An amazing opportunity is just around the corner & you know a past person is gonna try messing it up

🌊Bronwen's_Cove Tarot🌊
6 Apr 202456:00

TLDRIn this tarot reading, the focus is on upcoming changes and challenges that may arise in the lives of the viewers. The reading touches on themes of impatience, masks, and change in work or finances, with a sense of urgency and transformation. It also delves into family dynamics, potential betrayals, and the need for discernment in relationships. The presence of a parasitic energy is highlighted, suggesting emotional or spiritual drains that need to be addressed. The reading emphasizes the importance of self-care, recognizing true support, and moving forward with personal growth and development.


  • 🔮 The session begins with a general welcome to new and returning viewers, highlighting the community aspect of the tarot reading channel.
  • 📅 The tarot reader mentions a temporary pause in email communication, planning to reopen and respond to emails on Monday, and will accept a limited number of reading requests then.
  • 💬 Emphasis is placed on the disclaimer that the tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only, and professional advice should be sought for serious personal matters.
  • 🚂 There's a note about potential background noise from a nearby train station, suggesting viewers adjust their volume if they have sound sensitivities.
  • 🎴 The reading starts with sensing an impatient energy from the cards and the audience, hinting at restlessness among the viewers or the energies being read.
  • 👥 Various cards and energies suggest conflicts involving work, personal growth, and possibly a deceptive family member or colleague trying to leverage the viewer's success.
  • 🌟 There's an underlying theme of facing challenges and change, especially in professional and financial aspects, as inferred from tarot cards like 'Daughter Value' and 'Angel of Love'.
  • 🛑 The reader warns of parasitic or exploitative individuals who might disguise their intentions, urging viewers to be cautious of who they trust.
  • 🔄 Several attempts to clarify the energies and intentions behind the cards are made, indicating complexity and multiple layers of personal interaction and challenge.
  • 📣 The session concludes with a reminder about the availability of personalized readings and a warning against imposters in the comments section.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the reading provided in the script?

    -The main purpose of the reading is to offer a timeless collective tarot insight into what is coming forward for the viewers, for entertainment purposes only.

  • What specific disclaimer does the reader mention before starting the tarot reading?

    -The reader mentions a disclaimer that the readings are for entertainment purposes only and advises viewers to seek qualified professionals for legal, medical, or therapeutic advice if needed.

  • Why does the reader request not to be emailed before Monday?

    -The reader requests not to be emailed before Monday because they will not look at the emails until then and will open up slots for readings on that day, taking the first five to seven readings that come in.

  • What is the significance of ringing the bell during the reading?

    -The significance of ringing the bell during the reading is to cleanse the space around, preparing the environment for the tarot reading.

  • What kind of disturbances does the reader apologize for in advance?

    -The reader apologizes for the disturbance caused by the noise of a train alarm from a nearby train station, which goes off approximately every 15 minutes.

  • Who might the 'Capricorn' energy refer to in the context of the reading?

    -In the context of the reading, the 'Capricorn' energy might refer to someone connected to the querent's work or financial situation, indicating a change or transformation in these areas.

  • What does the reader imply by discussing the presence of masks and impatience in the reading?

    -The reader implies that someone in the querent's life is hiding their true intentions or feelings, feeling impatient or frustrated, possibly about a situation being read or about their inability to control outcomes.

  • How does the reader describe the energy of the person who doesn't want to be read?

    -The reader describes the person who doesn't want to be read as impatient, frustrated, and possibly resistant to the insights or revelations the tarot reading might provide.

  • What are some specific themes touched upon in the tarot reading?

    -Specific themes include financial concerns, job offers, legal matters, creative blockages, familial relationships, and the impact of these issues on personal growth and well-being.

  • What advice does the reader give regarding personal responsibility and actions?

    -The reader emphasizes that viewers are responsible for their own actions while watching the videos and thereafter, advising them to make decisions based on their own judgment and professional advice when necessary.



🌟 Introduction and Housekeeping

The paragraph introduces the setting of the video, which is a tarot reading session at Broman's Cove. The speaker welcomes new viewers and returning subscribers, appreciates their engagement, and informs them about upcoming email unavailability. The speaker also mentions plans for opening up readings and adjusting prices on the community board. Legal disclaimers are shared to clarify that the readings are for entertainment purposes only, and the speaker clarifies their role and the responsibility of viewers in taking advice from the videos. The speaker also sets the scene by mentioning their proximity to a train station, which may cause occasional disruptions during the video.


🎭 Unveiling Hidden Energies and Impatient Entities

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the energies surrounding the viewer's situation, highlighting impatience and the presence of masks, symbolizing hidden truths or feelings. The speaker identifies a possible work-related issue or financial concerns, with a suggestion of a family member or colleague being involved. The presence of an 'angel of love' indicates someone looking after the viewer's interests, possibly related to a family business or financial matter. The speaker also touches on the theme of change and the need for patience, with a focus on the second house in astrology, indicating changes in the home or family life.


🔄 Dealing with Parasitic Energies and Competitive Spirits

The speaker discusses the presence of parasitic energies, which could be a family member or colleague competing with the viewer in some way. The conversation revolves around the idea of someone trying to 'level up' by attaching themselves to the viewer's success. The speaker also explores the theme of deception and the potential for a legal dispute, with a focus on the need for the viewer to be cautious and discerning. The presence of a 'parasite' is further examined, with the speaker suggesting it could be a metaphor for a draining or negative influence in the viewer's life.


💼 Navigating Job Opportunities and Emotional Attachments

This paragraph focuses on upcoming job opportunities and the potential for significant financial gain. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the viewer's compassion and kindness in attracting these opportunities. There is a mention of a potential scam or deception related to a job offer, with a warning to be cautious of false courtship or relationships. The speaker also touches on the theme of family and the need to make a decision regarding an investment or partnership, highlighting the presence of a competitive and possibly parasitic masculine energy.


