Building the Destiny Tech100 (NYSE: DXYZ) - Sohail Prasad, CEO of Destiny

Miguel Armaza
13 Feb 202403:13

TLDRThe speaker discusses the challenges of creating an ideal, rules-based model for tracking high-growth venture-backed startups in private markets due to liquidity issues. They explain their approach of combining active and passive strategies, using a set of inclusion criteria to vet companies, and then applying a dozen metrics to assess their potential. The strategy involves participating in primary and secondary rounds and purchasing on the open market through platforms like Forge, aiming to provide the best execution for the fund and its investors.


  • 🧪 Experimentation with various models at Forge and elsewhere reveals the challenge of creating an ideal, passive, rules-based model due to liquidity issues in private markets.
  • 📈 The ideal model would be based on factors like market cap, company growth, etc., but liquidity constraints in private markets lead to forced buying and selling situations.
  • 🔄 The inefficiency in tracking an index arises from the fluctuating prices of companies and their allocation weights, which affects the fund's performance.
  • 🏦 Active funds are subject to the management team's discretion, which can introduce unpredictability in investment strategies.
  • 🎯 The approach taken is a hybrid model, combining the best aspects of both passive and active fund management to optimize performance.
  • 📝 A set of five inclusion and eligibility criteria has been established to filter out non-traditional high growth venture-backed startups.
  • 🚫 Even if a company is excluded based on the first pass filter, it can still be manually included by the investment committee.
  • 📊 The fund considers a dozen metrics, including growth rate, addressable market size, business model type (asset light vs. asset heavy), and executive turnover.
  • 🛠️ The fund participates in primary rounds, secondary purchases, and open market transactions to provide the best execution for the fund and its investors.
  • 🔄 Trading structures and market conditions are analyzed to identify potential opportunities for better pricing in the market.
  • 💡 The process is not as straightforward as simply buying a company's shares; it requires a deep understanding of market dynamics and trading mechanisms.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge in creating an index for private markets?

    -The main challenge is the lack of liquidity in private markets, which makes it difficult to create a fund that can properly track the index without becoming a forced buyer when company valuations increase or a forced seller when they decrease, leading to inefficiencies.

  • How does the ideal model for investment work?

    -The ideal model is a passive, rules-based approach that relies on a set of factors like market cap, company growth, etc., to determine investment decisions.

  • What does the speaker's team do to combine the best aspects of active and passive funds?

    -They set up a set of inclusion and eligibility criteria to filter out non-traditional high-growth venture-backed startups and then use a committee to make further decisions, similar to the S&P 500 committee's process.

  • What is an example of a company that met the eligibility criteria but was not immediately included in the S&P 500?

    -Tesla is an example of a company that became eligible for the S&P 500 but was not included until six months later.

  • What types of investment activities does the speaker's team engage in?

    -They participate in primary funding rounds (Series C, D, E, F, etc.), secondary purchases from founders, management teams, employees, early investors, and buy on the open market through platforms like Forge.

  • Why does the speaker's team participate in both primary and secondary markets?

    -They do so to provide the best execution for the fund and end investors, ensuring they get the best possible price and access to a variety of trading structures and market conditions.

  • What are some of the metrics the speaker's team considers when evaluating a company?

    -They consider the company's growth rate, addressable market size, whether the business model is asset light or asset heavy, executive turnover, and execution in the secondary markets.

  • How does the speaker's team ensure they get a better price in the market?

    -They analyze where the company has been trading, understand the structures used for trading it, and look for opportunities where they might be able to obtain a better price than what is currently offered in the market.

  • What is the role of the investment committee in the speaker's team's process?

    -The investment committee has the ability to manually include a company that may have been excluded by the initial set of criteria, providing an additional layer of review and decision-making.

  • How does the speaker's team approach to investment differ from a purely active fund?

    -Their approach combines the structure and objectivity of a rules-based system with the flexibility and discretion of an active fund, aiming to mitigate the risks associated with the whims of the management team.

  • What is the significance of the five inclusion and eligibility criteria set by the speaker's team?

    -These criteria serve as a first pass filter to vet out companies that do not resemble traditional high-growth venture-backed startups, ensuring that the investments are focused on the most promising opportunities.



🔍 Challenges in Creating a Liquid Index for Private Markets

The paragraph discusses the challenges of creating an index for private markets, highlighting the lack of liquidity which makes it difficult to establish a fund that can accurately track the index. The speaker explains that this leads to forced buying when company valuations increase and forced selling when valuations decrease, resulting in inefficiencies. To address this, the speaker's team has adopted a hybrid approach, combining elements of both passive and active fund management. They have established a set of five inclusion and eligibility criteria to filter out companies that do not fit the profile of traditional high-growth venture-backed startups. Companies that are excluded based on these criteria can still be manually included by an investment committee. The team also considers a dozen metrics related to company growth, market size, business model, and executive turnover to make informed investment decisions. Additionally, they participate in both primary and secondary market transactions to ensure the best execution for the fund and its investors.




The process of trying out new methods or models in order to discover or introduce something new. In the context of the video, experimentation refers to the various approaches tested by the speaker in the past at Forge and other places to find the ideal investment model.


The ability to buy or sell assets without causing a significant change in the price of the asset. In the video, liquidity is discussed as a challenge in private markets, which affects the creation of funds to track specific indices due to the lack of trading volume.


A statistical measure of changes in a collection of variables, often used to represent changes in the market or a specific sector. In the context of the video, the speaker is discussing the creation of an index that reflects certain investment criteria.

💡Venture Backed Startups

New businesses that receive funding from venture capital firms, which invest in early-stage, high-growth potential companies. The video discusses the criteria for including such startups in an investment index.

💡Inclusion Eligibility Criteria

The specific conditions or standards that must be met for an entity to be considered part of a group or collection. In the video, the speaker describes setting a set of five inclusion and eligibility criteria to determine which companies should be part of their investment index.

💡Investment Committee

A group of individuals responsible for making investment decisions, often in the context of a fund or a portfolio. In the video, the speaker mentions that an investment committee has the power to manually include companies that are excluded by the initial criteria.


Quantitative measures used to assess the performance or value of something, such as a company or investment. In the video, the speaker refers to a set of metrics used to evaluate companies for inclusion in their investment strategy.

💡Executive Turnover

The rate at which executives leave and join a company, which can impact the stability and performance of the company. In the video, executive turnover is mentioned as one of the data points considered when evaluating companies for investment.

💡Secondary Markets

Markets where previously issued securities or assets are traded among investors, as opposed to primary markets where new securities are issued. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of execution in secondary markets for their investment strategy.

💡Primary Rounds

The initial stages of fundraising where a company seeks investment, typically for early development or expansion. In the video, the speaker mentions participating in primary rounds as part of their investment approach.


The process of implementing a plan or strategy effectively. In the context of the video, execution refers to the speaker's goal of achieving the best possible outcome for the fund and its investors through smart investment decisions.


Experimentation with various models at Forge and其他地方





S&P 500有一套入选标准和进一步决策的委员会

特斯拉有资格加入S&P 500但委员会延迟6个月才纳入









