Iran’s President and Foreign Minister feared dead in helicopter crash | BBC News

BBC News
19 May 202404:46


TLDRA major search operation is underway in Iran after a helicopter crash involving President Ibrahim RI and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah in thick fog near the border with Azerbaijan. Both were inaugurating a dam project. All contact was lost after the crash in the mountainous Jola region. Rescue efforts are hampered by poor visibility, with drones and rescue dogs deployed. International attention is high due to Iran's geopolitical significance and ongoing regional turmoil. The Supreme Leader has called for calm, and under the constitution, the first vice president would step in if the president does not survive, with elections to follow.


  • 🚁 A major search operation is underway for a crashed helicopter carrying Iran's President and Foreign Minister.
  • 🌫️ The crash occurred in thick fog in the northwest of Iran, near the border with neighboring Aeran Mass.
  • 🔍 The search involves a fleet of ambulances, army resources, and members of Iran's Red Crescent on foot.
  • 🐕 Rescue teams with dogs are also searching, but poor visibility is hindering efforts.
  • 🛸 Drones are present but unable to operate due to the heavy fog and low visibility.
  • 👤 President Ibrahim RI and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah are the two missing individuals.
  • 🏗️ Both were on a day trip to inaugurate a new dam project near the border region.
  • 📺 The first indication of the crash came from state-run television, with unconfirmed reports of a hard landing.
  • 🙏 Prayers are being said in Iran for the president's survival, but not all Iranians support the regime.
  • 🌍 International attention is high due to Iran's pivotal role in the Middle East and current regional turmoil.
  • 📝 If the president does not survive, the first vice president would step in, with elections to follow within approximately 50 days.

Q & A

  • What type of incident occurred involving Iran's president and foreign minister?

    -A helicopter carrying Iran's president and its foreign minister crashed in the northwest of the country due to thick fog.

  • Where were the president and foreign minister returning from when the crash occurred?

    -They were returning from a visit to the border with neighboring Aeran Mass and had been inaugurating a new dam project.

  • How many helicopters were in the convoy that traveled across Iranian territory?

    -There were three helicopters in the convoy, two of which returned back safely.

  • What was the condition of the area where the helicopter crash occurred?

    -The helicopter crashed in mountainous territory in the Jola region on the border, where heavy fog and poor visibility made rescue efforts difficult.

  • What resources were mobilized for the search operation?

    -The army ordered all necessary resources for the search, and members of Iran's Red Crescent, along with rescue teams and drone teams, were involved in the search operation.

  • Why were drones unable to operate effectively during the search?

    -Drones were unable to operate effectively due to the thick fog and low visibility in the area.

  • What was the initial indication that something had gone wrong with the helicopter?

    -The first indication came from state-run television, which reported unconfirmed incidents involving the helicopter carrying the president in the Jola region.

  • How is President Ibrahim RI described in the context of Iranian leadership?

    -President RI is described as a hardliner, number two to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah, who is the ultimate authority in Iran.

  • What is the significance of the foreign minister's role in international negotiations?

    -The foreign minister is a familiar figure on the international stage and has been involved in many negotiations, including those over Iran's nuclear program.

  • What is the potential impact of this incident on Iran's political landscape?

    -The incident could have significant implications for Iran's political landscape, especially considering President RI's position as a key and controversial figure, and the potential for a successor to the aging Supreme Leader.

  • What is the constitutional process if the president were not to survive the crash?

    -Under the Constitution, the first vice president would step in, and there would be elections within approximately 50 days.

  • How have international and regional actors responded to the incident?

    -Several Arab countries, including Turkey, have offered assistance, and the EU is helping with a satellite mapping service at the request of Iran.



🚁 Helicopter Crash Involving Iran's President and Foreign Minister

A major search operation is in progress following the crash of a helicopter carrying Iran's President Ibrahim RI and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah in the northwest region. The two were returning from a visit to the border with neighboring Aeran Mass to inaugurate a new dam project. The crash occurred in the Jola region, where the helicopter was lost in heavy fog. Despite a large-scale rescue effort involving the army, Iran's Red Crescent, and rescue dogs, poor visibility has hindered the search. Unconfirmed reports of a hard landing have emerged, and the Supreme Leader Ayatollah has called for calm and continuity, assuring that the country's operations will not be disrupted. International attention is high due to Iran's geopolitical significance, and several Arab countries have offered assistance.



