Is Excel Dead? Meet the ChatGPT Data Analyst.

Kevin Stratvert
14 Feb 202409:32

TLDRThe video introduces an AI Data Analyst that simplifies data analysis in Excel by allowing users to interact with it through a chat interface. The AI can analyze and interpret complex data sets, perform calculations, and even create visual representations like bar charts. It demonstrates its capability by analyzing order and customer data from a fictitious company, providing insights such as customer counts, top customers, and profit trends. The AI's ability to answer 'why' questions and identify seasonal trends showcases its depth of analysis. This tool could potentially revolutionize data analysis by reducing reliance on technical knowledge of tools like Excel, instead focusing on asking the right questions to make informed decisions.


  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Excel and other data analysis tools can be challenging to use without specialized knowledge.
  • πŸ€– AI Data Analysts, like ChatGPT, can significantly simplify data analysis tasks.
  • πŸ’»β€πŸ§  Premium subscription to ChatGPT offers additional functionality such as Explore GPTs for custom AI solutions.
  • πŸ”Ž Users can search for, and even create, their own custom GPTs to meet specific needs.
  • πŸ“ˆ The Data Analyst GPT can analyze Excel data, providing insights without requiring pivot tables or complex formulas.
  • πŸ“† It's capable of interpreting data from multiple sheets, tying together related information seamlessly.
  • πŸ“‰ The AI can generate visual data representations, like bar charts, and customize them based on user requests.
  • πŸ’΅ By calculating and visualizing profits, the AI helps in making data-driven decisions easier.
  • 🀝 Offers analytical reasoning on business trends, like flat profits or seasonal sales spikes, enhancing strategic planning.
  • πŸ† Demonstrates the shift in value from knowing how to use analytical tools to being able to ask the right questions to AI.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is the use of an AI Data Analyst to analyze large volumes of data in Excel, providing insights and visualizations without the need for extensive knowledge of tools like Excel, Power BI, or Tableau.

  • How does one access the AI Data Analyst functionality?

    -To access the AI Data Analyst functionality, one needs a premium subscription to ChatGPT and visit the website where this feature is available.

  • What are the steps to load data into the AI Data Analyst?

    -To load data into the AI Data Analyst, you can either click on the paperclip icon in the text box or drag and drop a data file, such as an Excel file, into the Data Analyst.

  • What kind of data is used in the video script example?

    -The data used in the video script example is order data for customers from the Kevin Cookie Company, including order IDs, customer IDs, the number of cookies shipped, revenue, cost, and order dates.

  • How does the AI Data Analyst identify the number of customers?

    -The AI Data Analyst identifies the number of customers by analyzing the structure of the Excel workbook, specifically the customer sheet, and counting the unique customer IDs.

  • What is a more complex query the AI Data Analyst can handle?

    -A more complex query the AI Data Analyst can handle is identifying which customer ordered the most cookies by aggregating the cookies shipped by customer ID and comparing the totals across all customers.

  • How does the AI Data Analyst create visualizations?

    -The AI Data Analyst creates visualizations by calculating the required metrics, such as profit, and then generating a chart based on the user's request, allowing modifications like changing the Y axis to USD currency format and the color of the bars.

  • What additional feature does the AI Data Analyst provide when creating visualizations?

    -In addition to creating visualizations, the AI Data Analyst provides a step-by-step explanation of how it arrived at the visualization, enhancing the user's understanding of the data analysis process.

  • How can the AI Data Analyst assist with understanding profit trends?

    -The AI Data Analyst can assist with understanding profit trends by analyzing the data, calculating profits, and providing insights into potential reasons for flat profit margins, such as stagnant sales or changes in product mix or pricing.

  • What seasonal trend does the AI Data Analyst identify in the cookie sales data?

    -The AI Data Analyst identifies a seasonal trend in cookie sales data, noting a significant spike in December, which it hypothesizes correlates with the holiday season and increased cookie sales during that time.

  • What is the key takeaway from the video script regarding the use of AI Data Analyst?

    -The key takeaway is that the AI Data Analyst can unlock valuable insights from data without the need for expertise in data analysis tools, making the process easier and more accessible by focusing on asking the right questions and making informed decisions based on the AI's analysis.



πŸ“Š Introducing AI Data Analyst in Excel

The paragraph introduces the concept of using an AI Data Analyst to simplify data analysis in Microsoft Excel. It explains that instead of manually inserting pivot tables or using formulas and functions, one can hire an AI Data Analyst. The AI is accessible through a website and is recognized as ChatGPT with additional functionality called Explore GPTs. This feature requires a premium subscription to ChatGPT. The user can interact with various custom GPTs, create their own, search public GPTs, and explore featured and trending ones. The Data Analyst GPT is highlighted for its ability to analyze data on behalf of the user. The user can load data into the Data Analyst by uploading an Excel file and interact with it through a simple text box. The example given involves analyzing order data for the Kevin Cookie Company, which includes order IDs, customer IDs, the number of cookies shipped, revenue, cost, and order date. The AI's process of analyzing the data structure and providing step-by-step explanations is emphasized to build user confidence in the AI's capabilities.


