Can you really get FREE stuff from Bambu Lab's Maker World?

28 Feb 202414:58

TLDRIn this video, Mike discusses his experiences with the reward systems of 3D printing platforms, specifically Printables and Maker World. He shares the challenges of redeeming free filament through Printables due to high shipping and tax costs in his location, Ontario, Canada. Mike then explores Maker World, detailing a positive experience with their customer service and the process of redeeming points for gift cards and free items. He compares the quality of free bamboo filament with other brands and concludes that it's possible to achieve good results. Mike invites viewers to share their experiences with Maker World as well.


  • 🌟 The reward system on Printables allows designers to earn free items like filament, shirts, hats, or printers based on the popularity of their models.
  • 📦 Shipping and taxes can make receiving free rewards from Printables expensive, especially for users outside the EU.
  • 🌍 Mike, who is based in Ontario, Canada, found out that shipping costs for free filament were over $67.
  • 🔍 Mike explored Maker World, a platform similar to Printables, to see if it offered any advantages for users with cheaper shipping within the EU.
  • 🚀 Maker World had a quick response time to Mike's claim about a plagiarized model, taking down the copycat design within hours.
  • 🎁 Mike decided to redeem his points on Maker World for gift cards, which he found more appealing than Printables' offerings.
  • 🛍️ Maker World's gift cards can be used for any purchase, including shipping and taxes, which are included in the total.
  • 📈 Mike's experience with Maker World was positive, and he was able to order six spools of filament and some spare parts for his printers without any additional costs.
  • 🔥 Mike compared the quality of the free bamboo filament to other brands and found that it produced high-quality prints, although some colors performed better than others.
  • 💡 The reward system on Maker World encourages designers to share their models, which in turn promotes the purchase of filament and other supplies.
  • 🤔 Mike speculated on the sustainability of the reward system and the psychological impact of 'free' on consumer behavior, suggesting that it might lead to additional purchases.

Q & A

  • What is the reward system of Printables?

    -The reward system of Printables allows users to earn points for their good designs, which can be exchanged for free filament, shirts, hats, or even printers.

  • What challenges did Mike face with shipping his free filament from Printables?

    -Mike faced high shipping costs and taxes, which made the free filament end up costing him over $67 Canadian dollars despite being free of charge.

  • How was Mike's initial experience with Maker World?

    -Mike had a positive initial experience with Maker World, as they quickly addressed his claim about a copied model and took down the copycat version within a few hours.

  • What is unique about Maker World's reward system compared to Printables?

    -Maker World's reward system allows users to exchange points for gift cards, which can be used for any purchase including paying for shipping and handling fees.

  • What was the outcome of Mike's attempt to redeem points on Maker World?

    -Mike was able to redeem his points for gift cards and order six spools of filament and some spare parts for his printers without any additional costs or unexpected fees.

  • How does Mike compare the quality of free bamboo PETG filament to the one he ordered previously?

    -Mike found that the gray and blue bamboo filaments printed very closely to the quality of the Galaxy black filament he had ordered before, with the latter appearing slightly better due to its flexibility and fewer visible defects.

  • What is Mike's speculation on the sustainability of the reward systems offered by 3D printing platforms?

    -Mike speculates that the reward systems may be sustainable due to the self-feeding nature of the business model, where users post designs, others print them, and subsequently buy more filament, thus supporting the platform's economy.

  • How does Mike suggest improving the color printing process?

    -Mike suggests that a better system for color printing could involve mixing paint with a paint base and then adding the color as needed, instead of using multiple spools of colored filament.

  • What is the issue Mike encountered with one of his prints?

    -One of Mike's prints was not usable because it held onto some PETG on the nozzle and placed it near the top of the print, causing a defect. This was due to a cooling issue that can be easily fixed.

  • What is Mike's final verdict on the Maker World reward system?

    -Mike concludes that Maker World has a great system for rewarding designers, allowing them to get parts and filament for free, and he has had positive experiences with them so far.

  • How does Mike engage with his audience regarding their experiences with Maker World?

    -Mike invites his audience to share their experiences with Maker World, whether positive or negative, to get a broader understanding of how the platform works for different users.



🌟 Introduction to Reward Systems and Shipping Issues

The video begins with Mike discussing the reward system of Printables, a platform that rewards designers for their popular models with free filament, shirts, hats, or printers. However, he highlights the issue of high shipping and tax costs, especially from his location in Ontario, Canada. Mike shares his experience of ordering three spools of free filament that ended up costing him over $67 due to shipping and taxes. He mentions that shipping might be cheaper within the EU and plans to explore ordering from Maker World, a version of Printables that uses bamboo labs, to see if there are any advantages.


📣 Addressing Plagiarism in Maker World

Mike recounts his positive experience with Maker World, particularly their quick response to a plagiarism issue he encountered. Someone had taken his model, removed his logo and name, and reposted it as an original work. Mike made a claim, and Maker World took down the copycat model within hours. He appreciates the platform's prompt action and decides to post his design on Maker World to prevent similar incidents. Mike also mentions the possibility of redeeming points for gift cards, which he finds more appealing than just filament, as they can potentially cover shipping costs and taxes.


