Cheating Is Easier Than Ever For Online College Students | TODAY

23 Mar 202105:07

TLDRThe transcript from TODAY discusses the increasing prevalence of cheating among online college students, facilitated by resources like Chegg and Google. With students at home and away from direct supervision, many are resorting to looking up answers to pass their courses. The use of Chegg has grown significantly, with subscribers increasing by almost 70% in the last year and a nearly 200% increase in questions posted in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. Instances of academic misconduct have been noted by schools, such as Texas A&M, which found over 800 cases after noticing students completing complex exams in under a minute. The report also mentions the use of online proctoring systems and the various tactics students employ to cheat, including using drones to take pictures of test questions. Chegg has responded by introducing Honor Shield, which allows professors to upload exams so that Chegg can block access to certain answers during test times. Schools are advised to set clear academic integrity expectations to reduce the moral ambiguity students might use to justify cheating.


  • 🎓 **Cheating in Online Education**: Students are increasingly using online resources to cheat on assignments and exams, highlighting a significant issue in online learning environments.
  • 📱 **Easy Access to Information**: The availability of information through smartphones and the internet makes it easier for students to cheat by looking up answers in real-time.
  • 📈 **Rise in Chegg Subscriptions**: There has been a significant increase in Chegg subscribers and questions posted on the site, indicating its widespread use among students.
  • 🔍 **Direct Answers vs. Learning**: While Chegg is intended to provide step-by-step solutions to aid learning, many students are opting for direct answers without understanding the material.
  • 🏫 **Academic Misconduct**: Institutions like Texas A&M have reported a rise in academic misconduct cases, with some students completing complex exams in under a minute using online resources.
  • 🤖 **Proctoring Systems and Cheating**: Online proctoring systems are being circumvented by students using various methods, including social media tips and drone technology.
  • 📉 **Impact on Learning**: The ease of cheating raises concerns about the quality of education and the ability of students to learn and retain information.
  • 🚫 **Academic Integrity Measures**: Schools and online platforms are taking steps to curb cheating, such as Chegg introducing Honor Shield and schools setting clear academic integrity expectations.
  • 🔑 **Google's Role**: Google, as a search engine, is also being used by students to find answers, and the company is developing educational features to help users learn concepts.
  • 🤔 **Honesty in Cheating**: Some students are openly admitting to cheating in interviews, which raises questions about the prevalence and acceptance of such behavior.
  • ⚖️ **Clear Expectations**: Experts suggest that faculty should clearly define what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behavior during exams to reduce ambiguity and potential cheating.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern raised by the transcript about online college students?

    -The main concern raised is the ease with which online college students are cheating, using resources like Chegg and Google to find answers to their assignments and exams.

  • According to the transcript, how prevalent is cheating among students?

    -The transcript suggests that cheating is quite common, with many students admitting to using online resources to find answers and complete their work.

  • What role does Chegg play in the cheating scenario as described in the transcript?

    -Chegg is mentioned as a platform that provides step-by-step solutions to problems, which students are using to directly access answers without understanding the material.

  • What was the increase in Chegg subscribers and question postings in 2020 compared to the previous year?

    -Chegg subscribers grew by almost 70%, and the number of questions posted on the site increased by nearly 200% in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.

  • What was discovered by an investigation at Texas A&M regarding academic misconduct?

    -The investigation at Texas A&M found more than 800 cases of academic misconduct after noticing that some students were completing complex exams online in under a minute, with Chegg being one of the resources used.

  • How are students getting around online proctoring systems?

    -Students are using various methods, including looking up answers on Google, using social media tips to bypass proctoring systems, and even flying drones to take pictures of test questions.

  • What is Proctor U and what has it observed regarding test breaches?

    -Proctor U is a service that monitors online tests and has reported a 700% increase in test breaches on its platform.

  • What measures is Chegg taking to combat misuse of its platform for cheating?

    -Chegg has introduced Honor Shield, which asks professors to upload exams so it can block answers to certain questions at specific times when students are taking tests.

  • How does Google respond to the issue of students finding answers to their homework on the platform?

    -Google states that while it's possible for students to cheat by finding answers, the company has developed educational features to help people learn concepts in math and science.

  • What steps are schools taking to curb cheating among students?

    -Schools are advised to clearly set academic integrity expectations, moving away from 'open book' or 'open note' terminologies, and being specific about what is allowed during exams.

  • What is the reporter's concern about the impact of online learning and cheating on students' future performance?

    -The reporter is worried that with online learning, students may not retain the knowledge they need, and the prevalence of cheating could affect their performance in future semesters.

