Can AI beat the FINAL WAVE of Dome Keeper?!

Luckless Lovelocks
30 Oct 202334:10

TLDRIn this video, the player embarks on an automation-only challenge in a game, aiming to defeat the final wave using only automated weapons. The strategy involves selecting a dome with high health, like a Tesla Dome, and utilizing gadgets such as the Shield for its damage-over-time capability. The player opts for a medium map and focuses on upgrading automated defenses while managing resources. Despite some setbacks and the realization that the final wave may be more challenging than anticipated, the player perseveres, employing tactics like efficient water conversion and bundle guidance. The video concludes with a successful completion of the challenge, proving its feasibility and leaving the door open for attempting higher difficulties.


  • 🤖 Attempting an automation-only run to beat the final wave with automated weapons.
  • 🛡️ Choosing a dome with high health, like the Tesla Dome, and focusing on the Shield gadget with the rebound ability.
  • 🚀 Starting with a medium map on brutal difficulty, aiming for speed and maximum automated defense upgrades.
  • 🔩 Prioritizing mining upgrades and resource collection for efficient gameplay and defense construction.
  • đź’§ Needing water for upgrading automated defenses and considering the final wave's requirements.
  • 🔄 Using the split sphere for resource collection over the explode sphere for better efficiency.
  • 🔋 Acquiring the resurrection Dome supplement for additional sustainability in the game.
  • 🔄 Regretting not getting the resource converter and condenser for better resource management.
  • 🔄 Realizing the importance of water for upgrading weapons and considering efficient water conversion.
  • 🎯 Focusing on area damage and bundle guidance for optimizing automated weapon performance.
  • 🤔 Expressing uncertainty about defeating the final wave but having ample healing and resurrections for a chance.

Q & A

  • What is the main objective of the challenge described in the transcript?

    -The main objective of the challenge is to attempt an automation-only run to beat the final wave using only automated weapons in the game.

  • Which type of Dome does the player initially consider to have the most health?

    -The player initially considers the Tesla Dome to be one of the Domes with the most health.

  • What is the role of the Shield gadget in this strategy?

    -The Shield gadget is chosen because of its rebound ability, which is believed to be beneficial in the automation-only run.

  • What is the player's approach to resources in the early game?

    -The player's early game approach is to complete the map as quickly as possible while upgrading the weapons as much as possible, starting with defensive gadgets and resource autonomy.

  • What type of map does the player choose for this challenge?

    -The player chooses a medium map for this challenge.

  • What is the significance of the Electro blast in the strategy?

    -The Electro blast is considered for its healing capabilities, which are essential to keep the Dome healthy throughout the challenge.

  • Why does the player decide to upgrade the Auto Cannon first?

    -The player decides to upgrade the Auto Cannon first because it is part of the automated defense and requires more water for upgrades, which the player has obtained.

  • What mistake does the player acknowledge regarding the resource converter and condenser?

    -The player acknowledges that not getting the resource converter and condenser earlier was a mistake, as they would have been beneficial for the strategy.

  • What is the final outcome of the challenge?

    -The final outcome is successful, as the player manages to beat the final wave using the automation-only strategy, despite acknowledging some mistakes and areas for improvement.

  • What does the player suggest after completing the challenge?

    -After completing the challenge, the player suggests trying it on a more difficult map or considering other challenge ideas shared in the comments.



🤖 Automation Challenge Introduction

The speaker introduces an automation-only run challenge in a game, aiming to beat the final wave using only automated weapons. They contemplate the best dome and gadgets to use, settling on a Tesla Dome and Shield gadget for its rebound ability. The strategy involves prioritizing automated defenses and upgrading weapons as much as possible without focusing on the main weapon. The speaker expresses excitement and curiosity about the challenge, acknowledging that they may need to adjust their approach if the initial strategy fails.


🚀 Initial Gameplay and Upgrades

The speaker begins the game by discussing their strategy of completing the map quickly while upgrading weapons. They start with defensive gadgets and autonomy, opting not to use a main weapon initially. The focus is on mining and resource gathering, with the speaker expressing a desire to dig effectively and quickly. They also discuss the importance of healing to maintain the dome's health and consider various upgrades and abilities, including the auto repair and resource converter.


