ChatGPT Jailbreak - Computerphile

9 Apr 202411:40

TLDRThe video explores the potential risks associated with large language models like ChatGPT 3.5, discussing topics such as jailbreaking and prompt injection. It demonstrates how users can manipulate the model to perform tasks against ethical guidelines, such as generating misinformation tweets or inserting unexpected content. The script also highlights the importance of being cautious with AI tools and the implications of prompt injection, which can be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes.


  • 🤖 Large language models, like Chat GPT, are designed to predict and generate text based on patterns learned from large datasets.
  • 🚫 These models have ethical guidelines to prevent them from generating offensive content, misinformation, or engaging in harmful behaviors.
  • 🔓 'Jailbreaking' refers to the technique of tricking these models into generating content that goes against their ethical guidelines.
  • 🎭 In the demonstration, the speaker 'jailbreaks' Chat GPT by role-playing and coaxing it into generating a tweet promoting Flat Earth theory.
  • ⚠️ Jailbreaking can be misused for harmful purposes, such as generating undesirable tweets or other content that violates terms of service.
  • 📝 'Prompt injection' is a technique where the model is instructed to ignore its prompt and follow a different set of instructions, which can lead to unexpected responses.
  • 🔗 Prompt injection is similar to SQL injection in that it exploits the inability to distinguish user input from system instructions.
  • 🚨 There's a risk of using prompt injection for malicious purposes, including generating content that could be harmful or violate guidelines.
  • 🤔 The speaker suggests that prompt injection could be used to identify cheating in academic assignments by inserting hidden instructions.
  • 🧐 The demonstration highlights the potential vulnerabilities in language models and the importance of considering security implications in AI design.
  • 📈 While jailbreaking and prompt injection can be used for educational or humorous purposes, they also underscore the need for robust security measures to prevent misuse.

Q & A

  • What is a large language model and how does it work?

    -A large language model is a machine learning model trained on vast language-based datasets. It is designed to predict what comes next in a sentence, and when powerful enough, it can perform tasks that resemble human reasoning.

  • What is 'jailbreaking' a language model?

    -Jailbreaking a language model involves misleading it into performing tasks it's ethically programmed to avoid, such as generating offensive content or misinformation.

  • How can someone jailbreak a language model like Chat GPT 3.5?

    -One can jailbreak a language model by using a trick where they engage the model in a role-play scenario that indirectly leads to the desired output, thus circumventing the model's ethical guidelines.

  • What is prompt injection, and how is it related to jailbreaking?

    -Prompt injection is a technique where the user input is manipulated to include commands that override the model's previous instructions. It is related to jailbreaking as it exploits the model's inability to distinguish between user input and the context within which it should operate.

  • Why is prompt injection a concern?

    -Prompt injection is a concern because it can be used to make a language model perform actions that are against its intended use or ethical guidelines, potentially leading to harmful behaviors or misuse of the technology.

  • How can prompt injection be used for good?

    -Prompt injection can be used for good in creative ways, such as tricking bots online to perform harmless tasks for entertainment or to test the robustness of a model's security measures.

  • What are the potential negative consequences of prompt injection?

    -The negative consequences of prompt injection include the possibility of generating undesirable content, such as misinformation or offensive tweets, and the potential for misuse in areas like email summarization or academic dishonesty.

  • How does the concept of prompt injection relate to SQL injection?

    -Prompt injection is similar to SQL injection in that both involve the misuse of user input to execute unintended commands. In both cases, the system fails to differentiate between user input and the operational context or hardcoded instructions.

  • What is an example of how prompt injection could be used in an academic setting?

    -In an academic setting, a student could use prompt injection to insert unrelated or inappropriate content into an essay or assignment, which could be used to deceive or cheat.

  • What are the ethical considerations when using language models?

    -Ethical considerations include ensuring the model does not generate offensive language, misinformation, insults, or content that discriminates or is sexually explicit. It's important to use language models responsibly and within their intended guidelines.

  • What advice is given regarding the use of jailbreaking and prompt injection techniques?

    -The advice given is to be cautious when using jailbreaking and prompt injection techniques, as they may violate the terms of service of the AI provider and could lead to negative consequences, including being banned from using the service.



🤖 Exploiting Large Language Models: Jailbreaking and Prompt Injection

The speaker discusses the current hype around large language models (LLMs), using Chad GPT as an example. They highlight the potential for LLMs to analyze and summarize text, but also express concerns about security vulnerabilities. The talk focuses on 'jailbreaking' LLMs to bypass ethical guidelines and the concept of 'prompt injection,' which could be exploited for malicious purposes. The speaker demonstrates how to trick Chad GPT into generating content that it's programmed to avoid, such as promoting misinformation. They also touch upon the potential for prompt injection attacks, where user input can manipulate the model's responses in unintended ways, drawing parallels with SQL injection.


