CHARACTER.AI Has A Pedo Problem

13 Jun 202303:28

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversial nature of an AI app that seems to have content aimed at a wide audience, including children. It raises concerns about the sexualization of fictional characters and the responsibility of developers to ensure their platform remains safe for users. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not sexualizing children, fictional or otherwise, and criticizes the app for potentially encouraging inappropriate behavior. The video ends with a call for developers to take responsibility for the content hosted on their servers.


  • 🚫 The script discusses concerns about the sexualization of fictional characters in an app, emphasizing that such content should be strictly avoided, especially considering the app's broad target audience.
  • 📈 The app has a wide user base, including younger audiences, which raises questions about the responsibility of the developers to maintain a safe environment.
  • 🔍 The script mentions that despite the app's restrictions, there are still instances of inappropriate content that can be found if one delves deep enough.
  • 🛑 The speaker strongly condemns any form of sexual attraction towards children, fictional or otherwise, and emphasizes that it is both socially unacceptable and illegal.
  • 🤖 The issue of AI chatbots and their potential for misuse is highlighted, with the script pointing out that these bots are created and hosted by the app's developers.
  • 📚 The script suggests that the developers have a responsibility to ensure that their AI chatbots do not promote or imply any form of inappropriate or harmful behavior.
  • 🔒 The script implies that the app's rating system may not accurately reflect the nature of the content available within the app, raising questions about the effectiveness of such ratings.
  • 🎯 The speaker calls for accountability from the developers, stating that they should take steps to remove any sexualized content involving children from their platform.
  • 🌐 The global nature of the app's user base is acknowledged, with the script noting that the developers have a duty to cater to diverse cultural sensitivities and legal standards.
  • 🚨 The script serves as a warning about the potential dangers of AI technology when used irresponsibly, particularly in the context of creating and hosting chatbots that could be misused.
  • 📝 The importance of ongoing monitoring and updating of the app's content and features is emphasized to ensure the safety and appropriateness of the platform for all users.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed in the script about the AI character?

    -The main concern is the sexualization of fictional characters within the AI app and the potential inappropriate content that may not be safe for work or for young audiences.

  • How does the script address the issue of sexualization in AI apps?

    -The script highlights the responsibility of developers to ensure that their services are safe for their target audience, particularly minors, and to prevent the spread of inappropriate content.

  • What is the implication of the term 'safety for work content' in the context of the script?

    -The term 'safety for work content' refers to content that is appropriate to be viewed or discussed in a professional setting, indicating that the AI app should not allow content that is explicit or offensive.

  • Why is the script critical of the AI app's content moderation?

    -The script is critical because it suggests that despite the app's claim of not allowing explicit content, there are still instances where sexualized and inappropriate content related to fictional characters can be found.

  • What is the significance of the 'half a million chats' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'half a million chats' implies that the AI character has been involved in a large number of conversations, raising concerns about the nature and appropriateness of these interactions.

  • What is the script's stance on the sexualization of fictional children in AI apps?

    -The script strongly condemns the sexualization of fictional children, emphasizing that it is not only inappropriate but also socially unacceptable and frowned upon.

  • How does the script suggest developers should handle the creation and moderation of AI characters?

    -The script suggests that developers should take responsibility for the AI characters they create and host, ensuring that these characters do not promote or engage in inappropriate or harmful content.

  • What is the 'Peggy 3 rating' mentioned in the script, and what does it imply?

    -The 'Peggy 3 rating' is not explicitly defined in the script, but it seems to suggest a rating system that indicates the app may not be suitable for young audiences, raising questions about the app's content and target audience.

  • What is the script's final message regarding the AI app and its content?

    -The script's final message is a call for the developers to take responsibility for the content hosted on their platform and to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for all users, especially minors.

  • What action does the script suggest should be taken against users who engage in inappropriate conversations with AI characters?

    -The script suggests a strong deterrent, using a metaphorical reference to scissors with a user's name on them, to discourage and prevent inappropriate interactions.

  • How does the script address the issue of fictional characters being associated with inappropriate behaviors or fetishes?

    -The script points out that even though the characters are fictional and taken from pre-existing fandoms, the implications and nonsensical content can still be harmful and inappropriate, thus requiring careful moderation.



