I Visited The LONELIEST Football Club
TLDRيحكي النص عن رحلة مثيرة لزيارة نادي كرة القدم الأكثر تعزلًا في المملكة المتحدة، ويك أكاديمي، في الدوري الخامس في كرة القدم السكوتلندي. يتضمن النص الرحلة الطويلة التي تتطلب 5 ساعات من السفر لبعض المباريات، ووصف الرحلة بـ"الطقس الصعب"، مع ملاحظات حول المكان المحدد والمسافة الطويلة التي تبعد عنه المدن الأخرى. تتضمن الرحلة تجربتي يومية مع الأصدقاء، وتجربة الإقامة والطعام والمناظر الطبيعية. ويُشير النص إلى أن نادي ويك يعاني من مشاكل في تسجيل الأهداف، ولكن يحتوي النص على تشويق للجمهور للانضمام والتمتع بتجربة المشاهدة للمباراة في هذا النادي الفريد من نوعه. يختم النص بدعوة للناس لزيارة النادي والتمتع بتجربة الجولة، ويشكر مدعومة الفيديو.
- 🏴 **Wick Academy FC**: The football club is located in Scotland and is considered the most isolated in the UK, being part of the fifth tier of Scottish football, the Highland League.
- 🚗 **Long Journey**: The narrator embarks on a 12-hour drive from Norwich to Wick, Scotland, and then a 12-hour drive back, totaling a 1,346-mile round trip.
- ⚽ **Remote Location**: Wick Academy FC's remoteness means that some of their away games require a 5-hour journey, which is remarkable considering Scotland's relatively small size.
- 🏨 **Accommodation**: The narrator and his companion share a room during their stay in Wick, highlighting the trip's budget-friendly nature.
- 📍 **End of Mainland UK**: Wick is situated next to John o' Groats, which is considered the end of Mainland UK, adding to the club's sense of isolation.
- 🍔 **Local Cuisine**: The narrator tries local food, including fish and chips, during their visit, showcasing the local food culture.
- 👕 **Selling Football Shirts**: The video is sponsored by Whatnot, a platform where the narrator sells football shirts and conducts giveaways during live streams.
- 🏟️ **Ground Visit**: The narrator visits Wick Academy's home ground, Harmsworth Park, and describes the unique experience of being at the UK's loneliest football club.
- 🌐 **Community Engagement**: The narrator encourages viewers to visit Wick Academy FC and offers to buy a football shirt for the first person who does so and shares their experience.
- 🎥 **Content Creation**: The video includes a mix of football commentary and personal anecdotes, offering viewers a unique perspective on the journey and the match.
- ⛰️ **Unique Ground Features**: The football pitch is notably sloped, and the stadium is situated next to a graveyard, adding to the club's distinct character.
Q & A
النادي الذي يُعتبر أكثر ناديًا بعيدًا في المملكة المتحدة، ما هو؟
-Wick Academy FC في السكوتلاند، حيث يجب عليهم السفر لمدة 5 ساعات للعب بعض أدوارهم.
ما هي المسافة التي يضطر اللاعبون في Wick Academy FC إلى السفر عليها للعب بعض أدوارهم؟
-المسافة التي يضطر اللاعبين إلى السفر عليها تتراوح بين 1 ساعة إلى 5 ساعات، بغض النظر عن حجم سكوتلندا.
من أين يبدأ الرحلة لزيارة نادي الفوتبول الأكثر ت遠ًا في المملكة المتحدة؟
-الرحلة تبدأ من نوريتش، ويتم الرحلة من هناك إلى سكوتلندا.
ما هي المسافة الإجمالية التي يجب السفر عليها للوصول إلى نادي الفوتبول الأكثر ت遠ًا؟
-المسافة الإجمالية التي يجب السفر عليها تبلغ 1,346 ميل، وهو ما يعادل رحلة دوارة.
لماذا يُعتبر Wick Academy FC ناديًا وحيدا في المملكة المتحدة؟
-لأنه يقع في الشمال الأقصى من سكوتلندا، بعيدًا عن المدن الأخرى، وهو جزء من الدوري ال高地، وهو الطبقة الخامسة من كأس سكوتلندا.