  • What is the general sentiment among students regarding the effectiveness of online learning?

    -The sentiment expressed by the students suggests that online learning is not as effective, with one student stating that information 'goes in one ear and out the other,' and they pass the class without truly understanding the material.



😱 Cheating in Online Education

The paragraph discusses the prevalence of cheating among students, particularly in the context of online learning. It highlights how students are using various methods, including the Chegg platform and Google, to find answers to their homework and exams. The reporter demonstrates how easy it is to find a chemistry question's answer online and raises concerns about the effectiveness of online testing. The issue is further explored through interviews with students who admit to cheating and faculty who have noticed an increase in academic misconduct. The paragraph also mentions the significant growth in Chegg's subscribers and the number of questions posted on the site, as well as an incident at Texas A&M where over 800 cases of academic misconduct were discovered.




Cheating refers to the act of using dishonest methods to gain an advantage, particularly in an academic setting. In the context of the video, it highlights how online college students are increasingly resorting to cheating to pass their courses. The script mentions that 'most people' are cheating, indicating a widespread issue.

💡Online College Students

This term refers to students who are enrolled in educational courses conducted over the internet. The video discusses the unique challenges faced by these students, such as the temptation and ease of cheating due to the lack of direct supervision.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct encompasses various actions that violate educational integrity, including plagiarism, cheating on exams, and using unauthorized materials. The video reports an increase in such cases, with over 800 instances found at Texas A&M after faculty noticed suspiciously quick exam completion times.


Chegg is an online platform that provides homework help and other educational services. However, the video points out that it is being misused by students to find answers to their assignments, bypassing the learning process. Chegg's growth in subscribers and the number of questions posted to the site are highlighted as indicators of its widespread use.

💡Honor Shield

Honor Shield is a feature introduced by Chegg to combat academic dishonesty. It involves professors uploading exams so that Chegg can block answers to certain questions during testing periods. This initiative is presented as a response to the misuse of Chegg for cheating.


Google, a search engine, is mentioned as another tool that students use to cheat by finding answers to their homework and exam questions online. The video suggests that the ease of accessing information on Google contributes to the cheating problem among online students.

💡Proctor U

Proctor U is a service that monitors online exams to prevent cheating. The video reports a 700% increase in test breaches on the platform, indicating the extent to which students are attempting to cheat despite the presence of proctoring systems.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the principle of honesty and responsibility in academic pursuits. The video emphasizes the importance of faculty setting clear expectations regarding academic integrity to reduce the likelihood of cheating.

💡Open Book/Note

These terms traditionally refer to allowing students to use resources like books or notes during an exam. However, the video discusses how the broad interpretation of 'open note' can lead to students using the entire internet as a resource, which is not the intended practice and can blur the lines between acceptable and unacceptable help.

💡Social Media Tips

The video mentions that social media platforms, such as TikTok, are being used to share tips on how to bypass a school's online proctoring systems. This highlights the role of social media in facilitating cheating methods among students.

💡Learning vs. Passing

This concept contrasts the goals of education—genuinely learning and understanding material—with the mere act of passing a course without fully grasping the subject matter. The video suggests that the ease of cheating online leads to a focus on passing rather than learning.


Students are increasingly using online resources to cheat on exams and assignments.

Cheating methods include using search engines and educational platforms like Chegg to find answers.

Chegg subscribers grew by almost 70% last year, and the number of questions posted on the site increased by nearly 200% in 2020.

An investigation at Texas A&M found over 800 cases of academic misconduct, with students using online resources like Chegg during exams.

Students are also using social media platforms like TikTok to share tips on how to cheat online proctoring systems.

ProctorU, an online proctoring service, has seen a 700% increase in test breaches on its platform.

Chegg has introduced Honor Shield, a feature that allows professors to upload exams to block access to answers during testing periods.

Google has developed educational features to help students learn concepts in math and science, but it can also be misused for cheating.

Schools are struggling to curb cheating, with some moving away from open-book or open-note policies.

Faculty are advised to clearly set academic integrity expectations to reduce moral ambiguity for students.

The rise in online cheating raises concerns about the quality of education and the impact on future semesters.

Students admit to cheating openly, highlighting the prevalence of the issue.

In-person classes are suggested as a potential solution to curb cheating.

The article discusses the larger issue of students struggling to learn effectively in an online environment.

Chegg claims that the number of people who misuse its platform is a small minority.

The article emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and the challenges faced by educational institutions in maintaining it.

The use of technology in education has opened up new avenues for cheating, requiring innovative solutions to preserve academic honesty.