Best FREE Speech to Text AI - Whisper AI

Kevin Stratvert
18 Jan 202308:21

TLDRIn this informative video, Kevin introduces Whisper, an AI tool developed by OpenAI that converts speech to text with remarkable accuracy, even in noisy environments and with various accents. The tool supports 97 languages and is free and open-source. Kevin demonstrates how to use Whisper with Google Colaboratory, which allows running code in a web browser without needing a powerful computer. He guides viewers through installing Whisper and its dependencies, uploading an audio file, and transcribing it using different models for varying levels of accuracy and processing time. The transcription results include a text file, SRT, and VTT files with timestamps. Kevin also highlights Whisper's high-quality output, including correct capitalization and punctuation, and mentions his personal use of the tool for YouTube video captions.


  • 📢 The AI tool Whisper can convert speech into text, even with background noise or thick accents.
  • 🌐 Whisper supports 97 languages, including English, and is completely free and open source.
  • 💻 Whisper is developed by OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and Dalle2.
  • 🔗 You can install Whisper directly on your computer or use Google Colaboratory for a browser-based solution.
  • 📁 Google Colaboratory allows you to run code in your web browser without needing a powerful PC.
  • 🔧 To use Google Colaboratory, you need a Google account and to connect it to your Google Drive.
  • 📝 After setting up, you can create a new file in Google Colaboratory and name it for future reference.
  • 🔋 Select a GPU or graphics card as the hardware accelerator for optimal performance.
  • 📚 Whisper and ffmpeg (for audio/video file handling) are installed directly in Google Colaboratory.
  • 📤 You can upload an audio or video file to transcribe by dragging it into the designated area.
  • 📑 Whisper provides multiple output formats, including TXT, SRT, and VTT files with timestamps.
  • 🔍 The SRT and VTT files are caption formats that include the text and the time it was spoken.
  • 🚀 Whisper's transcription quality is high, with correct capitalization and punctuation.
  • ➡️ You can transcribe additional files by updating the file name and re-running the process.
  • 📝 The command `whisper -h` provides additional parameters for customization of the transcription process.
  • ⏰ Remember to download your transcribed files before leaving Google Colaboratory to avoid losing them.
  • 🎉 Whisper is used by the presenter for YouTube video captions, outperforming Google's auto-captions.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI tool that can convert speech into text?

    -The AI tool is called Whisper, developed by OpenAI.

  • How many languages does Whisper support for speech to text conversion?

    -Whisper supports speech to text conversion in English and 96 other languages.

  • What are the advantages of using Whisper for transcription?

    -Whisper has the ability to work well even with background noise and thick accents, it's free, open source, and provides high-quality transcripts with proper capitalization and punctuation.

  • How can one install and use Whisper without needing a high-spec computer?

    -One can use Google Colaboratory, which allows running code directly in a web browser, thus bypassing the need for a high-spec computer.

  • What is the process of connecting Google Colaboratory to Google Drive?

    -You go to Google Drive, click on 'New', then 'More', 'Connect More Apps', search for Google Colaboratory, install it, and confirm the connection.

  • How long did it take to install Whisper and ffmpeg on Google Colaboratory?

    -The installation process finished in about 23 seconds.

  • What are the different Whisper AI models available for transcription?

    -There are five different models: tiny, small, medium, large, and huge, each offering a trade-off between accuracy and processing time/space.

  • What file formats are generated after transcribing an audio file with Whisper?

    -Whisper generates an SRT file, a TXT file, and a VTT file, with the SRT and VTT files including timestamps.

  • How can you specify additional parameters when transcribing a file with Whisper?

    -You can specify additional parameters by using the command 'whisper -h' and following the instructions provided in the detailed explanation.

  • What happens to the files when you leave Google Colaboratory?

    -When you leave Google Colaboratory, your runtime ends, and it automatically removes all of your files, so it's important to download any transcribed files before leaving.

  • Why is Whisper preferred over Google's auto-generated captions according to the speaker?

    -Whisper is preferred because it gets all the words right, applies capitalization, takes care of punctuation, and requires only minor tweaks for perfection.

  • How can viewers stay updated with similar content?

    -Viewers can subscribe to the channel to watch more videos like this one.



🚀 Introduction to AI Speech-to-Text with Whisper

Kevin introduces the audience to an AI tool called Whisper, developed by OpenAI, which can transcribe speech into text with high accuracy, even in noisy environments or with heavy accents. Whisper supports 97 languages and is free and open source. The tutorial demonstrates how to use Whisper with Google Colaboratory, which allows running code in a web browser without the need for a powerful computer. The process includes setting up a Google Drive account, installing Google Colaboratory, and selecting a GPU for better performance. The audience is guided through naming a file, changing the runtime type, and installing Whisper and ffmpeg from GitHub.


