ONLY AI Weapons and Almost All Modifiers in DOME KEEPER

24 Oct 202351:34

TLDRIn this thrilling AI defenses challenge, the player embarks on a unique adventure without weapons, relying solely on AI-powered defenses to protect against waves of enemies. The player strategically utilizes the Orchard area for shield deployment and mining, while upgrading自动化 defenses and managing resources like water become crucial. The game's dynamic maze layout and long waves add complexity, testing the player's adaptability and strategic thinking. Despite the initial struggle and taking damage, the player perseveres, optimizing the dome's health and defenses, and ultimately achieving a hard-fought victory, leaving only a tree resource unexplored.


  • 🛡️ The AI defenses challenge involves using only AI weapons and buffing them without direct control over the fighting.
  • 🌟 The player starts with the Shield Gadget and considers Orchard for shield deployment and mining.
  • 🔧 The Assessor and Trident classes are chosen for their unique abilities and benefits.
  • 💡 The game setup includes triple supplements, automated defenses, and a large map with difficult waves.
  • 📈 The player focuses on mining and defending against waves without personal weaponry.
  • 🚀 Early game advantages include the HUD boost and the ability to deploy shields for protection.
  • 💦 Water becomes a critical resource for upgrades and weapon enhancements.
  • 🛠️ The player invests in hangtime mechanics and makes strategic decisions about resource allocation.
  • 🔥 The game's difficulty increases with long waves and the need for effective defense without direct control.
  • 🌳 Environmental elements like trees can be used strategically but also present challenges.
  • 🏆 Despite the challenging conditions, the player manages to defend successfully and reflects on potential improvements for future attempts.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge the player is attempting in the game?

    -The main challenge is to defend against waves of monsters using only AI-controlled weapons, without any direct control over the fighting.

  • Which starting location does the player choose and why?

    -The player chooses Orchard because it provides deployable shields early on, which will be beneficial for protection and mining.

  • What is the significance of the HUD upgrade at the beginning of the game?

    -The HUD upgrade provides an early advantage by giving the player access to certain abilities without needing to unlock them, thus providing a boost at the start.

  • How does the player plan to address the lack of water?

    -The player plans to use the water condenser, which produces and stores water, to address the lack of this resource.

  • What is the player's strategy for defending against waves without any control?

    -The player focuses on upgrading the AI weapons' autonomy, such as the stun lasers, auto cannon, and spire, to increase their effectiveness without direct control.

  • What is the role of the Sphere Supply in the player's strategy?

    -The Sphere Supply is used to increase the power of the spheres, which are part of the AI defenses, making them more effective against the waves of monsters.

  • Why does the player feel the need to invest in the hangtime mechanic?

    -The player feels the need to invest in the hangtime mechanic due to the maze aspect of the game, which makes navigation and defense more challenging.

  • What is the impact of the resurrection modifier on the player's game?

    -The resurrection modifier allows the player's dome to be automatically repaired once during combat after taking significant damage, without consuming Cobalt.

  • How does the player plan to maximize the effectiveness of the spheres?

    -The player plans to maximize the effectiveness of the spheres by upgrading their damage, lifetime, and by taking options like kinetic sphere damage and improved explosion.

  • What is the player's final assessment of the AI defenses challenge?

    -The player is satisfied with the outcome of the AI defenses challenge, noting that they managed to defend against the waves with the AI weapons and that the game was fun and unique.



🛡️ Preparing for AI Defenses Challenge

The speaker introduces the AI defenses challenge, where they will rely on AI weapons without any personal armament. They discuss the strategy of using the shield gadget and potentially Orchard for deployable shields that also aid in mining. The challenge involves automated defenses with triple supplements and a large, difficult map. The speaker acknowledges the difficulty of defending waves without direct control and shares their initial testing experience, highlighting the need for investment in hangtime mechanics due to the maze layout.


🌳 Navigating the Maze and Upgrading Defenses

The speaker continues to explore the maze with the assessor, finding action and discussing the benefits of starting with the HUD for extra boosts. They mention the long waves and the advantage of early upgrades. The focus is on improving the autocannon as the main damage source and the challenge of obtaining water. The speaker also talks about the importance of water for weapon upgrades and the discovery of a condenser, which is crucial for their survival.


💧 Water Shortages and Dome Health Concerns

The speaker addresses the issue of water scarcity and the low Dome Health. They discuss the need for smart water usage and the importance of the autocannon for damage. The speaker also talks about the benefits of the supplement modifier and the need to improve the water condenser. They express concern about the falling trees despite upgrades and the need for a Dome Health upgrade. The speaker strategizes about the use of resurrection and the importance of maintaining uptime for their defenses.


🚀 Teleporter Decisions and Upgrade Prioritization

The speaker faces a decision between a teleporter and a probe, ultimately choosing the teleporter due to water scarcity. They discuss the production and storage capabilities of the condenser and the risk of not having weapon upgrades. The speaker navigates the maze's tricky layout and expresses concern about the Dome Health. They consider various upgrades like projectile shields, fire stamina, and stun strength, while also discussing the potential for repair and the need for more Cobalt.


🛠️ Dome Hall Hardening and Combat Upgrades

The speaker discusses the benefits of Dome Hall hardening and the possibility of automatic repair during combat. They express uncertainty about the resurrection trigger but decide on kinetic sphar damage and combat upgrades. The focus is on improving the autocannon and movement speed. The speaker also talks about the effectiveness of explode spheres and sphere lifetime, and the strategic use of teleportation to access the map's middle section.


