Sony Backs Down From Helldivers 2 PSN Controversy, But The Damage Is Done..

6 May 202416:22

TLDRSony faced a major controversy with the game 'Helldivers 2' on PC, which initially required linking a PlayStation Network (PSN) account for security and moderation purposes. This was not well received, especially in countries where PSN is not available, leading to a review bombing on Steam with over 60,000 negative reviews in a day. The backlash intensified when the game was restricted from purchase in 177 countries without PSN availability. Arrowhead, the game's developer, expressed their hands were tied as Sony, the publisher, had control over distribution. Despite the requirement being listed on the game's Steam page, the lack of immediate communication about its enforcement led to widespread dissatisfaction among players. In an unexpected turn, Sony announced they would not enforce the PSN linking requirement, responding to the community's feedback. This decision came after a significant backlash and a temporary restriction on game sales in certain countries. The incident has left a mark on Sony's reputation in the PC gaming community, and it remains to be seen how they will manage similar situations in the future.


  • 📈 Sony has faced a significant backlash regarding the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2 on PC, which was initially disabled due to launch issues but was planned to be re-enabled.
  • 🌐 The requirement was a point of contention as PSN is not available in over 170 countries, making the game unplayable for users in those regions without violating terms of service.
  • 💥 The game received a massive number of negative reviews on Steam (over 60,000 in a day, eventually over 100,000) as a result of the controversy.
  • 🔄 Arrowhead, the game's developer, was open about the situation on social media, acknowledging the negative impact on review scores and the need to regain player trust.
  • 🤝 Arrowhead clarified that the PSN requirement was a decision made by Sony, the publisher, and that they had known about it months in advance but wanted it to be optional.
  • 🚫 On May 4th, Sony restricted the sale of Helldivers 2 on Steam in the 177 countries where PSN is not available, which further amplified the backlash.
  • 🔄 In a surprising turn, Sony announced on Twitter that they would not proceed with the PSN linking requirement, acknowledging the need to learn what is best for PC players.
  • 🔍 The controversy highlighted Sony's oversight concerning the global PC market and the need for a more inclusive approach to account linking and game distribution.
  • 🤔 The situation raised questions about the future of PSN requirements for Sony's PC games and whether they might offer incentives, such as cross-progression or exclusive content, to encourage account creation.
  • 🎮 The incident has left a mark on Sony's reputation with PC players and serves as a cautionary tale for other publishers looking to expand their audience.
  • 👉 Sony's response to the controversy was swift, indicating a willingness to address player concerns, but the long-term impact on player trust and the company's PC strategy remains to be seen.

Q & A

  • What was the controversy surrounding Helldivers 2 about?

    -The controversy was about Sony reintroducing a requirement for players to link their PlayStation Network (PSN) accounts in order to play Helldivers 2 on PC, after it had been disabled due to launch issues. This requirement was particularly problematic because PSN is not available in over 170 countries, potentially making the game unplayable for many without violating Sony's terms of service.

  • What triggered the massive review bombing of Helldivers 2 on Steam?

    -The review bombing was triggered by the announcement that new and existing players would be required to link a PSN account to play Helldivers 2. This was seen as a retroactive imposition of a condition that was not enforced at launch, which frustrated many players, especially those in countries without official PSN support.

  • How did Sony initially respond to the backlash from the PSN account linking requirement?

    -Sony initially restricted the sale of Helldivers 2 on Steam in the 177 countries where PSN isn't available, which amplified the backlash as it seemed like a restrictive workaround rather than a solution.

  • What was Arrowhead's role and response in the Helldivers 2 controversy?

    -Arrowhead, the developer of Helldivers 2, was caught in a tough position. They were responsible for creating the game but not for the distribution decisions. Arrowhead's CEO openly communicated on social media about the difficulties posed by the PSN requirement, expressing a desire for it to be optional and regret over the situation.

  • What change did Sony announce regarding the PSN account linking requirement after the backlash?

    -After significant backlash and review bombing, Sony announced via a tweet that they would not go forward with the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2 and thanked the community for their feedback, indicating a desire to better understand PC players' needs.

