500,000 Gems 💎 TOTS Packs Decide My FC Mobile Team!
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يبدأ القناة الجديد بحساب جديد مع 500،000 جوهرة لبناء فريق. يحتوي النص على إطلاق الحزم وانتظار الخروجات الرائعة، ويُشير إلى احتمالية إعطاء مكافأة من النجوم النجمية إذا وصلت إلى التقييم المطلوب. يحتوي النص على تسليط الضوء على اللاعبين المحددين من الحزم المفتوحة، مثل جورجينو وليبي، ويُشير إلى اللاعبين المتميزين مثل لويس أوبندا واللاعبين الآخرون. يُشير إلى أن القناة ستكون ممولة بالعديد من الجوائز خلال الشهر. يشير النص أيضًا إلى استبدال اللاعبين لتحسين الفريق، ويُشير إلى أنه يمكن استبدال اللاعبين غير القابلة للتداول لتحسين التقييم الإجمالي للفريق.
- 🎮 **新账户开箱**:这是一个全新的账户,拥有500,000宝石用于构建球队。
- 💰 **宝石花费**:使用这些宝石,计划构建球队并在后续视频中赠送星通行证。
- 📦 **开包过程**:首先尝试打开赛季球队日常优惠包,花费4,000宝石,但并未获得期望的顶级球员。
- 📈 **球员评级**:在开包过程中,获得了包括98评分的Galo在内的一些高评分球员。
- 🤩 **特殊球员**:特别提到了获得的可交易卡片Louis openda,这可能会为球队带来额外的资源。
- 🎁 **赠品规则**:如果达到95以上的评分,将赠送额外的星通行证,规则是每增加一个评分,就多赠送两个星通行证。
- 📽️ **观众互动**:鼓励观众通过点赞、订阅频道和评论来参与星通行证的抽奖。
- 🏆 **球队构建**:通过开包和市场购买,构建了一支评分高达97的球队。
- 💰 **资金管理**:通过出售获得的重复或不需要的球员,筹集资金以购买更高评分的球员。
- 🔄 **球员交换**:利用交换功能尝试获得有用的球员,以增强球队实力。
- 🤔 **最终阵容**:尽管未能获得Cristiano Ronaldo,但最终构建了一支实力强大的球队,并决定赠送总共七个星通行证。
Q & A
-是的,视频中提到的账户是新创建的,因为提到了'this is a brand new account'。
-账户中有500,000宝石用来组建团队,如文中所述'...using those 500,000 gems I, have to build a team...'。
-如果达到95以上的评分,视频作者会进行Star Pass的赠送,具体规则是每高出一个评分点,就多赠送两个Star Pass,如文中提到的'...if I reach 95 over I'm, going to be giving away three star, passes over 95 for every one rating it's, going to be two more extra star passes...'。
视频作者在哪个环节提到了赠送Star Pass的规则?
-视频作者在介绍如何通过达到一定评分来赠送Star Pass的环节提到了规则,具体在'...and also guys I, forgot to tell you the Star Pass, giveaway rules if I reach 95 over...'这段话中。
-视频作者在开包过程中获得了多位球员,包括Davis、ra alol、kman、Galo、Sancho、obano、Riad mahes、Louis openda、Fred、Tapsoba、Harry Kane等,如文中所述'...all I got was, Davis let's move on to the next one...'和后续的开包描述。
视频作者最终是否获得了Cristiano Ronaldo?
