🚨 Trump's jury intimidation BACKFIRES on him at trial

The Legal Breakdown with BTC & Glenn Kirschner
18 Apr 202418:44

TLDRIn a recent development, Donald Trump's alleged jury intimidation has backfired, leading to a juror being excused due to identity leak concerns. Trump's accusations of the jury being liberal activists have resulted in seven contempt allegations against him for violating the court's gag order. Judge Maran is expected to rule on the matter, with potential sanctions including fines and jail time. The trial is progressing swiftly, with 12 jurors and six alternates selected. The judge has taken measures to protect juror identities by limiting public information about them. The prosecutors have refused to disclose the first three witnesses, fearing Trump's influence on media, which has already impacted the trial dynamics. The trial could see a verdict within four weeks, barring any significant disruptions.


  • 🚨 Donald Trump's alleged jury intimidation is backfiring, with a sworn-in jury member bailing due to identity leak concerns after Trump's accusations.
  • 📚 Glenn and Brian are providing comprehensive coverage of Trump's trial, urging viewers to subscribe for daily updates.
  • 📉 The prosecutors have seven contempt allegations against Trump for violating the court's gag order, which will be decided by Judge Maran.
  • 🚨 Trump could potentially become the first former president held in criminal contempt, with possible sanctions including a fine and jail time.
  • 📝 Judge Maran is taking measures to protect jurors' identities further by restricting public information about them after an instance of perceived juror intimidation by Trump.
  • 🛡 The DA's office refused to disclose the first three witnesses due to Trump's social media behavior, which Judge Maran supported, indicating a breakdown in typical court proceedings.
  • ⏱ The trial is progressing swiftly, with 12 jurors selected and six alternates anticipated, aiming for opening statements by Monday.
  • 🔍 Judge Maran is adhering to New York state law, which requires notice and an opportunity to defend for the defendant in case of contempt not committed in the judge's presence.
  • 🤔 The possibility of moving up the show cause hearing exists if Trump's actions towards the jurors are deemed egregious, although this is not likely at the moment.
  • 📈 The unusual pace of the trial might lead to a verdict within four weeks, faster than initially anticipated, due to the unorthodox jury selection process.
  • 🤝 The selection of alternate jurors is typically six in addition to the 12 regular jurors, which is considered sufficient for the expected duration of the trial.

Q & A

  • What is the current situation regarding Donald Trump's trial and the alleged jury intimidation?

    -Donald Trump's alleged jury intimidation has backfired as a sworn-in jury member bailed due to concerns about identity leakage, following Trump's accusations of the jury being liberal activists. This has led to seven contempt allegations against Trump for violating the court's gag order.

  • What is the role of Judge Maran in deciding on the contempt allegations against Donald Trump?

    -Judge Maran is responsible for deciding whether Donald Trump's actions constitute jury intimidation and if they violate his gag order. The judge will also determine the appropriate sanctions for any violations.

  • What are the possible sanctions for violating a court's gag order?

    -Initially, the judge may issue a stern warning. Upon further violations, the defendant may be fined. If the violations continue, the judge can order jail time, which could be up to 30 days for each violation.

  • What is the significance of the motion that Judge Maran will be considering on Tuesday morning?

    -The motion is significant because it seeks to hold Donald Trump in criminal contempt, which could lead to sanctions including a substantial fine and potential jail time.

  • Why is the prosecution not providing the defense with the names of the first three witnesses?

    -The prosecution is withholding the names due to concerns that Trump could use the information to endanger or intimidate the witnesses, given his history of violating the gag order.

  • What impact has Trump's behavior had on the jury selection process?

    -Trump's behavior has led to an unusual jury selection process where jurors could opt out if they felt they could not be fair. This resulted in a swift selection of 12 jurors in less than three days.

  • How does the judge protect the integrity of the trial from potential outside interference?

    -Judge Maran has taken steps to protect the jurors' identities by restricting the amount of personal information released and has warned against juror intimidation, stating that he will not tolerate it in his courtroom.

  • What is the current status of the jury in Trump's trial?

    -As of the script, 12 jurors have been selected and sworn in, with the process of selecting six alternates still ongoing.

  • Why are there six alternate jurors instead of the usual two in a trial?

    -The higher number of alternates is likely due to the high-profile nature of the trial and the potential for increased turnover or issues with the jurors.

  • How does the legal system accommodate jurors who are required to serve for an extended period, such as six months?

    -Jurors are typically selected from those who would not face significant financial hardship or disruption to their lives during the trial period. This often includes government employees, retirees, or those on sabbatical.

  • What is the expected timeline for the trial, considering the current pace of proceedings?

    -The trial could progress more quickly than initially anticipated, possibly concluding within four weeks, depending on the presentation of evidence and the defense's case.



📚 Trump's Jury Intimidation Backfires

The video discusses the ongoing trial involving Donald Trump, highlighting how his alleged jury intimidation tactics are backfiring. A sworn-in jury member was dismissed due to concerns over identity leakage after Trump accused the jury of being liberal activists on his social media platform, TRU. This could be considered a violation of the gag order, and it's up to Judge Maran to decide on the consequences. The prosecutors have presented seven contempt allegations against Trump, accusing him of multiple violations of the Court's gag order. The video suggests that Trump may become the first former president to be held in criminal contempt, with potential sanctions including fines and jail time.