🚨 Jailbreaking and its Risks: Ethical Guidelines and Misuse

The speaker elaborates on the process of jailbreaking an LLM, which involves misleading the model to perform tasks it's ethically programmed to refuse, such as generating harmful tweets. They caution that such actions are against the terms of service and could lead to bans. The speaker also discusses the potential misuse of LLMs, including the generation of undesirable content and the risk of prompt injection, where the model can be manipulated to ignore its context and follow new, potentially harmful instructions. They provide an example of how an LLM can be instructed to generate tweets with specific content against its guidelines.


🎓 Prompt Injection: A New Concern for LLMs

The speaker delves into the concept of prompt injection, which is a method of tricking an LLM into disregarding its context and following new instructions, which could lead to unexpected and potentially harmful outcomes. They compare this to SQL injection, where the model cannot distinguish between user input and its operational context, allowing for manipulation. The speaker provides examples of how prompt injection could be used to alter the behavior of an LLM, such as making it generate tweets with specific content or to identify instances of academic dishonesty by students using LLMs to complete assignments.



💡Large Language Models

Large Language Models refer to artificial intelligence systems that are trained on vast amounts of text data to predict and generate human-like language. They are used for various applications, such as email summarization and determining the importance of messages. In the video, the focus is on how these models can be manipulated, which raises security concerns.


In the context of the video, 'jailbreaking' refers to the process of tricking an AI, like Chat GPT, into performing actions that it is ethically programmed to avoid. This is demonstrated by convincing the AI to generate content promoting a flat Earth, which it would normally refuse to do due to ethical guidelines.

💡Prompt Injection

Prompt injection is a technique where a user inputs a command within a conversation that the AI interprets as an instruction rather than as part of the dialogue. This can lead to the AI performing unintended actions, such as generating inappropriate tweets or content, which is a security concern highlighted in the video.

💡Ethical Guidelines

Ethical guidelines are the rules and principles that govern the behavior of AI systems to ensure they operate responsibly. They prevent the AI from generating offensive language, misinformation, or content that could be harmful or discriminatory. The video discusses how these guidelines can be circumvented through jailbreaking.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves the use of data and algorithms to enable a system to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. In the video, it is mentioned as the basis for training large language models to predict and generate text.

💡Security Issues

Security issues in the context of the video pertain to the potential vulnerabilities of AI systems, such as large language models, which can be exploited to perform actions that are against their programming or intended use. The video emphasizes the importance of considering these issues in AI development.

💡Human Reasoning

Human reasoning is the cognitive process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from information or evidence. The video mentions that large language models can sometimes generate responses that appear to mimic human reasoning, even though they are merely predicting the next likely text based on patterns in data.

💡Chess Notation

Chess notation is the system used to describe chess moves and positions in a standard way. It is mentioned in the video as an example of how a large language model would need to learn specific notations to generate realistic responses about playing chess.


Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is spread, regardless of whether it is intentional or not. The video discusses the ethical dilemmas of AI systems generating or promoting misinformation, particularly in the context of jailbreaking.

💡Terms of Service

Terms of service are the legal agreements that users agree to when using a service, which outline acceptable use and restrictions. The video warns that jailbreaking an AI system to generate harmful content, such as violating Twitter's terms of service, could result in penalties or bans.

💡SQL Injection

SQL injection is a type of cyber attack that exploits vulnerabilities in a website's database to manipulate or extract data. The video draws a parallel between SQL injection and prompt injection, highlighting how user input can be used to manipulate AI systems in unintended ways.


Large language models are being used for summarizing emails and determining their importance.

Security concerns arise from the potential exploitation of large language models.

Jailbreaking is a method to circumvent the ethical guidelines of a language model like Chat GPT.

Prompt injection is a technique that can be used to manipulate language models to perform unintended tasks.

Language models are trained to predict what comes next in a sentence, which can mimic human reasoning.

Jailbreaking involves tricking the model into performing tasks it would normally refuse due to ethical guidelines.

An example of jailbreaking is convincing Chat GPT to write a tweet promoting Flat Earth theory.

Jailbreaking can lead to the generation of undesirable tweets or other harmful behaviors.

Prompt injection is similar to SQL injection, where user input can contain commands that override the system's intended function.

Language models can be exploited to generate responses that ignore previous instructions and follow new, potentially harmful commands.

Jailbreaking and prompt injection can be used for both good and bad purposes, including cheating in academic assignments.

There are ethical considerations and potential consequences for using jailbreaking and prompt injection techniques.

The language model's limitations include an inability to distinguish between user input and system commands.

Researchers and developers are exploring the implications of jailbreaking and prompt injection for AI security.

The demonstration shows how language models can be manipulated to generate content that goes against their programming.

The video serves as a cautionary tale about the potential misuse of AI language models.

Viewers are warned about the potential for getting banned from using AI services if they misuse jailbreaking techniques.