📚 Using Whisper for Transcription and Additional Parameters

The second paragraph explains how to use Whisper for transcribing an audio file. It details the process of uploading an audio or video file into Google Colaboratory, specifying the file name for transcription, and choosing a model size (ranging from tiny for speed to large for quality). The medium model is recommended as a good balance. After transcription, the user can download various file formats including SRT, TXT, and VTT, which contain the transcribed text with or without timestamps. The paragraph also covers additional command-line parameters for Whisper, such as specifying the output location, translation options, and language selection. It concludes with a reminder to download transcribed files before exiting Google Colaboratory and highlights the tool's effectiveness for tasks like YouTube video captioning.



💡Speech to Text AI

Speech to Text AI refers to artificial intelligence technology that converts spoken language into written text. In the video, this technology is demonstrated through the use of Whisper AI, which is capable of transcribing speech accurately, even in noisy environments or when dealing with heavy accents. It is a core focus of the video as it showcases the power of AI in language processing.

💡Whisper AI

Whisper AI is an AI tool developed by OpenAI that specializes in transcribing speech into text. It is highlighted in the video as a free and open-source solution that supports multiple languages and can handle various challenging conditions like background noise and thick accents. It is central to the video's demonstration of how to convert speech into text using AI.


OpenAI is a company that creates and maintains AI models like Whisper and ChatGPT. In the context of the video, OpenAI is presented as an innovator in the field of AI, responsible for developing tools that facilitate natural language processing and computer-generated content. The company's role is to provide the technology that enables the main functionality showcased in the video.

💡Google Colaboratory

Google Colaboratory, often abbreviated as Colab, is a cloud-based platform that allows users to run code in their web browsers. In the video, it is used as a means to access and utilize the Whisper AI tool without the need for a high-performance computer. It is a key component in the video's tutorial on how to transcribe audio files using Whisper AI.

💡Language Support

The term 'language support' refers to the ability of a software or tool to function in multiple languages. Whisper AI is said to work with English and 96 other languages, which is significant as it broadens the tool's accessibility and utility to a global audience. This feature is emphasized in the video to highlight the inclusivity of the AI tool.

💡Background Noise

Background noise refers to any unwanted sound that occurs in the environment during audio recording. The video mentions that Whisper AI can work effectively even in the presence of a lot of background noise, which is a testament to its robustness and accuracy in transcribing speech.


An accent in the context of the video refers to a distinctive way of pronouncing a language, which can vary by region or social class. Whisper AI's ability to transcribe speech accurately despite a very thick accent is a notable feature, as it implies a high level of linguistic tolerance and capability.

💡Open Source

Open source describes a type of software where the source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute it. Whisper AI being open source is important because it encourages collaboration, innovation, and community development around the tool.


A GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a type of hardware accelerator that is particularly good at handling complex mathematical operations, making it ideal for running AI models. In the video, selecting a GPU in Google Colab is recommended for optimal performance when using Whisper AI.


ffmpeg is a free and open-source software project that can handle multimedia data, including audio and video files. In the video, it is mentioned as a necessary component for working with audio and video files in conjunction with Whisper AI, facilitating the transcribing process.


To transcribe means to convert spoken language into written form. In the context of the video, this is the primary function of Whisper AI, which takes an audio or video file and produces a text version of the spoken content. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform transcription using Whisper AI.


Captions are text versions of the dialogue or commentary in audio and video content, often including timestamps. The video discusses how Whisper AI can generate SRT and VTT files, which are caption formats that provide a transcript with time codes, enhancing accessibility for viewers.


Whisper AI is an AI tool that converts speech to text with high accuracy, even in noisy environments or with thick accents.

Whisper supports English and 96 other languages, making it versatile for global use.

It is completely free and open source, allowing for community contributions and improvements.

Developed by OpenAI, the company behind popular AI models like ChatGPT and Dalle2.

Whisper can be installed directly on a computer or used via Google Colaboratory for ease of access.

Google Colaboratory allows users to run code in a web browser without needing a high-spec PC.

To use Whisper, one can install it from GitHub and use ffmpeg for handling audio and video files.

Whisper offers different models to choose from, ranging from tiny for speed to large for accuracy.

The medium model is recommended for a balance between speed and accuracy.

Transcription results include a TXT file with the text, and SRT/VTT files with timestamps for captions.

Whisper applies capitalization and punctuation to the transcribed text, enhancing readability.

Users can easily transcribe another file by updating the file name in the code and re-running it.

Additional parameters can be specified for the transcription, such as output location and language.

Google Colaboratory sessions end and files are removed upon exiting, so it's important to download transcribed files first.

Whisper is used by the presenter for all YouTube video captions, outperforming Google's auto-generated captions.

The transcription process is straightforward and does not require significant technical expertise.

Whisper's transcription quality is high, with minimal need for post-transcription editing.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Whisper for transcription purposes.