Women's Hypocrisy: How women date multiple men.

Entrepreneurs in Cars
9 Apr 202410:38

TLDRThe video discusses the common complaint of men encountering women who are already involved with other men during the dating process. The speaker shares personal experiences and anecdotes to illustrate the prevalence of this issue in modern dating, where women often date multiple men simultaneously. He suggests that due to the nature of the deregulated sexual marketplace, it's challenging for men to find women who are exclusively interested in one partner. The advice given is to be discerning and consider dating younger women or those with cultural and religious restrictions on dating multiple partners.


  • 🧐 The video addresses the frustration of a 35-year-old man who is tired of meeting women who are already involved with other men.
  • 💬 The man complains about the hypocrisy of women criticizing men for seeking sex while they themselves engage in casual relationships or hookups.
  • 🔄 The speaker mentions the common issue of women having 'friends with benefits' (FWB) which complicates the dating process for men looking for serious relationships.
  • 📉 The script highlights the challenge of building trust when there is evidence of a woman seeing other men, affecting communication and emotional connection.
  • 🚫 The man expresses his frustration with the expectation to invest time and energy into a woman who may not be fully committed to him.
  • 🤔 The video discusses the notion that there are very few single women who are not involved with other men, suggesting that this is a widespread phenomenon.
  • 📸 The speaker uses an example of a woman who claimed to only date one man at a time, but evidence on social media suggested otherwise.
  • 🌐 The influence of social media and dating apps is mentioned as a factor that has potentially increased the tendency for women to date multiple men simultaneously.
  • 💭 The concept of 'spinning plates' is introduced as a dating strategy, which involves dating multiple people at once without committing to any single person.
  • 🎯 The advice given is to be discerning and to consider dating younger women or those with cultural and religious restrictions on dating multiple partners.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The video concludes with the acknowledgment that there is not much that can be done to change the current dating landscape, and men must adapt to the reality of the situation.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed by the 35-year-old man in the video?

    -The man is frustrated with consistently meeting women who are already involved with other men, either casually or in a friends-with-benefits arrangement, which he feels hinders the development of trust and a deeper connection in dating scenarios.

  • How does the man perceive the double standard in dating?

    -He finds it hypocritical that men are often criticized for seeking casual relationships, yet he observes that women frequently engage in more sexual relationships than the men they judge, and he feels this creates a conflict of interest in dating.

  • What is the man's issue with women asking him to delete other contacts?

    -He resents being asked to exclusive himself, only for the women to change their minds later without having made the same commitment to him, leaving him to start his search for dates all over again.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the reality of modern dating?

    -The speaker suggests that modern dating is characterized by a lack of single women who are exclusively dating one person at a time, and that women often have multiple dating options and may not be fully transparent about this.

  • What is the term 'spinning plates' in the context of the video?

    -In the video, 'spinning plates' refers to the strategy of dating multiple people simultaneously in a non-monogamous fashion, giving a little attention to each to see who might be a suitable long-term partner.

  • What does the speaker recommend as a strategy for men in the dating scene?

    -The speaker recommends that men also adopt the 'spinning plates' strategy, dating multiple women at once, and focusing on those who show strong interest and investment in them, as this could indicate a higher likelihood of exclusivity.

  • What type of women might be more likely to date exclusively according to the speaker?

    -The speaker suggests that younger women or those with strong cultural or religious restrictions on dating might be more likely to date exclusively, as they may face more limitations on their dating choices.

  • Why does the speaker mention the importance of reputation management for women?

    -The speaker believes that women are often careful about their public image, and thus they may not openly admit to dating multiple people or having other romantic or sexual arrangements while also being courted by someone else.

  • What is the speaker's view on the impact of social media and dating apps on relationships?

    -The speaker argues that social media and dating apps have exacerbated the tendency for women to have multiple dating options, making it more challenging for men to find partners who are exclusively interested in them.

  • What advice does the speaker give to men feeling frustrated by the current dating landscape?

    -The speaker advises men to be discerning, to not limit themselves to dating just one woman, and to focus on women who show strong signs of choosing them, as this could lead to more serious and exclusive relationships.



😤 Frustration with Modern Dating

The speaker addresses a common complaint from a 35-year-old man about his experiences in modern dating. The man expresses his exhaustion with meeting women who are already involved with other men, either casually or in more serious relationships. He feels that there is a double standard where men are criticized for seeking multiple partners, yet women often have more sexual encounters. The speaker acknowledges this issue and suggests that it is difficult to find women who are not seeing other men, but advises men to be discerning and to consider dating younger women or those with cultural and religious restrictions on dating multiple partners.


😔 The Reality of Dating in a Deregulated Sexual Marketplace

The speaker delves deeper into the challenges of dating in the modern era, where women have more options and often date multiple men simultaneously. He explains that this is due to the natural hypergamous tendencies of women, who seek partners of a higher socioeconomic status. The speaker suggests that social media and dating apps have exacerbated this issue. He shares anecdotes to illustrate the prevalence of this behavior and advises men to manage their reputation and not to be overly surprised or shocked by it. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of choosing women who show clear interest and commitment, as they are less likely to date multiple men at the same time.


