The New AI Mode is BROKEN! | Dome Keeper

16 Mar 202362:09

TLDRIn this video, the player delves into the AI Dome mode of the game, focusing on automation and strategic use of resources. The player opts for a hard minion map and begins with basic upgrades, utilizing AI-controlled defenses and exploring the map for resources. The gameplay revolves around managing resources, upgrading the stun laser and auto-cannon for enhanced defense, and using the spiral for anti-projectile capabilities. The player emphasizes the importance of drilling power and pickup strength, while also strategizing on when to use the time stop ability. The video showcases the effectiveness of AI in managing combat and the satisfaction of watching the defenses clear out enemies autonomously, providing a more relaxed gaming experience.


  • 🎮 The player is revisiting a game mode involving AI-controlled defenses and resource management.
  • 🤖 The AI in the game is utilized to automate defense, allowing the player to focus on exploration and resource gathering.
  • 💰 The game's economy is based on various resources like iron and Cobalt, which can be converted and upgraded.
  • 🔨 The player emphasizes the importance of upgrading drill power and pickup strength for efficient resource collection.
  • 🔧 The use of special abilities and gadgets, such as the stun laser and auto-count, is crucial for managing waves of opponents.
  • 🛠️ The player discusses strategic choices between different upgrades and their impact on gameplay.
  • 🧭 The game features a resource meter and visual aids that help players locate resources and plan their moves.
  • 🚀 The player discovers a super artifact that significantly changes their digging strategy, making it more efficient.
  • 🤔 The player contemplates the game's mechanics, such as the balance between different resources and their uses.
  • 🎲 The game involves both strategic planning and reacting to the randomized elements of the environment.
  • 🏆 The player achieves victory by optimizing their defenses and resource management, demonstrating the effectiveness of the AI Dome.

Q & A

  • What game mode is the player discussing in the transcript?

    -The player is discussing the AI Dome mode in the game, which is a new addition that focuses on automation and AI-controlled gameplay.

  • What is the main objective of the AI Dome mode?

    -The main objective of the AI Dome mode is to rely on AI-controlled defenses and structures to clear out enemies and manage resources without the player's direct involvement in the combat.

  • Which three AI-controlled elements does the player initially have in the AI Dome?

    -The player initially has a stun laser, an auto-count (DPS weapon), and a spiral (defensive structure) as their AI-controlled elements in the AI Dome.

  • What is the purpose of the auto-count in the AI Dome mode?

    -The auto-count serves as the primary DPS weapon in the AI Dome mode, activating even when the player is not inside the Dome, with the aim of clearing out enemies autonomously.

  • What is the function of the spiral in the AI Dome?

    -The spiral is a defensive structure designed to counter projectiles by either zapping faster or shooting burst deals, effectively handling salvos and single projectiles.

  • How does the player plan to open up the game in the beginning?

    -The player plans to open up the game by focusing on pickup strength as their opening move, creating a clear out at the top of all the domes to gather resources efficiently.

  • What is the significance of the resource conversion machine in the player's strategy?

    -The resource conversion machine is significant in the player's strategy as it allows for the transformation of resources, increasing efficiency and productivity. The player opts for a conversion that multiplies money, providing free resources and enhancing their gameplay progression.

  • What is the player's approach to defending the AI Dome?

    -The player's approach to defending the AI Dome involves upgrading the AI-controlled structures, such as the stun laser and the spiral, to enhance their effectiveness against enemies. They also focus on improving resource gathering and management to support the AI defenses.

  • What is the player's reaction to the visual enhancements in the game?

    -The player is extremely positive about the visual enhancements, particularly the ability to see deeper into the game environment and the addition of the little alien that assists in resource collection. They find these features enjoyable and immersive.

  • How does the player feel about the automation feature in the AI Dome mode?

    -The player is highly enthusiastic about the automation feature, appreciating how it allows them to focus on resource gathering and exploration without having to directly engage in combat. They find this mode more enjoyable and relaxing compared to other gameplay modes.



🎮 Introduction to AI Dome Gameplay

Swift introduces the AI Dome game mode, emphasizing the flexibility of the version and gadget choice. The focus is on hard minion Maps with automation HD and Cycles. The strategy involves using AI-controlled weapons and defense structures, including a stun laser, an autocannon, and a spiral anti-projectile building. Swift outlines the initial upgrades and stats, and begins exploring the map to find resources and avoid backtracking.


🚀 Resource Gathering and Defense Upgrades

The gameplay continues with resource gathering, focusing on pickup strength and drill power. Swift upgrades defensive structures, particularly the DPS and the stun laser, to handle waves of opponents more effectively. The goal is to maximize the AI's ability to clear enemies autonomously, while exploring for more resources like iron and Cobalt. The use of the time stop ability and the importance of positioning are discussed.


🛠️ Enhancing Drilling and Movement

Swift prioritizes movement speed and drill strength, aiming to explore and upgrade more efficiently. The healing mechanism is improved, and the player continues to find resources, including water and iron. The focus shifts to upgrading the minigun for increased DPS and setting up a resource conversion system. The player also expresses a desire for a lift mechanism to streamline resource gathering.