-视频作者最终没有获得Cristiano Ronaldo,他多次提到希望获得Ronaldo,但并未实现,如文中所述'...I'm hoping for the Ronaldo guys, Cristiano Ronaldo is going to be massive, for us...'。
-视频作者在开包过程中获得了一些高评分的球员卡,如98 rated Galo和95 rated Louis openda,如文中提到的'...oh my God wait it's The 98 rated Galo, guys...'和'...this is a tradable card guys so I'll, absolutely take that Louis openda 95, Striker...'。
-视频作者提到了Star Pass的赠送活动,观众可以通过点赞视频、订阅频道并在评论区留下他们最喜欢的赛季球队卡片来参与,如文中所述'...all you got to do is, like this video subscribe to my channel, and in the comment section below let me, know your favorite team of the season, card so far...'。
-视频作者最终组建的球队评分是97,如文中提到的'...I think I think we made a very, good team guys honestly you know what, that means I'm going to be giving away, seven star passes in total...'和'...97 is the maximum team that we are able, to make...'。
-视频作者在组建球队时使用了多种策略,包括卖掉一些球员卡以获取资金,使用交易所来尝试获得更高评分的球员,以及通过购买市场上的球员来补强球队,如文中所述'...I can sell the grimal I've caught and I, can put that in the team probably you, know I can get a good goalkeeper by way...'和'...let's go 94 to 98 player let's go anyone useful, anyone useful for the team...'。
-视频作者在开包过程中有几次失望,特别是当他期待获得Cristiano Ronaldo却没有得到时,以及在多次尝试后仍未获得理想中的'walk out'球员,如文中提到的'...that's not the team of the, season walk out it's a normal walk out...'和多次提到希望获得Ronaldo却未实现。
🎮 开启新账户的宝石使用和球队建设
📦 持续开包和球员交换
🏆 球队组建完成和星通行证赠送
💡team of the season
💡walk out
💡star passes
💡pack opening
💡auto build
Starting with a fresh account and 500,000 gems to build a team
Opening Team of the Season daily offer pack for 4,000 GS
Getting Davis from the first pack, not a walk-out
Opening Team of the Season Dynamic pack for 91-99 overall players
Pulling Ra Alol and Kman, decent pulls
Hitting 98 rated Galo, the highest rated left back in the game
Getting Sancho and Obano in subsequent packs
Pulling a 92-99 overall player for 15,000 gems
Getting Riad Mahrez and skipping him
Pulling tradeable Louis Openda, a 95 rated striker
Announcing Star Pass giveaway rules - 3 passes at 95 overall, 5 at 96+
Opening Team of the Season daily bundle for a 93-99 untradeable player
Pulling Riad Mahrez again, skipping him
Pulling Harry Kane, a fantastic striker pull
Selling unneeded players like Galo and Openda for coins
Completing SBCs to get high-rated players like Cola and Kaa
Auto-building the team and ranking up Goreta to 95 overall
Buying Ribery for left back and Thomas Müller for CAM
Selling extra Openda for more coins to buy Donan Malon for right back
Buying Pigford as the goalkeeper to complete the team
Final team reaches 97 overall after placing Malon and Pigford
Giving away a total of 7 Star Passes for reaching 97 overall
this is a brand new account and on this
account I've got no Team guys but no
worries because we've got 500,000 gems
to spend and using those 500,000 gems I
have to build a team and based on the
team over I reach I'm going to be giving
away some star passes and I'm going to
let you know that in the later parts of
the video but first guys let's begin and
you know let's start opening the pack so
this is a very fresh account guys I
haven't done anything in this account
apart from doing those gym offers first
we're going to begin with the team of
the season daily offer which is going to
cost us 4,000 GS and yep from this you
can't expect walk outs guys because it's
90 to 99 overr and yep of course I
didn't get the walk out all I got was
Davis let's move on to the next one
which is team of the season Dynamic off
for 91 to 99 over player so I'm going to
quickly open guys oh we begin with the
walk out but that's not the team of the
season walk out it's a normal walk out
Spain Center back and that's okay never
mind so it's ra alol and we got kman
that's not bad the next one let's go
come on I'm hoping for the Ronaldo guys
Cristiano Ronaldo is going to be massive
for us and we got Spanish walk left pack
oh my God wait it's The 98 rated Galo
guys that's the highest rated left pack
in the game not at all bad that is crazy
good by the way 98 left pack Galo wow
that's a d pull it is great he's going
for 169 million coins guys yep that's
not at all cheap either we already got a
crazy good card let's go and open the
next pack come on and this time we got
Sancho that's not at all bad here comes
the next
pack all right obano and yep that's it
we got one good walk out and yeah only
one walk out and that was a very good
walk out luckily this time it's going to
be 92 to 998 player and it's going to
cost us 15,000 gims so here we go the
first one we begin with the walk out but
that's not the team of season walk out
mkhitaryan who's this no I'm not sure
who this is It's Armenia guys but yeah
oh zaran and we got K once again let's
go the next Mega off a pack this time
it's a team of the season walk out guys
Belgium that's Louis openda and by the
way this is a tradable card guys so I'll
absolutely take that Louis openda 95
Striker and also by the way I forgot to
tell you the rules guys and also guys I
forgot to tell you the Star Pass
giveaway rules if I reach 95 over I'm
going to be giving away three star
passes over 95 for every one rating it's
going to be two more extra star passes
so yeah if I reach 96 it's going to be
five star pass giveaway and if you want
