Britain's Anti-Feminist Men | Reggie Yates Extreme | Real Stories

Real Stories
6 Apr 202145:26

TLDRThis documentary delves into the complexities of modern masculinity, exploring the backlash against feminism and the rise of the 'manosphere'. Reggie Yates investigates the alarming trend of misogyny and rape culture in online communities, meeting with controversial figures like Roosh V, who advocate for 'pickup artist' techniques, and facing the harsh realities of gender-based hostility. Through interviews with men's rights activists, feminists, and those affected by the online vitriol, the film sheds light on the battle of the sexes in a digital age, revealing a deeply divided society grappling with issues of consent, equality, and free speech.


  • 🔍 The exploration of 'Real Stories Tapes True Crime' podcast delves into suspicious deaths and criminal activities, aiming to uncover the truth behind these events.
  • 🎧 The podcast is available on various platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify, offering a wide accessibility for listeners.
  • 🌍 The discussion on modern British masculinity highlights the challenges faced by men in the 21st century, including societal pressures and changing gender dynamics.
  • 💬 The narrative presents a critical view of certain societal norms, such as the expectation for men to suppress their emotions and the stigma around male sexuality within certain cultures.
  • 🚀 The series aims to travel to the extreme edges of modern British masculinity, examining the underlying issues that contribute to the perceived victimization of men.
  • 🎙️ The interview with Roosh V, a controversial figure in the men's rights movement, reveals differing perspectives on gender relations and the role of men in today's society.
  • 📚 Roosh V's books and seminars focus on pickup artistry, offering advice to men on how to sleep with women, which has been criticized for promoting harmful views.
  • 💥 The backlash against Roosh V's views, including attempts to shut down his events, underscores the contentious nature of the discussions around masculinity and gender relations.
  • 🤔 The documentary seeks to understand why a new generation of men feels that they are the real victims of sex discrimination and the impact of this belief on society.
  • 🎤 The experiences of comedian Daniel O'Reilly, who faced backlash for jokes perceived as sexist and offensive, illustrate the complex interplay between comedy, freedom of speech, and societal norms.
  • 🌟 The documentary aims to shed light on the broader societal issues reflected in the views and experiences of the men interviewed, sparking a conversation on the state of modern masculinity.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the podcast 'Real Stories Tapes True Crime' in its first season?

    -The first season of 'Real Stories Tapes True Crime' explores suspicious deaths at a California hospital and a case of a skydiver landing dead on a suburban driveway with a bag containing guns, drugs, and night vision goggles.

  • What are some of the societal changes mentioned in the script that are affecting modern British masculinity?

    -The script mentions that 21st-century pressures such as changing gender roles, where women are seen as superior to men, and the challenges faced by Muslim men who cannot be gay, are affecting modern British masculinity.

  • What is the main concern of the men's rights activist, Roosh V, in the context of the current state of gender relations?

    -Roosh V is concerned about the perceived overlooking of men's issues, the increase in male suicides, homelessness, and prison populations. He believes that young men feel overlooked and that the state of gender relations is at its worst, with men being portrayed as the primary perpetrators of violence and discrimination.

  • What is the main criticism that the comedian Daniel O'Reilly has against the media and the public's reaction to his comedy?

    -Daniel O'Reilly criticizes the media and the public for taking his jokes out of context and for not understanding that his comedy is meant to satirize men's attitudes and behaviors, rather than promote them.

  • What is the term used in the script to describe an informal network of blogs, websites, and commentators focusing on men's issues and masculinity?

    -The term used is 'the manosphere'.

  • What was the main point of the article written by Milo Yiannopoulos that sparked controversy?

    -Milo Yiannopoulos wrote a satirical article titled 'How to Stop Rape', where he proposed the legalization of rape on private property. This was intended as a thought experiment to highlight the absurdity of certain arguments, but it was widely misinterpreted as a serious advocacy for rape legalization.

  • What is the primary concern of the young men who are attracted to the ideas presented in the manosphere?

    -The primary concern of these young men is the feeling of powerlessness and loss of traditional male roles in society, as well as the perceived imbalance in gender relations where they believe men are increasingly being portrayed as the villains.

  • How does the script address the issue of false rape accusations?

    -The script discusses the harm caused by false rape accusations, emphasizing that they can ruin lives and lead to mob justice. It also highlights the difficulty in obtaining accurate studies on the subject and the need for more focus on this issue.

