Cher Calls Dave An Asshole | Letterman

13 Sept 202317:24

TLDRIn this engaging interview transcript, the host and Cher have a lively conversation covering a range of topics. The discussion begins with the host expressing excitement over Cher's appearance on the show after numerous invitations. Cher shares anecdotes about her career, her experiences with celebrities like David Letterman, and her personal style choices, including her tattoos and perfume preferences. The conversation also touches on her acting aspirations, her decision to step away from regular performances in Las Vegas, and her upcoming projects in music and film. Throughout the interview, Cher's candid and humorous personality shines, providing an entertaining and insightful look into her life and career.


  • 🎉 Cher was invited to the show for 81 times before finally appearing, highlighting her initial reluctance and eventual agreement.
  • 🌟 Cher's appearance on the show is a significant event, as she is considered a true star and highly respected in the entertainment industry.
  • 🎤 Paul had previously worked with Cher, which adds a layer of familiarity and connection to the conversation.
  • 💔 Cher humorously mentions her hotel bill as a reason for appearing on the show, indicating a playful and candid interaction with the host.
  • 🏨 Cher has been living in a hotel for a couple of months, providing insight into her personal life and current living situation.
  • 🎶 Cher discusses her past experiences in the music industry and her collaboration with Bob on her Academy Awards outfit.
  • 🎬 Cher shares her shift in focus from music to acting, explaining her hiatus from recording for five years to pursue her acting career.
  • 🌐 Cher's acting career is highlighted, with mentions of her upcoming movies 'Suspect' and 'Fatal Beauty'.
  • 🎭 Cher expresses her enjoyment of acting and the validation she received from transitioning from a singer to a respected actress.
  • 💌 Cher's relationship with the host evolves throughout the conversation, as she goes from initial skepticism to a more open and friendly interaction.
  • 🎶 The show ends with Cher's performance, reaffirming her status as an entertainer and leaving a positive impression on both the host and the audience.

Q & A

  • How many times was Cher invited to appear on the show before she finally agreed?

    -Cher was invited 81 times to appear on the show before she finally agreed.

  • What was Cher's reason for initially avoiding appearing on the show?

    -Cher initially avoided appearing on the show because she thought the host was an 'ass', but her perception changed over time.

  • What was the name of the record Cher and Paul worked on together?

    -Cher and Paul worked together on the record 'Take Me Home'.

  • How did Cher describe her feelings about turning 40?

    -Cher was not particularly excited about turning 40, stating she would have preferred turning 29 or 30, but she also mentioned not being crazy about the alternative to aging.

  • What was Cher's reaction to the host's comment about her smell?

    -Cher acknowledged the comment and revealed that she was wearing a mix of two scents, Ritz and vanilla, which she found effective.

  • What was the nature of Cher's tattoo, and how did she feel about it?

    -Cher has a tattoo that she describes as beautiful, and while she acknowledges that not everyone may like it, she personally enjoys it.

  • What was the name of the album Cher was planning to release?

    -Cher mentioned that she was planning to release an album but did not specify the name during the conversation.

  • Which two movies was Cher working on at the time of the interview?

    -Cher was working on two movies called 'Suspect' and 'Fatal Beauty'.

  • Why did Cher take a break from recording music?

    -Cher took a break from recording music to focus on her acting career, as she felt it was difficult to be taken seriously as an actress while also being known as a singer.

  • How did Cher handle her wardrobe after public appearances?

    -Cher often donates her clothes to charity after wearing them for public appearances, as they can be auctioned off for a good cause.

  • What was Cher's living situation in New York during the interview?

    -At the time of the interview, Cher had been staying in a hotel in New York since October.

  • What was the host's final comment about Cher's appearance on the show?

    -The host expressed that he and the team were very happy to have Cher on the show and that she was as funny, intelligent, and attractive as they had always thought she would be.



🎉 Cher's Long-Awaited Appearance

The paragraph discusses the host's excitement about finally having Cher on the show after numerous attempts to invite her over four years. Cher's initial reluctance and humorous reasons for eventually appearing are explored, including her调侃 the host's reputation and her witty banter about her hotel bill. The conversation also touches on Cher's experiences with the entertainment industry, her collaborations, and personal anecdotes, setting a lively and engaging tone for the interview.


🌟 Cher's Personal Insights and Style

This paragraph delves into Cher's personal life and opinions, including her feelings about the host's approach to interviews and her own experiences as a guest. It highlights her thoughts on tattoos and personal style, as well as her interactions with the host regarding her appearance and fashion choices. The summary captures the candid and humorous exchange between Cher and the host, showcasing her unique personality and the rapport they share.


