100 Players Simulate WORLD WAR 2 in Minecraft Civilization War
- 🏰 在Minecraft中模拟第二次世界大战的战斗,四个国家争夺苏联城市的控制权。
- ⏳ 每个国家有45分钟时间建立基地,并在战斗开始后争夺资源和地盘。
- 🔨 玩家首先需要获取工具,然后开始建造防御工事,如碉堡和城墙。
- 🔍 观察敌方的策略和防御,如美国可能建立围栏限制进入城市,而日本则建造了类似长城的防御。
- 💣 城市内部有丰富的武器和弹药,但只有在战斗阶段开始后才能进入。
- 🚁 每个国家在建造阶段可以选择购买坦克工厂或飞机场,这将影响战斗阶段的战术。
- 🛡️ 黑曜石塔是国家的生命线,一旦被摧毁,玩家的重生点将被关闭。
- 🛰️ 日本和美国分别购买了飞机场和坦克工厂,预示着空中和陆地的战斗即将开始。
- 🏗️ 德国建造了典型的德国风格碉堡,而苏联则在地下深处挖掘,可能是为了更坚固的防御。
- ✈️ 战斗中,空中力量的运用变得至关重要,飞机可以用来轰炸敌方基地或支援地面部队。
- 🔥 战斗进入白热化,随着黑曜石塔的逐个被摧毁,各国玩家的生存压力增大,战斗变得更加激烈。
- 🏁 最终,日本玩家全部失去重生能力,而美国和德国也面临严峻的防守压力,苏联则在战斗中表现出色。
Q & A
🎮 游戏开始:Minecraft世界大战的序幕
🏰 防御与战略:各国的基地建设
⚔️ 战斗爆发:城市掠夺与团队冲突
🏁 最终决战:生存与荣耀的较量
💡Obsidian Towers
imagine spawning into a Minecraft
civilization event only to be shot in
the back of the head blown up by
artillery or carpet bombed from above
this isn't just any Minecraft war this
is Minecraft World War II four nations
will fight for control of this Soviet
City the Americans the Germans the
Japanese and of course the Soviets
before the battle begins each nation is
allowed to build a base of operations 45
minutes on the timer let's see who comes
out on top all right let's begin get
some tools first in the caves so the
city is where between this beach which
the Americans have landed on and then if
we fly through the Soviet City in the
center on the other side we will find
the Soviet team well I'm sure they were
here when we started once you get an
iron pickaxe go up and start making the
mo Between the Ocean and the hills we
have the German Team all right so the
plan is we build like two bunker esque
things around each of the obsidian
towers and just have guys sit in there
and we kill them and then once again if
we go to the opp opposite side of the
city we have got the Japanese team so
our first Target is definitely going to
be the Soviets you know we're Japanese
right it's just very simple guys at the
end of this event if there's anyone that
hasn't died at least a single time by
flying into the enemy Fortress you've
just you just failed your cont fa failed
every ex fa it looks like pretty much
all of the teams are just getting
straight down into the mines straight
away they're going to try and get looted
up again obviously they've not got much
time until the fight phase begins it's
time we discuss the Soviet it City
within the city there's enough weapons
and ammunition to supply a small army
however the city can only be entered
when the fight phase begins and with
that let's finally see what the
Americans are up to us USA looks like
they might be trying to create some sort
of a moot to help kind of like restrict
access to the city or defend their
obsidian Towers I'm not sure what the
strategy is like
oh let's fly over and see what the
Japanese have started doing they've got
great great work you know China has the
Great Wall of China we make the Great
Wall Japan and we need to get planes
guys we need to get as many planes as
possible in each team starting area you
will see two obsidian Towers this is
your nation's Lifeline because once your
obsidian has been destroyed your
respawns will be turned off let's go fly
over to the Cliffside team the Soviets
this is an interesting strategy and
probably the only actual strategy that
appears to be unfolding so far I I can
feel it this is going to be the event
that we win Bo and finally let's head on
over to Germany all right then just to
recap we're going to be building bunkers
for the build phase and during the fight
phase we might be working with Japan to
take down the USSR so whilst each of the
teams are building their fortifications
and defending their obsidian Towers
maybe I should show you the value of
actually looting up the city when the
fighting starts okay so this is the top
of the very tallest building in here so
surely this is going to have to have
some good Lo we got oh my that is a lot
of anti-tank grenades and quite a lot of
bread seeing as this is the Soviet Union
it's a Soviet City very unrealistic
historically not very accurate there's a
bit too much bread in there okay let's
take a look through here we have got a
flamethrower we've then got an
okay okay so yeah you can probably see
my point it's good to loot the city
because that's where all the good stuff
is so let's go who the Japanese have
been making a lot of progress here guys
can we focus on the other obsidian this
looks terrible if it looks ter terrible
you know they won't go for it TR in the
build phase each Nation can purchase
both a tank Factory or an Airfield and
okay oh my God the Japanese have got an
Airfield which means that when the fight
phase begins they're going to be
deploying pilots and dropping bombs on
all of the teams I'm in danger and I've
also just received words the Americans
have now also just purchased their tank
Factory let's go around the corner and
check in on the Germans it is a very
German design isn't it that's the one
thing I will say the Germans have gone
for a very German looking bunker
fortification around their obsidian
Towers let's have a quick look what
these Lads are up to over here they're
uh give iron to spy crab wow that's a
very clear order right there that's
