Image to Image Leonardo AI - Full Guide

9 Mar 202405:43

TLDRThe video provides a step-by-step guide on using Leonardo AI for image generation. It begins with signing up on Leonardo AI and navigating to the dashboard. The user is then shown how to use an existing image from the community as a guide for creating a new image. The process involves importing image settings and elements, and customizing the generation with options like strength, which determines the resemblance to the original image. The importance of crafting detailed prompts for the AI is emphasized to achieve the desired outcome. The video also touches on the use of Leonardo AI coins, which are used to create images and reset daily based on the user's plan. Finally, the presenter demonstrates the effect of varying the strength parameter on the final image and encourages viewers to experiment with different settings and prompts to refine their results.


  • 🌐 Visit Leonardo AI by clicking the provided link in the description to begin the image generation process.
  • πŸ“ Sign up for an account on Leonardo AI by clicking on 'create account'.
  • πŸ” After signing up, you'll access the dashboard with various user tools like image generation, canvas editor, and motion.
  • πŸ‘€ Inspect community-generated images and their details such as creation time and model used.
  • πŸ“₯ Download images from the community by naming and saving them to your PC.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Use 'generate with photo' to import image settings and elements for a better result.
  • πŸ’° Leonardo AI coins are used for creating generations and reset daily based on your subscription plan.
  • πŸ“ˆ The number of images you want to create affects the number of coins spent.
  • πŸ” 'Photo re' and 'Alchemy' are models that enhance the final image result.
  • πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ Public images option allows your generated images to be visible to the community unless you have a paid plan.
  • πŸ“ Set image dimensions and adjust advanced options like aspect ratio as needed.
  • πŸ“ Write a detailed prompt in the prompt bar to guide the AI on what the image should look like.
  • πŸ–‡οΈ Upload the original image for the AI to use as a reference point.
  • βš™οΈ Adjust the 'strength' parameter to control how closely the new image resembles the uploaded reference.
  • 🎭 Experiment with different strengths to achieve desired changes in the generated images.
  • πŸ”„ Tweak settings and prompts multiple times to get the exact result you want.
  • πŸ“ˆ Watch additional tutorials to learn how to construct better prompts for more accurate image generation.

Q & A

  • What is the first step to use Leonardo AI for image generation?

    -The first step is to go to the Leonardo AI website and sign up by creating an account.

  • How can you view the details of an image created by the community on Leonardo AI?

    -You can click on the image, which will open a new tab showing the prompt used, the creation time, the Leonardo AI model, and the elements used.

  • What is the purpose of the 'generate with photo' option in Leonardo AI?

    -The 'generate with photo' option allows you to use an existing image as a guide to create a new, similar image by automatically importing the image settings and elements.

  • How do you download an image from the community generations on Leonardo AI?

    -You can download an image by clicking on the download button, giving it a name, and then saving it to your PC.

  • What are Leonardo AI coins and how are they used?

    -Leonardo AI coins are a virtual currency used within the platform. When you create a generation, you have to spend a certain amount of coins, which reset daily. The amount you get daily depends on the plan you have.

  • What happens if you choose to make your generated images public?

    -If you turn on the public images option, your generated images will be visible to the public in the community Generations tab. To keep them private, you need to have a paid plan.

  • How do you specify the dimensions of the image you want to create on Leonardo AI?

    -You can specify the dimensions of the image by selecting the desired dimensions in the image Dimensions section.

  • What is the 'strength' parameter in the image generation process and how does it affect the result?

    -The 'strength' parameter determines how closely the new image will resemble the original image used as a guide. A higher strength means a closer resemblance, while a lower strength allows for more freedom and creativity from the AI.

  • How do you upload an original image to use as a reference for image generation?

    -To upload an original image, you go to the image guidance section and click on 'upload image', then select the image from your device to upload it.

  • What should you consider when writing a prompt for image generation?

    -You should be as specific as possible with your prompts to guide the AI accurately on what you want to create. The more detailed the prompt, the better the AI can understand and generate the desired image.

  • Why might the generated images not match the prompt even when using a high strength setting?

    -If the strength is too high for the changes you want to make to the image, it may not allow the AI to alter the background or overall theme as requested, resulting in images that do not match the prompt.

  • What is the general advice for getting the desired result with an image generator?

    -You may not get the desired result on the first try. It's recommended to tweak the settings and prompt multiple times until you achieve the exact outcome you want.



🎨 Using Image-to-Image on Leonardo AI

This paragraph explains the process of using Leonardo AI to create custom images with a specific image as a guide. First, users need to sign up for an account on Leonardo AI and navigate to the dashboard. The dashboard offers various tools like image generation, canvas editor, and motion. Users can view community creations and select an image to use as a reference, which opens a prompt detailing how the image was created. The user can download this image for reference. To create a similar image, one can use the 'generate with photo' option, which imports image settings and elements. The user is introduced to the concept of Leonardo AI coins, which are used to create generations and reset daily based on the user's plan. The paragraph also covers how to input the number of images to create, select models for better results, choose image visibility, set image dimensions, and adjust advanced options. The prompt bar is where users describe the desired image in detail. The AI uses an uploaded reference image and the prompt to generate a new image. The 'strength' parameter determines how closely the new image resembles the reference. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of generating images with different strengths and an invitation for viewers to request more information on prompt construction.


