Leonardo AI - Tutorial for Beginners in 12 MINS! [ FULL GUIDE 2024 ]

Skills Factory
18 Dec 202312:02

TLDRThis video introduces Leonardo AI, a versatile platform for AI-powered image generation and editing. Users can sign in easily and access a variety of tools, including AI Image Generation for creating images from textual prompts, AI Canvas for photo manipulation, and Texture Generation for 3D textures. The platform offers both free and premium features, with the latter unlocking higher quality outputs and exclusive usage rights. The guide walks viewers through the process of generating images, from crafting effective prompts to using AI models and editing tools for stunning results.


  • 🌟 Leonardo AI is an online platform for advanced AI image generation and modification, offering a free alternative to similar services.
  • πŸ“± Users can sign in to Leonardo AI using Apple, Google, Microsoft accounts, or an email address for easy access.
  • 🎨 The platform features a Home page that displays featured AI models and recent community creations, promoting exploration and inspiration.
  • πŸ’‘ The Community Feed provides a library of royalty-free images generated with Leonardo AI, allowing users to copy prompts, use images as references, or download for commercial use.
  • πŸ› οΈ Personal Feed and Finetuned models sections give users access to their own creations and a variety of AI algorithms, including styles fine-tuned by the community or Leonardo's team.
  • πŸ”§ Leonardo AI offers three main tools: AI Image Generation, AI Canvas for photo editing, and Texture Generation for 3D objects (with the latter not covered in the beginner guide).
  • πŸ“ When generating images, users can input prompts and choose various settings like image variations, PhotoReal for more realistic images, and Alchemy for higher quality outputs.
  • 🎨 Prompt Magic helps to generate images that closely match the user's prompt, while options like Public Images and Image Dimensions allow for further customization and control over privacy and size.
  • πŸ”„ The AI Canvas tool enables users to upload and edit images, add elements, and manipulate them with various AI algorithms, including the ability to upscale images with minimal quality loss.
  • 🎭 Additional features like the generation frame, Draw Mask, and Erase tool provide precise control over where and how AI modifies images, allowing for detailed and creative edits.
  • πŸ“š The script concludes by encouraging users to explore other AI tools available for free, promoting continuous learning and utilization of AI in creative processes.

Q & A

  • What is Leonardo AI and how does it stand out from Midjourney?

    -Leonardo AI is an online platform designed for advanced AI image generation and modification. It distinguishes itself as a very good and free alternative to Midjourney, offering various features and tools to create and edit images using AI.

  • How can users start using Leonardo AI?

    -To start using Leonardo AI, users can sign in on its website using an Apple, Google, Microsoft account, or their email address. Once signed in, they are directed to the main Home page where they can access various AI models and community features.

  • What kind of resources are available in the Leonardo AI Community Feed?

    -The Community Feed in Leonardo AI provides access to a complete library of images generated with the platform. Users can copy prompts, use images as references for generating others, or download images for personal use, as all public images are royalty-free and open for commercial use.

  • What are the main tools offered by Leonardo AI?

    -Leonardo AI offers three main tools: AI Image Generation for creating images from textual prompts, AI Canvas for editing and manipulating photos and images, and Texture Generation for creating textures for 3D objects.

  • How does token consumption work in Leonardo AI?

    -Each image generation in Leonardo AI consumes tokens. Users on a free plan receive 150 tokens daily. Switching to a subscription plan offers more tokens and unlocks premium features like Leonardo Alchemy for enhanced image generation.

  • What features can users customize during the image generation process in Leonardo AI?

    -Users can set the number of image variations per generation, enable PhotoReal for more realistic images, use Alchemy for improved algorithm models, and adjust Prompt Magic for more coherent images. They can also decide on the image's public or private status and customize the image dimensions and guidance scale.

  • How should users write a prompt for generating images in Leonardo AI?

    -A correct prompt should define the main subject, background, environment, and include details such as colors, vibe, and mood. Users can also specify what they do not want in the generation with a Negative Prompt and utilize tools like Improve Prompt for hints or Prompt Generation for complex ideas.

  • Can users customize the AI model used for image generation?

    -Yes, users can choose different AI models like Absolute Reality for real-like images or DreamShaper for dreamy images. They can also select from basic models like Stable Diffusion, specific styles like 3D Animation Style, premium Alchemy models, or community-provided custom models.

  • How can users edit generated images in Leonardo AI?

    -Users can preview, delete, download, unzoom, and automatically remove backgrounds of generated images. For deeper modifications, they can use the AI Canvas to upload images, adjust them with tools for sketching, text addition, and apply AI-driven inpainting and outpainting.

  • What types of modifications can be performed on the AI Canvas?

    -On the AI Canvas, users can upload and edit images, including real photos. They can brush, type text, adjust image placement, and scale. Advanced modifications include using Draw Mask for targeted AI edits, merging image details, and saving the final artwork in PNG format, preserving transparent areas.



🎨 Introduction to Leonardo AI

This paragraph introduces Leonardo AI, an online platform for advanced AI image generation and modification. It is presented as a free alternative to Midjourney and provides a brief overview of how to get started with the platform. Users can sign in using various accounts and are directed to the Home page where they can access featured AI models and the community's recent images. The paragraph explains the functionality of the Community Feed and Personal Feed, and introduces the range of AI algorithms available, including fine-tuned models. It also mentions the Training & Datasets feature, though it is not covered in the tutorial. The main tools offered by Leonardo AI are outlined: AI Image Generation, AI Canvas, and Texture Generation, with the latter not being covered in this beginner guide. The process of generating images is detailed, including how to use textual prompts, the token system, and various customization options. The importance of crafting effective prompts and selecting the appropriate AI model is emphasized.