what's up good stuff good stuff let's
check on the Soviets oh okay the Soviets
might be the only team so far to be
creating an interesting strategy they've
got guys down in the minds hard at work
they're entirely Excavating this
obsidian block remember basically each
team's got to try and hold on to and
defend Def and fortify their obsidian
Towers so long as you have obsidian
Towers you can continue respawning as
soon as your obsidian Towers have been
destroyed your respawns are turned off
and that's it you're on your final life
so those guys are being smart with what
they're doing and they're doing the
exact same thing over here and in fact
actually this one's even deeper oh my
God these modes are going to be like
really good but they're going to take so
long to make yep Soviets being Soviets
they didn't have the materials and
resources to build a normal wall they
built theirs out of dirt the Japanese
however look at this absolute Beast of a
base these guys have started putting
together these guys are making serious
progress make sure you're not just
building like good defenses on the front
wall cuz they can still attack us from
the side walls they got a massive wall
and then a big moat and then inside is
the compound my only concern is once
they get into here like this is just
really weak that Obsidian Tower is
really weak uh so Japan I'm just popping
in for a quick update I like what you've
done with a pit down the bottom I also
really like the pagota you've got your
you've got your tank Factory and you
also got your air Fields um it seems to
be going quite well all right so I'd say
I'm 65% sure we're going to win this 85
what kind of leadership is that 85 I'm
actually 100% sure I'm 110% sure that
we're going to win I'm just curious like
what kind of plane tactics will you be
using in this event we'll be flying it
straight into the Enemy Lines good luck
I'm going to leave you to
it welcome Scott to the Soviet Union
yeah Lads I like what you're doing with
all the Reds however the thing that
really pulled my interest was your
obsidian defense here those half slabs
there stairs on the outside they they
can't water out there like
oh there there was also going to be
boats around the obsidian so they can't
break it but that was a bit too sweaty
right oh my God so literally all of that
wall is actually stairs mate that is so
sweaty you're such a bunch of sweats
honestly I'm just looking at the front
of your base like it it does look a
little bit like a prison camp look at
the Soviets it's a gulag
yeah yeah true but uh
Russian so give me the sitre then so
we're going to send everyone into the
city except the plane the plane will be
bombing the other bases and uh we're
just going to loot the whole city take
over the city cuz we're USA and we can
do that time is up PVP has been turned
on and the city has been unlocked we
need Recon okay company two come with me
to the left to the Japanese move on move
on go go go go go
everyone has now got access to the city
and the Japanese are already charging
down the
center Christ running in there's loads
in the main city oh my God the Americans
are swarming down the center crap
there's so many in the city there's so
many the Germans have got a few soldiers
in here the Americans have sent their
entire Army in however if I'm perfectly
honest considering this is a Soviet City
I don't believe I've seen any Soviets in
the city at all from what it looks like
the Japan side there's like very few
people on that on defending there
they're working their way up the towers
they're gearing up they're looting up
they're getting all the they're getting
all the gear they're working their way
up these buildings Russian they're
attacking us they're attacking our
base yeah there's a bunch of them coming
back for
ger they're getting through they
broke I get anti Americans on the left
there's one already taken both Americans
and bro there's one in the
corner this is why I told you stop
making it so accessible how did they man
how have they lost an obsidian already
how did they lose an obsidian from
oh my god oh the Germans have spawned
muus has spawned the German artillery
this is not going to be pretty let's see
oh he's dropped the Shell let's see if
we can follow it is that the shell yes
it is the shell oh my god did he
actually get some kills with that bro
that was Savage they their
artillery is that g over is that going
over that might
actually he's hit the Japanese base
who's who's on our
obsidian on the left side on the left
Tower left
Tower okay the Japanese were under some
heavy artillery fire but Krypto now
deployed the Japanese artillery and is
now going to start trying to counter
battery onto some of these possibly
Soviet teams here oh my God what's this
is this a Soviet Tank Company two go
left and charge with the tank charge
with the tank charge with the tank okay
obsidian check that German obsidian is
still alive over on the other side
Germans have got all four obsidian
pieces still somehow I don't really know
how they're not very well defended here
oh that plane is going in for some
combat the Americans have just flooded
