Beginners Guide to Leonardo Ai in 2024 - Best Free Ai Image Generator!

Tao Prompts
28 Apr 202417:20

TLDRThis video tutorial introduces viewers to Leonardo AI, a free-to-use platform for generating high-quality, customizable images. The host guides the audience through creating an account, exploring tools like the AI image generator, Realtime Canvas, and AI motion creation tool, and emphasizes the AI image generation feature. The community tab is highlighted as a source of inspiration, showcasing popular images created by others. The tutorial demonstrates how to use prompts and settings to generate images, remix existing images, and adjust parameters such as image size and model type. Different models like Leonardo Vision XL and Leonardo Anime XL are discussed for their unique characteristics in generating photorealistic or cartoon-style images. The PhotoReal feature is introduced for enhancing photorealism, and the video also covers advanced features like negative prompts, the 'I'm feeling Lucky' icon for randomization, and the prompt generation tab for more detailed prompts. The impact of various models on the final image is shown through comparisons, and the video concludes with a discussion on the platform's credit system and subscription tiers, encouraging viewers to explore further guides for advanced techniques.


  • πŸ†“ **Free to Start**: Creating an account with Leonardo AI is free and straightforward, with basic setup questions.
  • πŸ› οΈ **Tools Overview**: The platform offers various tools such as AI image generator, Realtime Canvas, and AI motion creation tool.
  • 🎨 **Community Inspiration**: Browsing the community tab provides inspiration through popular images generated by others, showcasing different prompts and settings.
  • πŸ“ˆ **Image Quality**: Leonardo AI has advanced in generating high-quality, photorealistic images with fine-grain control over parameters.
  • πŸ”„ **Remix Feature**: Users can remix images by copying prompts and parameters from existing images to experiment with variations.
  • πŸ§₯ **Customization**: Changing elements like clothing on generated characters can easily be done while preserving the style of the image.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ **Model Selection**: Different base models cater to various styles, from photorealism to cartoons, and users can also train and share new models.
  • πŸ“Έ **PhotoReal Feature**: A feature that enhances the photorealism of images, making them more lifelike.
  • 🚫 **Negative Prompt**: A tool to exclude certain concepts from being generated in the images, allowing for more control over the final result.
  • 🎲 **I'm Feeling Lucky**: A feature that generates improved or random prompts for additional inspiration.
  • πŸ“ **Parameters Control**: Users can adjust various settings like image size, model type, and the number of images generated per prompt for greater customization.

Q & A

  • What is Leonardo AI and how does it impress with its features?

    -Leonardo AI is a free-to-use AI image generator that has gained recognition for its high-quality images and fine-grain control over the image generation process. It offers a variety of tools such as the AI image generator, Realtime Canvas, and AI motion creation tool, allowing users to create images with different styles and levels of photorealism.

  • How does the community tab in Leonardo AI help users?

    -The community tab showcases popular images generated by other users, providing inspiration for creating one's own images. Users can see the types of prompts and settings that others have used to generate their images, which can be a great starting point for new users.

  • What is the 'remix feature' in Leonardo AI and how does it work?

    -The remix feature in Leonardo AI allows users to copy a prompt and all the parameters and features used in an existing image, enabling them to experiment with those settings. By running the generate button, users can reproduce similar images and then make their own changes to the parameters to customize the image further.

  • Can you explain the different models available in Leonardo AI and their purposes?

    -Leonardo AI offers various base models, each with unique characteristics. Some models are designed for generating photorealistic images, while others are better suited for cartoon illustrations. Users can choose from a wide range of models, and the community is constantly training and sharing new models, providing a diverse set of options for different image styles.

  • What is the PhotoReal feature in Leonardo AI and how does it enhance image generation?

    -PhotoReal is a feature that can be added on top of a base model to help generate extra photorealistic and lifelike photos. It enhances the texture, lighting, and overall detail of the images, making them appear more realistic and cinematic.

  • How does the negative prompt feature in Leonardo AI help in controlling the content of generated images?