🌐 Navigating the Map and Upgrades

The speaker reflects on the successful defense and the dead end at the bottom of the map. They discuss the available repairs and the strategy of saving Cobalt for Dome repair. The speaker explores the possibility of Spire upgrades and the benefits of sustain fire and projectile split. They also talk about the need for keeper upgrades and the decision between improved explosion and more spheres. The speaker strategizes about cutting into the middle section of the map and the importance of Dome health maintenance.


🔄 Auto Repairs and Lift Upgrades

The speaker is surprised by the auto repairs triggered by the Dome, despite not having the capacity to take the upgrade. They discuss the lift upgrade and its benefits, as well as the confusion about the source of auto repairs. The speaker explores the map, considering the potential for hidden blockers and the importance of clearing obstacles for the lift. They also talk about the benefits of compression mining and the strategic use of the remaining resurrection.


🎯 Split Projectiles and Movement Speed

The speaker focuses on upgrading split projectiles for increased effectiveness and the decision to prioritize 360 split shot speed. They discuss the benefits of faster movement, area stun, and improved explosion upgrades. The speaker also talks about maximizing sphere damage and the desire to upgrade all available defenses. They strategize about the use of teleportation to access different areas of the map and the importance of resource management.


🌿 Final Thoughts on the Challenge

The speaker reflects on the challenge, expressing satisfaction with the outcome despite the initial uncertainty. They discuss the small map's deceptive nature and the effectiveness of their defenses. The speaker also talks about the potential for future challenges and the desire to explore larger maps. They share their excitement about the successful use of AI defenses and the importance of strategic upgrades and resource management throughout the game.



💡AI defenses

AI defenses refer to the artificial intelligence-controlled weapons and mechanisms used to protect the player's base or dome in the game. In the context of the video, the player relies solely on these AI-driven systems for defense, as they are not using any personal weapons. This strategy presents a unique challenge and is central to the gameplay experience described in the video.

💡Shield Gadget

The Shield Gadget is a game item that allows the player to deploy protective barriers. In the video, the player considers using this gadget as a means of protection early in the game, highlighting its importance in the strategy to survive without direct control over combat.


Orchard is mentioned as a location choice in the game, which seems to offer specific benefits such as deployable shields. The player contemplates whether to choose Orchard for these advantages, indicating that different locations provide unique tactical options for players.


Autonomy in the context of the game refers to the ability of the AI weapons to function independently without the player's direct control. Upgrades with autonomy allow the AI defenses to operate more effectively, which is crucial for the player's strategy of relying on AI for protection.

💡Dome Health

Dome Health represents the structural integrity of the player's base or dome. Protecting and maintaining Dome Health is a primary objective in the game, as it is essential for survival against the waves of monsters. The player faces challenges in keeping the Dome Health intact while managing resources and upgrades.

💡Water condenser

A water condenser is a game object that produces and stores water, a valuable resource. In the video, the player prioritizes obtaining and upgrading the water condenser to address the challenge of water scarcity, which is critical for weapon upgrades and other game functions.


Resurrection is a game mechanic that allows for the revival of the player's dome or base after it has been severely damaged. The player in the video receives a Resurrection as a supplement, which provides a safety net and increases the chances of survival during intense combat waves.

💡Auto repair

Auto repair is a game feature that enables the dome to repair itself automatically after taking a certain amount of damage, either consuming resources like Cobalt or functioning as a one-time event. This mechanic is essential for the player's strategy, as it provides an additional layer of defense without requiring manual intervention.


Supplements in the game are temporary boosts or advantages that the player can acquire during gameplay. They can include various effects, such as increased resource gathering, health restoration, or enhanced weapon capabilities. The player in the video strategically utilizes supplements to improve their situation and increase their chances of success.


The maze refers to the complex network of paths and obstacles within the game's environment. It presents an additional challenge by complicating navigation and combat strategies. The player in the video must adapt their approach to account for the maze's layout and its impact on their gameplay.

💡Seed buff

A seed buff is a game mechanic that enhances the effectiveness or efficiency of resource generation, such as increasing the rate of resource production or improving the quality of resources gathered. In the video, the player considers upgrading their seed buff to optimize their resource gathering and support their defense strategy.


The introduction of the AI defenses challenge, where the player has no control over weapons and must rely on AI defenses.

The strategic decision to use the Shield Gadget and Orchard for early game protection and mining benefits.

The importance of the HUD automated defenses upgrade, allowing defenses to function without the player's direct control.

The selection of the Trident hat and bird as accessories, adding to the character's equipment.

The choice of a large map with difficult settings, indicating a challenging gameplay experience.

The discovery of a rare single deposit of a valuable resource, providing a good start to the game.

The strategic use of the maze with the assessor, adding an interesting dynamic to the gameplay.

The decision to focus on mining and the use of the compression mining technique.

The player's realization of the need to invest in the hangtime mechanic due to the maze's complexity.

The discovery and utilization of the autonomy upgrades for the stun lasers, auto Cannon, and Spire.

The player's concern about the lack of water, which is crucial for weapon upgrades.

The strategic choice to increase the power of the Spheres and the decision to take another upgrade.

The player's plan to increase the water condenser's production speed to address the water shortage.

The player's decision to prioritize the Dome Health upgrade due to its critical status.

The successful defense against waves despite the lack of control, showcasing the effectiveness of the AI defenses.

The player's realization of the auto-repair function triggered by the HUD upgrades, providing a significant advantage.

The strategic choice to max out sphere damage for increased defensive capabilities.

The player's reflection on the game's outcome and the consideration of a bigger map for the next challenge.