Apple's Secret A.I. Master Plan (You Are Helping Them)

Rafael Ludwig
4 Jun 202306:05

TLDRApple's strategic approach to AI involves the neural engine, a component of their Apple silicon chips, designed for efficient machine learning tasks. This on-device technology enhances privacy and performance, distinguishing Apple from competitors using cloud-based calculations. Apple's AI advancements, though gradual, reflect a patient, long-term strategy, complemented by strategic acquisitions and a vast ecosystem for deploying AI technology. The company's commitment to privacy and efficiency positions it as a significant player in the evolving AI landscape.


  • 🍏 Apple's AI strategy is anchored in the 'neural engine', a key component in their devices.
  • 🧠 The neural engine is a specialized circuit within Apple's in-house ARM-based processors, designed for efficient machine learning tasks.
  • 🚀 Apple's approach to AI is characterized by patience and strategic, long-term advancements rather than rapid, iterative releases.
  • 🛡️ On-device AI processing prioritizes user privacy, contrasting with cloud-based calculations that may pose security risks.
  • 🌐 Apple's integration of neural engines into their chips allows for optimized performance and power consumption, a distinct advantage over third-party chip reliance.
  • 💡 Apple's acquisition of AI startups and hiring top AI researchers signals a significant and strategic investment in AI technology.
  • 🌟 Apple's ecosystem of millions of devices provides a vast platform for deploying AI technology, akin to Tesla's use of customer cars for AI training.
  • 📈 Apple's potential strength in AI lies in its ability to enhance its services with real-world data without directly accessing user information, aligning with its focus on privacy.
  • 🤖 The development of Apple's AI is directed towards creating a powerful virtual assistant, with a focus on quality over speed of release.
  • 🔒 Apple is cautious about exposing its customers to AI technologies with trust and safety risks, reflecting a commitment to user security.

Q & A

  • What is Apple's neural engine?

    -Apple's neural engine is a dedicated set of circuits within their in-house designed ARM-based processors, known as Apple silicon. It is specifically designed to perform calculations common in machine learning and AI applications, allowing for faster and more efficient processing than general-purpose CPUs.

  • How does the neural engine contribute to Apple's AI strategy?

    -The neural engine is a key component of Apple's long-term AI strategy. It powers features like Face ID, Siri, and on-device processing for applications requiring machine learning. By having the neural engine on the device itself, Apple can ensure a high level of privacy for users and optimize performance and power consumption in a way that is not possible for companies relying on third-party chips.

  • What are the advantages of having the neural engine on the device?

    -Having the neural engine on the device offers two main advantages: firstly, it enhances user privacy by performing calculations on the device, avoiding potential privacy concerns associated with cloud-based processing; and secondly, it allows for direct integration with Apple's chips, leading to optimized performance and power consumption.

  • How does Apple's approach to AI differ from other companies?

    -Apple's approach to AI is characterized by patience and strategic long-term planning. While other companies may push out new technologies more quickly, Apple tends to move slower but make significant leaps when they do. They focus on integrating AI directly into their devices and prioritizing user privacy and efficient performance.

  • What has Apple been doing in terms of AI acquisitions and hiring?

    -Apple has been strategically acquiring AI startups and hiring top AI researchers over the past few years. Notable acquisitions include Xnor, focused on efficient AI, and Spectral, a Danish computer vision startup. These moves demonstrate Apple's significant investment in AI technology.

  • How does Apple use AI to enhance image and video quality?

    -Apple uses AI to improve image and video quality on the iPhone and for Apple TV Plus. For example, their video codecs use AI to enhance the quality of images and videos, pushing the boundaries of what's possible on mobile devices.

  • What is the potential of Apple's ecosystem for deploying AI technology?

    -Apple's ecosystem, with millions of devices in use worldwide, provides an unprecedented platform for deploying AI technology. Similar to how Tesla uses customer cars to train their AI models, Apple can leverage real-world data from numerous devices to continuously improve their AI models without compromising user privacy.