    -The negative prompt feature allows users to specify concepts that they do not want to be included in the generated images. By entering these unwanted elements into the negative prompt bar, Leonardo AI will attempt to exclude them from the final image, giving users more control over the final output.

  • What is the 'I'm feeling Lucky' feature in Leonardo AI and how does it assist users?

    -The 'I'm feeling Lucky' feature is a creative tool that generates a random prompt for users who may be stuck for ideas. It can provide new inspiration and help users explore different styles and themes for their image generation.

  • How does the ControlNet feature in Leonardo AI provide fine-grained control over image generation?

    -ControlNet is an advanced feature that allows users to upload reference images for fine-grained control over the poses, colors, and composition of the AI-generated images. Users can select different types of image guidance, such as 'Pose to Image' or 'Style to Image', to directly transfer specific aspects from the reference photos into the new images.

  • What are the different image quality settings available in Leonardo AI?

    -Leonardo AI offers several image quality settings, including the number of images generated, resolution, and the use of high-quality pipelines like PhotoReal and Alchemy. These settings allow users to adjust the level of detail, realism, and overall quality of the generated images.

  • How does the transparency feature in Leonardo AI work?

    -The transparency feature in Leonardo AI is designed to generate photos of objects with transparent backgrounds. However, it is still in beta and may not always work as expected. It aims to remove the background pixels, isolating the subject for a clean, transparent background look.

  • What are the different upscaling options available in Leonardo AI?

    -Leonardo AI provides several upscaling options to increase the resolution of generated images. These include a Smooth upscale for cartoon-type images, a Crisp upscale to preserve more details, and the Alchemy upscaler, which allows users to customize the level of refinement.

  • How does the elements feature in Leonardo AI allow for additional visual styles in image generation?

    -The elements feature in Leonardo AI allows users to layer extra models on top of the base model, injecting additional visual styles into each photo. Users can choose from a variety of styles, adjust the weight of each element to control its influence, and even combine multiple elements for a unique look.



🎨 Introduction to Leonardo AI Image Generation

The video introduces Leonardo AI, highlighting its high-quality image generation capabilities and ease of use. The presenter discusses creating an account, exploring community-generated images for inspiration, and the availability of various tools within Leonardo AI. The focus is on AI image generation, and the process of creating images using prompts and settings is explained. The video also demonstrates how to use the remix feature and make modifications to generated images, such as changing the subject's clothing.


πŸ–ΌοΈ Exploring Different Models and Features

This section delves into the different base models available in Leonardo AI, each with unique characteristics for generating various styles of images. The presenter discusses the PhotoReal feature for adding photorealism to images and how to use the 'generate with this model' button. The process of generating images from scratch is covered, including setting custom parameters and using different models to achieve desired visual styles. The influence of model choice on the final image is emphasized through a comparison of images generated from the same prompt using different models.


πŸ› οΈ Advanced Customization and Image Controls

The video continues with advanced customization options, such as the negative prompt feature to exclude certain concepts from the generated images. The 'I'm feeling Lucky' icon and the prompt generation tab are introduced as tools for enhancing and creating new prompts. The presenter also discusses various parameters like the number of images generated, the PhotoReal pipeline, and the Alchemy setting for high-quality image generation. The transparency feature, public mode, and image dimensions are covered, along with quality of life features like downloading or copying images directly from the platform.


🌟 Image Stylization and ControlNet Integration

The final paragraph covers the elements feature, which allows users to layer additional visual styles onto images. The presenter demonstrates how to use different elements and combine multiple elements for more stylized images. The integration of ControlNet for fine-grain control over poses, colors, and composition using reference images is also explained. The video concludes with information on the cost of generating images with credits and the availability of a free account with daily credits. The presenter suggests a follow-up tutorial series and recommends an AI prompt guide for generating high-quality images.



πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an advanced AI image generator that has been praised for its high-quality output and fine-grain control over the image generation process. It is the central tool discussed in the video, which allows users to create a wide variety of images through different settings and parameters. The script mentions how it has impressed with its capabilities and how it offers a free account creation process.

