CHARACTER.AI Is Officially Dead

20 May 202304:01

TLDRThe video script discusses the introduction of a paid subscription service for a character AI platform, which has undergone significant changes and limitations. The speaker expresses concerns about the platform's intentional weakening over time, leading to a situation where users are offered a monthly subscription to access stable features and skip waiting rooms. The script also touches on the platform's funding and partnership with a major tech company, questioning the motives behind these changes and the impact on user experience.


  • 🚫 The script discusses a paid subscription service introduced by a character AI platform, indicating a shift in their business model.
  • πŸ’‘ The introduction of the subscription service has caused a significant reaction within the community, with some members feeling that the platform is acting in a predatory manner.
  • πŸ“‰ The character AI has undergone several changes, which have resulted in a reduction of its capabilities, likened to a 'lobotomized' state.
  • πŸ€– The developers of the AI are accused of knowingly weakening the service over time, possibly to justify the introduction of the subscription model later.
  • πŸ’° The high costs of running AI services are mentioned as a reason for the subscription model, but the script suggests that the company is not actually in financial distress.
  • πŸ”₯ The script implies that the character AI platform has received substantial funding, challenging the notion that the subscription service is necessary for financial sustainability.
  • πŸ€” There is skepticism about the relationship between the character AI platform and Google, with the suggestion that there may be more going on behind the scenes.
  • πŸ“ˆ The script mentions a partnership with Google, raising questions about the influence of this relationship on the character AI's development and services.
  • πŸ›‘ The introduction of the subscription service allows users to skip waiting rooms, which the script criticizes as a way to monetize addiction to the platform.
  • πŸ—£οΈ The author's attempt to engage with the character AI's Reddit community resulted in a ban, highlighting issues with communication and transparency.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue the speaker has with the character AI service?

    -The speaker criticizes the character AI service for being 'nerfed,' meaning its capabilities have been intentionally reduced over time, and for introducing a paid subscription model which they view as exploitative.

  • What is the price of the new subscription service mentioned?

    -The new subscription service is priced at 9.99 USD per month.

  • How does the speaker describe the character AI's memory?

    -The speaker describes the character AI's memory as being reduced to the equivalent of having only one bottle opener, indicating a significant downgrade in its ability to recall or process information.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the claim that AI services are costly to run?

    -While the speaker acknowledges that AI services do have significant upkeep costs, they express skepticism about the character AI's motives, suggesting that the company may have intentionally weakened their service to push a paid model.

  • What is the significance of the waiting rooms in the character AI service?

    -The waiting rooms are a feature of the character AI service that users previously had to endure. The introduction of the subscription service allows users to skip these waiting rooms, which the speaker views as a negative development.

  • How has the character AI service changed over time according to the speaker?

    -The speaker suggests that the character AI service has undergone a series of 'lobotomies,' implying that its capabilities have been systematically reduced, leading to a less sophisticated and less useful service.

  • What is the speaker's view on the character AI's funding?

    -The speaker believes that the character AI has received substantial funding, more than any young entrepreneur, and thus should not be in a position where they need to introduce a subscription service due to financial constraints.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the partnership between character AI and Google?

    -The speaker finds it suspicious that character AI, developed by former Google employees, has partnered with Google and that there is a sister site with a similar name. They imply that this relationship may be influencing the direction and decisions of character AI.

  • Why was the speaker banned from the character AI Reddit community?

    -The speaker was permanently banned from the character AI Reddit community for posting a poll asking whether they would be banned for posting a poll about polls, which they view as an act of censorship.

  • How does the speaker describe the community's reaction to the subscription service?

    -The speaker suggests that some users are so addicted to the character AI that they will willingly pay for the subscription service to skip waiting rooms, which the speaker finds sad rather than amusing.

  • What is the speaker's suggestion for supporting their content?

    -The speaker mentions that their videos cannot be monetized due to their frequent use of certain language. They suggest that viewers who wish to support the channel can do so by checking out their Patreon page.