this area with a double boy here and and
Alex have flooded the area with buttons
and oh hold on oh the ja the Japanese
plane the Japanese plane is just antic
clima anti climax JS rat the Japanese
can't help themselves the Americans have
both of their obsidian Towers however
the Japanese and Japanese have lost an
entire Tower oh my God there's no way
the Japanese have got one obsidian left
what absolute disaster how has this
happen the Japanese they've got anti oh
my God the Americans are coming in for
some Revenge here okay people some
people p on the outside as well cuz if
you guys are pushing on the inside
they'll be distracted is he going to get
close to it yeah no he's not going to
get close but he's in here he's in here
he's fighting for his life you little
snake look at this little American Snake
Here the Japanese are now not taking any
chances on this Tower I I don't know bro
Scott said we're so bad we we have three
teams running at us at the same time
what do they expect skill issue this
should be an easy Tower to defend like
look they've got a giant pit directly
underneath it with an open bottom like I
don't know how they lost an obsidian out
of that oh hold on a second the Soviet
tank they definitely 100% World War II
Soviet tank well let's doing
something okay Kaiser Bank the Soviet I
Union tank here nobody is even
attempting to stop it here it is
literally just sitting here this is this
is quite something oh my God okay the
Japanese are retreating guys there is an
anti-aircraft gun on top of our thing
American in the right on the right right
yeah I saw the American plane land yeah
there's an American Stu down there so
the Japanese are desperately trying to
defend this final position and to do
that they have spawned themselves a
flack 88 which yep uh steampunk Japanese
Flack 88 on top of the base because
their biggest issue was the American Air
Force Just landing on top and trying to
solo cap them from below I'm solo trying
to take their last OB this is really
annoying hard however it does also look
like on the other side the Soviets are
pushing hard by the way the Japanese
stop attacking them it's impossible to
get through seven of them are camping
obsidian someone going to
attack yeah guys okay I feel like we
just take a shi pill and full defense
for 10 minutes now let's go fly over to
the Soviet base have they lost any
obsidian I didn't think so I didn't
think so the Soviets have got oh my God
but they're getting oh hold on a second
hey cover me I'm mining the thing I'm
mining the obsidian cover German lad
almost had it you know okay okay
actually tell you what the Germans just
made a pretty well-coordinated push here
let's have a quick look the German
obsidian looks safe to me let's fly
around the other direction here the
other German obsidian is safe I don't
really know how I'm not sure what the
Americans are doing are they just
playing too much of like a campfest game
because that German obsidian is like
ripe for the picking uh actually I take
that back the Americans have actually
lost an obsidian block here guys be
there in our base in our base oh climax
is wait all guys there's like five TR in
our base wait on our right
tower anticlimax has managed to invade
the Americans base here let's see what
he can do let's see what he can do oh my
God what gun does he have anticlimax is
packing heat here bro what weapon is
that he's absolutely what I don't know
what he's carrying but he's dropping
rounds in here this is a perfect
opportunity for the Japanese to start
trying to capture some positions here oh
the the American Flack G8 is also being
disabled Americans getting absolutely
wiped out here too oh my God that Soviet
plane doing everything in its power to
take down the German tank that was
actually a pretty oh he's just going to
come straight back in and just oh look
at this watch this watch this you ready
for an absolute bombing run he missed he
missed Soviet pilot has had absolutely
no training bro he's missing every okay
I take that back he killed himself great
job are they trying to dig the the
German tank into the Soviet base yo guys
right side please there's Germans here
I'm trying my best to defend but like
you guys are non-existent some there's
so many Germans over here so many
Germans can you can you bomb them the
Soviets are now aware of what's
happening however the Soviets have
actually got a second line of walls this
is only their frontal War so they're
going to have more walls to contend with
but the German tank appears to be
pushing through and ladies and gentlemen
yes this is a historically accurate
Tiger tank and that's the last I'll hear
of it ah they're just going to rebuild
the wall okay yeah that was probably to
be expected there now the Japanese have
been absolutely cowering basically from
the start of this battle bro look at
this absolutely disgraceful display from
the Japs bro what is this they got five
players in here what absolute sweat hole
I think the Soviets might start pushing
into our base cuz I see a bunch on the
walls oh there's there's one down there
there's one down there he's trying to M
he's trying to M it he's trying to M it