to get a chance all you got to do is
like this video subscribe to my channel
and in the comment section below let me
know your favorite team of the season
card so far and I'm going to randomly
select the winners this time guys and
also throughout this month there are
going to be loads of giveaways so make
sure to subscribe to my channel anyways
let's continue the pack opening guys and
the next pack which I am going to be
opening is the steam of the Season daily
bundle which guarantees us a 93 to9
untradeable team of the season player so
yep let's go it's going to be a
guaranteed walk out by the way come on
show me the Portuguese flag it's
Algerian guys so that's Riad mahes I'm
going to skip this one so that's what we
got Riad mahes I can open 10 of these
team of season limited pack bro but yeah
let's go we going we going to go one by
one guys no rush so
Senate oh that's Fred never mind I was I
was shocked for a second who a Brazilian
player playing in Bundesliga tots let's
move on to the next one we've got 10
nine more of these guys so here's the
next one guys it's team of the season
tapsoba that's Taps SOA for sure I'm
going to skip this one so 9 TSO but so
far both of them were team of season
moments card but not the actual team of
season card
the third one Belgium it's Louis openda
guys I think this is tradeable right I
think this is tradeable pack so not bad
I'll take it so I can probably sell him
and you I can use those coins guys in
order to achieve higher obia and the
fourth one okay not a walk out this time
we got with toen the fifth one come on
it's a walk out guys let's have a look
that's St so once again so it's
disappointing so let's move on sixth one
come on EA Ronaldo is what it wanted
Portugal no it's Algeria guys that's rad
Mar so I'm going to skip this one guys
I'm bored with the Riyad marz goreta
packs to be honest come on please don't
disappoint me seventh pack no it
disappointed me guys I got Sancho so the
eighth one come on okay two back to back
non walk outs guys I'm going to go all
the two at your time remaining two at
your time come on EA Sports please don't
disappoint me please give me someone
very good England
okay Harry freaking Kane look at that
that is fantastic this is the kind of
Park look I was expecting guys imagine
if there's a Ronaldo someone behind this
I mean it's not possible to be honest
because Ronaldo is 98 over but let's
have a look and we got vincon mean we
got colan guys Kingsley kman not at all
bad I've got harricane 70 million worth
card that's a crazy good pull for me the
next few packs I'm going to open the
steam of the season I mean team of
season limited packs guys I'm going to
go all the five at a time first if I
don't get team of season walkout I'm SK
skipping it and Y we got and bunch of f
I'm going to go 10 more at a time I mean
five more at a time sorry so let's go
okay it's a icon guys or hero uguay
Striker that's tho fan okay I'm going to
skip this one we got Morris from MLS
chapter I mean MLS kickoff event next
five come on yay
please it's a centurion player
Netherlands Striker no it's goalkeeper
that's bow guys that's bow bigo we got
kilan mbappe okay not bad I haven't
packed this card guys by the way this
season I haven't backed this base
Killian mbappe and I believe this is one
of the rarest cards guys in the gold
cards by the way so not at all bad and
we got five more so let's go come on
give me a beast P it's a team of the
season guys tap SOA that's St SOA we got
joy as this is not bad actually 290
rated players and next we got to go with
the unlimited pack guys so I'm going to
go let's go slow guys let's go slow like
let's let's go like three packs at a
time I think three is is this good good
spot you know and it's a team of the
season walk out and Portugal Striker
no that that's Pepe guys imagine if that
was Striker I would have been Jumping
Fred ad the Army and yep that's what we
got so let's go do8 time this time come
on please Portuguese walk out once again
but this time oh it's not even a normal
walk out never mind I'm skipping this
one we got Davies and bongan so yep
let's move on I'm going to go three at a
Time come on EA please please show me
the Portuguese walk out once again it's
Serbian walk out no I was asking wait
who is
this Center back oh pavlovic never mind
so we got beste and aost as well so yeah
let's move on I could open four more I'm
going to go all the four at time and
hopefully I get Ronaldo in this one guys
imagine if you get Ronaldo Portugal
Portugal France who is there from France
Center back Simon I I I I believe it's
Simon yep that's siman but if it's 9 is
the best oh my God that is bad three op
meano and lots of f by the way let's
move on guys you know what we can
complete some exchanges as well and
hopefully we can pile up someone good so
I'm going to put oh wait not this I
don't want to use these in I'm want to
with the team of the season players here
you know what let's go 90 to 93 rated
player oh wait why am I doing this one
wait okay never mind I shouldn't have
done that exchange to be honest let's go
94 to 98 player let's go anyone useful
anyone useful for the team Dutch no
that's definitely not useful leing nope