  • Why is the PSN account requirement problematic for players in some countries?

    -The PSN account requirement is problematic because PSN is not officially available in over 170 countries. Creating an account in these locations would require users to falsify their location information, breaching Sony's terms of service, and potentially facing legal and operational issues.

  • How did the public react to Sony's management of the Helldivers 2 launch?

    -The public reaction was overwhelmingly negative, as evidenced by over 100,000 negative reviews on Steam in a short period. This reaction was due to the perceived unfairness of imposing a new requirement after two months of gameplay without it and the lack of PSN access in many countries.

  • What did the Helldivers 2 incident reveal about Sony's approach to the PC gaming market?

    -The incident revealed potential gaps in Sony's understanding of the PC gaming market, particularly regarding global accessibility and the implications of imposing console-centric requirements (like PSN account linking) on PC gamers, who may face different logistical and legal challenges.

  • What impact did this controversy have on Sony's reputation?

    -The controversy likely damaged Sony's reputation, particularly among PC gamers, by highlighting potential insensitivities to global market dynamics and customer preferences. The situation underscored the challenges big companies face when expanding into new platform territories like PC gaming.

  • What are the potential long-term effects of this incident on Sony's PC game releases?

    -The long-term effects could include a heightened scrutiny of Sony's future PC releases, potentially requiring them to adopt more transparent and globally considerate practices. It may also force Sony to better align their services with the global nature of the PC market to avoid similar issues.



🎮 PlayStation's PC Release Controversy

The video discusses a significant event that unfolded in the gaming community involving Sony's PlayStation and its PC release of the game Helldivers 2. The controversy began with an announcement that PSN account linking would be required starting May 6th, leading to a massive backlash and review bombing on Steam. The requirement was initially disabled due to technical difficulties at launch but was planned to be re-enabled for security and moderation purposes. The backlash was fueled by the fact that PSN is not available in many countries, making the game unplayable for those users. The situation escalated with the game's CEO expressing concerns over the review scores and the need to regain player trust. Sony, as the publisher, was behind the requirement, and the team at Arrowhead, the game's developer, wanted it to be optional. The video concludes with Sony deciding not to enforce the PSN linking requirement, following a significant outcry from the community.


🌐 Global Accessibility and Sony's Reputation

This paragraph delves into the implications of Sony's decision on a global scale, highlighting the lack of PSN availability in over 170 countries and the potential violation of terms of service for players from unsupported regions. The video script touches on the optics of Sony's actions, considering their history with data breaches and the perception that they are seeking to bolster their PSN user base. The discussion also addresses the possibility of future incentives for creating PSN accounts, such as cross-progression or in-game bonuses. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of Sony making a good first impression on PC players and the potential long-term impact of this controversy on their reputation.


🔄 The Fallout and Future of Sony's PC Strategy

The script addresses the immediate aftermath of the controversy, including the surge in refund requests on Steam and the restriction of the game's purchase from unsupported countries. It also speculates on Sony's potential strategies moving forward, such as offering cross-save features or other incentives to encourage PSN account creation. The video acknowledges the power of the community's response and the potential for Sony to learn from this experience. The discussion suggests that while the damage to Sony's reputation may be long-lasting, delivering high-quality gaming experiences could help to mitigate the negative impact over time.


📚 Learning from the Past and Moving Forward

The final paragraph reflects on the importance of learning from past mistakes and the potential for redemption through excellent game development. It uses examples like Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man's Sky to illustrate how a strong commitment to delivering great content can help to overcome initial setbacks. The video script encourages Sony to focus on creating compelling experiences that will motivate players to engage with their services, even if it means creating a PSN account. It ends on a note of curiosity about how Sony will handle similar situations in the future and the lasting effects of this incident on player trust and company reputation.



💡PSN Controversy

The term 'PSN Controversy' refers to the public dispute and backlash Sony faced regarding the requirement to link a PlayStation Network (PSN) account to play 'Helldivers 2' on PC. This was a significant issue because PSN is not available in many countries, which would make the game unplayable for players from those regions. The controversy escalated with the game receiving a large number of negative reviews on Steam and led to Sony eventually backing down from enforcing the requirement.