πŸ“ˆ Adjusting Strength for Better Results

The second paragraph focuses on the importance of adjusting the 'strength' parameter when generating images with Leonardo AI. It emphasizes that achieving the desired result may require several attempts and tweaking of settings and prompts. The paragraph illustrates the impact of strength on the final image by showing examples with high and low strength settings. When the strength is too high, the AI may not make the desired changes to the background or theme. By lowering the strength, the AI has more freedom to create, resulting in images that better match the user's request. The paragraph ends with an encouragement to watch a related video for learning how to write effective prompts for achieving the exact results desired with the image generator.



πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an artificial intelligence platform that specializes in image generation. It is the main subject of the video, where the host demonstrates how to use the platform to create images with a specific guide image. The platform offers various tools and features, such as image generation, a canvas editor, and motion tools, which are all accessible from the Leonardo AI dashboard.

πŸ’‘Image to Image

Image to Image is a feature within Leonardo AI that allows users to create new images using an existing image as a reference or guide. This feature is central to the video's tutorial, where the host shows the process of generating a new image that is similar to a chosen example from the community.


A prompt is a detailed description or instruction given to the AI to guide the creation of an image. In the context of the video, the host writes a specific prompt to inform the AI about the desired characteristics of the generated image, such as 'create a woman warrior from the medieval years that is holding a sword and is inside the battlefield.'


Strength is a parameter in the image generation process that determines how closely the new image will resemble the guide image. A higher strength value means the generated image will be more similar to the guide, while a lower value allows for more creative freedom and less similarity. The host adjusts the strength during the tutorial to demonstrate its impact on the final image.

πŸ’‘Community Generations

Community Generations is a section within Leonardo AI where users can view images created by others. It serves as a source of inspiration and a way to see the variety of images that can be generated using the platform. The host refers to this section when discussing the process of selecting an image to use as a guide for new image generation.

πŸ’‘Image Guidance

Image Guidance is a feature that allows users to upload a specific image to use as a reference for the AI when generating a new image. This feature is crucial for the 'Image to Image' process, as it ensures that the AI has a clear reference point to create a similar image, as demonstrated by the host when uploading an image to guide the creation of a warrior woman.

πŸ’‘Leonardo AI Coins

Leonardo AI Coins are a virtual currency used within the platform to perform image generations. Users need to spend a certain amount of coins for each generation, and the number of coins resets daily. The host mentions that the amount of coins a user receives daily depends on their subscription plan, emphasizing the need to use them wisely or opt for a paid plan for more coins.

πŸ’‘Photo Re and Alchemy

Photo Re and Alchemy are models within Leonardo AI that help enhance the final result of the generated images. They are part of the advanced options that users can select to improve the quality and appearance of the images they create. The host briefly mentions these models as part of the options available for fine-tuning the image generation process.

πŸ’‘Public Images

Public Images is an option that, when enabled, makes the generated images visible to the public within the Community Generations tab of Leonardo AI. The host notes that to disable this option and keep generated images private, users need to subscribe to a paid plan.

πŸ’‘Image Dimensions

Image Dimensions refer to the specific size and proportions of the generated image. Users can select the dimensions they want for their image during the image generation process. The host uses this feature to specify the size of the image they want to create, which is an important aspect of the final output.

πŸ’‘Advanced Options

Advanced Options in Leonardo AI allow users to fine-tune various aspects of the image generation process, such as the aspect ratio of the image. These options provide additional control for users who want to customize their image generation beyond the basic settings. The host refers to these options when discussing how to adjust the image parameters for a more tailored result.


Introduction to using image-to-image on Leonardo AI to create custom images with a specific image as a guide.

Step-by-step guide on signing up for Leonardo AI and accessing the dashboard.

Explanation of user tools available on Leonardo AI, including image generation, canvas editor, and motion.

Demonstration of how to view and use prompts from community-generated images.

Option to download images created by the community for personal use.

Process of generating a similar image using an existing image as a guide.

Importance of selecting the right Leonardo AI model for the desired outcome.

Details on how Leonardo AI coins work and their daily reset based on the user's plan.

Guidance on choosing the number of images to create and the associated coin cost.

Introduction to the Photo and Alchemy models for enhancing image generation results.

Option to make generated images public or private within the community generations tab.

Selection of image dimensions to customize the output of the image generation.

Explanation of the advanced options for adjusting the aspect ratio of the generated image.

How to write a detailed prompt for the AI to understand the desired image characteristics.

Uploading an original image as a reference point for the AI to create a similar image.

Understanding the 'strength' parameter and its impact on the resemblance of the generated image to the original.

Creating a warrior woman from medieval times holding a sword in a battlefield as an example prompt.

The necessity of being specific with prompts to achieve the desired AI-generated image.

Adjusting the strength parameter to modify the AI's adherence to the original image.

Observing the differences in generated images based on the strength setting.

The iterative process of tweaking settings and prompts to achieve the desired image result.

Invitation to watch a follow-up video on constructing better prompts for more accurate AI-generated images.