ما هي الأحداث الرئيسية التي حدثت خلال الرحلة؟
-الأحداث الرئيسية تشمل الرحلة الطويلة، الإقامة في موقع الإقامة، الزيارة إلى نهاية البريطانيا، تناول الوجبات، المشاهدة للمباراة، والعودة إلى المنزل.
ما هي المسافة التي يضطر السائقون إلى السفر عليها من أجل العودة إلى المنزل؟
-المسافة التي يضطر السائقون إلى السفر عليها من أجل العودة إلى المنزل تبلغ 13 ساعة.
ما هي الميزة الأساسية لنادي Wick Academy FC؟
-كونه ناديًا في الشمال الأقصى من المملكة المتحدة، وهو جزء من الدوري ال高地، وهو الطبقة الخامسة من كأس سكوتلندا.
ما هي المسافة بين نادي Wick Academy FC وأفضل ملعب بعيد؟
-المسافة بين نادي Wick Academy FC وأفضل ملعب بعيد تبلغ 5 ساعات من السفر.
ما هي الأحداث التي حدثت خلال الرحلة العودة؟
-الأحداث خلال الرحلة العودة تشمل الانتظار لفترة طويلة في الطريق، الاستماع إلى الموسيقى، تناول الطعام، والاستمتاع بمناظر الرحلة.
ما هي الأهمية الأساسية لقناة YouTube التي ذكرت في النص؟
-قناة YouTube تعتبر مفيدة للنمو والترويج، وتتضمن مقاطع الفيديو ترويج لمنتجات مثل قمصان كرة القدم.
ما هي الميزة الأساسية لـ 'Whatnot' التي ذكرها في النص؟
-إن 'Whatnot' هو منصة ترويج تتيح للمستخدمين بيع وشراء قمصان كرة القدم ومنتجات أخرى، ويمكن الشحن إلى جميع أنحاء العالم.
🏟️ 探索英国最孤独足球俱乐部
本段讲述了作者寻找并探访英国最孤独足球俱乐部——Wick Academy FC的旅程。该俱乐部位于苏格兰北部,是苏格兰足球联赛第五级别Hidin联赛的一部分。作者从Norwich出发,经过12小时的车程,行驶了1,346英里,到达了这个偏远的地方。他们讨论了孤独感,以及Wick Academy FC因为地理位置偏远而面临的挑战,包括与其他俱乐部的比赛往往需要长途跋涉。
🚗 长途跋涉至Wick Academy FC
作者详细描述了他们前往Wick Academy FC的旅程,包括早起、长时间的驾驶、沿途的风景和体验。他们提到了对英国地理的观察,以及为了观看一场第五级别联赛的比赛而进行的长途旅行。此外,还提到了视频的赞助商Whatnot,这是一个直播平台,作者通过该平台销售足球衫,并提供了参与直播的相关信息和优惠。
📍 Wick Academy FC的独特之处
在这段中,作者讨论了Wick Academy FC为何能被称为世界上最孤独的足球俱乐部。他们提到了俱乐部位于英国最北端的地理位置,以及它在苏格兰高地联赛中的参与情况。作者还分享了他们在俱乐部主场Harmsworth Park的观察,包括球场的倾斜情况、与墓地相邻的特殊环境,以及他们与当地人的互动。
⚽️ 观看比赛和回家的旅程
作者描述了在Wick Academy FC观看比赛的经历,包括球场的气氛、与当地球迷的互动、比赛的动态以及他们的感想。他们还提到了比赛后的回家旅程,包括长途驾驶的挑战和疲惫。最后,作者鼓励观众如果有机会应该去体验这样的旅程,并强调了Wick Academy FC在英国足球生态系统中的独特地位。
💡Wick Academy FC
💡Highland League
💡Scottish Football
💡Away Days
💡Football Shirts
💡End of Mainland UK
The exploration of the UK's most isolated football club, Wick Academy FC, located in the remote north of Scotland.
The journey to Wick Academy FC involves a 12-hour drive each way from Norwich, totaling a 1,346-mile round trip.
Wick Academy FC's games require a 5-hour travel time for some away games, highlighting the club's extreme isolation.
The narrator's humorous take on the long drive and the concept of 'loneliness' in football clubs.