stop him look I'm on my way I'm on my
way good job good job the the American
base is like extremely Expos it's not
exposed but they're defended but
honestly if we if we do a pretty big p
probably take out some of their Oban
they only have two left now the Japanese
have lost all of their obsidian this
means their respawns have been turned
off and all remaining Japanese players
are on their final life about to kill
Japanese he everyone okay okay still
defend but everyone attacked the
Japanese to get them out of this game
he's he's stacking on some armor and uh
placing a pumpkin I don't even I don't
know who's left anymore me nether oh we
have like no one if you guys can meet up
in the city meet up in the city that's
where we're I'm literally being chased
that Company 2 is defending now company
one is going to start attacking okay
just got bomb
under I got one OB I got one of their OB
yo my God what is going on in here this
is absolute chaos the Germans just lost
an Obsidian Tower let's have a quick
look in through here oh my God they've
almost lost the second Obsidian Tower a
a the Germans have lost all of their
obsidian German players are now on their
final life if I'm not mistaken I believe
that the Americans have only got one
Obsidian Tower remaining they have got
both obsidian blocks on that Tower but
their other obsidian over here has been
long since destroyed and so I think if
I'm not mistaken the Soviets have got
all four blocks let's fly over to the
USSR no they don't the Soviets have also
just lost the tower there was like there
were multiple Soviets chasing us I don't
know if they saw where we went though
there actually is I can hear him it's
this is actually so suspenseful in this
city oh no oh crap crap crap crap crap
crap crap crap he's coming up he's
coming up he's coming up let's check in
on the Americans the Americans have lost
another obsidian they are under siege
hold on a Soviet got in no oh my God oh
my it's like they've got like diamond
pickaxes as well so like they've got
they're going to get some serious dig on
oh ha that's Soviet not a chance he gave
it a good go but unfortunately it was
not to be bro the planes actually
strafed me with when I was in that Tower
but it was okay there's a t there's two
Soviets down there hold hey should we
just for the funny just for the
funny epic
troll bomb them good Us full bomb full
bomb full bomb
rush them we have now entered hardcore
mode all players are now on their final
life and the border is drinking we're
going to go into that City let's go into
the middle into the middle boys into the
middle into the middle I need enage if
die come on you're going to die kill the
Soviet I'm mean the game get him spy
crab I believe in you crab clutch clut I
don't know where they are but they're
probably cowering for their life I think
the Japanese might be in this building
yes the Japanese are in here guys let's
uh let's just mine our way back up
here're coming that're coming up the
tower LS crouch crouch CR everyone
Crouch everyone crouch crouch crouch the
Soviets are making their way up the
stairs oh my God this is going to be
absolutely brutal everybody get in the
top of the tower build barricades don't
fall up oh he ran
away he ran away from you spy crab cuz
better no spy crab was slain by our
Lancer that means the Germans have been
entirely eliminated the Japanese are now
fighting on top they've literally gone
to melee mode I guys I say we defend we
try and defend from this Tower the only
way well I guess they could just I died
oh no no Krypto
Krypto yo the guy's going to oh manage
to e manage that was some Elite PVP
strats bro Krypto got away with a boat
and then the other guy water bucketed
bro these guys are actual pvpers I can't
believe what I'm seeing here okay let's
see can this guy okay PVP Lord come on
PVP Lord come on make your do you bro
did he bro I literally what was that it
is one Japanese soldier remaining one
single Japanese man down here he's been
killing quite a few Soviets you know oh
my God is he going to get him is he
going to get him is he going to get him
come on come on come on come on who's
going to who's going to come out on top
here no Krypto come on come on Krypto
come on come on Krypto don't die Krypto
don't die he's out of the Border he's
out of the Border he got the kill but
he's out of the Border oh the Border
just stopped right next to him was he is
he got another one or is he still alive
oh there there's one space I don't
believe it this Japanese soldier refused
is to die there's bullets pinging all
over the place the Soviets they know
where he is oh though oh my God another
another Soviet fell to their death bro
tell you what Krypto is actually
eliminating them one at a time the
Soviets are working their way down to
him and he's no he's dead Soler again's
got him
no thanks to the Minecraft event admins
for helping set this up and also to the
Minecraft build team for helping create
this map join my Discord to take part in
the next Minecraft war simulation And
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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