💡Search Operation

A search operation is a coordinated effort to locate a person, object, or in this case, a crashed helicopter. It is a critical response to an emergency situation, often involving multiple agencies and specialized equipment. In the video's context, a major search operation is underway in the northwest of Iran to find the crashed helicopter carrying the country's president and foreign minister, highlighting the urgency and importance of the mission.

💡Helicopter Crash

A helicopter crash refers to an accident involving a helicopter that results in damage or loss. Helicopter crashes can occur for various reasons, including mechanical failure, human error, or adverse weather conditions. In the script, the helicopter crash is the central event, as it involves high-profile figures and has triggered a large-scale search and rescue mission in difficult weather conditions.

💡Thick Fog

Thick fog is a weather condition characterized by dense cloudiness close to the ground, reducing visibility significantly. It can pose a significant challenge for aviation and ground operations due to the limited visibility it provides. In the video, thick fog is mentioned as a contributing factor to the helicopter crash and as a hindrance to the search operation, emphasizing the challenging conditions faced by the rescue teams.

💡President Ibrahim RI

President Ibrahim RI is a key figure in the video, as he is the leader of Iran who was involved in the helicopter crash. The president plays a central role in the government and is responsible for the country's executive functions. His involvement in the crash makes the event a matter of national concern and international interest, as it could have significant implications for Iran's political landscape.

💡Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah

The foreign minister is a high-ranking government official responsible for representing their country in international relations. In this video, Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah of Iran is also involved in the helicopter crash. His role in international diplomacy, including negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, makes his presence in the crash noteworthy and adds to the gravity of the situation.


Iran is a country located in Western Asia, known for its rich history and geopolitical significance. In the script, Iran is the primary location of the events described, with the president and foreign minister being Iranian officials. The country's political stability and international relations could be affected by the outcome of the helicopter crash and the search operation.

💡Red Crescent

The Red Crescent is a symbol associated with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which provides humanitarian aid during emergencies. In the video, members of Iran's Red Crescent are involved in the search for the crashed helicopter, demonstrating the mobilization of relief organizations in response to the disaster.

💡Rescue Dogs

Rescue dogs are specially trained canines used in search and rescue operations to locate missing persons or objects. They are valued for their keen sense of smell and ability to navigate difficult terrain. In the script, rescue dogs are part of the search teams looking for the missing helicopter, indicating the use of specialized resources in the operation.


Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are used for various purposes, including surveillance and search operations. They can provide aerial views and assist in locating hard-to-reach areas. However, in the video, the drones are unable to operate effectively due to the thick fog, illustrating the limitations of technology in certain conditions.

💡State Run Television

State run television refers to a broadcasting service that is operated or controlled by the government. It often serves as a primary source of news and information for the public. In the script, state run television is the source of the first indication that something went wrong with the helicopter, showing its role in disseminating critical information to the public.

💡International Stage

The international stage refers to the global arena where countries interact diplomatically, politically, and economically. The foreign minister's involvement in the crash highlights Iran's role on the international stage, particularly in negotiations such as those over its nuclear program. The event could potentially impact Iran's diplomatic relations and international standing.

💡Supreme Leader

The Supreme Leader is the highest-ranking political and religious authority in Iran. The script mentions that President RI is second to the Supreme Leader, indicating the hierarchical structure of power in Iran. The Supreme Leader's age and the potential for a leadership transition add another layer of complexity to the situation following the crash.


Continuity in this context refers to the uninterrupted flow of government operations and stability despite a crisis. The message of calm and continuity from Iran's most senior leader aims to reassure the public and maintain order in the country. It suggests the importance of maintaining stability during times of uncertainty, such as the aftermath of the helicopter crash.


A major search operation is underway after a helicopter crash involving Iran's president and foreign minister.

The crash occurred in the northwest of Iran in thick fog while returning from a border visit with neighboring Aeran Mass.

President Ibrahim RI and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah are missing following the crash.

They were on a day trip to inaugurate a new dam project at the Iran-Aaban border.

A convoy of three helicopters was involved, with two returning safely and one crashing.

The crash happened in mountainous territory in the Jola region due to heavy fog.

All contact with the helicopter carrying the president and foreign minister was lost.

A fleet of ambulances and the army have been mobilized for the search operation.

Members of Iran's Red Crescent are searching the rugged landscape on foot.