🛍️ Redeeming Points and Ordering Experience

In this section, Mike details his process of redeeming points for gift cards on Maker World. He has 2715 points and decides to get a gift card, which can only be used for purchases in the Canadian store. Mike notes that the gift card is non-refundable once redeemed. He successfully redeems his points and orders six spools of filament and a few spare parts for his printers. Mike is pleasantly surprised that shipping remains free, and no additional taxes or fees are applied. He shares his excitement about receiving the order and looks forward to testing the quality of the free bamboo filament.

🏗️ Comparing Free and Purchased Filament Quality

Mike compares the quality of the free bamboo filament he received from Maker World with the purchased filament from Printables. He notes that the gray and blue bamboo filaments print very closely to the quality of the purchased filament. However, he finds the Galaxy black filament to be superior in appearance compared to the flat black filament from Printables, with fewer visible defects. Mike also discusses the potential of using a paint base for color printing, which could be more cost-effective and time-saving. He concludes that it is possible to achieve good results with the free bamboo filament and that the reward system on Maker World is beneficial for designers.



💡Reward System

A reward system is a method of providing incentives to users for certain behaviors, such as creating and sharing designs on a platform. In the video, the reward system refers to the incentives offered by the platform 'Printables' for users who post popular 3D models, which can range from free filament to clothing or even printers. The reward system is central to the video's theme as it explores the effectiveness and benefits of such systems in encouraging user engagement and content creation.

💡Maker World

Maker World is an online platform similar to Printables, but with a different approach to rewarding users. It is described as the bamboo labs version of Printables. The platform offers rewards such as gift cards and free filament to users who contribute valuable content. Mike explores the advantages of Maker World over Printables, including its handling of copyright issues and the ability to redeem points for gift cards, which can be used for a wider range of purchases.

💡Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses copyrighted material without the owner's permission. In the context of the video, Mike discusses a situation where his 3D model was copied and posted on Maker World without his consent, with the original logo and name removed. This is a clear example of copyright infringement, which is a serious concern for content creators as it can undermine their rights and the value of their work.

💡3D Printing

3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from digital models by adding material layer by layer. It is central to the video's content as Mike, a 3D printing enthusiast, discusses his experiences with various 3D printing platforms and the rewards he receives for his designs. The video also touches on the use of different types of filament for 3D printing and the quality of prints produced.


Filament is the material used in 3D printers to create objects. It comes in various types, such as PLA and PETG, and colors. In the video, filament is a significant topic as Mike discusses receiving free filament as a reward and testing the quality of prints made from different types of filament. The discussion of filament quality and types is essential for 3D printing enthusiasts looking to optimize their printing experience.

💡Shipping and Taxes

Shipping and taxes are costs associated with the delivery and sale of goods. In the context of the video, Mike discusses the impact of shipping and taxes on the value of the rewards he receives from Printables and Maker World. He highlights how these additional costs can affect the overall value proposition of the reward systems offered by such platforms.

💡Gift Cards

Gift cards are a type of prepaid payment card that can be exchanged for goods or services within a particular store or group of stores. In the video, Mike is interested in redeeming his points for gift cards on Maker World, as they offer more flexibility than physical rewards like filament. The gift cards can be used to purchase a variety of items, including shipping and taxes, which is a significant advantage over other reward types.

💡Account Review

Account review is the process by which a platform examines a user's activity to ensure compliance with its policies and to prevent fraudulent activities. In the video, Mike's account is reviewed by Maker World before he can redeem his points. This step is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the reward system and protecting both the platform and its users.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing original material, such as designs or videos, to share on online platforms. In the video, Mike is a content creator who designs 3D models and shares his experiences on YouTube. The video's theme revolves around the rewards and challenges faced by content creators in the 3D printing community.

💡Community Engagement

Community engagement refers to the interaction and involvement of users within a specific community, such as a platform for 3D printing enthusiasts. In the video, Mike's engagement with the Maker World community is highlighted through his experiences with the reward system and his interactions with other users, including dealing with copyright infringement.


Freebies are items or services provided at no cost. In the context of the video, Mike explores the possibility of obtaining free items, such as filament and printer parts, through the reward systems of 3D printing platforms. The appeal of freebies is a central theme of the video, as it discusses the strategies and experiences of obtaining them while evaluating their value and potential hidden costs.


Printables has a reward system for designers based on the popularity of their models.

Designers can earn rewards such as free filament, shirts, hats, or printers.

Shipping and taxes can make receiving free rewards from Printables expensive for some users, like in Ontario, Canada.

Maker World is a platform similar to Printables, but it's a part of Bamboo Labs.

The user had a positive experience with Maker World, especially in dealing with a copyright infringement issue.

Maker World took down a copycat model within hours of a claim being made.

The user decided to order from Maker World to see if there were any advantages over Printables.

Maker World offers gift cards as rewards, unlike Printables which offers physical items.

The user was able to redeem points for gift cards and purchase filament and parts without any additional costs.

The user received free shipping and no extra taxes on their order, making the entire process cost-effective.

Maker World's reward system does not have a cap on points and does not reset monthly, allowing for continuous earning.

The user found the quality of the free Bamboo filament to be comparable to higher-priced filaments.

The user experienced a cooling issue with the printer, but it was an easily fixable problem.

The user's YouTube channel might have influenced their positive experiences with Maker World.

The user invites viewers to share their experiences with Maker World, suggesting that individual outcomes may vary.

The user acknowledges the support of their patrons in making videos like this possible.