  • What is the main argument of those who are critical of the manosphere and its role models for young men?

    -Critics argue that the manosphere provides role models that are negatively skewed, influenced by their own inadequacies, and that young men need positive examples that encourage confidence and respectful attitudes towards women, rather than promoting harmful stereotypes and behaviors.

  • What is the significance of the 'No means yes' passage in Roosh V's book?

    -The 'No means yes' passage in Roosh V's book is significant because it suggests a disregard for clear consent in sexual encounters. This passage has raised concerns about the messages being sent to young men about respecting boundaries and obtaining proper consent.

  • How does the script highlight the challenges faced by women who write about feminism online?

    -The script highlights the challenges by showing the extreme abuse, threats, and intimidation that women face online for speaking out about feminism. It demonstrates the need for more respectful and safe spaces for open dialogue on gender issues.



🕵️‍♂️ Introduction to True Crime Podcast and Modern Masculinity

The script begins with an introduction to a true crime podcast, Real Stories Tapes True Crime, which delves into suspicious deaths and criminal activities. It then transitions into a discussion about the challenges of modern British masculinity, highlighting societal pressures and the complexities of gender relations in the 21st century. The narrative touches on topics such as the changing perception of women, the struggles of young Muslim men with their sexuality, and the increasing visibility of issues like male suicide, homelessness, and rape. The segment ends with an exploration of the media's role in shaping these conversations and the need for a dialogue on men's issues.


🎤 Controversial Views on Men and Society

This paragraph features a discussion with a man who expresses controversial views on the state of men in society. He argues that men are increasingly gagged by hate crime laws and that their voices are suppressed. He also discusses the broad spectrum of men attending a certain event, reflecting on the societal shifts where women are no longer expected to submit to men. The speaker criticizes the modern standards of beauty and the perceived preferential treatment of women and the LGBTQ+ community over straight men. The segment touches on sensitive topics like rape, the impact of feminism, and the fear of men being labeled as rapists, highlighting the speaker's concern over the lack of open dialogue about men's issues.


🎭 The Impact of Comedy and Public Perception on Masculinity

In this section, the focus is on the role of comedy and public perception in shaping ideas about masculinity. It discusses the case of a comedian, Daniel O'Reilly, who faced backlash for jokes perceived as sexist and misogynistic. The narrative explores the comedian's defense of his act and the broader implications of humor on sensitive topics like rape. The discussion extends to the complexities of the media landscape, where freedom of speech is pitted against the potential for offense. The segment also includes the perspectives of young men who are concerned about the representation of men's issues in the media and the influence of online communities on shaping their views.


💡 The Emergence of Men's Rights Activism and Online Communities

This paragraph delves into the rise of Men's Rights Activism and the online communities known as the 'manosphere.' It introduces the concept of the manosphere as a network of blogs and websites focusing on men's issues, often in opposition to feminism. The segment discusses the concerns of young men who feel unheard and the role of influential figures like Roosh V and Milo Yiannopoulos in amplifying these voices. It also touches on the reactions to these movements, both positive and negative, and the impact of social media on the spread of these ideas and the formation of communities around them.


🎥 Behind the Scenes with a Men's Rights Activist

The focus of this paragraph is on a young Men's Rights Activist named Josh, who shares his views on gender politics through YouTube videos and a blog. Josh discusses the lack of representation for men's issues and the perceived bias in societal institutions. He argues that men are increasingly becoming victims of discrimination and that their issues are not being addressed as effectively as women's. The segment provides an insight into Josh's home life, his creative process for making videos, and his views on the legal system's handling of rape accusations. It also explores his motivations for advocating for men's issues and the potential impact of his activism on his audience.


🤝 Encounters with the Manosphere

This paragraph details the encounters with various figures within the manosphere, including Roosh V and Milo Yiannopoulos. It discusses the controversies surrounding their views and the public reactions to their ideas. The segment also includes an interview with Roosh, where he defends his writing and the misinterpretation of his satirical work. The narrative highlights the concerns about the influence of such figures on young men and the potential consequences of their advocacy on the perception of masculinity and gender relations.



💡True Crime

True crime refers to the genre of storytelling that focuses on real-life criminal activities, often involving suspenseful and dramatic narratives about investigations, trials, and the psychological profiles of criminals. In the context of the video, it sets the stage for a podcast that delves into suspenseful and intriguing criminal cases, promising to offer listeners an immersive and engaging experience.


