Google Gemini vs Google Assistant - Which One Is Better? (Tested On The Pixel 8 Pro)

In Depth Tech Reviews
16 Feb 202414:37

TLDRIn this video, the host compares Google Assistant and Gemini on a range of tasks, from basic to complex, using a Pixel 8 Pro for consistency. While Google Assistant excels in everyday tasks, speed, and offline support, Gemini shines in specific areas like email composition, template creation, and image generation. Despite some shortcomings, Google Assistant is recommended for regular use, with Gemini serving as a supplementary tool for niche situations.


  • 📌 Both Google Assistant and Gemini were tested on a Pixel 8 Pro for consistency.
  • 🕒 Neither assistant successfully set a dual timer and stopwatch, indicating a simple task failure.
  • 🔊 Google Assistant had issues with the 'send a voice message' command, while Gemini required manual input for each command.
  • 🗣️ Google Assistant provided incorrect math operations in one instance, while Gemini gave the correct answer.
  • 📱 Both assistants struggled with the 'send a message to my UAE number' command due to discontinued features.
  • 🚗 Google Assistant immediately provided navigation to a gas station, whereas Gemini required screen interaction.
  • 🏬 In queries about the Mall of Arabia, Google Assistant gave the travel time but failed to calculate the departure time correctly.
  • 🛍️ Gemini was less effective with reminders and failed to process some commands, unlike Google Assistant.
  • 📸 Google Assistant excelled in identifying products accurately through Google Lens, outperforming Gemini.
  • 📑 For tasks like creating a cover letter or generating images, Gemini offered a better experience and additional features.
  • 🌐 Google Assistant supports offline commands, giving it an advantage over Gemini, which requires an internet connection.

Q & A

  • What was the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video was to compare the performance of Google Assistant and Gemini in executing basic, moderate, and complicated commands.

  • Which device were the assistants tested on?

    -The assistants were tested on the Pixel 8 Pro to ensure consistency.

  • How did the assistants perform when asked to set a timer for 5 minutes?

    -Both assistants failed to perform the task correctly. Google Assistant opened the right app but didn't start the stopwatch, while Gemini claimed it couldn't control apps like stopwatch.

  • What was the outcome when the user asked to turn off Bluetooth?

    -Both assistants successfully turned off Bluetooth.

  • How did Google Assistant and Gemini handle the command to send a voice message to Imad on WhatsApp?

    -Both assistants attempted to use Google Assistant for the task but ended up sending a normal text message instead. The original Google Assistant reminded the user that audio messaging would be discontinued soon, while Gemini did not mention this feature's discontinuation.

  • Which assistant performed better when navigating to the nearest gas station?

    -Google Assistant performed better as it started the navigation immediately, while Gemini required the user to tap the screen to start navigation.

  • What was the issue with Google Assistant's response when asked to show the actors of The Godfather movie?

    -Google Assistant provided the director's name and the year of production but did not list the actors as requested.

  • How did Gemini handle the command to show the working hours of a pizza restaurant?

    -Gemini provided a summary of the email subjects related to the pizza restaurant but did not show the working hours as requested.

  • What was the verdict for the overall comparison between Google Assistant and Gemini?

    -Google Assistant was deemed better for day-to-day usage due to its speed and offline support, while Gemini was found more useful for specific tasks like writing emails, creating templates, or generating images.

  • Which assistant provided more accurate results when identifying products?

    -Google Assistant's Google Lens integration was found to be more accurate in identifying products compared to Gemini.

  • What is one feature that Google Assistant has over Gemini?

    -Google Assistant supports offline commands, which is a feature that Gemini lacks as it requires an internet connection for all commands.



🔍 Comparative Analysis of Google Assistant and Gemini

This paragraph introduces a video that compares Google Assistant and Gemini on a Pixel 8 Pro. The comparison is based on their ability to execute basic, moderate, and complex commands. A scoring system is used to evaluate their performance, with points awarded for correct answers and half a point for a better outcome. The first command involves setting two timers, which both assistants fail to execute correctly. The paragraph details the results of various commands, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each assistant.


🚗 Navigation and Functionality Test

The second paragraph discusses the navigation features and other functionalities of Google Assistant and Gemini. It compares their ability to direct to a gas station, estimate travel times to the Mall of Arabia, control home devices, and manage bedtime routines. The paragraph also covers their performance in handling reminders, reading notifications, and searching for movie information. It notes that while Google Assistant excels in navigation and speed, Gemini provides more detailed and visually pleasing results in certain tasks.