but yeah we can probably use Simons for
the team guys let's go again we've got a
lot of these so here we go come on it's
a team of season Walk obviously
Germany ctim bate let's go RKA I'm going
to skip and we got Anon as well and the
next one I want Portugal FL Portugal
flag guys Portugal oh it's dutch
CED okay that's wean wean twice by the
way let's go the fourth one come
on and it's going to be the Spanish walk
or Grimaldo no freaking way guys we
actually packed twice Grimaldo I mean
you know so I can probably sell the wow
this is the craziest exchange so far
left back right back combination from
the same Club as well oh my freaking God
this is awesome guys this is undoubtedly
one of the best exchanges I've done so
far oh my God defense is sorted with
this guys officially the defense is
sorted and now you know what I'm going
to I'm going to complete this 94 to 90
in exchange guys using some of the
untradeables I've caught so let's use
these players and here we go guys come
on imagine if we pack a j Müller or
someone that's going to be mental guys
Germany Striker no it's Center back it's
the heroes guys it's Ricardo car oh not
Ricardo car it's Cola never mind that's
that's the last week anyways we've got
Kaa guys which is mental and we got two
goeta so wow this has been spectacular
pack opening not going to lie you know
what I'm just going to do the auto build
guys that should make a good team for
sure so let me just remove the
substitutes first and let's go Auto Bell
93 overr but wait I can definitely reach
higher than that wait what left thing
I'm sure I packed a good left thing guys
but you know what guys I'm going to rank
up goreta you know let's get one plus
one rating extra so goreta is going to
take us to 9 but we're not done yet guys
we're not done yet because you know what
I can sell the grimal I've caught and I
can put that in the team probably you
know I can get a good goalkeeper by way
I'm not supposed to buy ranked up cards
using the coins I get uh from the sales
so let's sell grimal though and he's
going for 160 million so let's go sell
him and I also packed double Lis openda
so probably I can sell one of them guys
and raise Lads of funds loads of funds
you know and here we go and Galo is sold
for 144 million coins after tax so now I
need a good left F player so position
left fing and I'm going to go for the
highest rated one which is Ribery for
53.9 million so let's go get him guys so
yeah ribber is going to be the left
thing and the next one is going to be
the cam guys so in the cam we've got
Florian vs which I'm going to go for him
maybe maybe zidan oh you know what
Thomas Müller so Thomas Müller is what
we're going to be going for 53 million
coins for him and we still got some
budget left so let's go claim Ribery and
it's time to place him and we can oh
wait I can sell the other Louis openda
as well because I've already got the
striker hary Kane let's bring in the
left wing and Ribery welcome to the team
Ribery so 96 over are let's go guys so
five star passes giveaway so far I think
I can do better for sure okay Cam Müller
let's go and here we go Müller and 97
over here guys you know what I don't
want to give up yet because I can still
bring a good right finger and a
goalkeeper that's for sure I've got
enough budget to get both of them I can
sell this card as well for 21.8 so first
let me just get the right wing in the
right wing probably I'm going to go with
a Saka or milin I think I'm going to go
go for Donan Malon guys so yep he's a
great card and he's a Bundesliga TOS as
well and openda got sold for 19.6
million after tax and we need a good
goalkeeper guys and I think we are
sorted with the goalkeeper in the
goalkeeper we've got 44 million coins
budget and I can probably get this
spford card for 34.5 so let's go
purchase Pigford yep the purchase of
doniel Malon is done and Pigford
purchase is also done it's time to place
them both in the team guys RI Mah is
replaced by doniel Malon let's see if
can reach 98 nope we can't let's put in
the goalkeeper as well and make sure we
reach 98 let's go and nope we are stuck
at 97 guys you know what I can complete
one last exchange so let me just
complete the exchange guys here we go I
need two more players guys let me just
purchase that from the market all right
the purchase is done it's time for the
exchange and let's just get done with
this guys so here we go the final one of
the day guys come on ESP Sports please
give me Ronaldo Portugal no it's dutch
never mind it's just weirman and milov
97 is the maximum team that we are able
to make I think I think we made a very
good team guys honestly you know what
that means I'm going to be giving away
seven star passes in total because for
reaching 95 it's three star passes and
for every plus one overr from there it's
going to be plus two star passes so I
reached 97 that's two more than 95 overr
so yeah you know you you do the math and
basically it's total of seven star pass
giveaways so yes guys good luck everyone
participating that's it I hope you all
have enjoyed this video if you did make
sure to subscribe to my my channel and
go watch this video next
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