🤔 Strategy Adjustments and Resource Management

As the game progresses, the speaker reflects on their strategy, acknowledging some mistakes and considering adjustments. They discuss the need for speed and the importance of finding resources quickly. The speaker also talks about their regret over certain choices, such as not getting the condenser or resource converter earlier. They continue to upgrade their equipment, including the auto Cannon and stun laser, and express concern about not being able to beat the waves as expected.


🛠️ Further Upgrades and Dome Enhancement

The speaker continues to focus on upgrades, maxing out their shotgun and considering the next steps for their equipment. They discuss the need for more efficient resource conversion and the importance of mining upgrades. The speaker also talks about their realization that they have spent too many resources on the keeper and the need to balance upgrades between the keeper and weapons. They mention the use of a teleporter and the discovery of a relic.


đź’ˇ Final Preparations and Strategy Reflection

As the final wave approaches, the speaker expresses doubt about their ability to defeat it with the current setup. They consider the need for more water and the importance of the condenser and resource converter, which they regret not upgrading earlier. The speaker also talks about their strategy for converting iron to water and the decision to upgrade area stun and damage. They acknowledge their errors and missed opportunities, such as not getting a scanner, and contemplate their chances against the final wave.


🎮 Game Completion and Future Challenges

The speaker concludes the game, reflecting on their experience and the success of their challenge. They express surprise at the ease of completion and discuss the possibility of attempting the challenge on a more difficult level. The speaker invites viewers to share their thoughts and challenge ideas, signaling the end of the gameplay session and their appreciation for the audience's support.




Automation refers to the process of controlling various functions and systems with minimal human intervention. In the context of the video, it is the main strategy employed to beat the final wave using automated weapons, emphasizing the importance of technology and efficiency in achieving the game's objective.


A challenge, in this context, is a difficult task or a test of skill, often set as a goal within a game or activity. The video revolves around the challenge of completing a run without using the main weapon, relying solely on automated defenses.


Defense, in the context of the video, refers to the strategies and tools used to protect the player's base or assets from enemy attacks. The focus is on using automated weapons and gadgets to create an effective defense system.


An upgrade, in gaming terms, is the process of improving a character, weapon, or tool to make it more effective or powerful. In the video, the player aims to upgrade automated defenses to enhance their capabilities against the final wave.


Strategy refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. In the video, the player outlines a strategy to beat the game using only automated weapons, which involves careful planning and resource management.


Resources in gaming are the materials or assets that players collect and use to progress in the game, upgrade tools, or unlock new abilities. The video emphasizes the importance of managing and utilizing resources like iron and water effectively.


A speedrun is an attempt to complete a video game or a specific challenge as quickly as possible. The video's main theme involves a speedrun-like approach, aiming to complete the map quickly while relying on automated defenses.


Gadgets are small tools or devices that provide a specific function or ability in the game. The video discusses the use of various gadgets like 'Shield' and 'auto repair' as part of the player's defensive strategy.


Healing in games refers to the process of restoring health or vitality to a character or object. In the video, the player emphasizes the importance of having healing capabilities to maintain the health of the 'Dome' during the challenge.


In the context of the video, reflection refers to a defensive ability or mechanism that can redirect or bounce back enemy attacks. It is one of the many strategies the player considers to enhance their automated defenses.


The challenge is to attempt an automation-only run to beat the final wave with only automated weapons.

A Tesla Dome with high health is chosen for its effectiveness in automated defense.

The strategy includes using the rebound ability from The Roots gadget for damage over time.

The game plan is to complete the map quickly while upgrading weapons as much as possible.

Starting with defensive gadgets and Gadget Autonomy, but no main weapon.

Mass Iron is chosen to increase iron gathering speed.

The importance of speedrunning the map to complete it as fast as possible is emphasized.

Upgrading the auto Cannon for better automated defense is prioritized.

Auto repair is considered for early acquisition to maintain dome health.

The decision to focus on automated defenses over upgrading the keeper is made.

Mistakes and learning moments, such as forgetting about the split sphere, add to the challenge's difficulty.

The realization that the final wave's difficulty may depend on various factors like resources collected or time played.

The importance of healing and Dome resurrections for surviving the final wave is noted.

The strategy of converting iron to water for resource management is recognized.

The challenge concludes with the successful completion of the map using only automated defenses.

Reflection on the strategy and consideration of applying the challenge to a more difficult map.