πŸ’‘AI Image Generation

AI Image Generation refers to the process of creating images using artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is the primary function of Leonardo AI, enabling users to generate images based on textual prompts and various settings. The video demonstrates how to use Leonardo AI for this purpose, highlighting the quality and control it provides.

πŸ’‘Community Tab

The Community Tab is a feature within Leonardo AI that showcases popular images generated by other users. It serves as a source of inspiration for users looking to create their own images. The video emphasizes the importance of this tab for getting ideas and understanding the types of prompts and settings that lead to successful image generation.

πŸ’‘Photorealistic Images

Photorealistic Images are images generated by AI that closely resemble real photographs in terms of detail and quality. The video discusses how Leonardo AI has advanced in creating such images, using examples like a photo of a woman with a covered face in neon purple colors to illustrate the level of realism that can be achieved.


In the context of Leonardo AI, Models refer to different AI image generators, each with unique characteristics. Some models are designed to generate photorealistic images, while others are better suited for cartoon illustrations. The video explains how users can choose from a variety of base models and also utilize models shared by other users.


PhotoReal is a feature in Leonardo AI that enhances the photorealism of generated images. It is described as a workflow that can be added on top of a base model to produce more lifelike and realistic photos. The video provides a comparison to demonstrate the difference PhotoReal makes in the quality of the images.

πŸ’‘Negative Prompt

A Negative Prompt is a feature in Leonardo AI that allows users to specify what should not be included in the generated images. This can be used to control the composition of the image, such as avoiding certain elements or concepts. The video demonstrates how to use this feature to create a barren plain background by specifying not to include grass, plants, trees, or flowers.


Alchemy is a high-quality image generation pipeline in Leonardo AI designed for High Fidelity models. It is used to enhance the quality and detail of generated images, making them more closely follow the user's prompt. The video shows a significant difference in image quality when Alchemy is turned on, especially in terms of adherence to the prompt and overall detail.


Elements in Leonardo AI are additional models that can be layered on top of the base model to inject additional visual styles into each photo. The video discusses how these can be used to customize the style of generated images, with examples like adding a neon glow effect or combining multiple elements for a more stylized look.


ControlNet is a feature within Leonardo AI that allows users to upload reference images for fine-grain control over the poses, colors, and composition of the AI-generated images. The video demonstrates how ControlNet can be used to map poses from reference photos into the generated images, as well as transfer visual styles and structures from style references.


Credits in the context of Leonardo AI are the currency used to generate images. Each image generation consumes a certain number of credits. The video mentions that while Leonardo AI is free to use, it provides a daily allowance of 150 credits, which can be quickly depleted, especially when using premium features.


Leonardo AI is a high-quality, free-to-use AI image generator with fine-grain control.

Account creation is straightforward, asking basic questions for image usage purposes.

The platform offers various tools such as the AI image generator, Realtime Canvas, and AI motion creation tool.

The community tab showcases popular images generated by others for inspiration.

Photorealistic images can be created with shorter, simpler prompts.

Remix feature allows users to experiment with different prompts and settings.

Custom settings and parameters like image size and model type are adjustable.

Different base models cater to various styles, from photorealistic to cartoon illustrations.

PhotoReal feature enhances photorealism and lifelike quality of the images.

Negative prompt feature prevents certain concepts from being included in the images.

The 'I'm feeling Lucky' feature generates random prompts for inspiration.

Alchemy setting significantly improves image quality for High Fidelity models.

Transparency feature allows for the creation of images with transparent backgrounds.

Public mode toggles private image generation, a premium feature.

Unzoom feature outpaints images, filling in borders with context from the base image.

Remove background feature isolates subjects and removes background pixels.

Upscaling options enhance image resolution and detail.

Elements feature allows for additional visual styles to be layered onto each photo.

ControlNet integration provides fine-grain control over poses, colors, and composition using reference images.

Leonardo AI offers 150 credits per day for free accounts, suitable for testing most premium features.