OpenAI, Space X를 누구나 투자할 수 있다. Destiny Tech100(DXYZ). (ft. 하지만 정말 큰 리스크가 있다)

재테크 농부
4 Apr 202409:22

TLDRThe video discusses the intriguing investment opportunity in a stock called 'Destiny Tech', ticker DXYZ, which has seen significant returns since its listing. The stock, which is not an ETF, invests in high-growth companies, including venture firms and non-public stocks. Despite the high annual fee of 2.5%, the portfolio includes innovative companies like SpaceX and OpenAI. The video also highlights the risks involved, such as the company's small staff and the lack of transparency regarding the valuation and performance of the invested companies. The presenter advises viewers to carefully consider these risks before investing and shares information about a recent airdrop event where DXYZ stocks were distributed for free, highlighting the novelty and potential of such an investment.


  • 🌟 The speaker is a tech farmer who has researched a highly requested stock, Destini Tech (ticker: DXYZ), which has seen significant interest and returns.
  • 🚀 DXYZ is not an ETF but an investment in 100 high-growth companies, including venture and non-public firms, with a focus on innovative enterprises like SpaceX and OpenAI.
  • 💰 As of the date mentioned, DXYZ has achieved a remarkable return rate of 272% since its listing on March 26, 2024.
  • 📈 The stock's portfolio includes significant investments in SpaceX (34.6%) and OpenAI (3.8%), reflecting a strategy of backing innovative and high-potential companies.
  • 🔍 The speaker raises concerns about the high annual fee of 2.5% and the fact that DXYZ only holds 23 assets, questioning the management and transparency.
  • 🏢 Destini's official website states that the company has eight employees, none of whom appear to be particularly notable, which adds to the skepticism.
  • 🌐 DXYZ's headquarters is listed on SEC, but upon investigation, it appears to be located in a building that does not match the image of a high-value company.
  • ⚖️ The speaker emphasizes that DXYZ is not an ETF and is managed by a limited company, meaning it doesn't have to meet all the SEC standards for public companies.
  • 🎁 DXYZ has been involved in a stock airdrop event, offering shares for free to individuals, which is unprecedented and raises questions about the company's motives and sustainability.
  • 📊 The valuation and reflection of the invested companies' worth in the DXYZ stock price is unclear, and the speaker questions how these non-public companies' values are calculated and reflected.
  • ⚠️ The speaker concludes with a warning about the high risk associated with DXYZ, especially considering the speculative nature of investing in non-public, high-growth companies, and decides not to invest.

Q & A

  • What is the company that recently went public and is gaining attention, as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The company mentioned in the transcript is Destiny Tech, with the ticker DXYZ.

  • What is the return rate of Destiny Tech since its listing?

    -Since its listing on March 26, 2024, Destiny Tech has achieved a return rate of 272%.

  • What type of investment does Destiny Tech focus on?

    -Destiny Tech focuses on investing in high-growth companies, including venture businesses and non-publicly traded stocks.

  • How many companies does Destiny Tech currently hold investments in?

    -Destiny Tech currently holds investments in 23 companies.

  • What is the annual fee for investing with Destiny Tech?

    -The annual fee for investing with Destiny Tech is 2.5%.

  • Which companies are among the significant investments of Destiny Tech?

    -Significant investments of Destiny Tech include SpaceX, with a 34.6% stake, and Open AI, with a 3.8% stake.

  • What are the conditions for companies to be included in Destiny Tech's portfolio?

    -The conditions for inclusion are a good reputation among U.S. institutional investors, having received investments of over $50 million, sound financial health with no significant debt, transparent corporate structure, and a high retention rate, excluding companies with poor culture.

  • How does the speaker describe the risk associated with investing in DXYZ?

    -The speaker describes the risk as high, noting that the companies invested in by Destiny Tech are non-publicly traded and could become worthless. Additionally, the speaker questions the transparency and management of the company, given it is a new and relatively unknown entity.

  • What is the significance of the free stock airdrop event mentioned in the transcript?

    -The free stock airdrop event is significant because it is a large-scale event where up to 700,000 shares of DXYZ were distributed for free to individuals, marking the largest such event to date.

  • What is the speaker's personal stance on investing in DXYZ?

    -The speaker is cautious and has decided not to invest in DXYZ due to the high risk associated with it, especially considering the unknown nature of the company and the non-publicly traded stocks in its portfolio.

  • How does the speaker suggest the value of the companies invested in by Destiny Tech is calculated?

    -The speaker expresses uncertainty about how the value of the companies is calculated, noting that the official website provides vague information and that the process is not clearly outlined.

  • What is the speaker's advice for those interested in high-risk investment opportunities like DXYZ?

    -The speaker advises potential investors to thoroughly understand the risks involved and to consider their own risk tolerance before investing in high-risk opportunities like DXYZ.



🚀 Introduction to Destiny Tech and Stock Analysis

The speaker, a tech farmer, introduces a stock called Destiny Tech (ticker DXYZ) that has been requested by many and has seen significant fluctuation with a return rate of 272%. The stock, which is not an ETF, invests in 100 high-growth companies including venture firms and non-public stocks. The annual fee is 2.5%, and currently, only 23 stocks are held. The investments include a significant portion in SpaceX (34.6%) and OpenAI (3.8%), among other innovative companies. The speaker notes that investing in such non-public innovative companies was difficult for the general public, but this stock allows them to do so. The speaker also mentions the risks involved, including the company's young age, high annual fee, and the fact that it only holds 23 stocks. The analysis continues with a discussion on the company's investment criteria and the potential for growth in the companies it invests in, such as SpaceX and OpenAI.