📝 Advanced Tasks and Email Management

This paragraph examines the ability of Google Assistant and Gemini to handle more advanced tasks, such as planning a trip, creating checklists, and managing emails. It highlights the technical issues encountered with Gemini and the more accurate flight information provided by Google Assistant. The paragraph also compares their performance in generating emails, creating cover letters, and identifying objects. It concludes with a discussion on the offline capabilities of Google Assistant and the internet-dependent nature of Gemini.



💡Google Assistant

Google Assistant is an AI-powered virtual assistant developed by Google, designed to help users perform various tasks by interacting with them in natural language. In the video, it is compared with Gemini to determine which assistant better executes basic, moderate, and complicated commands. Google Assistant is noted for its speed and offline capabilities, making it a preferred choice for day-to-day usage.


Gemini is another virtual assistant featured in the video, which is pitted against Google Assistant in a series of commands to assess its functionality and user experience. Gemini is highlighted for its ability to handle less frequent tasks like email writing and image generation but is noted to be slower and require an internet connection for most commands.

💡Pixel 8 Pro

Pixel 8 Pro is a smartphone model mentioned in the video as the platform on which both Google Assistant and Gemini are tested. It serves as a consistent hardware base to ensure a fair comparison between the two virtual assistants.


Commands in this context refer to the instructions or requests given by the user to the virtual assistants, Google Assistant and Gemini. The video script details a variety of commands, ranging from simple tasks like setting timers to more complex requests such as planning trips or generating images.


Performance in the video relates to how effectively and efficiently the virtual assistants, Google Assistant and Gemini, execute the given commands. It encompasses aspects like speed, accuracy, and the ability to handle different types of tasks.

💡User Experience

User experience refers to the overall satisfaction and ease of use a person has while interacting with a product, in this case, the virtual assistants. The video assesses user experience based on factors like the speed of response, the need for manual input, and the intuitiveness of the interaction.

💡Offline Support

Offline support indicates the capability of a virtual assistant to function and respond to commands without an active internet connection. In the video, Google Assistant is noted for having offline support, which gives it an advantage in certain scenarios.

💡Image Recognition

Image recognition is a technology that enables the analysis and identification of objects, text, or faces in images or videos. In the video, it is one of the features compared between Google Assistant and Gemini, with Google Assistant using Google Lens for this purpose.

💡Email Writing

Email writing refers to the creation and composition of messages to be sent via email. The video script discusses the ability of Gemini to assist in writing emails and creating templates, which is presented as a unique feature compared to Google Assistant.


Navigation in the context of the video pertains to the virtual assistants' ability to provide directions or guide users to specific locations. It is one of the functionalities tested, with a focus on the speed and convenience of the process.


Side by-side comparison between Google Assistant and Gemini to determine which one performs better for various tasks.

Both assistants failed to simultaneously set two timers for 5 minutes.

Gemini was unable to control apps like the stopwatch, while Google Assistant opened the app but didn't start the timer.

Both assistants successfully set an alarm at 7 a.m.

Google Assistant turned off Bluetooth immediately, while Gemini also performed the task correctly.

Gemini failed to process the 'take a selfie in 10 seconds' command, whereas Google Assistant was ready to take a photo.

Google Assistant provided the incorrect answer for the math problem, ignoring the subtraction before division.

Both assistants failed to send a Valentine's Day message correctly, with Google Assistant making an unexpected mistake.

Google Assistant's feature for sending voice messages on WhatsApp will be discontinued.

Google Assistant provided immediate navigation to a gas station, while Gemini required manual initiation for navigation.

Gemini took longer to process the command about the Mall of Arabia travel time and provided incorrect time information.

Google Assistant successfully turned off the air purifier and started the bedtime routine, while Gemini failed to set a new alarm.

Both assistants managed reminders and saved parking location information effectively.

Gemini was unable to process reminders and read notifications, unlike Google Assistant.

Google Assistant provided accurate information about The Godfather movie's director and year of production.

Gemini offered a more visually pleasing and detailed response for finding top-rated pizza restaurants.

Google Assistant quickly initiated navigation, while Gemini took longer and didn't auto-start navigation.

Gemini provided a comprehensive response for planning a trip to Spain, despite a technical issue with flights information.

Google Assistant offered a basic search for identifying objects, while Gemini provided more details.

Google Assistant was more accurate in identifying specific products with Google Lens integration.

Google Assistant supports offline commands, giving it an edge over Gemini which requires an internet connection.

The verdict is that Google Assistant is better for day-to-day usage due to its speed and offline support, while Gemini is useful for specific tasks like email writing and image generation.