Poor visibility and thick fog have hindered the search and rescue efforts.

Three drone teams and three teams with rescue dogs are involved in the search.

Initial reports suggest a hard landing for the helicopter carrying the president.

President RI is a hardliner and second to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah.

Iran's foreign minister is a familiar figure in international negotiations, including over Iran's nuclear program.

The regime is not popular with many Iranians who wish to see an end to the Islamic Republic.

The Supreme Leader has called for calm and continuity, expressing hope for the president's return.

Internationally, Iran is a pivotal country in the Middle East, and its stability is of global concern.

Under Iran's constitution, if the president does not survive, the first vice president would step in, followed by elections.

President RI has been a key and controversial figure in Iran for decades and was considered a potential successor to the Supreme Leader.

Iran is facing internal and external challenges, including protests over dress codes and regional turmoil.

Several Arab countries and the EU have offered assistance in the search operation.



a major search operation is underway


after a helicopter carrying Iran's


president and its foreign minister


crashed in the northwest of the country


in thick fog president Ibrahim RI had


been returning from a visit to the


border with neighboring aeran Mass


prayers are being said in Iran as the


search continues our correspondent


Caroline Hy is here with what we know so


far Caroline thanks Jane well these are


the two men missing after the crash


president rice on the left the country's


foreign minister Hussein Amir Abdullah


on the right they'd both been on a day


trip today to Iran's border region with


aaban inaugurating a new dam project


right here we've got an image of him at


the site of the dam and the helicopter


he was traveling in now a convoy of


three helicopters is believed to have


then traveled across Iranian territory


two returned back safely but the one


carrying the president and foreign


minister crashed in mountainous


territory in heavy fog in the Jola


region On the Border all contact with it


was then


lost you can see how bad conditions were


in the area as the rescue operation was


underway a fleet of ambulances on


standby the Army is reported to have


ordered all resources needed to be


thrown at the


search members of Iran's red crescent


scoured the rugged landscape on foot for


any sign of the missing helicopter but


poor visibility made it difficult for


the rescue teams to reach the scene of


the crash even to locate


it there are currently three drone teams


in the area but due to the thick fog and


low visibility the drones were not able


to successfully operate there are also


three teams with rescue dogs in the area


we are searching and we hope we'll be


able to reach positive results very


soon the first indication that something


had gone wrong came on state run




there are unconfirmed reports of an


incident involving the helicopter


carrying the president in the Jola


region initial reports cite a hard


Landing for the helicopter carrying the


president president RI seen here earlier


with his counterpart from aaban is a


hardliner number two to the Supreme


Leader Ayatollah who is the ultimate


Authority in Iran also missing is Iran's


foreign minister a familiar figure on


the international stage he'd been


involved in many negotiations including


over the country's nuclear


program regime supporters came out to


pray for the president these images


broadcast on state run TV though not


everyone in Iran is praying for his


survival the regime is not popular with


many Iranians who'd like to see an end


to the Islamic Republic but from its


most senior leader a message of calm of


continuity hope that God will return the


president and fellow Travelers to the


people the Iranian Nation must not be


worried and rest assured there will be


no disruption to Running of the


country late at night there's still no


news of the fate of the president and


his foreign minister several Arab


countries have offered assistance turkey


has sent a mountain rescue team and the


EU will help with a satellite mapping


service at the request of Teran the


world is watching closely what happens


next in


Iran and so Caroline tonight as we await


further news how significant is all of


this internationally well the world is


watching closely because Iran is such a


pivotal country in the Middle East and


it's such a turbulent time at the moment


with the war in Gaza and all the


spillover of that so what happens in


Iran matters to the world now under the


Constitution if the president were not


to survive there is a process uh the


first vice president would step in there


would be elections with in I think it's


50 days maybe a bit longer uh now he's a


conservative so you wouldn't expect any


dramatic change of policy but president


REI has been a key and controversial


figure in Iran for many decades he was


tipped to be successor to the supreme


leader who is the ultimate Authority in


Iran that supreme leader is now 85 years


old so it's a time of great challenge


for Iran both inside the country and


abroad challenges for example the


protests that you may


over dress codes in Iran so it is really


an extraordinary moment for the country


and many people in the region will be


watching closely to see how things


unfold at a time of such great turmoil


Caroline all right thank you for now


Caroline Hy