Masculinity refers to the qualities, characteristics, and behaviors typically associated with men and boys. It encompasses the social, cultural, and psychological aspects of being male. In the video, the exploration of modern British masculinity highlights the complexities and challenges faced by men in the 21st century, including societal expectations, gender relations, and the perceived shift in power dynamics between men and women.


Feminism is a social, political, and cultural movement that advocates for gender equality and challenges the patriarchal structures that perpetuate discrimination and inequality against women. In the video, feminism is portrayed as a powerful force that has significantly impacted societal norms, but some argue that it has led to an imbalance, with men feeling marginalized and their issues underrepresented.

💡Sex Discrimination

Sex discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals based on their sex or gender. It involves prejudice, stereotyping, and unequal treatment, which can manifest in various aspects of life, including employment, education, and social interactions. In the video, the concept is explored through the lens of men who feel that societal shifts towards gender equality have disadvantaged them, leading to a perceived need for men's rights activism.

💡Men's Rights

Men's rights refers to the advocacy for the fair treatment of men and the recognition of issues that specifically affect men, such as father's rights, men's health, and the impact of false accusations. In the video, this concept is central to the narrative, with various speakers arguing that men's rights are being overlooked in favor of women's issues, leading to a sense of inequality and frustration among some men.


Misandry is the hatred, contempt, or prejudice against men or boys. It is the opposite of misogyny, which targets women. In the video, the concept of misandry is discussed in the context of some speakers feeling that there is a societal bias against men, leading to negative stereotypes and discrimination.

💡Pickup Artist

A pickup artist is an individual who employs various techniques and strategies, often with the aim of attracting and seducing potential romantic or sexual partners. In the video, the term is used to describe individuals who write guides and offer advice on how to successfully attract women, sometimes with controversial methods that can be seen as manipulative or disrespectful.


Consent refers to the voluntary agreement to engage in a particular activity, especially in the context of sexual relations. It is a crucial aspect of any intimate interaction, ensuring that all parties involved have given their clear and enthusiastic permission. In the video, the concept of consent is discussed in the context of sexual encounters, with some speakers expressing controversial views that could undermine the importance of mutual consent.


Satire is a genre of literature, film, or other artistic expression that uses humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to criticize and expose societal vices, follies, or shortcomings. In the video, one of the speakers claims to use satirical techniques in his writing to provoke thought and discussion, although his satirical intent is not always clearly recognized by his audience.

💡Online Harassment

Online harassment refers to the act of bullying, threatening, or otherwise targeting individuals on the internet. It can include sending offensive messages, spreading rumors, or engaging in other forms of digital abuse. In the video, the issue of online harassment is discussed in relation to the treatment of women who speak out about feminism, receiving threats and derogatory messages.


The launch of the new true crime podcast 'Real Stories Tapes True Crime', focusing on suspicious deaths and criminal activities.

The exploration of modern British masculinity and the challenges faced by men in the 21st century, including societal pressures and gender relations.

The controversy surrounding Roosh V, an American blogger who teaches men how to get more sex and has been accused of promoting misogynistic views.

The discussion on the state of gender relations, where men feel overlooked and the impact of this on mental health, suicide, and societal roles.

The impact of political correctness and freedom of speech on comedy and public discourse, as exemplified by the experiences of comedian Daniel O'Reilly.

The rise of the 'Manosphere', an informal network of blogs and websites focusing on men's issues and often opposing feminism.

The challenges faced by young men in expressing their views on gender issues and the fear of repercussions in their personal and professional lives.

The perspective of men's rights activists and their dissatisfaction with the traditional role of men in society, as well as their views on feminism.

The story of Josh, an 18-year-old men's rights activist who discusses gender politics and men's issues on his YouTube channel and blog.

The controversy surrounding Roosh V's world tour and his views on rape, which have led to public backlash and physical attacks.

British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos' views on feminism, radical activism, and the state of gender relations in the modern era.

The experiences of feminist writer Laurie Penny with online harassment, threats, and the attempts to silence her.

The examination of the impact of the men's rights movement on young men and the potential dangers of forming opinions based on others' negative experiences.

The critique of Roosh V's books and their potential influence on young men's views about sex and women.

The importance of role models for young men and the concerns about the type of guidance provided by figures like Roosh V.