The unique experience of visiting a football club at the end of Mainland UK, next to John o' Groats.
The narrator's challenge to viewers to visit Wick Academy FC and receive a free football shirt from the narrator.
The description of Wick Academy FC's football ground, Harmsworth Park, and its unique characteristics.
The local hospitality, with the narrator and his companion receiving a free cup of tea from locals.
The humorous discovery of wild feces in the stand, adding to the remote and rustic charm of the football club.
The mention of Wick Academy FC's long-standing presence in the Scottish Highland League since 1994.
The narrator's commentary on the football match, including the sloped pitch and the proximity to a graveyard.
The interaction with the local fans and the sense of community around Wick Academy FC.
The narrator's reflection on the long drive home and the overall experience of visiting such a remote football club.
The humorous and engaging storytelling style that makes the long journey feel like a shared adventure.
The discussion about the logistics of traveling to such a remote location for a football match and the dedication it requires.
The final thoughts on the experience, encouraging others to undertake a similar journey for its unique cultural and sporting value.
today we're visiting the UK's loneliest
football club loneliness it's a word I'm
all too familiar with uh I'm just making
that joke before you all do Google
describes it as the quality of being
unfrequented and remote isolation this
got me thinking though which club is the
most isolated in the UK there has to be
a club here which is so far away from
other clubs while still being part of a
league pyramid and so on its own in the
middle of nowhere no clubs near it and I
have found it today we're off to
Scotland in the hidin league which in
itself as the fifth tier of Scottish
football and is based right on the north
of Scotland away from the rest of the
country and one specific team in this
level stands Above the Rest for being
completely out of the way Wick Academy
FC with them having to travel 5 hours
away for some of their games which is
even more ridiculous considering the
size of Scotland itself this journey in
itself is an absolute slog I'll be
setting off from Norwich and uring a
12-hour Drive each way driving 673 Mi
there then 673 M back yes a
1,346 mi round trip that's how out of
the way it is welcome to a w days things
are about to get lonely
lonelier it's far too early for this
nonsense it is 5 a.m. I've got to go and
pick Ed up from leads and then from
there that's 4 hours there's another
eight see you in
leads why on Earth is someone driving a
Hummer in England and in 20124 what is
on 4 hours of driving down for me 8 and
1/2 hours to go 480 m still to go Min m
you all right
yeah I have quite a nice Li in this
morning did you have a nice Li in I did
actually until you woke me up when you
messag me at half seven are you excited
to go to the world's lonliest football
club very excited two lonely men one
lonely don't put like that we are lonely
just a little bit yeah yeah and then
they'll do the black and white thing and
then we'll go to the next bit she likes
to call me up in the
morning she comes
home first stop of the road trip needs
to really be driven home how far this
journey is in the UK our flight to
Jamaica was shorter in this drive yes
yeah we got another 8 and a half hours
isn't it yeah which is about the time it
takes to fly to look
Orlando all for some a fifth tier game
that's brilliant go then look at your
little bag a little bit of YouTube
growth does that and you go start
shopping on M&S cuz it was cheaper W
Smiths the real deal was it sa
25p you are so y sure aren't you what's
in your bag then we've got a freshly
handmade prep baguette that's mine
that's yours I've got myself roast
chicken and bacon sandwich very high
quality got a glutenfree chocolate
brownie a water from the mountains of
Scotland oh good yeah nice
yeah call in the cat pillars very nice
yes road trip Vibes this exactly a fat
pizza oh yeah Christ yeah I'll let you
have a little nosh on that if you want
on the pizza
or we're not even in Scotland yet I know
mental it's ridiculous yeah
geography to put up with him another 7
kind doing with it really tell you what
Ed we are seeing a lot of the UK here
we're about halfway through the CH trip
you've got a magnum it's February on my
card as well you ready oh the good news
oh oh wait for
it to Scotland the bad news look how
long's that on the journey a ah yeah not
still about 2 and a half hours away from
Wick yep in some rounding place in
Scotland let's get some fishing chips
come on I can't feel my legs I've just
it's ridiculous cheers to Scotland
cheers look at that British Heritage oh
god what have you just done there way to
Sal it wasn't coming out people say
British doesn't have food culture
Britain salty
no it might land in a minute keep trying
the post oh look at me I'm filling up
oh why AR we driving so far 2 hours to