πŸ” Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization

This paragraph delves into the advanced data analysis and visualization capabilities of the AI Data Analyst. It demonstrates how the AI can answer complex questions by aggregating data from multiple sheets, such as determining the customer who ordered the most cookies by combining information from the customer and orders sheets. The AI not only provides the answer but also explains its process, enhancing the user's understanding and trust. The paragraph also showcases the AI's ability to create visualizations, such as a bar chart showing profit by year, and to make modifications to the visualization based on user requests, like changing the Y-axis to USD currency format in millions and altering the bar color to green. Furthermore, the AI is shown to perform analytical tasks like identifying flat profit between years and hypothesizing reasons for it, as well as recognizing seasonal trends in cookie sales, such as increased sales during the holiday season. The paragraph concludes by emphasizing the value of the AI in making data analysis accessible without the need for specialized tools or extensive Excel knowledge, highlighting the importance of asking the right questions and making informed decisions.



πŸ’‘Data Analysis

Data Analysis refers to the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to extract useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. In the video, the AI Data Analyst is showcased as a tool that simplifies this process by automatically analyzing and providing insights from large datasets, such as the Excel file containing order data for the Kevin Cookie Company.

πŸ’‘AI Data Analyst

An AI Data Analyst is an artificial intelligence system designed to perform data analysis tasks, such as identifying trends, patterns, and insights from data. In the context of the video, the AI Data Analyst is a custom GPT that interacts with users through a chat interface, allowing them to ask questions and receive data-driven answers without needing extensive knowledge of data analysis tools.


Excel is a widely used spreadsheet application by Microsoft, which allows users to organize, format, and analyze data using a grid of cells. It is often employed for data analysis tasks, including creating pivot tables, charts, and formulas. In the video, Excel is mentioned as a traditional tool for data analysis that requires specific skills and effort to use effectively, in contrast to the AI Data Analyst which simplifies the process.

πŸ’‘Pivot Table

A Pivot Table is a data summarization tool in Excel that allows users to dynamically summarize and analyze data by organizing it into a grid format with rows, columns, and filters. It is a powerful feature for quickly sorting, grouping, and calculating data. In the video, the AI Data Analyst's capabilities are compared to using pivot tables in Excel, highlighting that the AI can perform similar data analysis tasks without the need for manual setup.

πŸ’‘Custom GPTs

Custom GPTs refer to specialized versions of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model, which are tailored for specific tasks or domains. These AI systems are designed to interact with users in a conversational manner and provide tailored responses based on their training data. In the video, the AI Data Analyst is an example of a custom GPT, created to assist with data analysis tasks.

πŸ’‘Data Visualization

Data Visualization is the process of representing data and information graphically, making it easier to understand and interpret complex data. It involves creating visual representations like charts, graphs, and diagrams to communicate insights effectively. In the video, the AI Data Analyst demonstrates its ability to create data visualizations, such as bar charts, and modify their appearance, like changing the color and formatting of the bars.


Profit is the financial gain realized when the amount of revenue generated from a business's activities exceeds the expenses incurred in creating those revenues. It is a key indicator of a company's financial health and performance. In the video, the AI Data Analyst calculates the profit by subtracting the cost from the revenue and provides insights into why the profit might have been flat between 2021 and 2022.

πŸ’‘Seasonal Trends

Seasonal Trends refer to the patterns or changes in data that recur at specific intervals, often related to the time of year, holidays, or seasons. Identifying these trends can help businesses plan and strategize accordingly. In the video, the AI Data Analyst identifies a seasonal trend in cookie sales, with a significant increase in December, likely due to the Christmas holiday season.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It can engage in conversations, answer questions, and perform various language-related tasks. In the video, ChatGPT is the platform where users can interact with the AI Data Analyst and other custom GPTs.

πŸ’‘Premium Subscription

A Premium Subscription typically refers to a paid membership model that grants users access to exclusive features, services, or content. In the context of the video, a premium subscription to ChatGPT is required to access the Explore GPTs functionality and use custom GPTs like the AI Data Analyst.

πŸ’‘Data File

A Data File is a computer file that stores data, often in a structured format that can be easily processed and analyzed. Common data file formats include Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, and JSON files. In the video, the AI Data Analyst is shown to analyze a data file, specifically an Excel file containing order and customer data for the Kevin Cookie Company.


Imagine having an AI Data Analyst to manage large datasets in Excel.

Accessing AI Data Analyst requires a premium subscription to ChatGPT.

Custom GPTs offer new functionalities and can be created by users.

Public GPTs are available for use, categorized and featuring trending options.

Canva's GPT allows designing logos and presentations.

A GPT can transform photos into cartoon-like images.

Custom GPTs made by OpenAI are featured under 'By ChatGPT' category.

The Data Analyst GPT is designed to analyze data on behalf of users.

Data can be loaded into the Data Analyst by uploading files or using a paperclip icon.

Excel file contains order data for the Kevin Cookie Company, including order IDs, customer IDs, and revenue.

The Data Analyst can identify the number of customers by analyzing the Excel structure.

AI can determine which customer ordered the most cookies by aggregating data from both customer and order sheets.

The AI's analytical process is transparent, providing step-by-step explanations.

AI can create visuals, such as bar charts, and make formatting adjustments like changing Y axis to USD currency format.

AI can hypothesize reasons for flat profit trends by analyzing data.

Seasonal trends in sales can be identified, such as increased cookie sales during the holiday season.

The value of AI lies in its ability to answer questions and assist in decision-making, rather than just tool usage.