Benny Hinn is in full on damage control mode. Don’t believe him.

Mike Winger
10 May 202417:11

TLDRThe video transcript discusses Benny Hinn's recent attempts at damage control amidst allegations of false prophecy and financial misconduct. The speaker criticizes Hinn's lack of genuine repentance, accusing him of exploiting Christians' willingness to forgive in order to cover up his actions. Hinn's interview with Steven Strang is highlighted, where he admits to false prophesying but dismisses it as a human flaw. The speaker also addresses Hinn's prosperity preaching and his refusal to make amends with those he has harmed. The summary calls for discernment within the Christian community and a return to authentic Christianity, free from manipulation and deceit.


  • 🚫 Benny Hinn is accused of being in damage control mode without genuine repentance.
  • 🔃 Hinn is said to be exploiting Christians' desire for redemption and forgiveness to cover up his actions.
  • 🎤 In an interview with Steven Strang, Hinn admitted to committing false prophecy but downplayed it as a common human mistake.
  • 🤔 The speaker criticizes Hinn's use of 1 Corinthians 14 to justify false prophecy, arguing that it's not a minor flaw.
  • 📉 Concern is expressed over Hinn's negative impact on the Christian community, including victims of his false claims.
  • 💬 There's a call for genuine repentance, which includes admitting specific errors and seeking to make amends.
  • 🚫 Hinn is criticized for not seeking forgiveness from those he has harmed directly, nor for addressing past misleading teachings.
  • 📢 The speaker accuses Hinn of performing 'low-effort damage control' and lacking sincerity in his public statements.
  • 📽 Hinn's removal of certain videos and the lack of removal of others is highlighted as contradictory to his claimed repentance.
  • 🕊 The speaker expresses hope for Hinn's true repentance and offers support if it occurs, emphasizing the importance of authenticity.
  • 🧐 The audience is reminded to be 'wise as serpents' when evaluating Hinn's actions and to look for genuine change.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern regarding Benny Hinn's recent actions as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main concern is that Benny Hinn appears to be in damage control mode, not genuinely repenting for his past actions, but rather trying to take advantage of Christians' love for redemption and forgiveness to cover up his mistakes.

  • What does the speaker accuse Benny Hinn of misquoting or misapplying from the Bible?

    -The speaker accuses Benny Hinn of misquoting or misapplying 1 Corinthians 14 to justify his false prophecies, claiming that it's okay to prophesy falsely because 'we prophesy in part.'

  • What is the speaker's opinion on Benny Hinn's approach to dealing with criticism and false prophecy allegations?

    -The speaker believes that Benny Hinn's approach is not genuine repentance. Instead, he is doing spin control, attempting to remove critical videos from the internet, and avoiding a sincere confession or seeking restitution for those he has harmed.

  • What does the speaker suggest is a sign of real repentance in the context of Benny Hinn's situation?

    -The speaker suggests that real repentance would involve Benny Hinn admitting his errors specifically, seeking restitution or blessings for those he has harmed, and making a public confession rather than just seeking crowd forgiveness.

  • Why does the speaker believe that Benny Hinn's current actions are harmful to the body of Christ?

    -The speaker believes Benny Hinn's actions are harmful because they create delusion, discouragement, and disillusionment among followers. This can lead to skepticism about Christianity, with some viewing all pastors and religious leaders as deceivers based on Hinn's example.

  • What does the speaker think about the suggestion of meeting with Benny Hinn to resolve their differences?

    -The speaker is open to the idea but has low expectations, doubting that such a meeting would lead to genuine change or transparency from Benny Hinn. He emphasizes that any potential reconciliation would need to be sincere and public.

  • How does the speaker describe the impact of Benny Hinn's ministry on real people?

    -The speaker describes the impact as negative, with real victims who have been misled and financially exploited, often leading to destitution and suffering.

  • What is the speaker's view on the use of the term 'religious spirit' in the context of Benny Hinn's ministry?

    -The speaker views the term 'religious spirit' as a way to dismiss and silence critics. It is used to label anyone critical of Benny Hinn's actions as lacking in true spirituality or as being overly legalistic.

  • What does the speaker suggest as a way to protect the church from manipulations and false teachings like those of Benny Hinn?

    -The speaker suggests that educating the church about the bad methods and schemes of false teachers like Benny Hinn would help protect it from future manipulations. He emphasizes the importance of genuine Christianity, real fellowship, and authentic teachings from the Bible.

  • Why does the speaker believe that Benny Hinn's ministry is not based on a genuine love for God?

    -The speaker believes that Benny Hinn's ministry lacks genuine love for God because it is characterized by manipulation, deception, and a focus on personal gain rather than sincere worship and adherence to biblical teachings.

  • What is the speaker's ultimate hope for the church in light of the Benny Hinn situation?

    -The speaker's ultimate hope is that the church will learn from this situation and desire authentic Christianity, real healing, and true fellowship. He wants churchgoers to be discerning enough so that when the next false teacher like Benny Hinn arises, they will not be deceived.



😤 Benny Hinn's Damage Control and False Prophecy

The speaker discusses Benny Hinn's recent actions, accusing him of not genuinely repenting for his false prophecies but instead exploiting Christians' desire for redemption and forgiveness to manage the damage to his reputation. Hinn is criticized for misquoting 1 Corinthians 14 to justify his false prophecies, and the speaker expresses frustration at Hinn's lack of acknowledgment of the harm he has caused. The paragraph also touches on the speaker's inability to conduct a live stream due to logistical issues.