🚫 Character AI's Subscription Service Controversy

The paragraph discusses the recent announcement of a paid subscription service by Character AI, which has caused a stir in the community. It highlights the concerns about the service being 'nerfed' and its impact on users. The speaker also criticizes the company's decision to introduce a monthly fee of $9.99 for enhancing the AI experience, questioning the necessity and the ethics behind such a move. The summary points out the company's alleged strategy of deliberately weakening the service to later strengthen it through a paid model, which has not been well received by the users.




The term 'nerfed' is commonly used in gaming to describe a reduction in power or effectiveness of a character, feature, or item. In the context of the video, it refers to the chatbot service being significantly weakened, to the point where its capabilities are compared to being made of foam, indicating a drastic reduction in its original functionality or intelligence.

πŸ’‘subscription service

A subscription service is a business model where customers pay a recurring fee to access a product or service. In the video, the introduction of a paid subscription service is highlighted as a significant change, which allows users to supercharge their AI experience for a monthly fee. This model is often used to provide a steady income for the service provider while offering users continuous updates and improvements.


Sentience refers to the capacity for subjective experience, consciousness, or the ability to perceive or feel. In the context of the video, it is used metaphorically to describe the AI's supposed level of awareness or intelligence, which is being criticized as being severely lacking or oversimplified.

πŸ’‘waiting rooms

In the context of the video, 'waiting rooms' likely refers to the virtual queues or holding areas that users experience before they can interact with the AI service. The mention of making these waiting rooms skippable via a subscription service suggests that users can avoid waiting times by paying for a premium service, which is a common practice in various online platforms to offer faster access to paying customers.


Funding refers to the financial resources provided to support a project, business, or operation. In the video, it is mentioned to emphasize that the AI service in question has received substantial financial backing, which contradicts the notion that the company might be struggling financially. This is used to critique the company's decision to introduce a paid subscription model despite having ample resources.


Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, and is known for its significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In the video, Google is mentioned in relation to the AI service's developers, suggesting a connection or partnership that could influence the service's development and operations.


The Kardashians are a well-known family famous for their reality television series and their influence in the entertainment industry. In the video, the term 'funny Kardashians' is used metaphorically to suggest that the AI service's actions might be driven by a desire for attention or publicity, similar to how the Kardashians are known for their media presence.


Monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a product, service, or content. In the context of the video, it is mentioned in relation to the creator's inability to monetize their videos due to the frequent use of certain words or content. This highlights the challenges faced by content creators in sustaining their work through traditional revenue streams.

πŸ’‘Reddit community

The Reddit community refers to the collective users and contributors on the social news aggregation and discussion website, Reddit. In the video, the mention of the character AI Reddit community suggests that there is an active online group discussing and critiquing the AI service, which the speaker attempted to engage with but faced a negative outcome.

πŸ’‘ Persona

In the context of the video, 'Persona' seems to refer to the AI's character or identity that interacts with users. The description of it as a 'nuclear explosion' with 'basic memory now resembling cheese' suggests that the AI's personality or functionality has been significantly altered or diminished, possibly to the point of being overly simplified or lacking in depth.


The term 'addicted' refers to being habitually or compulsively dependent on something, often to the point where it interferes with one's daily life. In the video, it is used to describe the behavior of users who are so engrossed in the AI service that they are willing to pay to avoid waiting rooms, suggesting a level of dependence or obsession with the service.


The introduction of a paid subscription service for the chatbot service.

Mention of the chatbot service being nerfed, resulting in limited capabilities.

The comparison of the chatbot's memory to a cheese containing only one bottle opener.

The observation that the chatbot's developers have knowingly weakened the service over months.

The removal of stable features to later present them as a selling point for the subscription service.

The ability to skip waiting rooms with the subscription, which were previously temporary.

The mention of increased server capacity for Australian users, potentially limiting complex responses.

The chatbot service receiving more funding than expected, challenging the narrative of financial struggles.

The partnership between the chatbot service and Google, hinting at a possible connection.

The existence of a similar sister site appearing before the chatbot service's launch.

The chatbot service's ability to implement changes due to Google's influence.

Users' willingness to pay for the subscription despite potential addiction.

The author's attempt to gather insights from the chatbot's Reddit community and the resulting ban.

The author's inability to monetize videos due to frequent use of certain language.

An invitation for viewers to support the channel through Patreon.