  • What might Apple be training its AI for?

    -Apple might be training its AI for the ultimate virtual assistant, aiming to release a product that is not just good, but great. This could explain why their progress might seem stagnant, as they are playing the long game and focusing on quality over speed.

  • How does Apple address privacy concerns with AI?

    -Apple addresses privacy concerns by performing AI calculations on the device itself, ensuring that user data remains private. They have also been strategic in their acquisitions, choosing companies that align with their focus on on-demand processing and user privacy.

  • What does the future hold for Apple in the AI space?

    -The future for Apple in the AI space is promising. They are quietly building a robust AI infrastructure within their devices, which positions them to offer more powerful, efficient, and private AI capabilities to users. Apple is set to remain a major player in the AI space for many years to come.

  • What is the significance of the current year in the context of AI?

    -The current year is turning out to be a pivotal one for AI, with the field rapidly changing and evolving. It is a crucial time for companies like Apple to showcase their strategies and advancements in AI technology, potentially leading to significant breakthroughs and innovations.



🤖 Apple's Neural Engine and AI Strategy

This paragraph discusses Apple's strategic approach to AI, focusing on their neural engine technology. The neural engine is a specialized circuit within Apple's in-house designed ARM-based processors, known as Apple silicon, which powers all of their latest devices. It is specifically designed for machine learning calculations, enabling tasks such as Face ID, Siri, and on-device processing for machine learning applications to be performed more efficiently than general-purpose CPUs. The neural engine offers two key advantages: enhanced user privacy through on-device calculations and optimized performance and power consumption by integrating AI directly into their chips. Apple's patient and strategic AI development, along with their acquisitions of AI startups and hiring top AI researchers, signals a significant investment in the technology. The paragraph highlights Apple's focus on privacy, efficiency, and the potential for federated learning, which allows for AI model improvement using real-world data without compromising user privacy.


🚀 Apple's AI Infrastructure and Future Prospects

The second paragraph emphasizes the quiet yet impactful AI infrastructure that Apple is building on its devices, positioning itself as a major player in the AI space for the foreseeable future. It notes the rapid evolution of AI and the excitement surrounding this field. Apple's strategy involves a long-term approach to developing AI, with a focus on trust and safety. The company is not rushing to release technologies that might pose risks to its customers. The paragraph also mentions Apple's ecosystem, which includes millions of devices in use worldwide, providing a vast platform for deploying AI technology. This ecosystem is likened to Tesla's approach of using customer cars to train AI models for full self-driving. The paragraph concludes by suggesting that Apple's AI advancements, though not flashy, are impressive and hint at a stronger future release of Siri as a virtual assistant, potentially surpassing current offerings on other platforms.



💡Neural Engine

The Neural Engine is a specialized hardware component within Apple's in-house designed ARM-based processors, known as Apple Silicon. It is a dedicated set of circuits optimized for performing calculations common in machine learning and AI applications, allowing for faster and more efficient processing than general-purpose CPUs. In the context of the video, the Neural Engine powers features like Face ID, Siri, and on-device machine learning tasks, and is a crucial part of Apple's long-term AI strategy.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is central to Apple's technology advancements, particularly in the development of the Neural Engine and its integration into Apple devices. Apple's focus on AI is aimed at enhancing user experience through features like Siri, Face ID, and predictive text, as well as improving privacy and device performance.

💡Apple Silicon

Apple Silicon is the brand name for Apple's own custom-designed ARM-based processors that power all of their latest devices. These chips are integral to Apple's AI strategy as they include the Neural Engine, which is specifically designed to accelerate machine learning tasks. The transition to Apple Silicon signifies Apple's move towards greater control over the hardware and software ecosystem, thereby optimizing performance and efficiency.

💡Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subset of AI that involves the development of algorithms and statistical models that allow computers to learn and make decisions without explicit programming. In the video, machine learning is a fundamental aspect of the tasks performed by the Neural Engine, such as facial recognition in Face ID, language processing in Siri, and predictive text features. Apple's advancements in machine learning are aimed at improving the智能化 and personalization of their devices.


