Analyst says OpenAI's new AI model crosses 'close to new chasm' in emotional intelligence

CNBC International TV
14 May 202404:02

TLDROpenAI's latest AI model, GPT-4, is making waves for its advancements in emotional intelligence and multimodal capabilities. Demonstrated through a virtual assistant teaching math, the model showcases soft skills such as emotion recognition and real-time language translation between English and Italian. Fred H., head of US AI and software research, discusses the potential impact on consumer adoption and the facilitation of global commerce. The model's human-like interaction could revolutionize AI assistance, making it more comfortable and natural for users. While the technology's effectiveness in dynamic conversations remains to be seen, the potential for disruption across various industries is significant, offering exciting opportunities for language barriers and global connectivity.


  • 🚀 OpenAI's new AI model, GPT-4, demonstrates a significant leap in emotional intelligence and multimodal capabilities.
  • 📈 The model's ability to recognize and respond to emotions could lead to more human-like interactions with AI assistants.
  • 🌐 Real-time translation between English and Italian showcases the model's advanced language processing skills.
  • 🎓 The virtual assistant's teaching approach in solving math problems represents a shift from AI doing the work to guiding humans through it.
  • 📊 Chat GPT already has over 100 million monthly active users, indicating a strong market fit for AI consumer products.
  • 🔍 The launch of GPT-4 using the gpt2 chatbot model suggests OpenAI's ongoing innovation and leadership in the AI industry.
  • 🤖 The more natural and human-like communication with AI could make interactions less robotic and more comfortable for users.
  • 🌍 The potential for AI to facilitate global travel and commerce by overcoming language barriers is a significant development.
  • 🛠️ The addition of GPT-4 to the AI arsenal could disrupt traditional industries, particularly those relying on human translators.
  • 🔬 The effectiveness of GPT-4 in dynamic conversations and longer interactions needs to be tested in real-world scenarios.
  • 📈 The excitement around AI's potential to enhance personal and business links globally, despite the potential for industry disruption.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of OpenAI's new AI model GP4 upgrade?

    -The main feature of OpenAI's new AI model GP4 upgrade is its ability to teach a student how to solve a math problem, rather than solving the problem itself, showcasing soft skills like recognizing emotion and being descriptive.

  • What is the significance of the live translation capability demonstrated in the demo of GP4?

    -The live translation capability is significant because it allows for real-time communication between English and Italian speakers, enhancing cross-linguistic interactions and potentially facilitating international commerce and personal connections.

  • How does the new chatbot model from OpenAI differ from previous AI assistants like Siri or Alexa?

    -The new chatbot model from OpenAI is more humanlike in its interactions, making it seem more emotionally intelligent and less robotic compared to previous AI assistants like Siri or Alexa.

  • What is the current status of consumer adoption for AI assistants like Chat GPT?

    -Chat GPT has already achieved a significant level of consumer adoption, with over 100 million monthly active users reported, indicating a fit in the consumer market.

  • What is the potential impact of the new AI model on industries related to language translation and travel?

    -The new AI model could disrupt these industries in a positive way by making language barriers less of an issue, thus facilitating international business, commerce, and personal connections.

  • How does Fred, the head of US AI and software research, feel about the potential of the new AI model for personal use?

    -Fred is excited about the potential of the new AI model for personal use, as it could help him overcome language barriers during his upcoming trip to Korea for a friend's wedding.

  • What are the expectations for the new AI model's performance in dynamic conversations?

    -There is hope that the new AI model, built by OpenAI, will be capable of handling dynamic conversations effectively, although it remains to be seen how well it performs in real-world scenarios.

  • What is the current limitation of AI translation tools like Google Translate?

    -Current AI translation tools like Google Translate may struggle with longer conversations and might not provide the same level of nuance and understanding as a human translator.

  • How does the new AI model's emotional intelligence differ from previous models?

    -The new AI model's emotional intelligence allows it to better understand and respond to human emotions, making interactions with the AI more natural and comfortable.

  • What is the potential for AI models like GP4 to change the way we interact with technology?

    -AI models like GP4 have the potential to significantly change the way we interact with technology by making it more intuitive, personalized, and emotionally responsive to human needs.

  • How does the new AI model's ability to translate speech live enhance its utility for users?