💡 Risks and Features of DXYZ Stock

The speaker discusses the risks associated with investing in DXYZ, emphasizing that it is not an ETF and operates under a limited company structure, which means it doesn't have to meet all the SEC standards applicable to stock companies. Despite being registered with the SEC, it may not be as transparent as typical stock companies. The speaker also mentions a recent event where DXYZ distributed up to 700,000 shares for free to the public, which is a significant and unprecedented move. The speaker expresses skepticism about the company's transparency, especially considering the small number of employees and their backgrounds. The speaker concludes by stating that while the stock has the potential for high returns due to its investment in innovative companies, the risks are also significant, and they personally choose not to invest due to the uncertainties involved.



💡Destiny Tech

Destiny Tech is the company behind the stock 'DXYZ' being discussed in the video. It is responsible for creating a product that allows investment in high-growth potential companies, particularly those that are not publicly traded and are typically inaccessible to average investors. The video mentions that this company has listed a stock that has seen significant returns since its market debut.


DXYZ is the ticker symbol for a specific stock that the video discusses. It is not an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) but rather a unique investment product offered by Destiny Tech. The stock has reportedly seen a significant increase in its yield rate since its listing, garnering interest from many investors due to its association with high-growth companies.

💡High-Growth Companies

High-growth companies are businesses that experience rapid expansion and increased market value in a relatively short period. These companies often operate in innovative industries and have the potential to deliver substantial returns on investment. The video highlights that DXYZ invests in such companies, making it attractive to investors seeking high returns.


Risk in the context of the video refers to the potential for loss or uncertainty associated with investing in the DXYZ stock. The video emphasizes that while the stock has shown high returns, it also comes with considerable risks due to its association with non-publicly traded and venture companies, which can be volatile and less transparent.

💡Venture Companies

Venture companies are early-stage businesses that are often funded by venture capital. These companies are typically characterized by innovative ideas or technologies and have high growth potential. The video mentions that DXYZ invests in venture companies, which are usually not accessible to the average investor but are now available through this unique investment product.

💡Investment Portfolio

An investment portfolio is a collection of investments held by an individual or a financial institution. In the context of the video, it refers to the selection of companies and stocks that DXYZ has chosen to include in its investment product. The composition of this portfolio is crucial as it determines the potential returns and risks associated with the investment.

💡Annual Fee

The annual fee is a recurring cost that investors must pay for holding or managing an investment product. In the case of DXYZ, the video highlights a notably high annual fee of 2.5%, which can significantly impact the net returns for investors, especially when considering the investment's high-risk nature.

💡Non-Publicly Traded Stocks

Non-publicly traded stocks refer to shares in companies that are not listed on a public exchange and therefore do not have the same level of transparency or liquidity as publicly traded stocks. The video discusses that DXYZ provides an opportunity for investors to gain exposure to such companies, which are typically difficult for the average investor to access.


Transparency in the context of the video refers to the openness and clarity of information provided by a company, particularly in relation to its financials and operations. The video mentions that DXYZ invests in companies with transparent ownership structures, which is one of the criteria for selecting companies to invest in.

💡SEC Registration

SEC registration refers to the process of registering with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which is a requirement for companies that want to issue securities publicly. In the video, it is mentioned that despite not being a traditional stock or ETF, DXYZ is registered with the SEC, indicating some level of regulatory oversight.

💡Stock Airdrop

A stock airdrop is a distribution of free shares to a wide group of people, often as a marketing strategy or to increase the distribution of a company's stock. In the video, it is mentioned that DXYZ has conducted a stock airdrop, offering free shares to the public as part of a promotional event.

💡Investment Criteria

Investment criteria are the standards or conditions used to evaluate potential investments. In the video, it is mentioned that DXYZ has specific criteria for selecting companies to invest in, such as a good reputation among institutional investors, significant investment received, financial health, and corporate transparency.


The introduction of the stock 'Destyni Tech, 100' (ticker DXYZ) which has seen a remarkable fluctuation with a return rate of 272%.

DXYZ is not an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund), which will be explained in more detail later in the transcript.

The stock was listed on March 26, 2024, and has since shown a significant return rate.

Invests in 100 high-growth companies, including venture firms and non-public stocks.

The annual fee for this stock is 2.5%, which is relatively high.

Currently, the stock only holds 23 assets, but the companies involved are highly impressive.

Significant investments in innovative companies like SpaceX (34.6%) and OpenAI (3.8%).

The stock allows general investors to invest in non-public innovative companies that were previously inaccessible.

The growth speed of non-public companies is astonishing, with SpaceX's market cap rising by an average of 45%.

OpenAI recently valued at 100 trillion won, growing threefold in just ten months.

The stock might be a dream stock for many due to its association with innovative companies.

A detailed analysis of the stock reveals several suspicious aspects that potential investors should verify.

Destiny, the company that created DXYZ, has only eight employees, none of whom appear to be particularly notable.

The company's headquarters is located in a building that raises questions about its legitimacy.

DXYZ is not an ETF and does not guarantee the return of the principal, which is a significant risk.

The company is registered with the SEC but does not have to meet all the standards of a typical stock company.

There was a news about DXYZ stock being airdropped for free, which is unusual for stocks.

The company's CEO suggests that the event allows people to gain the qualification to co-own the future.

The method of calculating the fair value of the companies invested in by DXYZ and how it reflects on DXYZ's stock price is unclear.

The risk of investing in DXYZ is high due to the nature of the companies it invests in, which are non-public and could become worthless.

The presenter decides not to invest in DXYZ due to the risks involved and prefers to invest in well-known companies like Google.

The presenter will continue to monitor the stock and share updates if there are any significant news.