Privacy refers to the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively. In the context of the video, Apple emphasizes the importance of privacy in their AI strategy by performing machine learning calculations on the device itself, rather than in the cloud. This approach helps to protect user data and avoid potential privacy concerns associated with cloud-based processing.

💡Federated Learning

Federated Learning is a machine learning approach where the model is trained across multiple devices or servers holding local data samples, without exchanging them. In the video, Apple's use of federated learning allows the company to improve their AI models using real-world data without directly accessing the data, thus maintaining user privacy. This method is slower than other training methods but aligns with Apple's long-term and strategic approach to AI development.

💡AI Acquisitions

AI Acquisitions refer to Apple's strategic purchases of AI startups and hiring of top AI researchers to bolster their AI capabilities. In the video, it is mentioned that Apple has been quietly and strategically acquiring a significant number of AI startups, such as Xnor and Spectral, to enhance their AI technology and maintain a competitive edge in the AI space. These acquisitions are indicative of Apple's commitment to investing in AI for the future.

💡Virtual Assistant

A Virtual Assistant is an AI-powered software program designed to perform tasks or services for users, often through voice commands or text inputs. In the video, the development of Siri as a virtual assistant is discussed, with Apple's aim to create a more advanced and user-friendly AI assistant. The focus on creating a great virtual assistant, rather than just a good one, reflects Apple's dedication to quality and user experience.


In the context of the video, the term 'ecosystem' refers to Apple's interconnected network of devices, software, and services. Apple's ecosystem is highlighted as a significant strength in deploying AI technology, as millions of devices in use around the world provide a vast platform for machine learning and AI advancements. This ecosystem allows Apple to build a comprehensive and powerful AI infrastructure that can learn and improve across all devices.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to the subset of AI focused on creating new content, such as images, text, or music, based on learned patterns. In the video, generative AI is mentioned in relation to Adobe's advancements with Photoshop's new AI capabilities. While not explicitly discussed as part of Apple's strategy, generative AI represents a broader trend in the AI field that companies like Apple may explore to enhance their products and services.

💡Trust and Safety

Trust and Safety refer to the measures taken to ensure that technology is reliable, secure, and does not pose risks to users. In the context of the video, Apple is portrayed as being cautious about exposing its customers to AI technologies that may have trust and safety risks. This reflects Apple's commitment to prioritizing user security and privacy, even as they continue to develop and integrate AI into their products.


Apple's secret AI strategy involves a technology called the neural engine.

The neural engine is a key component of Apple's in-house designed ARM-based processors, known as Apple Silicon.

Apple Silicon powers all of Apple's latest devices and is crucial to their long-term AI strategy.

The neural engine is a dedicated set of circuits optimized for machine learning and AI calculations.

Apple's AI tools like Face ID, Siri, and on-device processing are powered by the neural engine.

Apple's approach to AI prioritizes privacy by performing calculations on the device itself.

Integration of neural engines into their chips allows Apple to optimize performance and power consumption.

Apple's patience in AI development means they make significant leaps when they update their technology.

Apple has been strategically acquiring AI startups and hiring top AI researchers.

Xnor acquisition by Apple signifies their focus on efficient AI technology.

Apple's acquisition of Spectral, a Danish computer vision startup, enhanced their augmented reality technology.

Apple's video codecs use AI to improve image and video quality on iPhone and Apple TV Plus.

Apple's ecosystem of millions of devices provides a vast platform for deploying AI technology.

Apple is building a giant machine learning platform with every device they sell.

Apple's AI development focuses on creating a powerful and efficient virtual assistant.

Apple's AI strategy positions them to remain a major player in the AI space for years to come.

Apple is expected to unveil more advanced AI capabilities that prioritize privacy and efficiency.

The year 2024 is shaping up to be the year of AI, with rapid advancements in the field.

Apple is unlikely to expose its customers to AI technologies with trust and safety risks.