go this trip in fuel alone has cost more
than most European trips have ever done
we could have been we could have had a
night out in like Prague at this point
we could have flown to Prague where go
when we came back home we not even there
yet but you're excited though yeah new I
one I took what mine the
cat all right
good Tock welcome to Wick they've got
Farm Foods they've got Farm Foods yay
he's here we're in
Wick you have stood on top of a wall
either we go to bed or we
explore oh here we go let's see see the
room oh yes we're sharing we're sharing
get in so annoying oh we are actually
sharing the
so get
in game
day I'm shattered it's amazing how much
of like a long drive takes it out of you
it really has me as well I don't like
the your beans in your Quant it's all go
down the same M isn't it I hate
that the reason Wick is so isolated is
because it's next to Jonah gr which is
the end of Mainland UK so we thought
we'd come and look at that I also don't
get why people come to stuff like this
but still here we
are this is the end of Mainland
UK that's it 13 hours of driving a lamp
post isn't it really yeah Le put some
like lasers shooting out the side of it
Ginger great brilliant oh
so coffee cheers
loneliness yes we've driven a
ridiculously long way for this trip all
the way to the end of the UK and it's
all been made possible thanks to this
video sponsor whatnot yes a huge thanks
to whatnot for sponsoring this video uh
if you're not familiar I go live on
there three times a month selling my
football shirts and if you use my Link
at the top of the description you get
£10 off any item and whatnot not even
just with me with any seller on the
platform you can ship worldwide on there
every stream I do a giveaway £150 worth
of items and I also sell around 30
football shirts every single stream
we're live for an hour we do a Q&A I
sell football shirts and I give away
like I said £50 every stream no strings
attach you have to spend any money to
win the money just come into the stream
and win the money for free and you also
get to spend an evening asking me
questions on buying football shirts if
you're interested in that as well it is
a no-brain to get involved if you love
the content if you love football shirts
it's the only place I sell my football
shirts and I'm on there three times a
month usually you can see my schedule on
my profile just book out the streams and
I'll go live very simple it's not just
me on there who sells football shirts
there's loads of people on there selling
football shirts as well it is a amazing
platform to buy football shirts and like
I said you can ship in internationally
anywhere in the world unless you're in
Pyongyang you can get a football shirt
from me check me out over on whatnot
Link in the sub description it's free on
both IOS and Android see you all over
there very soon got something for
you good there's no way I'm going to
suit that I don't suit hat no of course
you want you look stupid actually you
kind of look like you're about to be
sort of whisked off during World War II
or something on a train evacuated that
was a good look yeah you look like
you're ready for
evacuation oh good that's what I've
always saw a for actually does suit
you we made it we have made it come on
let's get inside wck Academy's Ground
harmsworth Park let's have a look I mean
we are at we're at the UK's lest
club and I'm
excited sex people oh it's fell for
sake that's really
annoying God oh give my feet I actually
might go get my feet get my feet get my
bloody don't don't you dare if you tip
me over this is a
fast this must be where the people
record the games we literally are in the
middle of
nowhere we love you work we do we love
you work we do oh where where love
bounce just bounce
bounce so what makes Wick the world's
most lest football club well first of
all we're literally in the middle of
nowhere at the very top of Mainland UK
they play in the Highland league in the
Highland of Scotland which is the most
northern part the most northern part of
Mainland UK which is also the fifth tier
of Scottish football for anyone wants to
know basically they're equivalent of the
national league and also Wick are
Scotland's most northern football
football club their closest away game is
a 1hour drive away and their furthest
away game is a 5-hour Drive bear in mind
we're already isolated in the part of
the UK were in they've been in
Scotland's hardland League since 1994 so
they sort of always been here a really
cool part of British football culture
and I'm buzzing to to take in the game
and here I found a wild feces in the
stand I'm guessing this is maybe from a
local you'd hope it's not human well I
don't know to be honest with you it's a
very tiny human a very small human if it
is one but I'm seeing I think it's from
two different beasts cuz I'm seeing
different feal matter there compared to
the slightly longer one there I think
that might be dog that might be bad you
know what I always love about this