🎭 Cher's Acting and Music Career

The conversation shifts to Cher's professional endeavors, discussing her acting career and upcoming projects, including two movies and a new album. She reflects on her decision to focus on acting despite skepticism from others and her eventual success in the field. The paragraph also touches on her past performances in Las Vegas and her current enjoyment of acting over singing, highlighting her versatility and achievements in the entertainment industry.


💬 Final Thoughts and Future Plans

In the final paragraph, Cher expresses her willingness to return to the show, reflecting on the positive experience she had during the interview. The host shares personal sentiments about watching Cher's career and the impact she's had on him and others. The segment concludes with a light-hearted exchange about the host's intentions to improve his demeanor, rounding out the interview on a humorous and optimistic note.




Cher is a highly-acclaimed American singer and actress who is the main guest in the video transcript. She is known for her distinctive contralto singing voice and has won an Academy Award for her acting. In the transcript, Cher is interviewed after being invited to the show multiple times, and the conversation revolves around her career, personal life, and opinions.


Communication in this context refers to the repeated attempts by the show's office to invite Cher onto the program. It underscores the persistence and eagerness of the show's team to have her as a guest, reflecting the importance of her presence in the entertainment industry.

💡Hotel Bill

The term 'hotel bill' is humorously used by Cher to explain her reason for appearing on the show, suggesting that she hoped the appearance might cover her expenses. It serves as a light-hearted moment in the conversation and showcases Cher's wit and humor.


A tattoo is a form of body modification where a design is made by inserting ink, dyes, and pigments, either indelible or temporary, into the dermis layer of the skin. In the transcript, Cher's tattoos are discussed as a form of personal expression and beauty.


Acting refers to the craft of portraying a character in a performance, typically in theater, film, or television. In the transcript, Cher discusses her transition from singing to acting, highlighting her desire to prove herself in a new field and the challenges she faced.

💡Personal Style

Personal style refers to an individual's unique approach to fashion and self-expression through clothing, accessories, and overall appearance. In the video, Cher's personal style is touched upon, reflecting her distinctive taste and how it has evolved over time.

💡Age and Perception

Age and perception involve how individuals view themselves and are viewed by others as they grow older. The transcript includes a discussion about turning 40 and societal expectations versus personal feelings about aging.

💡Career Transitions

Career transitions refer to the process of changing or evolving one's professional path, often moving from one industry or role to another. In the transcript, Cher's career transitions from singing to acting and her subsequent return to music are discussed.


Publicity is the act of managing communication strategies to increase public awareness of a person, organization, or product. In the context of the transcript, Cher discusses how her custom-made outfit for the Academy Awards garnered publicity for the designer.


Charity refers to the act of providing help, typically in the form of money or goods, to those in need. In the transcript, Cher mentions donating her unique clothing items to charity, where they can be auctioned off for a good cause.

💡Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry encompasses a wide range of mass media and other businesses that produce and sell various forms of entertainment. The transcript reflects on Cher's experiences within this industry, discussing her work in music, acting, and live performances.


The show has been trying to have Cher on for four years, launching at least 81 communications.

Cher finally agrees to appear on the show, much to the excitement of the host and audience.

Paul, a co-host, reveals he has previously worked with Cher and done a record with her.

Cher humorously attributes her appearance on the show to needing to pay her hotel bill.

Cher discusses her preference for Ritz and vanilla scents, creating an effective combination.

The host references Cher's iconic status in the entertainment industry.

Cher's initial reluctance to appear on the show is linked to her perception of the host.

Cher shares her thoughts on the freedom the host has in dealing with guests, sometimes leading to intense interactions.

Cher talks about her tattoos and the personal significance behind them.

Cher's change of heart about appearing on the show is attributed to curiosity and reevaluation.

The host and Cher discuss her acting career and the challenges of transitioning from music to acting.

Cher mentions her upcoming projects, including an album and two movies.

Cher reflects on turning 40, sharing her honest feelings about aging in the entertainment industry.

The host and Cher reminisce about past performances and her career's evolution.

Cher's former collaborator, Sonny, is mentioned, highlighting her long and varied career.

Cher's decision to stop performing in Las Vegas is discussed, along with her current enjoyment of acting.

The host expresses admiration for Cher's accomplishments and her ability to succeed in multiple entertainment fields.