💡 Utilizing Relics and Improving Efficiency

The player discovers and utilizes a visual relic that greatly aids in resource location. Upgrades are made to the resource conversion system, focusing on efficiency and productivity. The player also discusses the strategy of upgrading the stun laser and the potential benefits of the AOE stun blast. The importance of managing resources and planning upgrades is emphasized.


🌟 Maximizing Game Performance

Swift continues to refine the gameplay strategy, focusing on maximizing the efficiency of drilling and resource gathering. The player experiments with different drilling techniques and explores the map for hidden resources. The use of a super artifact is highlighted, which significantly changes the digging plan. The player expresses excitement over the game's visual upgrades and the strategic depth they add.


🎯 Final Preparations and Victory

The player completes various upgrades and prepares for the final wave. The focus is on maximizing the potential of the AI-controlled defenses and ensuring resource sufficiency. The player strategically uses the time stop ability and manages health and repair mechanisms. The game concludes with a victory achieved primarily through the AI's capabilities, highlighting the effectiveness of the strategies employed.


📝 Reflecting on the AI Dome Experience

Swift shares his enjoyment of the AI Dome mode, appreciating the quality of life improvements and the strategic depth it offers. The player discusses the importance of certain upgrades and relics, and how they contributed to the gameplay experience. The mode is praised for its ability to prove the effectiveness of the AI, and the player expresses interest in exploring similar games with intriguing mechanics.



💡AI Dome

AI Dome refers to an artificial intelligence-controlled structure in the game that the player interacts with. It is responsible for managing certain aspects of the gameplay, such as automatically attacking enemies and managing resources. In the context of the video, the AI Dome is a key element that the player relies on to progress through the levels and defend against opponents.


Automation in this context refers to the game's feature where certain processes are managed by AI, allowing the player to focus on other aspects of the game. It enhances the gameplay experience by reducing the manual effort required to manage resources and defenses, and it is a central theme in the video as the player explores its benefits and strategies.


Upgrades are improvements or enhancements made to the player's structures, weapons, or abilities within the game. They are crucial for progressing and improving the player's chances of success as the game becomes more challenging. In the video, the player frequently discusses and strategizes about which upgrades to prioritize and how they will benefit their gameplay.


Resources in the game are essential materials that the player collects and uses to upgrade structures, purchase upgrades, and maintain their defenses. They are a fundamental part of gameplay, as they allow the player to improve their capabilities and survive against increasingly difficult waves of opponents. In the video, the player focuses on efficiently gathering and managing resources like iron and water.


Defenses are structures or abilities that the player uses to protect their base or territory from opponents. They are a critical aspect of the game, as they help the player to withstand attacks and prevent loss of life. The video features the player strategizing about which defenses to invest in and how to use them most effectively.


Stats, or statistics, in the context of the game refer to the numerical values that represent the player's progress, abilities, and resources. They are important for tracking the player's performance and making informed decisions about upgrades and strategies. The video includes the player monitoring and discussing their stats, such as their live count and resource levels.


Exploration in the game involves discovering new areas, resources, and potential upgrades. It is a key component of the gameplay experience, as it allows the player to expand their knowledge and capabilities. The video features the player exploring the game map and finding valuable resources and upgrades.


Strategy refers to the player's plan or approach for managing their resources, upgrades, and defenses in order to succeed in the game. It involves making decisions about which actions to take and when to take them. The video showcases the player's strategic thinking as they navigate the game's challenges.

💡AI Activation

AI Activation is a feature in the game that allows certain structures or weapons to be controlled by AI. This means that the player can rely on the AI to manage these elements automatically, freeing up the player to focus on other aspects of the game. The video highlights the importance of AI Activation in the player's strategy, particularly with the auto count and stun laser.


Gameplay refers to the actual process of playing the game, including the actions and decisions made by the player. It encompasses all the interactive elements that make up the gaming experience. In the video, the player's gameplay involves a combination of exploration, resource management, defense strategy, and upgrade planning.


Introduction of the AI Dome and its capabilities in the game.

Explanation of the automation HD and its role in the game's basic upgrades.

Discussion on the evil nature of the game, destroying local people.

Description of the three AI controlled elements: stun laser, auto count, and spiral.

Strategy for not being present at the Dome and letting it clear enemies on its own.

Exploration of the game map and resource gathering.

Upgrading defensive structures and the importance of the DPS.

Explanation of the resource conversion system and its efficiency.

Decision-making process in upgrading between anti-salvo and anti one at a time.

Use of the prospecting meter and its benefits in identifying resources.

Upgrading the drill power and movement speed for better exploration.

Discussion on the effectiveness of the AI turrets in clearing fights.

Explanation of the time stop ability and its strategic use.

Upgrading the healing mechanism for better survivability.

Investigation of the game's visual upgrades and their impact on gameplay.

Final strategy for maximizing the AI's efficiency and winning the game.