on their strategy, expressing satisfaction with their performance. They discuss the importance of blending in and the relief of winning.


🤔 Contemplation and Speculation on the Game

The speaker contemplates the game's outcome and speculates on the other players' strategies. They discuss the difficulty of the game and the importance of understanding the clues and themes.


🎨 Art and Imposter Strategies

The speaker talks about their approach to playing 'Art Imposter', focusing on the importance of creating artwork that is abstract enough to avoid detection. They discuss the challenge of choosing the right subject and the pressure of the game.


🎉 Final Victory and Game Conclusion

The speaker concludes the game with a victory and expresses their satisfaction with the outcome. They discuss their overall experience with the game, including the strategies they used and the challenges they faced.







