😞 Accumulation of Emotional Baggage in Relationships

The speaker concludes by discussing the emotional baggage that can accumulate in relationships over time. He notes that past experiences, such as betrayal or misuse, can have a lasting impact on individuals. The speaker encourages viewers to share their thoughts and experiences with the challenges of dating in the comments section and provides a link to his book for further reading. He ends the video on a positive note, wishing viewers an amazing day and signing off as the music plays.




Dating refers to the social activity of meeting and engaging in social or romantic activities with another person, with the potential of developing a more intimate relationship. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the challenges of dating in the modern era, where he perceives women to often be involved with multiple partners simultaneously, leading to difficulties in establishing trust and commitment.

💡hookup culture

Hookup culture is a social milieu that emphasizes casual sexual encounters and relationships without the expectation of long-term commitment. In the video, the speaker expresses frustration with this culture, as he feels it leads to a lack of depth and trust in relationships, with women often having multiple sexual partners and friends with benefits, complicating the pursuit of a serious relationship.


Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone. In the context of the video, the speaker is concerned about the ability to build trust with women who are seeing other men, as he feels that their actions, such as not communicating consistently or being intimate with others, undermine the potential for a trustworthy relationship.


Hypocrisy refers to the act of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess, especially with the implication of false superiority or duplicity. In the video, the speaker perceives hypocrisy in the way men are criticized for pursuing sexual relationships, while he believes women often engage in similar behavior without facing the same scrutiny.

💡modern women

The term 'modern women' refers to women living in contemporary times, who may have different social, economic, and cultural roles compared to previous generations. In the video, the speaker discusses the challenges he faces in dating modern women, who he perceives as having more sexual freedom and options, often leading to non-monogamous behaviors.

💡single women

Single women are adult females who are not currently in a committed romantic relationship. The video suggests that it is challenging to find single women who are not involved with other men, as the speaker has observed that many women he encounters are already in some form of relationship or have other romantic interests.


Hypergamy is a social phenomenon where an individual marries or forms a relationship with a partner of higher social status or wealth. In the video, the speaker uses the term to describe a behavior he perceives in women, where they seek relationships with men of a higher socioeconomic status, often by considering multiple potential partners simultaneously.

💡reputation management

Reputation management refers to the efforts made by individuals to influence the perceptions and opinions others have about them. In the video, the speaker suggests that women are conscious of their reputation and therefore may not openly disclose that they are seeing other men or having multiple romantic interests.

💡sexual marketplace

The sexual marketplace is a concept that describes the dynamics of sexual and romantic relationships in a society, often highlighting the supply and demand aspects of these relationships. In the video, the speaker uses this term to describe the current dating climate, where he feels women have more options and freedom, leading to a deregulated environment of sexual and romantic interactions.

💡spinning plates

Spinning plates is a metaphor used to describe a dating strategy where an individual dates multiple people simultaneously without committing to any one person. In the video, the speaker discusses this strategy as a common behavior among women and suggests that men should also adopt it as a response to the challenges of modern dating.

💡cultural restrictions

Cultural restrictions refer to the social norms, values, and rules within a particular culture that limit or guide behavior. In the video, the speaker suggests that seeking women from environments with cultural restrictions on promiscuity may increase the chances of finding a partner who is not involved with multiple people at the same time.


The speaker addresses the frustration of meeting women who are already involved with other men, a common issue faced by many men.

The speaker notes the hypocrisy in societal double standards where men are criticized for seeking sexual relationships, yet women often engage in similar behavior.

The speaker shares personal experiences and anecdotes to illustrate the prevalence of women dating multiple men simultaneously.

The concept of 'friends with benefits' (FWB) is discussed as a factor contributing to the difficulty in building trust and exclusivity in relationships.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of observing behavior over listening to words when it comes to determining if a woman is seeing other men.

The speaker suggests that the small percentage of women who only date one man at a time are often found in more restricted environments, such as religious or cultural settings.

The term 'spinning plates' is introduced as a dating strategy, which involves dating multiple people simultaneously in a non-monogamous fashion.

The speaker explains that women are often hypergamous, seeking higher socioeconomic status in their partners, and this drives them to consider multiple options at once.

The speaker argues that the modern era, with social media and dating apps, has exacerbated the issue of women dating multiple men.

The speaker shares a story of a woman who claimed to only date one man at a time, but was caught socializing with another man.

The speaker discusses the importance of reputation management for women and how they may not be upfront about seeing other men.

The speaker suggests that men should also adopt the 'spinning plates' strategy and date multiple women to not limit themselves to one woman.

The speaker expresses sympathy for the men who feel disrespected and used when they invest time and resources in dating women who are also seeing other men.

The speaker advises that finding a woman who is exclusively interested in one man is becoming increasingly difficult due to the current dating culture.

The speaker concludes that there is not much that can be done to change the current reality of dating, and suggests adapting to the situation by being more discerning.

The speaker encourages men to look for strong choosing signals from women, such as initiation of contact and interest, as these are indicators of a woman who is genuinely interested in them.

The speaker acknowledges the challenges and potential feelings of disgust that men may experience when facing the reality of women dating multiple men, validating their feelings.