    -The live translation feature enhances the AI model's utility by enabling seamless communication across different languages, which can be particularly useful for travelers and in international business settings.

  • What are the potential challenges that need to be addressed before widespread adoption of the new AI model?

    -Potential challenges include ensuring the accuracy and reliability of real-time translation, as well as addressing privacy and ethical concerns related to the use of AI in personal and professional interactions.



🚀 Introduction to OpenAI's GP4 Upgrade

The paragraph introduces a new upgrade from OpenAI, showcasing a virtual assistant's ability to teach a student how to solve a math problem, rather than solving it itself. This is a shift from the typical AI problem-solving approach. The assistant also demonstrates soft skills such as recognizing emotions and providing descriptive responses. A notable feature is the live translation of speech between English and Italian, which could be a game-changer in consumer AI adoption. Fred, the head of AI and software research, joins the discussion to explore the potential impact of these advancements on consumer behavior and the market.




OpenAI is a research and deployment company that develops artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In the video, it is mentioned as the creator of the new AI model GP4, which is highlighted for its advancements in emotional intelligence and multimodal capabilities.

💡GP4 Upgrade

The GP4 Upgrade refers to the latest iteration of OpenAI's AI model, which is showcased in the video for its ability to teach and interact with humans in a more natural and emotionally intelligent manner, as opposed to simply solving problems for them.

💡Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant, as depicted in the video, is an AI-powered entity that can perform tasks, provide information, and interact with users in a conversational manner. The demonstration involves a virtual assistant teaching a student how to solve a math problem.

💡Soft Skills

Soft skills are personal characteristics that enable someone to interact effectively with others, such as communication, empathy, and problem-solving skills. The video discusses how the new AI model demonstrates soft skills like recognizing emotions.

💡Translating Speech

The ability to translate speech in real-time is a feature of the new AI model. The video provides an example where the AI is instructed to translate between English and Italian, showcasing its multimodal capabilities.

💡Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously. The video emphasizes that the new AI model crosses a new chasm in being able to understand and respond to human emotions.

💡Consumer Adoption

Consumer adoption refers to the process by which individuals and households begin to use a product or service. The video discusses how the advancements in AI, such as those made by OpenAI, may push consumers over the line in terms of their willingness to pay for AI services.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI model developed by OpenAI that is capable of conversing with humans. The video mentions that Chat GPT already has over 100 million monthly active users, indicating a significant level of consumer acceptance.


Multimodal refers to systems that can process and analyze multiple modes of input, such as text, voice, and images. The video highlights that the new AI model from OpenAI is the first to demonstrate these capabilities effectively.

💡Language Barrier

A language barrier is a significant obstacle in communication between people who do not share a common language. The video suggests that the new AI model could help overcome language barriers, facilitating international travel and business.

💡AI Arsenal

The term AI arsenal refers to the collection of AI tools and technologies at one's disposal. The video discusses how the new AI model could be added to this arsenal, potentially improving translation services and aiding in dynamic conversations.


OpenAI's new AI model, GPT-4, demonstrates a significant upgrade in emotional intelligence.

The AI model can now teach students how to solve math problems, rather than just solving them.

GPT-4 showcases soft skills such as recognizing emotions and being descriptive.

The model can translate speech live between English and Italian.

Analyst Fred H., Head of US AI and Software Research, discusses the potential impact of GPT-4.

Chat GPT has already reached over 100 million monthly active users, indicating a fit in the consumer market.

GPT-4's launch is a significant step towards more human-like AI interactions.

The new chatbot model may make AI assistance feel more natural and less robotic.

GPT-4 could facilitate better consumer adoption by providing more comfortable interactions with AI.

The language translation feature of GPT-4 could disrupt travel and commerce by overcoming language barriers.

The potential impact on industries that have not yet considered the effects of advanced AI translation is significant.

Fred H. is excited about the possibility of using GPT-4 for personal travel, such as attending a wedding in Korea.

GPT-4 could be a valuable addition to the arsenal of AI-related assistance tools, like Google Translate and Meta Rayan glasses.

The effectiveness of GPT-4 in dynamic conversations and longer interactions needs to be tested in the field.

The potential for GPT-4 to work with dynamic conversations is promising, but real-world application is yet to be seen.

The launch of GPT-4 is a cause for excitement in the field of AI and its practical applications.