πŸ–ŒοΈ Customizing Image Generation with Prompts and Models

This paragraph delves into the specifics of customizing image generation using different AI models and the prompt system. It highlights the use of Stable Diffusion and 3D Animation Style as examples of basic and premium models, respectively. The paragraph explains how to further customize the model style by adding elements and setting their weights. It also introduces Image Guidance, which allows users to generate images based on existing images, with a focus on compatibility with the prompt content. The paragraph provides insights on how to edit generated images, including upscaling, removing backgrounds, and using the AI Canvas for more in-depth modifications. The tools available within the AI Canvas are described, such as Sketch and Text, along with the generation frame and mask features. The paragraph concludes by demonstrating how to merge details from one image to another, emphasizing the creative possibilities offered by the platform.


πŸ› οΈ Advanced Editing and Canvas Functionality

The final paragraph discusses advanced editing techniques and the functionality of the AI Canvas. It explains how to navigate and manipulate images within the canvas, including zooming, panning, and selecting tools. The paragraph covers the process of adding and removing images, as well as the use of masks for precise editing. It also touches on the AI options that influence the outcome of corrections, such as the model used and the generation frame's size and aspect ratio. The paragraph concludes by mentioning other modes within the AI Canvas, such as Img2Img and Sketch2Img, which are useful for more substantial corrections and applying specific shapes and colors. The guide ends with a call to action, encouraging viewers to explore more AI tools and resources available for free on the platform's website and YouTube channel.



πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an online platform that specializes in advanced AI image generation and modification. It is presented as a free alternative to other platforms like Midjourney. The video is dedicated to explaining how to use Leonardo AI to create stunning AI-generated images from scratch, highlighting its features and tools for users of all levels.

πŸ’‘AI Image Generation

AI Image Generation refers to the process of creating images using artificial intelligence based on textual prompts provided by the user. This technology allows users to generate a wide variety of images by simply describing what they want, and the AI produces images that match their descriptions. It is one of the three main tools offered by Leonardo AI, as mentioned in the video.

πŸ’‘Community Feed

The Community Feed is a feature within Leonardo AI that displays the most recent images created by the broader user community. It serves as a library of royalty-free images that can be used for inspiration or as references for generating new images. Users can access this feed to view, copy prompts from, or download images for their own use.

πŸ’‘Finetuned Models

Finetuned Models are AI algorithms that have been specifically adjusted or 'fine-tuned' to produce images in particular styles or to better match certain prompts. These models can be created by either the Leonardo team or the community of users, offering a range of options for users to generate images in their desired aesthetic or theme.


Tokens are a form of in-platform currency used within Leonardo AI that determines how many images a user can generate. Free plan users receive a daily allotment of tokens, and they can opt for a subscription plan to acquire more tokens and access premium features. Tokens are consumed each time an image is generated, with different features and models potentially requiring different amounts of tokens.


PhotoReal is a premium feature of Leonardo AI that, when enabled, allows for the creation of more realistic and cinematic images. This feature enhances the quality of the generated images, making them appear more like photographs, which is particularly useful for users seeking highly realistic visual outputs.


Alchemy is a premium feature in Leonardo AI that aims to improve the usage of the algorithm model for the highest quality image generation. It is part of the premium Alchemy version of the platform and is designed to enhance the coherence between the generated images and the user's prompt, resulting in more accurate and refined visual outputs.

πŸ’‘Prompt Magic

Prompt Magic is a feature within Leonardo AI that helps users generate images that are more closely aligned with their textual prompts. It works by refining the input prompt to ensure that the AI-generated images are more accurate and relevant to the user's description, thus enhancing the overall image generation process.

πŸ’‘AI Canvas

AI Canvas is a tool provided by Leonardo AI that allows users to edit and manipulate existing images or photos. It offers a range of features such as uploading images, overlapping them, and using various editing tools like Sketch and Text. The AI Canvas enables users to make detailed modifications and create unique visual content by incorporating AI algorithms into the editing process.

πŸ’‘Texture Generation

Texture Generation is a feature of Leonardo AI that focuses on creating textures for 3D objects. While it is not covered in the beginner's guide presented in the video, it represents another aspect of the platform's capabilities, allowing users to enhance their 3D models with detailed and realistic textures.

πŸ’‘Negative Prompt

Negative Prompt is a technique used within AI image generation platforms like Leonardo AI, where users specify elements they do not want to appear in the generated image. By outlining what is undesired, the AI can better understand the user's preferences and create images that exclude those elements, leading to more accurate and tailored visual outputs.


Introduction to Leonardo AI, an advanced AI image generation and modification platform.

Sign in to Leonardo AI with various account options including Apple, Google, Microsoft, or email.

Explore the main Home page featuring the latest AI models and images created by the community.

Access the Community Feed for a library of royalty-free images for commercial use.

Personal Feed allows retrieval of your own generated images.

Discover the range of fine-tuned AI models for specific styles.

Three main tools offered by Leonardo AI: AI Image Generation, AI Canvas, and Texture Generation.

AI Image Generation process from entering a prompt to generating images.

Token system and daily allowance for free plan users.

Customize image generation with options like number of variations, PhotoReal, and Alchemy features.

Prompt Magic for more coherent image generation and setting image privacy.

Guidance Scale to control the strictness of prompt following.

Tiling option for pattern generation and managing image dimensions.

Writing effective prompts with detailed descriptions and Negative Prompt option.

Selection of AI models that set the graphic style for image generation.

Customization with Add Elements and Image Guidance for existing images.

Editing generated images with upscaling, background removal, and AI Canvas tools.

Inpaint-Outpaint mode for the AI Canvas and its various editing capabilities.

Img2Img and Sketch2Img options for more advanced image corrections and manipulations.