🚨 New York State Law and Contempt Hearings

The video script explains the legal framework surrounding contempt charges in New York State. It outlines the difference between contempt committed in the presence of the court, which can lead to immediate sanctions, and contempt not in the presence of the court, which requires a hearing and notice to the defendant. The discussion revolves around the upcoming contempt hearing for Donald Trump, set for a week after the initial request from prosecutors, due to the need to provide notice. The video also touches on the reluctance of the prosecution to disclose the first three witnesses due to Trump's pattern of violating the gag order and the potential risk to the witnesses' safety.


🎭 The Precaution of Anonymous Juries

The script delves into the use of anonymous juries, a rarity in legal proceedings, typically reserved for cases involving extreme danger to jurors and witnesses, such as with violent RICO organizations. The comparison is made to the current case involving Donald Trump, implying the level of perceived danger. The judge has taken steps to protect juror identities by removing certain information from the public record. The video also discusses the swift jury selection process and the potential timeline for the trial, suggesting it could conclude within four weeks.


🤔 Jury Commitment and Practical Considerations

This section addresses the practical aspects of serving on a jury for an extended period, such as a six-month trial. It explains that potential jurors are made aware of the commitment during the selection process and that government employees, retirees, or those not on a fixed wage are more likely to be selected to avoid financial hardship. The video also discusses the number of alternate jurors typically seated in a trial, noting that six alternates are more than usual, but deemed sufficient for the anticipated four-week duration of the trial.



💡Jury Intimidation

Jury intimidation refers to actions taken to influence or pressure a jury, which is illegal and unethical. In the video, it is suggested that Donald Trump has been accused of jury intimidation through his social media posts, which could potentially lead to a contempt of court charge. This is a significant issue as it threatens the integrity of the legal process.


To backfire means that an action has the opposite of the intended effect, causing harm to the person who attempted it. In the context of the video, it is mentioned that Trump's alleged jury intimidation has backfired, as it has led to negative consequences for him, such as a potential contempt charge and increased scrutiny.

💡Contempt Allegations

Contempt allegations are formal charges brought against someone who is believed to have disrespected the authority of a court, typically by disobeying its orders. The video discusses seven contempt allegations against Donald Trump for violating a court's gag order, which is a serious legal matter that could result in sanctions or jail time.

💡Gag Order

A gag order is a legal restraint that prevents certain parties from discussing a case publicly. In the video, it is mentioned that Trump has repeatedly violated the court's gag order by commenting on the case, jurors, and witnesses, which is a key reason for the contempt allegations against him.

💡Criminal Contempt

Criminal contempt of court is a legal term for willful disobedience or disregard for the authority of the court, which can result in severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment. The video suggests that Donald Trump may become the first former president to be held in criminal contempt, which is a significant escalation from civil contempt.


In a legal context, sanctions are penalties imposed for violations of rules or orders. The video discusses potential sanctions for Trump's violations, which could include fines and jail time. Sanctions serve as a deterrent to prevent future violations and maintain the authority of the court.

💡Jury Selection

Jury selection is the process of choosing eligible individuals to serve as jurors in a trial. The video highlights an unorthodox jury selection process where jurors could opt out if they felt they could not be fair, leading to a swift selection of 12 jurors in less than three days.

💡Alternate Jurors

Alternate jurors are additional jurors selected to replace any regular jurors who may be dismissed during a trial. The video mentions that six alternate jurors are being selected for the trial, which is more than usual, possibly due to the high-profile nature of the case and concerns about potential disruptions.


💡Anonymous Jury

An anonymous jury is a type of jury where the identities of the jurors are kept secret to protect them from outside influence or harm. The video references that only two anonymous juries were part of the speaker's 30-year career as a prosecutor, typically reserved for cases where the defendants pose a significant danger to jurors and witnesses.

💡High-Profile Trial

A high-profile trial is a legal case that attracts significant media attention and public interest. The video discusses the challenges associated with high-profile trials, such as potential juror intimidation and the need for special measures to ensure a fair trial.

💡Character Assassination

Character assassination refers to the act of damaging a person's reputation through false or misleading information. In the context of the video, it is suggested that if Trump knew the identities of the witnesses, he could potentially engage in character assassination against them through various media platforms.


Donald Trump's jury intimidation is backfiring on him at trial.

A jury member was excused due to concerns about identity leakage after Trump's accusations.

Trump accused the jury of being liberal activists, potentially influencing the trial's outcome.

Judge Maran will decide if Trump's actions constitute jury intimidation and violate his gag order.

Prosecutors have presented seven contempt allegations against Trump for violating the Court's gag order.

Trump could become the first former president held in criminal contempt.

The usual consequence for violating a court order includes fines and potential jail time.

Trump has been given stern warnings for violating Judge Maran's gag order.

The prosecution is seeking to hold Trump in criminal contempt, with a hearing scheduled for Tuesday morning.

The defense team may face difficulties in preparing their case due to Trump's inability to be trusted with witness information.

The prosecution refused to disclose the first three witnesses due to Trump's tweets, which were seen as attempts to intimidate.

The judge did not order the prosecution to reveal witness names, acknowledging the risk of endangering them.

Trump's defense team will have to be prepared for every witness without prior notice, a departure from standard procedure.

The trial has an anonymous jury, a rare occurrence, previously only seen in cases involving extreme danger to jurors and witnesses.

The jury selection process was swift, with 12 jurors seated in less than three days.

The trial may progress quickly, with a potential verdict within four weeks.

Six alternate jurors have been selected, which is more than usual, to accommodate the high-profile nature of the trial.

Jurors for lengthy trials are often government employees or individuals not facing financial hardship for a prolonged absence.