🌌 Unraveling Complex Family Dynamics and Etheric Parasites

The speaker delves into complex family dynamics, with a focus on a Taurus individual who may be experiencing health issues due to negative energy or actions. The discussion includes the possibility of an inheritance and the potential for mental health challenges. The 'parasite' is further explored, with the speaker suggesting it could be an emotional or etheric entity causing distress. The paragraph concludes with a focus on the viewer's need to make decisions regarding their relationships and investments, with a warning about potential manipulation or deceit.


🌠 Reflecting on Past Actions and Future Consequences

The speaker reflects on past actions and their consequences, with a focus on the theme of deception and betrayal. The discussion includes the potential for legal issues and the impact of dishonesty on relationships. The speaker also touches on the idea of a 'parasite' that may be feeding off the viewer's energy or emotions, causing distress and potential health issues. The paragraph concludes with a reminder of the importance of self-care and the need to be cautious of those who may be seeking to take advantage of the viewer's kindness or generosity.


💔 Healing from Past Hurts and Moving Forward

In this paragraph, the speaker addresses the theme of healing from past hurts and moving forward. The discussion includes the potential for a significant change or opportunity that was not initially expected, with a focus on the viewer's ability to overcome challenges and achieve success. The speaker also touches on the theme of forgiveness and the need to let go of past grievances in order to move forward. The paragraph concludes with a reminder of the importance of self-care and the need to protect oneself from negative influences.


🌈 Embracing New Beginnings and Letting Go of Illusions

The speaker encourages the viewer to embrace new beginnings and let go of illusions, with a focus on the theme of transformation and growth. The discussion includes the potential for a significant change or opportunity that was not initially expected, with a focus on the viewer's ability to overcome challenges and achieve success. The speaker also touches on the theme of forgiveness and the need to let go of past grievances in order to move forward. The paragraph concludes with a reminder of the importance of self-care and the need to protect oneself from negative influences.



💡Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading is a practice where readers use cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future. In the context of the video, the speaker is conducting a 'Timeless Collective reading' for the audience, aiming to provide guidance and clarity on what is coming forward in their lives.


Energy in this context refers to the intangible forces or vibrations that influence individuals' emotions, actions, and life events. The speaker discusses energies such as 'impatient', 'depressed', and 'manipulative', which are associated with different people and situations in the reading.


Parasitic, in the video, is used metaphorically to describe a person or situation that drains or negatively affects another's well-being, often without their knowledge or consent. It is associated with feelings of depression, illness, and a general sense of being drained.

💡Mental Health

Mental Health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. In the video, the speaker touches on the topic of mental health issues, suggesting that some individuals may be struggling with anxiety, depression, or other emotional challenges.

💡Job Offer

A job offer represents a proposal from an employer to an individual to begin work under specific terms and conditions. In the video, the speaker talks about an upcoming job offer that is significant and potentially life-changing, indicating that it is connected to the individual's compassion and ability to help others.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to produce something new and valuable. In the video, the concept of creativity is discussed in relation to someone's personal talents and artistic expression, which may be blocked or hindered by external influences.

💡Family Business

A family business is an enterprise owned and operated by members of a single family. In the context of the video, the speaker suggests that there may be issues with a family business, such as financial troubles or bankruptcy, which are causing stress and impatience among the involved family members.


Deception is the act of misleading or lying to others, often with the intent to gain some form of advantage. In the video, the speaker discusses the presence of deceit, suggesting that some individuals may not be truthful or may be attempting to manipulate situations for their benefit.

💡Soul Contract

A soul contract is a concept in some spiritual belief systems that refers to an agreement made between souls before they are born into the physical world, outlining the lessons and experiences they will share in their lifetime. In the video, the speaker alludes to the idea of a soul contract, suggesting that some relationships may be part of a pre-arranged agreement for spiritual growth.


Transformation refers to a significant change in form, appearance, or character. In the video, the speaker talks about personal growth and changes that individuals may experience, often as a result of overcoming challenges or embracing new opportunities.


The tarot reading addresses a sense of impatience and frustration felt by some individuals, possibly related to work or financial situations.

A Capricorn energy is present, indicating a potential job offer or financial opportunity on the horizon, connected to the individual's compassion and kindness.

The reading suggests the presence of a 'parasite', which could represent an emotional or energetic drain, possibly attached to a family member or someone in a competitive work environment.

The concept of 'change' is prevalent, with the potential for transformation in one's career or personal life, possibly related to the mentioned job offer.

The tarot indicates a sense of urgency and a need for decisive action, as some individuals may be feeling trapped or stuck in their current situations.

The reading touches on the theme of deception and dishonesty, with some individuals possibly engaging in unethical behavior for personal gain.

The importance of maintaining personal boundaries and self-awareness is emphasized, as some may be attempting to manipulate or take advantage of others.

The tarot suggests that some individuals may be experiencing mental health challenges, possibly related to past actions or current stressors.

The reading highlights the potential for new beginnings and growth, despite the challenges and obstacles that may be present.

The concept of 'soul contracts' and spiritual connections is mentioned, with some individuals possibly seeking to fulfill or break these agreements.

The tarot indicates a potential for healing and self-improvement, as some individuals may be seeking to overcome personal challenges and obstacles.

The reading warns against the dangers of codependency and unhealthy relationships, urging individuals to prioritize their own well-being and independence.

The tarot emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and accountability, as individuals must navigate their own paths and make their own decisions.

The reading concludes with a message of hope and encouragement, suggesting that despite the current challenges, positive outcomes and growth are still possible.