💡Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 is a popular game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony. It is central to the video's narrative as the game at the heart of the controversy. The game initially had a PSN account linking requirement, which was temporarily disabled due to technical difficulties at launch but was later planned to be re-enabled, sparking the controversy.

💡Review Bombing

Review bombing is the act of a large number of negative reviews being posted in a short period to affect a product's overall rating. In the context of the video, Helldivers 2 was subjected to review bombing on Steam, with over 60,000 negative reviews in a day, as a result of the PSN linking requirement controversy.


Sony is a multinational conglomerate known for its electronics and gaming divisions. In this video, Sony is the publisher of Helldivers 2 and is the company that decided to enforce the PSN account linking requirement, which led to the controversy. Sony's actions and response to the backlash are a major focus of the discussion.

💡Steam Page

The Steam page refers to the game's store page on the Steam platform, where information about the game, including announcements and requirements, are posted. The announcement about the PSN account linking requirement being re-enabled was made on Helldivers 2's Steam page, which was a catalyst for the controversy.

💡Security and Safety Reasons

This phrase is used in the video to explain Sony's rationale for requiring PSN account linking, which is to protect players from griefing and abuse. It allows Sony to have more control over player banning and appeals, which is a significant point in the debate over the requirement.

💡Arrowhead CEO

The Arrowhead CEO is the head of Arrowhead Game Studios, the developer of Helldivers 2. He is mentioned in the video as being open about the controversy and its impact on the game's review scores. His comments on the situation and the relationship with Sony provide insight into the challenges faced by the development team.

💡Terms of Service

Terms of Service refer to the legal agreement between a service provider and its users. In the context of the video, it is mentioned in relation to the creation of PSN accounts in countries where PSN is not officially available. Breaking these terms is a concern for players who want to avoid violating the agreement.


Refunds are mentioned in the video in relation to players requesting refunds for Helldivers 2 on Steam due to the PSN requirement making the game unplayable for them. This action further highlights the dissatisfaction among players affected by the controversy.


In the video, 'optics' refers to the public perception and the way the situation is presented or appears to the outside world. The term is used to discuss how Sony's handling of the PSN requirement issue has negatively impacted their image and the potential long-term effects on their reputation with PC players.

💡Cross-save and Cross-progression

Cross-save and cross-progression are features that allow players to share their game progress and saves across different platforms. The video discusses these features in the context of what other games and publishers offer, contrasting with Sony's initial stance on the PSN requirement for Helldivers 2, which did not include such incentives.


Sony has faced controversy over the Helldivers 2 game on PlayStation Network (PSN), which has now been resolved.

The game initially had a PSN account linking requirement disabled due to technical difficulties at launch.

The requirement was planned to be re-enabled on May 6th for new accounts, with existing players given until June 4th.

The move was met with backlash from players who had been able to play for two months without linking a PSN account.

Over 60,000 negative reviews were posted on Steam within a day, highlighting the scale of the controversy.

The requirement was not officially available in over 170 countries, making the game unplayable for many.

Arrowhead CEO acknowledged the negative impact on review scores and the need to regain player trust.

Sony, as the publisher, had implemented the PSN requirement months before the game's release.

The CEO of Arrowhead expressed uncertainty on how to handle players in countries without PSN availability.

Steam began offering refunds for the game, even for players well beyond the usual refund window.

Negative reviews on Steam exceeded 100,000, leading to the game being restricted for purchase in certain countries.

Sony ultimately decided not to enforce the PSN linking requirement, following significant backlash from the community.

The decision was announced by PlayStation on Twitter, stating they are still learning what is best for PC players.

The controversy has left a mark on Sony's reputation with PC players, despite their swift response to the situation.

The incident raises questions about Sony's strategy for PC game releases, especially regarding account linking and regional availability.

The success of Helldivers 2 highlights the importance of clear communication and player expectations in gaming controversies.

Sony's handling of the situation may set a precedent for future PC releases and their approach to player account requirements.

The controversy serves as a reminder for game developers and publishers to consider global implications when implementing platform-specific requirements.