channel is there'll be people that click
on it for the first time expecting us to
be like other football Vlogs where it's
all just the football when in
reality you got some FAL news don't know
if this shows this but this is the most
sloped football pcture I've ever seen it
is so sloped and and I love it it is so
downhill and also we're next to a
that it's always a nice positive spin on
things yeah I like the
graveyard it's sort of good to know
where you stand isn't it I wouldn't want
to think it was rugby or anything no
very blunt straight the point yeah love
toilets yeah nice little
facilities so far I'm really enjoying my
time here me a 26-hour round trip drive
we literally could have went anywhere in
the world it's a door into the stand
like you're enter in someone's
Conservatory that's nice look at that
here we
go going to go in let's get a cup of tea
come on this is so quaint I hope I'm not
hope I'm allowed to do thiss I think so
get the joke cuz it says secretary but
I've said come on that was the early
on I think we hello hi what can we do oh
I don't know can I get a tea please do
you accept card no no no no damn
it I'm so snug a proper
cozy that look stupid yeah just spoke to
a few of the locals by way everyone here
is gave us a free cup of tea because of
visitors they said they don't get many
visitors here which once again plays
into the whole it's a lonely Club so I'm
just going to give a challenge to you
guys the first person to come here and
watch a game and film themselves saying
up the away days I will buy your
football shirt from this season because
we need more people to come and visit
this club it's a very unique Club in the
UK football ecosystem so come and get
down if you can and I'm excited for the
game it very much is a pitch where it's
like oh we're downhill second half Lads
uh particular Welcome to the to a couple
of young new Young friends of mine that
I met both leag United suppor they've
come up to see a Highland League game
which I hope
enjoy we've got a shout out couple of
young Le unit supporters we're very
young I'm 26 yeah you're right at what
point do you stop being young like a
downhill first half hang on a minute
Electric in the
air St listens to one episode of
football cliche he starts rolling this
stuff out goes downhill
for his sins there's the away team coach
there Kil executive very nice we spoke
to our friend Ken before the game who
told us that uh Wick have problems
scoring goals yeah if we do a 26-hour
drive for no goal mhm it will be the
most aous thing of all time second oh my
God we found anist look like this guy
here that is me that is me a few years
ago yeah are you saying I'm worse or
better now I'm not saying anything
get him we well the worst part about it
is I didn't see the goal oh on your
phone I was checking the latest scores
in the championship I saw it I'll
recreate it ball gets whipped in
lovely was it headed down got over his
man love it
sorry just it's is so weird seeing me if
I was decent a football at right back
and Ed keeps referring to him as plat
every time anything goes in the
oh oh that's a corer that oh a you've
robbed me of that mate oh blue coat take
the piss out of him comment section go
on yeah you won't War Ready chapers to
put ball
in oh my
God could see they got the flood lights
on up there as well we've got the um
hide and League version of Mark clurg
here with a skin fade and a little
spiked up top they were saying their
their local rivalry is just over an hour
away yeah which is just for this level
of football is it's not keep your number
two looks exactly like me really
weirdly just making
friends I don't think the ref should be
allowed a skin fade you I just feel like
it's a bit like you're a ref short back
and size short back and size go bold
it's weird for ref to not be bold also
to skin fade it is ridiculous also in
case anyone was curious as to whether
work academy we're just an academy side
there's your answer
it is um a senior team that for some
reason have Academy in their
name it's going really well you do have
to factor in that second half is all
going to be coming down here cuz of the
Hill it's all downhill from here
literally this is unbelievably fun half
time my halftime task is I need to go
put tire pressure in my car wheels
because it's a 13-hour drive home and I
am quite fearful I don't want to fores
show or anything but if we get home I'm
surprised not only are Wick defending
downhill they was got the wind against
second half this is going to be an
absolute barrage oh there we
go it's a good Corner that oh little
wherever you go with football in the
world she just got rude to the ball but
did you see that went the ball barys go
get the ball I'm coming out the back
stick there I
keeper just shouted defend it again as
if the Defenders were going to go
actually I wasn't planning to defend
one I would be shocked if many goals are
scored at the other end of this pitch
this Wick just can't get out there in
half one they got to go up here watch a