🤔 Benny Hinn's Insincere Repentance and Prosperity Preaching

The speaker questions the sincerity of Benny Hinn's repentance, highlighting Hinn's return to prosperity preaching despite a previous attempt at damage control in 2019. The speaker suggests that Hinn's current behavior appears tired and insincere, and expresses a hope for genuine repentance. The focus is on the lack of specific admissions of wrongdoing, the absence of attempts to make restitution, and the continued presence of misleading videos on Hinn's channels. The speaker also addresses the need for Christians to be both forgiving and discerning.


😠 Benny Hinn's Manipulation and Public Deception

The speaker condemns Benny Hinn's tactics of portraying himself as a man of God while engaging in damage control and manipulation. The criticism includes Hinn's use of the term 'religious spirit' to discredit his critics and the removal of specific videos that could be seen as incriminating. The speaker also discusses the potential personal impact on pastors and church members who have followed Hinn's teachings and the need for genuine repentance and change within the church.


🙄 Benny Hinn's Personal Attacks and the Need for Authentic Christianity

The speaker recounts a recent sermon that seemed to target him personally, accusing him of lacking spiritual depth. The speaker emphasizes the need for the church to be equipped to recognize and resist manipulative tactics like those allegedly used by Benny Hinn. The focus is on desiring authentic Christianity, real fellowship, discipleship, and accurate biblical teachings, rather than the deceptive practices that are currently being criticized.



💡Damage Control

Damage control refers to the process of managing and mitigating the negative effects of a crisis or controversy. In the video, it is suggested that Benny Hinn is in 'full-on damage control mode,' implying that he is actively trying to manage the fallout from allegations against him without genuinely addressing the issues or showing remorse.


Repentance is the act of feeling regret or remorse for one's actions and sincerely changing one's behavior. The video discusses the concept of repentance in the context of Benny Hinn's actions, questioning whether his response to criticisms is a genuine act of repentance or merely a public relations strategy.

💡False Prophecy

False prophecy involves making predictions or declarations about the future that do not come true, often associated with religious contexts. The video script mentions Benny Hinn's admission of committing false prophecy and attempts to justify it by misapplying a biblical verse, which is a central point of critique.

💡Prosperity Preaching

Prosperity preaching is a religious doctrine that suggests material wealth is a sign of God's favor and can be obtained through faith, often associated with televangelism. The video discusses Benny Hinn's return to prosperity preaching, despite previous damage control efforts that were meant to distance him from such teachings.


Redemption is the process of making up for faults or mistakes, often with a religious or moral connotation. The video talks about how Benny Hinn might be exploiting the Christian value of redemption to regain trust and credibility, despite concerns about his sincerity.


Critics are individuals who express disapproval or offer judgment on a particular subject or person. In the script, the speaker mentions Benny Hinn's disregard for critics and how he attempts to discredit them by labeling them as having a 'religious spirit.'

💡Religious Spirit

The term 'religious spirit' is used in the video to describe a supposed attitude of excessive religiosity or legalism, often used pejoratively to dismiss criticism. Benny Hinn is said to use this term to label his critics, implying that they are overly focused on religious rules rather than genuine faith.


A televangelist is a religious evangelist who uses television to spread their message. Benny Hinn is referenced as a televangelist in the video, with the discussion focusing on the impact of his actions on the broader Christian community and the potential for manipulation through such platforms.


Deception refers to the act of deceiving or misleading others, especially for personal gain. The video suggests that Benny Hinn is involved in layers of deception, which is a significant concern for the speaker who is critical of Hinn's ministry.


Forgiveness is the act of pardoning or ceasing to hold resentment for a wrongdoing. The video discusses the Christian principle of forgiveness but emphasizes the importance of genuine repentance as a precondition for forgiveness to take place.


A ministry refers to the work of a religious leader or the activities carried out by a religious organization. The video's critique of Benny Hinn's ministry touches on the negative impact of false teachings and manipulations, urging for authentic Christianity and transparency.


Benny Hinn is accused of exploiting Christian virtues like forgiveness and redemption for personal damage control.

Hinn allegedly admits to false prophecies but dismisses them as minor imperfections, citing misinterpreted scripture.

Critics argue Hinn's apologies lack sincerity, focusing more on public relations than genuine repentance.

Hinn's recent actions are described as low effort damage control, lacking genuine change in behavior.

Despite backlash and criticism, Hinn's video removal attempts were thwarted, further spotlighting the controversy.

Hinn's critics, including high-profile figures, amplify their efforts to expose and critique his practices.

Real victims, often financially and emotionally exploited, underscore the harmful impact of Hinn's actions.

Hinn continues to preach prosperity despite prior claims of rejecting such practices, raising questions about his credibility.

Discussions emerge on the broader effects of Hinn's actions on the perception of Christianity and religious leaders.

Hinn's defense strategy includes dismissing critics and maintaining a narrative of spiritual sincerity and personal growth.

Observers and critics express skepticism towards Hinn's claims of change, emphasizing the need for concrete actions.

The ongoing saga fuels a broader dialogue on accountability and ethical leadership within religious communities.

Debate intensifies around the true essence of repentance and its manifestations in Hinn's public appearances.

Hinn's interactions with media and critics are dissected, revealing patterns of avoidance and selective engagement.

The controversy serves as a case study for the challenges of reforming public figures entrenched in established behaviors.