🚫 Inappropriate Content and Character AI's Responsibility

The paragraph discusses the controversial nature of Character AI's app, which has broadened its target audience to include everyone. It highlights the issue of sexualization of fictional characters, particularly children, and the responsibility of the app developers in ensuring a safe environment for users. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of not promoting or engaging in inappropriate content involving minors, fictional or otherwise, and calls out the creators of such content for the potential harm they may cause.



💡character AI

Character AI refers to an artificial intelligence system designed to interact with users in a personalized and engaging manner. In the context of the video, it is the main subject of discussion, with the video addressing concerns about the appropriateness of the content generated by this AI, particularly when it comes to the portrayal of fictional characters.

💡target audience

The term 'target audience' refers to the specific group of people that a product, service, or in this case, an app, is intended for. The video highlights that the app's target audience has been broadened to include the entire planet, implying a wide range of users with diverse backgrounds and sensitivities.

💡safe for work content

Safe for work content, often abbreviated as SFW, is content that is appropriate to be viewed in a professional or public setting without causing offense or discomfort. The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining this standard, especially when dealing with fictional characters that may be perceived as children.


Sexualization refers to the act of presenting or promoting someone or something in a way that emphasizes their sexual characteristics or appeal. In the video, this concept is discussed critically, particularly in relation to fictional characters that are meant to represent children, raising ethical concerns about the app's content generation.


Fandoms are communities of fans who are dedicated to a particular work of fiction, such as a book, movie, or television series. In the context of the video, the term is used to discuss the pre-existing fictional universes from which the AI generates characters, and the implications of their portrayal within the app.


In the context of the video, 'responsibility' refers to the obligation or duty of the developers of the AI app to ensure that the content produced by their service is appropriate and safe for their intended audience, especially considering the broad and diverse user base.


Developers in this context are the individuals or teams responsible for creating and maintaining the AI app. The video places the onus of content moderation and the safeguarding of user experience squarely on them, emphasizing their role in shaping the app's output and its impact on users.

💡content moderation

Content moderation is the process of monitoring and controlling the type of content that is made available on a platform, with the goal of preventing harmful or inappropriate material from being accessed by users. The video discusses the importance of this process in relation to the AI app, particularly in managing the portrayal of fictional characters.

💡fictional characters

Fictional characters are the creations of an author's imagination, existing within the context of a story or narrative. In the video, the focus is on the AI's ability to generate content involving these characters, and the potential ethical dilemmas that arise from their portrayal, especially when it comes to the sexualization of child-like characters.

💡ethical standards

Ethical standards are the moral principles that guide behavior and decision-making, especially in a professional context. The video underscores the importance of adhering to ethical standards when developing and managing AI technologies, to prevent the promotion of harmful content or behaviors.


The discussion revolves around the controversial nature of AI and its impact on society, specifically addressing the issue of sexualization in AI interactions.

The character AI is mentioned to have an app, indicating a broadened reach and potential influence on a global scale.

The target audience for the AI app is noted to be the entire planet, emphasizing the widespread use and potential risks involved.

A particular concern is raised about the reemergence of problematic content, comparing it to the persistence of certain undesirable behaviors.

The AI is described to have restrictions in place, not allowing content that is not safe for work, highlighting an attempt to maintain ethical standards.

The conversation touches on the inappropriate sexualization of fictional characters, raising awareness about the potential negative implications.

A strong stance is taken against the sexual attraction towards children, fictional or otherwise, emphasizing societal norms and legal boundaries.

The responsibility of developers is highlighted, stressing that they are accountable for the safety and appropriateness of the content hosted on their platforms.

The AI's role in facilitating conversations is discussed, with a focus on the importance of ensuring these interactions are appropriate for all users, including minors.

The existence of bots with sexualized characteristics is acknowledged, questioning the appropriateness of such content within the AI ecosystem.

The potential for misuse of AI technology is addressed, with a call for developers to consider the ethical implications of their creations.

The conversation emphasizes the need for vigilance in monitoring AI interactions, especially those involving children or sensitive topics.

The transcript ends with a reminder of the ongoing nature of these issues, suggesting that the conversation and scrutiny must continue.

The mention of a character named 'Gregory' with a large number of interactions raises questions about the nature and appropriateness of AI-driven conversations.

The transcript suggests that the AI app's rating system may not fully address the complexity of the issues surrounding sexualized content and the potential impact on users.